Update 08/26/17- Scotty Rides Again!
Watch Scotty’s video and make sure to subscribe to his channel for updates and more videos!
Thank you so much to everyone that came out to the JAM and everyone who put the jam together. I had such a good time and so did the boys, thank you so much to road 2 recovery for everything you guys have done for me as well as all you guys for getting the #standwithscotty shirts it means the world to me!
Update 02/16/17
Update via Scotty’s instagram post. “The wrapping is off and the Doctors decided it was time to remove the tube that was draining from my head! I’ll tell you honestly this was not fun at all.. They pulled the drain out while I was awake and then gave me stitches to close the hole! But the new forehead is looking great and now it is time to focus on the healing of this Frankenstein scar I’ve got! Thank you all for the support you all have been amazing! #BMX #standwithscotty”
UPDATE 01/13/17
Watch Scotty’s video of him walking!!! An update on Scotty and the crew was posted on his YouTube channel with the below description. To stay up to date on Scotty make sure you subscribe to his channel. Link is below…
It’s Scotty’s B DAY and we packed a little over 22 people into the rehab center and it was an awesome time. Towards the end Scotty shows us his awesome surprise. Every single day he is becoming a little less paralyzed. I don’t even see him as being paralyzed anymore because of how much progress he has made. Me being there since the day of the crash and Witnessing it, it makes me so happy to see how far he has come in such a short period of time. Remember to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE!
UPDATE 01/10/17
Scotty continues to push the limits in physical therapy; proving to all of us that the powerhouse combination of a positive attitude, determination, and perseverance can help overcome. Not only is he in a manual chair but he now uses a walker to get around! Scotty is also training on stairs to help strengthen his muscles and prepare him for his next goal. Small steps to big goals! The R2R team couldn’t be more proud and happy for Scotty and his family. Scotty, you are our hero!
VIDEO UPDATE #2 11/22/16
UPDATE 11/01/16
Earlier this morning we received good news. Scotty was transported safely, via “Air Ambulance” to his new Rehabilitation Hospital in New Jersey. Being closer to home with family and friends near by will help and speed the healing process. Because of your donations and support, Road 2 Recovery was able to facilitate this vital transport that was not covered by Scotty’s insurance. Thank you to all his Sponsors who donated, his loyal fans, friend and family, together you are assisting Scotty on his Road 2 Recovery. Click the link to watch Scotty land in NJ.
***T-shirts will be moved to the SC ACTION SPORTS web store. R2R will provide a link as soon as this is available. R2R will no longer have these shirts on our site starting 11/15/16. The new info should be available within a week. Thank you for your support!
UPDATE 10/26/16
Unfortunately Scotty had a hard day yesterday. Scotty was alert and talking with his wife and Dad when with no warning or apparent reason his breathing changed and he seemed to be shutting down. Thanks to the quick action of the staff at his hospital they did a scan to see if anything was going on and it was found that there was bleeding in the brain that was causing swelling. Scotty went into surgery right away for a procedure to remove a portion of his skull to relieve the pressure. This piece of his skull will be replaced after there is no longer a risk of bleeding or swelling. Unfortunately this procedure also required that he be put on a ventilator to assist him with breathing. R2R staff jumped on a flight to be by his side shortly after this notification.
Today has been a better day. After another scan came out positive everyone is working with Scotty to challenge him in his recovery. He received physical therapy, had his ventilator removed and passed a swallow test so he can start to get some liquid foods in his system. This seems to be his limit for today as he was complaining of some pain after sitting up in a special chair the hospital refers to as the Cadillac.
At this time it looks like he will be spending a few more days in Las Vegas to insure there will be no more issues. Regarding the shirts and stickers coming back into stock, we hear you and are working with companies to make more. Everything looks good for more inventory by the end of this week. We are stoked for your excitement and support to represent #standwithscotty
UPDATE 10/24/16
Scotty just got out of his last scheduled surgery in Las Vegas and everything went as planned. The group of neuro and plastic surgeons teamed up and completed a combined surgery that involved removing pieces from his skull fracture off his brain and repairing fractures to his skull and his nasal cavity to allow for better breathing. Thankfully the initially projected wire mesh procedure was not needed and the doctors were able to make all the repairs with plates and screws.
We have been blown away by all the support for Scotty and it means so much to him and his family. We released hundreds of shirts and stickers this week which quickly sold out! After R2R and Vans had a meeting today more shirts are on the way and stickers will be back up by the end of today.
After leaving Las Vegas Scott’s insurance coverage will only help him while in NJ so we located the best hospital in the state for his rehab care and he should be transferring via air ambulance later this week. Keep the well wishes coming and make sure to keep an eye on our social media @road2recovery for when shirts will be available. By popular demand we are also going to make youth sizes and XXXL sizes in the next run. The next location of rehab will last 6 – 8 weeks and then Scotty will be attending outpatient rehab to gain motor skills and strength. We thank you for the continued support and look forward to seeing everyone wearing their shirts and showing their stickers #standwithscotty.
UPDATE 10/20/16
The last few days have been deep recovery for Scotty after going through the successful back surgery. As excited as we are to get him to the recovery stage it’s going to take a little time for sure. Thankfully we have three great rehab facilities competing to earn his care and they are all great options for many reasons. We have been waiting on Neuro and Plastic surgeons to determine a date for Scotty’s next surgery and it appears that all will be ready by this Monday. Scotty is excited for this to be completed as the skull fracture is actually hindering his ability to breath through his nose. Scotty won’t be cruising through any metal detectors soon as the surgery will include some hardware.
All in all things are moving exceptionally quick and we have been several steps ahead, every step of the way. Because of the knowledge that we bring to the table at R2R we see Scotty getting a lot of great attention when it comes to everyone involved, doctors in multiple departments, nurses, social workers, case workers, insurance, multiple rehab facilities and all their departments, air transport companies, you name it! They all know the name Scotty Cranmer and we have their support!
#standwithscotty shirts are coming from VANS shoes and should be available first thing next week! We might even have a sneak peak at them tomorrow! It will be a great way to show your support and donate to Scotty’s recovery. We are also making some awesome helmet stickers to be available soon. Thank you for your support, thank you for your positive thoughts. This is a long road and your support makes the journey that much better! Stay glued to this page for all the Scotty news and updates.
Earlier today as doctors did their rounds they informed us that the brain hemorrhage is healing well on it’s own and will not require surgery. R2R is in the hospital with Scotty’s family and we just got this update as Scotty was transferred from the operating room to recovery. The doctor came out and said everything went well regarding stabilizing his spine. The surgeon clarified the injury and said that he has a C4 INCOMPLETE spinal cord contusion. The surgeon also fused C4 and C5 to add stability to the area of injury. Incomplete meaning that he can work hard and fight to fix the damage, but he’s not just going to wake up okay. “It’s really good news. It’s going to be a battle but Scotty can do it! You guys know how much fight and determination he has. He’s got this.” Scotty’s wife, Lisa Cranmer.
With the help of R2R and the case workers of the hospital applications are going out in the morning to secure a top level rehab facility for his injuries. If all goes well Scotty may be transferred before the end of next week. The comments and support from his friends, family and YouTube Subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. We have shared your comments with Scotty and his family and the support really does make a difference. R2R is also currently working with Scotty’s insurance company to better understand what they will and will not cover. We know already they will not cover his medical transport to rehabilitation and that can be anywhere from $15k to $45k.
R2R will continue to assist the family through this difficult time and prepare them with information and guidance to give Scotty the best possible opportunity available! Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.
Update Video from Scotty’s You Tube Page:
Professional BMX rider Scotty Cranmer was shooting a film session with his Monster Energy team mates in Las Vegas Nevada on the evening of October 12th and caught his front wheel in a hole that catapulted him into a face plant without time to get his hands in front of him.
Suffering several facial fractures, cerebral hemorrhage and damage to his C4 and C5 vertebrae Road 2 Recovery jumped into action less than an hour after his accident. Currently we have assisted his Dad and wife with travel to be by his side.
R2R is working with local doctors and other specialists to insure Scotty gets the best possible care at this time. Multiple surgeries are in his future and the past few hours has resulted in the doctors calling him stable and strong for surgery on his vertebrae. We are wishing Scotty and his family the best and have set up this page on our website to keep people informed.
“Road 2 Recovery has been incredibly helpful in this situation. They are several steps ahead on what we need to do to help Scotty. This would be an even more difficult time without them. Thankfully things are a world of difference since yesterday and we are pleased with his progress. If you wish to help Scotty we ask that you donate to Road 2 Recovery at this time” Scott Cranmer. (Scotty’s Dad)
Please use the website that has been set up to leave a positive message for Scotty, his wife and his family.
We want to thank TJ Lavin and his family for providing information, support and sharing their experience with doctors in the Las Vegas area. The flow of information is coming in strong and we are pleased to have come so far in such a short time. We also would like to thank Connor Fields and his family for helping with a place to stay in Vegas.
Hope you recover quickly man the YouTube channel was my motivation to ride !! You’re an inspiration dude !!
Exactly ur the best dude i cant lose u ur an asset to my life
If i could donate i would. But i really hope you get well soon with all of the best possible care you can get. Please never give up on yourself if the injury’s change you looks or life. You can overcome this. get well soon. #LoveScotty
I dont have any money but if i did id give it all to u… u are an inspiration u are part of my life i cannot and will not loose u even though that may not happen… get well soon scotty ur a legend that is still rising. May god bless your soul and heal you.
Hey Scotty! If you read this, remember that bad things do happen in life and like what was said in the video, it could’ve been worse, and thankfully you are still here to inspire us. To be honest, it was actually heart breaking when I heard that this happened to you. Hope a speedy recovery Scotty. Much love from Australia!
Get well soon bro. The best BMX YouTube vlogger.
Speedy recovery, Best wishes from England.
Scotty I hope you see this?
I found you recently on Utube. Loved you from the start!! Then you saved ‘Sammie’! Since then i watched ALL of your vids and will continue to watch EVERYDAY Until you are better, & giving us more Amazing vids to watch And you will, It’s who you are! You truly are Amazing! And the way push #BigBoy,also A Massive influence & Inspiration to us all! You & your wife Lisa, & Family are in my thoughts everyday!! Love you Scotty♡
Best wishes & Sincere Love from England!! Xx
Best wishes for you! Even though im into mountainbiking i love your videos very much
bro you are my inspiration to ride and my idal
Same I toldy agree with you
Get better Scotty. Every day after school I Wach your videos and it makes my day. Get better Scotty.?
Hope your okay scotty you will make it throught this mate me and my brother sold are bikes and his xbox and my playstaton we managed to get £1472 and we haved donated it to road to recovery you have good family and friends you mum,dad,wife,Big boy,Ronnie hope you get alot of donations get well soon from connor and mikey bonny
You and your brother are awesome for doing what you did so you could donate . Scotty and the crew are awesome and I know Scotty and his family will appreciate everything they get . God Bless
Wow Mikey! that is fantastic, What generosity….
Hey Scotty, there is much love here in Sweden for you, when you are out of Hospital, come see us, help us set up an “incline club”. I’ll make sure you have a great time, riding or not.
Me and my sons smashed the piggybanks and put a little something in there for you.
hi its michael i hope you feel better because you need to get back on the bike so you can show the viewers your a little bit better.so feel better scotty
You all don’t understand I’ve been watching Scotty sense the beginning I met him to a couple months Back at the Delaware trip a Glasgow skatepark so I’m here for u #STAYSCOTTYSTRONG
You are a complete legend I hope you will get new bikes and game consoles!!! Get well soon Scotty!! #prayforscotty
I can’t believe that you sold your bikes and xbox/ps … this is very generous and thoughtful however what are you going to do as hobbies now that your bikes and systems are gone? I’m not trying to be negative but does anyone agree with me that Scotty wouldn’t want people to give up their hobbies to help him?
Yo man, just wanted to say that what you and your brother did was very kind!!
That is crazy what you n your brother did for Scotty. I hope you get better Scotty so we can see you in the vlogs I was worried to watch the recovery video I thought it was going to be bad which it was if that was me I would have cried and freaked out you are so strong. #prayforscotty
Scooty my name is Isak I’m from Iceland and a 12 year old boy that likes to ride bmx bike and I teached me how to do a flair and my first big crash was when I was at a skate park and it was a ramp I was trying to do a no handed flair and I fell and broke my adult teeth’s
Hope you get better Scotty I want to see you soon in your videos please get better I will pray for you your the best.
the hole YouTube channel wants to see u get better quickly and start back making motivational videos because thats what inspires us ……
Get well soon Scotty we all do ?????✌️️✌️️✌️️✌️️✌️️
Hi scotty get well soon!!!!! u give people a reason to get because ur so inspirational looking fords to seeing u in another vid✌️???
i am a 11 year old scooter rider. i am also a Youtuber. i watch your videos because you are amazing in every way. keep it up. #road to recovery.
Same here although i am not a youtuber i realy wish i could donate but age bro?#road2recovery
hey he is getting better day by day hes going so far so good!
WoW so selfless not giving away your YouTube name.
Get better soon Scotty we all mis you and love you hear in Canada hope 1500$ is enough
Get well soon Scotty. Love your channel ive seen all your videos. Been with you and the guys since the beginning. youve got this we all know youre not afraid of a little hard work
Me too scotty, you inspired me to start riding get better soon bro #road2recovery
Same I wouldn’t be the type of rider today if it weren’t for Scotty I watch his channel everyday laughing and trying to get better
hope u get better
Same!! I hope you feel better scotty and everything works out
Yeah you inspired me to ride to hope you get better.
Yeah me to hope you get well scotty you are such an inspiration to me
Yer Scotts is the most inspiring person ever and I’ve watched every single video of his from the x games to now but they never seem to get boring.
Get better bro because you need to keep inspiring???? and peace✌?️
Scotty, you are the reason I took a bike and started riding! You are the one who motivates me and the rest of the world! You’re such a huge part of my life and admiration! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be anything right now but because you care and love every supporter, that makes me happy! Don’t let all the hate get to you! You will always be in my heart and everyone else’s! We love you so much and hope you get well and recover!
Scotty if you read this, thanks for everything you’ve done! You’re a life changer and I promise you will get better soon!!! Love you bro forever!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #prayforscotty
Get well soon I love your vids
#staywithscotty get well soon and love ur video
i hope you get better scott im 13 years old i started watching your videos when i heard your name in the x games i thought at 13 i was too old to start riding but thanks to you you have been inspiring to try all different new things keep up the good work and keep inspiring you didnt let the c games crash bring you down so dont let this one i will keep you in my prayers??????
Same here man.
hope you are getting better scotty.
i love that way you are riding bmx.
see you soon
scotty its gonna be good and i wand to see your fun videos soon <3 be better as fast as you can :) <3
Get well Scotty hope you get better. You are the reason why I ride
Come on Scotty you can do it because big boy ? needs you just as much as we all need you!
I have know idea how you keep positive most of the time but right now you really need to keep positive!
Best of luck Scotty and family,
Get well soon scotty your a big inspiration and i am thankful for the day i found your channel . I pray for a speedy recovery. Love you man!
How you feel better Scotty hope recovery go fast. I will keep you in my mind.
Get well soon Scotty I look forward to your videos everyday, you have enspired me to do so many things. You will get better Scotty.
Hope you get so much better scotty and have a full recovery even so I don’t think your a Christian god bless you through the time your in and your family as well hope you get better scotty
i dont think his youtube channel is his top Priority right know so dont be so selfish
I have always loved BMX and one day I had gone on YouTube and searched up how to 360. I had found your video with Dylan on how to hop 360. i have watched every video sense then and have to say hands down your just an amazing guy willing to anything(Legal) to have fun. Get well soon. I would hate to see the 650k challenge without you.
All these comments about his channel and nothing about his health smh really guys dont be selfish. Scotty i wish you the best and hope for a speedy recovery dont worry about your channel right know your health is more important. #prayforscotty
You are right about that
Well we all care about scottys health and his Channel. Because it was him and his Channel that inspired is all two ride
Hey scotty or who ever is reading this I just wanted to say thank U so much for your amazing videos every day I’ve watched everyone everyday at 9 (in the uk) since you have had 4K subs I just wanted to wish u the best of luck for the recovery and the future I no you won’t see this proberly but u are my role model and like everyone else here we need you to get better but what ever happens all of us will be here for u.
I hope you get better soon scotty you are amazing and my hero
Scotty, You inspire me every day you motivate and inspire every body whether you realize or not live on. When in doubt ride it out
Get well soon scotty your my faviroute youtuber and bmx rider and is bummed to see you fall like this get better soon man just hang in there peace ??☹️?✌️
I are an inspiration to me u made me smile when I am mad u inspired me to be the greatest and never give up even when u fall down u still stand up that’s what i like about u. U actually have really inspired me to ride. Ride bikes and skateboards u are one of my favorite YouTubers I really hope u get better Scotty
U are an inspiration to me u made me smile when I am mad u inspired me to be the greatest and never give up even when u fall down u still stand up that’s what i like about u. U actually have really inspired me to ride. Ride bikes and skateboards u are one of my favorite YouTubers I really hope u get better Scotty
Nobody cares if you guys (scotty and friends) cannot post videos for a while. We respect that this may be necessary. Take as long as you need and i know that we will still be here. And even though i’m not the longest subscriber i am still completely shocked and heart-broken this terrible incident from which hope you have a speedy recovery. I wish I could do more to help but I simply cannot afford it. I just hope you’re okay.
Scotty is such a huge inspiration to me, so it sucked to hear about this.You’re in my mind and I hope you get well
Get well soon buddy
I wish he can ride soon
I hope that scotty recovers fast. I feel so inspired after every video that i watch from him. He is an awesome dude❤❤✌
Feel better Scotty ! You’re the best we all have your back !
I love you man and I know you can get through this Scotty I watch your videos everyday and they inspire me to get and ride my BMX and try new tricks u r my motivation so now I’m giving you motivation from me and Australia I really really hope you get much better and I know you can I will be on your side all the way
Scotty you inspire me so much,I watch your videos everyday. They always put a smile on my face. Hope you get better soon.
Hope you feel better Scotty. Your videos always give my day a little happiness. I never knew a thing about BMX till I saw your videos and even though I don’t plan to ever do it your charm captured me. Thanks for making my life a little better.
Scotty, this is another challenge I have no doubt you’ll overcome. We’re all sending love, your crew is sending love, and all of bmx is sending love. You’re not one to back down from a challenge and your YouTube channel is a testament to your ability to inspire people. You’ll get through this, we all believe that in our hearts. One day at a time, dude.
Hope u recover soon your the best good luck ?
Hope you get better soon scotty and keep up the amazing progress
Ya dude ur right scotty and his crew where such a big inspiration to me and i’m only 11
Dude hang in there all of my friends and I are hoping u get better. I don’t know what I would do if you didn’t get me BMX riding.
Get well soon we all are wishing for to get better soon and if you don’t know I started riding because of you
True that. Hope he’ll still be the same rider after this, but I fear the worst
Get well Scotty love your videos come home every day after cross country practice and watch your videos get well soon
Ur a boss scotty get better soon????
Yea same here dude… watching him inspired me to want to start and im gonna start this christmas because i am gonna get a bmx bike.
Get well scotty hope every thing goes as planed and u make a full recovery
hope you get well soon we all want to see you doing what you do best.
get better Scotty
Some here bro
Scotty Just remember that you made me a better person and you change my life to be a BMX rider hope you get recovered soon and love you dude peace.
hope you get back on the saddle your on the road to a million
You got this Scotty! Get well as fast as you can!!?
Yer Scott Crammer is the most inspiring person ever and I’ve ever watched in YouTube. Scott is the best bmx bike rider, I ever knew. He is also the coolest man I have ever meet. I always can’t wait to watch his channels very day. I hope that u get better and be able to ride bmx again. I will also pray for u every night. That is my promise to you Scott.
We have created a video dedicated to Scotty Cranmer and his family to increase moral. We are finding every way possible to get it directed to Scotty himself and his family. So hopefully Road2Recovery can help with this and the amazing community that supports Scotty Cranmer.
Kind regards Charlie Mccafferty and Ernad Nasic
I will miss you. you are the best! bmx 4 life
Scotty you made me start ridind bmx my prays go out to you and you family
Good luck scotty hope your face is ok i just got out of the hospital with 2nd degree burns on my face i hate stuff on my face but just recover soon luv your youtube chanel
Get well soon Scotty we all love you and we’re your family to I can’t live with out you when I wake up watch you on the way to work cause it makes me feel good come on mate you can do give 110% we love you
my local skatepark is run by a church and at the end of each session. we can request for prayers and we have all been praying for you man i really hope you heal up good
Hey Scott please get well soon man you are the best at inspiring people all of us subscribers need you get back to 100% soon Scott best wishes
Thank you so much man im 13 and I have been watching your videos ever sicse you started im soo sorry I cant donate I tried man I love you and hope god will come through
Icant see you fall it will not happen get well soon love you my heory for life. talk laterscotty at 9:00 oh and this is devan marks son.
Hope you get better Scotty I want to come see u but I probably won’t be able to I live in las Vagas and will try to visit u if I can and if I’m aloud recover good Scotty
he is an amazing dude nothing like this should happen to him. Scotty has not one bad bone is his body and obviously cares for everyone ill be praying buddy
Sotty remember wham you complete the trick the other day just be happy for what you accomplished in life so keep positive and big boy try to get a hold to Roman Atwood he is a wonderful guy and he may be Willing to help in some way
Went on youtube today excited to see Scotty’s latest video. My heart sank when I saw the title. It’s especially tough to see someone who is so optimistic and charismatic, with such a positive outlook on life get knocked down. Scotty, your energy and passion for life is is contagious. You are a huge inspiration to me to live life to the fullest, everyday. Best wishes for a speedy recovery:)
Same hope he can make vidieos soon and get beck too his pashon bmx aka roed recavery scotty
I hope Scotty gets better he is my favorite YouTuber I cried when I heard about it and I’m going to beg my Mom to donate money even if it is only ten dollars
Scotty, your my favorite bmx rider i want to be like you when i grow up, im only 10 years old but im trying to do trick on my bike i hope your ok, when i grow up i wanna open up a bike shop and have a skatepark in the back, but i really really hope your ok, my brother, my friend, and me like watchhing you on youtube, and your probably not reading this but i hope your ok and your a really cool guy, P.S. i hope you do ok!
From: Kamden
Get well soon Scotty, your an inspiration and I wish you all the best.
I am talking this personally and I really hope that you will be ok you are the only thing in they prays hope you get back to normal soon I already miss you and I my have tiered up❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Um only 14 but I look up to you and hope you get better soon.
I love scooty as a friend even though i havent met him all of his videos make me feel like i could be sanding right next to him all the time . i hope you get better than ever and i hope i can feel like i am right there in next to you in that hospital bed #love scoot
You are the reason I started riding get better soon.
A hero always stands back up
you have to make it you inspired me to start riding because of you i learn how to 180 to fakie please stay strong
Get better soon Scotty! Miss you bro. Truly the only reason I ever touched my bike. And ever since then I can’t stop. Your my inspiration. Your motivation is always there for me now it’s our turn to be there for you. #standwithscotty
Dude I just donated 1,000 dollars I’m 11 and keep it up Scotty
Yea Scotty you are the one who got me into bmx and I really want you to come back bc you are my idol and inspiration and when I started watching your videos and your xgames competition it really inspired me to be like you
I hope u get better and able to get back on the bike to do what u love and know best. I love watching your videos and with you not in them I don’t know what I’ll do. Love and support u man.????❤️???
Me too he is my inspiration to ride man hope u feel better and get better
Im So sorry Scotty. Hope you get a lot better soon. Im happy your improving and you will be better than before your fall sooner than later.
you got me into many things like biking hope you get better
You were my inspiration to start riding
You aré thé best
I hope you recover super fast and you can still ride thanks for always being there Scotty ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
C,mon Scotty. You’re my idle. I go down to my local BMX tracks every day for you get well soon and I loved your comment troy g. Thx for helping scoty everyone
Hope you get better Scotty #scottyquickrecovery
Get well soon scottty
#road2recovery Man you inspired me to start bmx and I have had a great time since I always remember what you say if u fall then you get straight back up and you are gonna do exactly that stay strong bro
Hey Scotty hope u feel better.
And I started a YouTube channel and I do what u do
And I told them and we are going to give you $100 hope u feel better the team will pray for u so u can get Better PS YouTube channel is ShIn Squad
hey man, I’ve been watching your videos since bug boy was actually big! I hope you get better soon and you are able to read these comments so that you know that we are your friends and we trust that you will get better and start making us some more fantastic videos man. you’re the best, harry mane, adam lz have nothing on you. get some much needed rest and heres to 620 thousand subs!
yea man your a beast stay with use we all are with you and the fam recover in the best posible way hang in there man
PS: you made mi follow mi dreams i thank you for that man
Hope u recover Quickly u wer a lot of my inspiration i know its hard but remember when u broke ur back IT could of been worst i just hope u are ok my mom and i are ur big gest fans STAY STRONG
Hope you recover quickly! You are the reason I started BMX! Your the best BMX rider, and I hope this recovery goes by quickly!
Same dude
Get better and hope you fell beter
Get better can’t wait to see you riding again with everyone
Scotty you are my biggest inspiration.i am your biggest fan and I hope you can still bmx and make YouTube videos for us
Sory Scotty I hope you get better I love you so much please get better you are the best and I ride bmx to but racing
Ya Scotty try and recover as soon as you can and keep making videos for us we all love you??
scotty is my insperation for bmx so I know you will get through this all of your supporters love and hope you wil get beter
Hey scotty im a 14 year old and one of ur biggest fans. I love to watch u make videos about bmx and its cool how u inspire people all over the world to ride so tht means u have to get better 4 us and for ur fam cause as much as they inspired u ik u inspire them to . I want to bmx but im scared tht stuff like this can happen to me and i cant get passed tht so i hope u get better so tht other ppl tht have the same fear tht i have u can help us and keep doing wht u do best get better scotty.
I feel so sorry for you Scotty I hope you get better really soon
I hope you have a successful fast recovery Scott’s I have been here since day one and I will never stop watching your videos no matter what… You guys are my inspiration and I donated $750 dollars towards your recovery because I needed to make my bit happen so I hope you get well soon,love you Scott xx
We love you Scotty get well soon!!
Scotty hope you get well soon
Really bad news!! You really do inspire me and i love watching your videos every day! Get well soon!
Best Wishes from – Birmingham, England
Hope u feel better Scotty your the man
Get well soon Scotty. Looking forward to seeing you riding bmx again with your team !!. Wosh i could donate 100000s or Rands to your recovery. Thanks too all who have helped . Peace !! ✌
Scotty i hope u get better ive beem bmxing for 2yrs when i startwd watching ur videos i was inspired nd my love for bmxing became biggwe than it already was hopw u gwt better im right behind u
I love the videos and you have inspired me to get on a bike and train. I want to be just like you some day and please don’t ever give up because of you I won’t and I really hope you don’t. I am 12 and I am a huge fan I would give you all the money I had but I can’t do all I can do for you is pray and hope you get better and I hope you feel better soon because I am a huge fan and you inspire me every day and I can’t what for your next video.
Yea Scotty your are amazing at whet u do I am with this battle with u WE ALL ARE… we love u… I came home from my dads thinkung I would watch a amazing Scotty Cranmer video and as soon as I saw the title SCOTTY RECOVERY mt heart dropped I was instantly in tears and I was so worried for u and we all hope you become better soon and u are back on your feet #prayforscotty
get better ples g male me @ mattthewbestkid@gmail.com and if you dont i will not be condensed
scotty is one of the best bmx riders i have been watching him ever since 100k and i hope he get better soon …scotty get well soon.
scotty is one of the best bmx riders i have been watching him ever since 100k and i hope you get better soon …scotty get well soon.
Tragic to see bad things happen to good people. You have all the support and prayers of Long Island. Hoping to see you doing what you love again…
Tragic to see bad things happen to good people. You are truly a light in the darkness and continue to inspire people round the globe. Wishing you a speedy recovery from Long Island.
Without Scotty I would have never started BMX, I remember attending X-Games 2003 and seeing Scotty from then i’ve been a huge fan.
Hope you get better soon! I have watched your videos almost at the beginning and i loved them! I’m not bmx rider but i still watch every single one of your videos. I was so upset when i first time heard that you crashed. I love you Scotty. And I love Bigboy because he now does videos because you can’t. I know you can sometime ride again because you are the hero. You are such a positive guy and i love your positivity. So hope you get better soon! Love you Scotty! #prayforscotty
We love you Scotty and we are here with you all the way I wish you a speedy recovery to our favourite BMX rider and you tuber scotty Cramer good luck from the UK
Yo hope you get well soon. I wish that you will get out of that hospital and get to riding again, even though you ride a bike and I ride a scooter were still connected and having fun. You are one of the best bmx riders and one of the most inspirational person I have see on YouTube and hope you get well. #standwithSCOTTY
Dear Scotty
I hope you recover soon, you’ve helped me do so much as I learn new tricks and develop as a rider. I love your videos because you don’t judge anyone, always have fun and never show off (even though your the best rider in the world:). You are my motivation to ride, I see a trick in one of your videos and head to the skate park to try it. I am only 13 and have only started bmxing about a year ago, but pick stuff up quick when I watch your videos. I really hope you recover soon and can get back to doing what you love. You’re a great person and role model especially with rescuing a dog of the street. It is my dream to come to New Jersey and go to one of your lock-ins and meet you. You’ve fallen many times and gotten back up. You can do it, I believe in you. Your my idol and I hope you recover as soon as possible.
Scotty, you are an inspiration to all action sports and what you and your brother and your friends do for youtube and the world itself is a huge achievement. You are my favorite YouTuber and every time you post i smile and think,”what is Scotty going to do today?” So make sure you get well soon for your family,friends, and all of your loyal supporters.
Get well soon Scotty!!! You’re a huge inspiration for me. Can’t wait to have you back on the channel
You are the best BMX biker ever u have tought me lots of stuff and got me into BMX riding and doing tricks Thx for the best man feel better :D
Scotty I watch your videos everyday, and I don’t even BMX, I’ve been through a very rough patch over the past few months and these videos have played a very big part in keeping my happiness levels up… Words can’t describe how upset I am to learn you are in this condition, after watching you all progress so much. I’m sending all my prayers over to you and wishing you a full recovery!
Scotty were always here for you mate I hope you recover you might not be able to ride but you know truly and thoughtfully you are a big hero get well soon xxx SCOTTY I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU xx FREDDIE
I haven’t watched you for long but in the Time I have watch you you have manages to motivate me and others and I have see the commitment that you have I know you can do this
Hi Scotty,
i’m an 13 years old BMX rider.
I’m German, but i love your vids ♡♡.
I don’t can spend any money for you SORRY but if i can, i will make it.
And i you are a very very big motivation for me.♡♡♡ You has show me that i musst practice that at everytime i can. ♡
Good Luck
Get well soon you are my biggest insprenition
Exactly Scotty is a big inspiration and I was recently just able to get up on my crutches after I hit a tree on my dirtbike but Scotty is an inspiration to all riders not just BMX. I know he’ll be back?
Hang in there scotty great fan for Aus
Hang in there scotty big fan for Aus
Scotty you are my favorite bmx rider u got me into bmx get better soon I love ur YouTube I got so sad when I herd it might be career ending
All the best for your recovery Scotty, you are my inspiration. Louis 8 from New Zealand.
All the best for your recovery Scotty, you are my inspiration. Louis 8 from New Zealand.€+Louis.
I am i 10 year old kid in oregon and when i saw your vids i was amased in your tricks and your videos my parents and i am worried for u we will pray for you scotty and scotty please tell las vegas to patch up the holes!!!!
I dont have any money but you are my favorite youtuber and bmx rider I love you! you are the person that got me to start doing bmx you are amazing my dude have a fast recovery and we are all here for you bud.
Scotty I ove you man you have always been a good virchwil friend im crying right now But scotty remember one thing If it happend rest for sure God did it for a reason Big boy another big fan Keep these videos up Scotty love you man get better soon :) I put my moms email
Evertime I look at my bike I think, wow what would scotty do with his bike today and the rusult is always trying something new and excelling in what I do. Scotty you are an amazing inspiration, get better soon! :)
hey scotty just wanted to wish you all of gods blessing and that me and the whole channel are praying everyday, i don’t even ride bmx i came across ur page for the car project videos but watching the bmx videos with games or sessions legit inspires me and keeps me motivated, u have a whole army behind u scotty, ur legit a superhuman were all pushin for ya! not gnna say get but but BE BETTER. you’ve achieved it all and helped ur closest get there too, let alone people u don’t even know are pushing because of u. cant wait till ur back in service. all the best
he made me get in to riding to
Indeed… I say Scotty for President!
I am so thankful for another update, but I have been trying to keep riding through all of it. You sure aren’t looking as hot man, but your heart and voice, we know, will always stay the same.
Yea get well soon Scotty!!!
Yoooo scotty! Get well soon! In a huge fan and watch every single one of your videos you put out on youtube. I cant wait to see you shredding with the crew again! We all are here for you!
Love you scotty, get better, the franciosis
Our thoughts go out to Scotty and the family in this difficult time.
He’s been an inspirational person in my life, especially recently and we just want him to know we’re thinking of him and his family.
Get well soon bro, stay strong!
Much love
John & Rose
Scotty I had a titanium cage fitted in my neck when I buffered C4,5,6,7
I had lost the use of my arms ! But after the surgery I felt brand new !
I shall be thinking of you and I hope that you have an incredible recovery.
Much love
Scotty I love you and I support your Chanel I hope you make it through your pain #scotty
All prayers for you scotty hope you get better soon and i just wanted to say that you are not only my favorite youtuber but my favorite person and i look up to you so keep the good work up and gett better soon.
True that Scotty you inspire us all everyday so feel better soon #Scotty
Wishing you a fast recovery man, your my motivation to get back out there and ride
I hope you recover soon. Your my favorite rider ever. You inspired me to go out and ride
Sorry to hear the news, Get well Scotty
Get well scotty i loce you and the vids you are always so positive it makes me so happy grt better pal
Get well soon Scotty, you are one of the most inspirational people I’ve seen
Scotty get better soon you can do it you are a strong person and we are going the community is going to motivate you like you motivate us
You inspired me to ride bmx. I have watched you since you started youtube. Your videos never get old and I hope you get better very soon.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Scotty and his family. Positive vibes for a speedy recovery. The Heath family
In my prayers friend. I know you’ll get through this.
All the best, people are with you and you will never be alone. Hope a quick recovery will come for you and your family
Hope scottys ok and he recovers and prayers go to him and family ♡
I feel so sorry for you Scotty I hope you get better really soon bro
I know all of you I wacth scottys chanel tell him pleas to get better for me my heorys for ever scottys chanel.
thank you.
Get well soon man! We’re all supporting you!????
Get well soon Scotty, you’re a massive inspiration to me and have kept me going through tough times. All of your fans are behind you and we send you and you’re family all the prayers in the world.
Scotty, I just started watching your YouTube channel this last week and can say that your videos are entirely entertaining. Your jovial attitude and clear care for your friends are one of a kind; I really hope you make a speedy recovery.
Scotty, I remember when you were a Ninja Turtle! Keep that Ninja spirit going and show us just how strong you are. Love you just as much as ever! Proud to be your Grandma.
Hey scotty good luck with everything I hope everything goes well you will come back even stronger I love you scotry you can text me please cause I really care about you to 845-239-8693
You and your family are in our prayers Scotty !! Hope your back on your feet again soon.
aHey scotty I’m praying for you and am sure that hod loves you and He’s the best doctor you can get❤️
Damn Scotty… That’s a nasty accident bro. Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery to health mate, hope the family is ok and there by your side. Take it easy my dude, see you on the other side.
Heal up Scotty!
Get well soon scotty. I hope all goes well and wish you the best of luck.
Hope all goes well. Youll be in my prayers. I know youll fight and keep fighting. Get well wishes coming from a big fan in utah
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you and I hope Scotty gets well soon!
Best wishes from Austria!
I hope Scotty gets well soon I live in Vegas and saw on Instagram that Alex aka big boy was on his way to Vegas with Scotty and the mister energy team its sad to here something like that happened my prayers and thoughts go out to Scotty and his family
Monster Energy*
Get well soon man! Best wishes legend.
hang in there scotty
I don’t have any money but if I did I would donate it all to you you and harry main are like the only YouTube channels I watch you are like the best hang in there in and you will aventually be back on your back in you bike riding and tell Corey I said what’s up
Scotty you can pull through this, you fucking got this brother. I had a similar accident skateboarding and fractures my left cheek bone and c4 vertebrae. I pulled through and I’m still okay with little to no long term affects. Still skating to this day. Your videos inspire me every day to get out and skate. No I don’t BMX but I do know how to ride a bike and do sick jumps, but skateboarding is my main. I love the motivation you give big boy to huck himself towards stuff. Now it’s your turn to get some motivation.
I agree with every word you said and best wishes for Scotty
Get well soon scotty, best of luck from myself and behalf of England
Scotty I love you vids and I hope you get well and you have got me through a lot just by watching the videos and get well
Scotty every day when I get home from school, I immediately get on YouTube and head over to your channel as soon as I am done with homework. I love your riding style and the way you put your own touch on bmx. When I think of bmx, you are the image that pops in my head. You’re such an inspiration to me and so many other people. I love watching you and all of your friends have fun on your bikes everyday and I look forward to watching some more once you recover! Good luck Scotty. I hope to see you do more unreal tricks in the future. Get better bro!
Hang in there man, we are all praying for you to get better.
Get well soon scotty ?
Sorry scotty, hope you can still ride because we all know that it mean the world to you. From the UK
Healing vibes from my family to you Scotty.
Speedy recovery Scotty..
Praying for you bud…
We met through the Gardella family…
Scotty your are the best on a bmx bike i wish you the best and fastest recovery coming from me and all of my friends we all love watching you and cant wait to watch you everyday i literally watch you first everyday i wish you all the best!
This message is for scotty. I watch your videos every day on my lunch break wt work. I used to ride but stoped because of knee problems. You have been a big insperation to me this last year. I really want to get back into riding again but due to financial issues i cant afford a bike. I hope you recover fast and wish you the best of luck.
Devin Julius
Get well soon scotty ur the man so kind to people and animals ur YouTube channel is. Azaming give u best luck in ur road to recovery hope see u ride again
I love you scotty. I hope to God you make a speedy recovery, you are one of my true idols and I pray that you recover
Hey Scotty, I like many others, watch your youtube videos every day. I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say we are absolutely crushed to hear this. I want to wish you the very best in your recovery and am devastated by the severity of your accident. I know you’re a tough guy and you’ll make it through. I know you have a strong support group in your friends, family, and all of your fans. Much love and get well soon. Ben from OC California.
Get well soon scotty ..ik you are a strong man n God is by ur side .i.hope to see you soon on a video
Get better soon Scotty and ty to R2R for holding this. I’m going to be his first donation.
Bro thinking of you and your family I’m a soldier in the British Army and your youtube inspired me to get back on a bmx after 10 years stay strong
Scotty thank you for making my day better with your YouTube videos , get well soon :)
I hope he gets to feeling better soon I will keep you all in my prayers
Hey Scotty I met you at the vans jam at the incline club and u are such a nice person and talented rider I hope the best for you and all your fans are here fore you get better man
I hope your ok scotty you’ll be in my prayers
Am sorry I can’t donate because am only 13 I would if I had the money take it easy Scotty and thanks for putting a lot of effort into your videos there sick
Hope have a speedy recovery scotty I love the vids you guys post keep up the good work
hey. feeling so sorry for you, your famely and friends. its a hard road a head. but we know you will folow it true, like you do everything els in life. me and my friends i denmark love following you and the gang on youtube. and you all inpired us to have fun and ride to every time get better. and no matter what happens. you will always be an inspiration to BMX. cant wait to se up and riding asap. get well. all love from denmark.
i know you are strong enough as a person to pull through this. You’ve always been somebody to look up to and since you got a YouTube account so many more people look up to you. Good luck man
This is only a bump in the road Scotty! You’ve made it so far and things like this will always be along the way to test how strong you are. Your the best rider on that bike when it comes to going big! My prayers are with you and your friends/family. I don’t even ride bmx as much but I enjoy watching your channel like if it was a tv show. Your an inspirations to all of us!! You have my full support. I know your friends will be there every step of the way! Get back on the back ASAP!
i hope you get better scotty. your my favorite youtube channel. and hope to see more good youtube videos like vinny’s frontflip.
Good luck! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Much love and prayers to Scotty and the family!
I ride motorcycles myself as a lot of my friends do. It is a brotherhood that takes care of their own. W all need to reach out sometimes to others. I will make a donation and share this post on the bikers page. We will do what we can so Scotty can do what he has to do. God Bless Scotty and your family
Get better soon Scotty and I hope your ok
Hope you get better scotty best of luck you will be in my prays
Sending positive vibes and love from the UK ✌
Dear Scotty
This is Wynne TOPP here and I am sorry to hear what has happened. I know your road to recovery will be tough but I know you will power through it until you are healed. You inspire so many to do good and never give up so it is our turn now to inspire you to heal well and never give up! Love you Scotty. Stay strong! From, wynne
Oh my god, my heart skipped a beat after hearing about this..
Scotty, I wish you a speedy recovery, I’m sending all the positive vibes your way.
Stay strong, stay positive and with the love and care of your family (and doctors ofcourse) you’ll be back doing amazing stuff in no-time!
You’ve been my hero eversince you won your first X-Games title and you are still one of the most inspiring people in the world.
Can’t wait to see you back on the YouTubes again for my daily doses of awesome.
Wishing you and your family all the best.
Fistbump all the way from The Netherlands.
Get well soon, how else will I get my riding inspiration
Scotty I hope that you recover safely and will still be able to ride bmx
Keep your chins up people, Scotty is a fighter and he will get well!
Sending good thoughts to you all the way from Ukraine.
We need you in this world Scotty! You are one of the few clean acting BMX riders. Pull through man. We love you.
Your family and friends back in New Jersey are wishing you a speedy and full recovery sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family
Hope you get better
Get better soon scotty I wish you the best of luck
You give us so much of you everyday with your videos, now it’s our time to give back. Get well soon, Scotty!
Get well soon bro! And what about the videos?
Good luck scotty
I have been watching Scotty’s videos from the very beginning, i have seen him grow in success. He is truly an amazing person with a great heart. Be strong Scotty!
-Love from Estonia!
We are thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery!!! ?
Here’s to hoping for a speedy and full recovery Scotty.
Big Boy YouTube takeover?? Just kidding hope you get well soon Scotty, best wishes to the family and friends.
I agree with u jamie
Hope you get better Scotty. Cause you inspire to do BMX
Hope you get better, I am so sad
Get well scotty such a sad thing to hear
Get well soon Scotty! Many hugs from Sweden:)
Omg! Hope you feel better scotty
Your videos brought my 6 year son and I closer. Not only are they cool and fun, they are clean and at times, inspiring. My son looks up to you and learned to ride a bike because of you. We are praying for your speed recovery. Blessings. God has you.
Stay strong scotty!! You’ve inspired me to start riding bmx!!! You will pull through it!!
I hope Scotty is okay.
Get better Scotty. You are a huge inspiration in my life and others. You will get through this. Keep inspiring.
I hope you get better Scotty. Hopefully your recovery will be fast and you can get right back up on your bike.
Scotty, its Sneaker_dad23. I am stunned at what I am reading. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. You are such an awesome person and you give so much of yourself to everyone so unselfishly that I can only believe that your strength and the love that everyone has for you will bring you through this tragedy.
Hope scotty gets well soon. U will be on the bike in no time. Always think positive that’s the attitude. U the best.
I’m praying for you scotty
Wishing the best for you and your family man. I don’t even ride BMX but I’m drawn to your daily videos and your career because of your unbelievable positivity and optimism. Truly hope you recover 100%.
I love you scotty, you have helped me through a lot in this past year just by bein youraelf and continuing what you startex, thank you
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Scotty and the family in this difficult time.
Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery, sending you our love.
You’re a role model and inspiration to us all Scotty, stay strong bro!
I just read all the YouTube comments and I got really worried for Scotty hope your all bro all the best from the uk #roadtorecovory ❤️
Get Well soon, Scotty. We’re all here for you, man! ~@quinnquacker
Hey man, praying for a fast recovery boss
Hey, Im Jonas from Germany. Sorry for my bad english. I want to say that I love Scotty’s Videos and he is so happy., EVERY DAY! And I love also Scotty’s friends and I think that Scotty need them all at this time. I hope you get healthy and Lucky ‘SOON’ .☺
Good bey stay cool ! Peace!✌
Best wishes for a full an speedy recovery.
I’m Wishing Scotty and his family and friends a safe and well recovery
Get better Scotty. All the fans are supporting you.
Hey Scotty I watch ur videos every day. You are a big inspiration to me I’ve been riding for ten years and u showing big boy and pushing him has pushed me to push my self and just get out there I hope u get better soon.. man best of luck.
Keep going dude your get through this p.s when you coming to England
hey scotty im a huge fan j love your videos and everything you do, so sorry to hear about the crash i cant imagine the pain. best wishes to you and your family. thankyou for doing all you do you’re my idol, get well soon!
Hope you will recover well scotty, good luck!! -Olaf
Hope you ok Scotty ?
Can’t believe this! Once I heard about this I had a break down in school, people asked what was it about and I said “My favourite bmx rider the best bmx rider and the most inspirational bmx rider has just had a serious crash and I feel like I can do something to help” then they said has he died then I said “if he died I would die to be with him”?? Love you Scotty, wish you the best for your road2recovery and I just wanna say without you I wouldn’t be able to flair whip and bar spin so Thank you for everything you’ve done!!? Get well soon!!!!!
i wish you all the best scotty! You are in my prayers. Good luck man, love from Norway
Scotty I am praying for a speedy and complete recovery for you and your family. Heal up, rest up, and we all love you as a rider, and as an outstanding human being. The world needs more Scotty Cranmer’s, get well…You are in my thoughts!
scotty is mine and mi 5 year old sons favourite rider he watches him and big boy on youtube a few times a week and alway says i hope they come to our skate park some day, heal up fast man!!!!
Get well soon buddy
We love you Scotty stay strong never stop fighting.!!!
i am so sad this this happened. my favorite youtube and bmx rider having a accident like this :'( i hope you get well soon. stay strong buddy we are always going to be here, by your’e side.
one of your biggest fan
Get well soon Scotty!
Hey man just wanted say hope you get better soon and that I’m prayin for you can’t wait to see you on that bike again I’m a big fan of yours, hope the surgeries and recovery gos well God bless
Fell better scotty
Will be praying for you day and night. May the Lord be with you and comfort you. Much love. – Joni and Lance
Wishing for a speedy recovery man!! Love watching you vids & hope to see you back up & riding soon. You are my inspiration & the reason why I ride. Get well soon mate!
Hope you get better quick I love watching your video and to see you land tricks successfully
Stay strong Scotty! Much love from Sweden
Hope Scotty gets better can’t believe that happened to him after just watching him in this video. Good luck on the recovery and we all love you Scotty
I’m praying for you get well soon
I hope Scotty gets better I didn’t know until scottys wife shared it on his page I’m praying for you Scotty
Scotty you are the best and most kind person on YouTube
I am deeply saddened to hear about your misfortune. Your channel is special because of the energy and enthusiasm you bring to it. I pray for your speedy recovery and that the Lord will comfort your family and friends in this difficult time.
Hey Scotty or his family I know you guys probably wont see this but uh I really wanted to uh just say I hope you feel better soon I watched the videos everyday when I get home from school and I follow all you guys on instagram I’ve just heard about what happened and I’m so sorry I’ve from baltimore Maryland btw and when I went to new jersey for summer vacation I wanted to come to your town so bad but I couldn’t but uh I hope you get better soon and sorry for the uh bad typing I’m on a scrappy tablet
Get well soon! Hoping and praying for a speed recovery
I wish you a speedy recovery scott! I’m sure you’ll be back on your bmx in no time. x
Hang in there Scotty nothing but good vibes going your way from me hope everything works out I love you and your family and friends if you do end up seeing this pleas let me know and can you keep me updated u can go to my instagram. @ Albert.chavez.2000.42
You have really helped me with my life I jest wish you the best and also wish this never happened to you
All the best Scotty, you’ve got this ??
I dont have any money that i can give, only wishes. Get well soon dude :-)
Love from Belgium,
I’ll keep Scotty in my prays and I hope everything turns out good but stay strong you guys he will get through this.
get well soon dude. uk….
Get better soon Scotty! I know you will be alright we are all praying for you????????
You got this battle, Scotty! Get well soon mang.
Hope you get well soon Scotty! You are a bad ass rider and a good person and I love your channel. You and Cory Have to get better and have another battle.
Man. This breaks my heart. Seriously such a great dude.
Hey scotty… I know you are going to pull through this, I wish you all the best and want to see you again rising that bmx bike. Like viny said ” let’s get it” get better scotty ☺☺
Russia with you, Scotty! Get well soon!
Stay strong man! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
This is terrible news, Scotty has been my favorite pro rider for a long time and is my #1 inspiration to ride, I hope and pray Scotty will have a smooth and speedy recovery! I will definitely be supporting this.
Get well soon Scotty! Wish you the best.
Thoughts are with you Scott, it says something about your character that so many strangers care so much!
Get well soon you are the reason i started watching this sort of content hope you will get well as fast as possible
Hope you get better soon Scotty! Wishing you good energy from New Zealand:)
Get well Scotty Without you i wont be able to get up after a fall, you are a very big inspiration for many people best wishes from Denmark :)
Get better soon Scotty!!!
Get well soon Scotty!!! Sweden loves you and the whole crew!!!!
Scotty you are a pure legend hope you better soon . Bruv . Get better soon
Wishing u a speedy recovery dude
You are an inspiration to everyone that watches you, from your genuine positivity to your amazing riding , wish you, your friends and family nothing but the positivity you’ve shared with me and so many others!
Hey Scotty hope your recovery goes smoothly and fast can’t wait to see you riding again stay strong
Shit Scotty, hope you have a speedy recovery!
I love you and all that you do Scotty! I hope your recovery is a speedy one and that we all get to hear from you real soon!
I wish you the best recovery Scotty. You are the man. I love your riding and what you have done for BMX so far. Take care!
Scotty. Cant believe I have only just found out. I cant explain how worried I am and how much I hope you make a full recovery. I have never really been into any kind of sport before but when my boyfriend introduced me to your youtube channel I have been driving everybody mad saying how much I want a BMX. You are an inspiration to everyone. Not just BMXing but your attitude to life, showing kids they should respect others and just being kind and showing you can have fun without upsetting or offending others. I love you man you are an absolute legend and when my boyfriend finally grows the balls to ask me to marry him. The first people on my guest list is going to be you and bigboy. So much love from the UK my thoughts are with you even tho i know your a fighter and will get through it. ❤
Sending my prayers and good vibes your way Scotty you are my inspiration and motivation to ride every day get well soon
Get well soon scotty, your my Favorite youtuber, I wish the best for you and your family!!
Hope you recover soon. Stay strong Scotty.
Hey Scott my names is Robert Murch down here in Bozeman MT. Just one of your 600,000+ YouTube subs and a long time fan. Your channel helps bring joy to my life and so I want to return the favor by letting you know. You see I understand that you find joy in helping others find joy which is the mark of a great man. So thank you for being great and fulfilling the obligations of that greatness on a daily basis. Please get well soon we are all rooting for you.
Please get well soon Scotty!!!!
We are all praying for you and your family!!!
I love the comment from Troy G
I’m praying for you Scotty.In Jesus name.
Man we’re do I start you helped me through times of trouble and made me really happy watching your videos, big boy,ronnie and vinni made me laph and now I have started biking and all mybfriends have subed and watch all the time -!! :) I hope you will get better and make a quike recovery so U can make vids again… thanks bro ??
Prayers and best wishes to you, your family and the rest of the crew Scotty. Wish you a speedy recovery and already looking forward to seeing you back on a bmx bike. From Malaysia.
Hey! I just want to say that i absolutely love scotty, and i wish for him to get well soon so he can ride! When i heard of this accident my heart skipped a beat and i felt the tears coming. Really! No words can express how much scotty and the crew brighten my days and how his videos make me smile and want to pursue bmx! So with that said i wish him and his family good luck!
Get well soon Scotty! You have been a huge inspiration to me, showing me how to live my life to the fullest and never take anything for granted.
You’re a tough SOB and I know you’ll pull through!
Sending my love from Australia
Scotty Get well soon. Keep focused on the recovery. Your positive attitude is inspiring! You are a winner and you will recover and ride again.
You’re such a positive person who always supports everyone around them. Good luck with your treatment, be as strong willed as ever! Sending positive vibes to you and your loved ones.
Your videos are very important to me and many others- to try and explain why would not come out right – but mainly because You inspire- You are always so positive and nice and kind and helpful and cool and we look forward to your videos at 4pm eastern time every day without exception it is one of the highlights of my day. I wish you nothing but the best- and I hope your recovery is not horrible. I have had 5 surgeries- 2 neck/upper back- 1 middle back-and 2 lower back-so i know a little bit about pain and what it does to your body having surgery- My hope is that you don’t have too much to deal with but it sounds like it isnt just your back so you have SO MANY FANS Worried and are Praying hard for you. Having grown up in New Jersey and CT it is cool when i hear all the places you go to ride= I grew up in Fairfield NJ and worked all over so i know all the towns you ride in of course and went to Great Adventure which is what we called it- not 6 Flags lol- and Now in FLA FOR GOOD-But your videos remind me of great childhood and teen years riding and being with good friends. You will get thru this and you will turn it into an amazing story. God Bless Scotty.
get better Scotty ! wish i could donate more hope the little bit i could do helps !
Get well soon scotty! Wish you the best hope you have a speedy recovery so you can gat back to doing all the things you love.
Hi Scotty, I am a subscriber from Barcelona, and I feel so bad for you. I wish you have a fast recovery, because you deserve to be riding and having fun with the boys again. All my support to you and your family!
Gonna donate as much as i can! Dont even ride bmx and still love the channel and all of the crew! ger well scotty, you’ll be back up in no time! best regards dude from sweden!
Scotty, sorry to hear about the accident. My 6 yr old son loves watching the YouTube video’s. We’re praying you have a successfull procedure and full recovery. God bless.
Scotty i now u will make this recovery just like sammy made her hreat recovery
Discovering your channel got me back into riding after more than 15 years off. I’ve started riding again this past summer as well as my 10 year old daughter who has shown a lot of interest in BMX as well. You’re a huge inspiration to me and a lot of others. I wish you the best and I hope your recovery is a smooth as possible!
Scotty get well soon!! We are all rooting for you! I have been watching you since I was a kid and this past year with your Youtube channel taking off has been awesome!!! Best of wishes to you and your family!!!
Get well fast Scotty miss you already man
Get well soon scotty!! stay strong big dog
Hope Scooty bets the support he needs. Good luck. Well done to R2R for helping him. From Swansea Wales UK
Get well soon Scotty. let me know if you guys need anything I’m a local.
Scotty you are such an amazing box rider and you are so so so inspirational. Get better soon man.
I suffered a fracture skull back in November 2013, doing a one footer-one hander over a ledge and landed face first and luckily didn’t need any surgery and was out for 1-2 months and your injury is way more worse than mine and hope you have a speedy recovery and get well soon ?
Quick recovery to you I hope
this was a shock to see
Get well soon and with the love of your family , friends and all your you tube followers
You will be up in no time
I am praying for you!!?
Hope you feel better soon!!!!?
Hugs from Germany!!
Thoughts and prayers from the Sheldrick family!
Man sorry I really hate to see them like that my dad messed up his entire back he may be gone but you will make a complete recovery no matter think positive no negative thoughts are allowed
Be safe and well as soon as possible
Yours truly,
Exodus Douwenga
Ignore the them
Keeping you in my prayers man! Wishing you and your family the best.
You’re a strong man Scotty and you have the best friends and family behind you, wishing you a full and speedy recovery
Jeez bud, Another crash that’s not rider error :/ sucks you keep getting taken off the bike due to stupid unluckyness. Get better soon Scotty we all have your back
hey scotty i wish you the best and i know you will get through this beause i know you are one of the best and strongest riders. get well soon man cant wait to see you again in anther youtube video get well man wish you the best
Hope u get better soon scotty i know i how u feel i just got done recovering from a bad facial fracture cuz i went face first into the coping on a quarter
Prayers coming your way, Scotty. Stay strong.
Praying for you your family and friends. You are all of our inspiration man you and your crew show us every day that we can follow our dreams and do what we love to do. Thank you for the daily videos. You take the time you need to heal and stay in good spirits you will beat this. I mean it was just a few more nths ago you broke your back and you got through that. You will come through this. Look forward to seeing your progress. Loyal subscriber since 19k. Till next time PEACE ✌?️
I’m shocked to hear about this. You make BMX fun to watch! You brings smiles and laughter to thousands of people. Your YouTube channel has inspired many to try new things. You a4ebthr best in the game. We all love you and are looking forward to the day your up and walking!. Like you said in your videos “crashing is a part of the game, and sometimes things get out of hand.” You WILL get back on you’re feet in no time! Much love from the Skateboarding community!
Get well dude!
Stay legend!
Scotty get better soon! Sending love to you, your wife, your family and your puppies. Stay strong, you’ll be back up in no time!!
Hey scotty, get well soon! Your videos helped me get back on a bike after months of not riding because i moved across the country and didnt feel motivated without my friends to ride with but after seeing your videos it gave me a push to go out to the local park and ride again. Wish you the best bro?
Scotty, you have a wicked team of friends, family and fans/supporters behind you. We wish you a full and speedy recovery from this side of the pond(UK). All the best for the coming days, weeks and months.
Hey Scotty. I hope you get better soon. You always have me excited at 1 oclock when the video comes out. Get all your strength back. Youll be up and fighting and riding soon.
You are such an inspiration. Im a mountain bike rider but after seeing your videos back from 30k. Ever since Ive thought about riding bmx.
Get better soon
Scotty, I am Inspired by you every day to do this best in everything. Your channel has motivated me to get into BMX and my new favorite car as of a month ago is a gtr. I have been following your channel since the day it came out, I was one of those 1000 views on your video and I have basically watched every video since then. Anyways I know you probably arent going to want to red this whole thing so I hope you get better dude and I am sending money in to this website, keep healing… peace✌?
Scotty you have given me insipiration that has changed my life. Thank you for being a really really good person. We all care and love you, be well.
oh no ! , i hope you gets well soon scotty your youtube videos are so awesome and i always enjoy them a lot , i know it’s hard to be injured but you are a strong guy . (sorry for my bad english)
Wow what a shock to the system. What an inspiration to bmx and the world. Not to mention the most talented bmxer I have ever seen. Making everything look so easy, seamless and amazing. Anything Scotty touched regarding bmx turned to gold. You will be better because God is bigger than any problem and would never waste a talent like Scotty who is making such an impact on every young soul in this world. Not only with bmx. Much love to Scotty and his family. I wish you knew all the people who watches your videos and gets inspired by you because we know you and love you bro. Get well soon.
You are my inspiration to never stop riding my bike. First I started riding my MTB when I was 5years old and now I’m starting to go on my BMX again. Thank you and I hope that you’ll get better soon ?
Dig deep Scotty, wishing you a speedy recovery pal
Hope you get well soon Scotty!!
Stay strong and remember that all 600k people love you!
Supporting you from Italy!!
Scotty I hope u get better, u were a inspiration to me I got in a bad accident while riding my bike awhile ago and never bmxed again till i started watching ur channel u inspired me to start bmxing again and I just wanna tank u for that hope u get better
Damn man this is one of the things i hate to see happen to such a nice guy. Get well soon Scotty Cranmer!
Love you man, get well soon. I hate when bad things happen to the absolute best of people like yourself.
As long as you have the obb by your side you’ll be good bro!
Get better soon man!!!
I’ve. Been a supporter sence the start I love your videos and I will be supporting you all the way fell better soon and may god be with you ??????
Scotty, my boyfriend and I watch your videos all the time and we love it! Our daughter often cheers to you or the crew when doing something rad. Wishing you a speedy and painless recovery from Fort Worth, TX.
Hang in there man. Stay positive, stay focused on beating what ever obstacles come your way ! You got this
Hey buddy hope your doing ok if you or your family need anything dont hestiate to send me a email i live in las vegas ill do anything to help you and your family out
Stay strong Scotty, just remember we are all with you on your road to recovery my dude. Bless up
Hope you make a swift recovery dude, you’re truly my inspiration for starting to ride and i hope you can get back to it soon. Much love!
Get well soon brother..
Hey scotty. Get well soon man.you are a very strong person and i know u will be back strong soon.you are mine and my kids inspiration to ride and for me to ride again man. Prayers go out to ur whole family.
In the future you are going to be more careful you nutter…
Get better.
-Random dude who enjoys your videos.
Thoughts are with Scotty and family right now, These athletes push the limits for us fans especially for something like a team tape.
Im always grateful to guys like scotty when they get injured pushing the sport not just for themselves but for us.
Really wishing a speedy recovery and thankyou on behalf of the sport and all your fans.
Scotty please get well soon you your are my motivation to ride I’ve been watching you since 100k and ever since have been looking forward to watching your videos very day after school I will pray and hope that this accident doesn’t effect your professional BMX carrer
Hey man i hope you get well soon. ill pray for you and your family. Just a road block for now. You have such a kind heart and your channel is something i actually look forward to watching everyday on YouTube at 4PM EST. I donated what i can, it isn’t as much as i would like to, but i hope it helps!
Waching you all everyday has been so inspirational in many ways and I hope the absolute best for Scotty his family and the whole team. Sending positivity your way!
I hope you get better soon Scotty! All my prayers go out to you and your family! Feel better!
Much love brother!
Scotty i hope you get a full recovery you are the strongest person i know you are such a big inspiration to me and all my friends that ride BMX we all love you and i’m rooting for you buddy my thoughts are with you and your family bro
Hey Scotty, was so shocked to hear the news, you mean so much to all of us, get well soon dude.
Hope you get better soon scotty you’re a f*** huge insperation to thousand/ millions of bmx riders around the world best wishes go out to you and your family
Yo Scotty isn’t it just ironic how the smallest things are the ones that hit you the hardest. Earlier on in the year I saw one of your videos on my suggested feed on YouTube and I thought you sounded crazy when the first video I saw of you just so happened to be when you jumped the half pipe! Long story short I subscribed pretty quickly, turned on notifacations and never missed a video since that day. You are the reason I have YouTube on my phone? You have so many people behind you it is honestly unreal. 600,000 subscribers just passed by and you have by the looks of all these other comments a strong fan base and one that I am proud to be part of. You give 110% (no pun lil’ Cory) to this community that we call BMX. You treat your fan base with real respect and put in enough work to produce a new video for us each and every day. That’s crazy! You ride around with the sickest crew and the support I have seen them all give you I would call them the most loyal too. As a community and a fan base it is our time to give back to you as you have always done to us. Every single one of your loyal subscribers, your crew, family and beautiful wife are rooting for you man. Inspiration just isn’t the word for it, the progression you have made is just so much and not even just in BMX or youtube, but as a person, a competitor, a son and a husband. You have made this community proud year in, year out and next year when you are up and riding again in x-games you will get that medal and earn your spot with Dave Mirra as a true BMX legend. We all love you Scotty and you will get better for us. All of us.
Gutted to hear about you’re accident Scotty. You are strong and very positive and have, no doubt, great support from your amazing family and friends. With those guys around you I bet you’ll be well in no time.
All the best man
Big love
You have the whole of England behind you Scotty, don’t let this injury beat you! Keeping you in our prayers! Best of luck and a speedy recovery,
Yours sincerely ,
Nat perkins
I wish you all the best scotty!
I never felt so sorry for a person i never met, you and all of the crew really touched me!
Since I saw you taking care about your dogs especially Sammy I knew you are one great person!
I bet you get the best support from family and friends! Be strong and get well soon!
Gute Besserung/get well! from Germany!!
Scotty, you are in my thoughts and prayers. You have become an inspiration to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It sucks that you have gotten hurt, but I know that if anyone can come back from this it’s you. Dave Mirra was my favorite rider growing up, and now thanks to you I have gotten the urge to get back into riding. You will come back from this, and you will be better than ever. I mean who else is going to push Big Boy to progress and evolve. Get well soon!
guess where my son is right now. outside riding his bike for you!!!!!!!!!!
we will always keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
until you ride once again!!! stay strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so sad. Scotty, you are a true inspiration not only for bmx. Get well soon, man! Sending love from Argentina.
Hey Scotty! I just want you to know that I am praying for a quick recovery. You are a massive inspiration to me. Not only in learning BMX, but also in my transition to college. I live in Texas and attend UTSA. Your determination to do your best in BMX has kept me determined on my studies so that I can have time to go out and practice some tricks. Thank you for everything you have taught me. I gotta go watch your new video so get better soon.
Scotty, I’ve never met you but from watching all of the videos on your youtube channel I feel like I know you and would be honored to cll you a friend. you are such an inspiring guy. you work so hard in your sport and are such a positive role model for all the extreme sports kids out there. you are such a great friend and brother too all of the guys on your channel. this news is absolutely crushing. we’ll all be praying for you scott and if anyone can get through this, YOU CAN!
scotty if you get a chance to read this,I hope your doing good,& Feeling fine. I respect what you do for people. You make countless people’s day with your channel. Your a down to earth dude,& very inspirational. Get well bro.We all will be waiting on you. Hollar
Wishing you a full recovery scotty stay strong and all are thoughts are with you and your family
Good luck Scotty FROM Poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Scotty,
My Brother and i watch every Single Episode on your yt Channel
When i Heard of your accident
I was shooked
Hope u get well Soon
The Germanboys
Terrible news Scotty but glad to hear you’re still around and going to recover. The way you present makes us feel like we’re one of the crew so when I heard about this I was worried about my friend. Thanks for all the great videos. All the best for a quick recovery..
Get well soon Scotty.
So sad to hear you got hurt Scotty man I will be praying for you every night and donating some money as soon as I get paid.
Get well soon scotty ! Such an inspiration , your doing amazing man , stay stron !
Love and support to family and friends !
Get well soon Scotty! Love to you and your family.Hope to see you riding again soon!
My family and I watch all your YouTube videos. My fiancé is totally hooked and unlike all the other channels yours is one that stands out and we BOTH including my brother and 2 sons look forward to watching. You are such an amazing role model to so many young kids and even for adults. Your funny and y’all are crazy but it’s all clean and family oriented fun and that’s what I LOVE about all of you. We were sad to hear that you are in the hospital due to your accident. You will be in our prayers and you will definitely be missed not only by the guys in the family but me as well. My fiancé is one of your BIGGEST fans.
Get better soon. Can’t wait for your next video.
-Scottys family –
You guys have an amazing family member. Keep your heads held high! If anything I would say he is a fighter. If there is anything I could do please find me on Facebook! I know there isn’t much but we will all be thinking of you guys as well!
Good luck and rest easy it’s gonna be a long road ahead!
We hope you have a speedy recovery! We watch your videos everyday. By far our favourite YouTuber! Been with you since the beginning. Sending positive vibes your way. Rest up!!
Scotty you inspire me to get back on a bike n ride again I watch ur YouTube channel everyday have been to ur bike shop and also am an NJ native ur a great rider and a funny friendly guy ur parents raised you well I hope all is well soon and you have a speedy recovery and we get to see you on a bike again my prayers to you and your family
Scotty I wish the best for you and your family during your recovery. You inspire myself and so many others everyday to get out and do something great. I hate that something this bad had to happen to such a happy and positive person. Prayers go out to you and your family for a fast and full recovery. I know you will get through this and be an even better man after. Good luck
scotty I was really shocked when I heard that you had got injured this bad , I hope that you have a speedy recovery dude . I watch your videos every day and they inspire and entertain me a lot , I hope that you are ok and that you will be able to get back riding again soon man . good luck with your recovery scotty , I am from England .
Hey Scotty I’m sorry about the accident you had I’m praying that your surgery goes fine you are a very inspirational guy to you tube and you’ve inspired me to ride I just wish that your recovery is fast so you can ride with your frieinds and making videos hope you get well.
Much love
I cant believe when i read this, i been seen your videos on youtube since you have only like 10 or less videos on your channel, i hope you have a fast recovery, send best of luck and vibes from Chile to you and your family.
Sorry for my bad english.
I really hope you get better soon Scotty, me and my boys were gutted to hear about the accident. :(
I am an old[-school] BMXer from the 80s/90s and I have started riding again with my kids. You are an inspiration to all of us not just with your riding/youtube channel but also your amazing attitude.
Love from the UK
We are praying for you Scotty and hoping that God keeps you all and your medical team in the palm of his hands. ?
Scotty your videos are what I look forward when I get home each day. Thank you so much for providing amazing content for all of your subscribers. I wish you a quick and full recovery! Thank you for inspiring me to never give up.
Scotty you’ve been an inspiration to my boys for awhile and we know you’ll continue to do the same throughout your recovery and return to sport and everything else you set your mind to. We’ll be supporting you with prayers and good thoughts all the way.
Hey Scotty get better man your a huge inspiration and good person man your strong can’t wait to see you riding with the crew again get well and have a speedy recovery
Scotty get well soon bro can’t wait to see you back on your feet. I’m a hudge fan and the best part of my day is watching the new Scotty Cranmer video at 4:00. We are all here for you in prayer. 7
You’re a strong person, you’ve made it through before, you can do it again! I hope you have a safe quick recovery so you can get back to doing what you love! You will be in my prayers every night until the day you can get back on your bike.
Healing vibes to you Scotty. I watch all your videos and you inspired me to start riding a BMX. I was gutted when I heard you were in hospital. You are a truly inspirational person and deserve all the best. Looking forward to seeing you back on your feet and wheels. Peace brother!
Really hope your good man! All the best from Scotland!
Hey Scott hope you do well. Sending my prayers to you and your family. Ispiration to all of us??
Im praying for you and your whole family Scotty! First Brett now you, it seems like god doesnt want the best talent to keep riding, but knowing you, you’ll be back to normal in the blink of an eye. I hope For a speedy recovery!
Stay strong Scotty. Hope for a fast and speedy recovery. Your one of the guys I look up to and inspire me.
Scotty I hope u get well soon u inspired me to ride and not a lot of girls do ride but u inspired me to and I hope u recover well
Hey man I know you’re pain I suffered from a c4 c5 injury just may 11th. 5 months ago I was in your same esact spot its a long way to recovery but the best place to go to get better is definitely the shepherd center in Atlanta, Georgia if you need to know any thing just email me
Scotty bro you are a tough guy I don’t even need to tell you this you have so many people that watch you everyday me included and we all hope you get better soon and get back on them whips and tail taps but until then good luck bro through all your surgery and everything all the best bro get better soon please you are in all our prayers bro good luck ??????
Get well soon Scotty, love your videos and riding. Hope you’re back on the bike soon!
Dude, you have no idea how important is the moment of the day I get home to watch your videos, it’s so sad to hear you had an accident, I hope you get better soon and can’t wait to hear back from you. Stay strong and although you already know it, I’ll say it anyway, you’ve got a lot of people thinking of you right now. See ya!
Scotty u better pull thru!! For everyone! I bought vans today because of u and ur love for them!!!! Prayin for a fast recovery!!!
Hope you get well soon Scotty, because we don’t know what big boy is up to on your channel now, like ronnie has said, “the sheriffs in town.”
Just want to add a comment to hopefully cheer you up. First of all, I”m wishing you a speedy recovery scotty. You’re truly an inspiration to many of your fans. You never fail to entertain us every single night and I for one have huge respect for the dedication. But right now all you have to concentrate on is your self and getting well. All the best!
Scotty desejo que você melhore o mais rapido possivel mano !! Forte você ja é , e que esteja de volta logo , você é uma das grandes inspirações para eu ter comprado minha bmx e para muitos outros também além do ótimo conteudo que produz e do bmx que é !! Força bro
— Brasil
Hey scotty I hope you have a really good recovery I was your 28th subscriber and have watched all your videos ever since I hope everything goes smoothly
Hey Scotty hope you can read this. I want you too get better and be able to ride again soon. Listen to what I am about to say ok. You will fight though this and you will be able to ride again. I want you to fight and fight and do what ever it takes to keep riding with all of your cool bro’s (the crew). I love you and your whole crew and family but not in a gay way. Love you Scotty and I will pray for you until you get better.
You amazing. Get well soon. You have such amazing support around you ?
Scotty im sending you and your family prayers all the way from spokane, washington. I look up to you in life and bmx. Your a huge inspiration in my life as a person and as a bmx rider. Stay strong scotty! Get well soon
Hope you pull through man. The world still needs you.
Scotty is an inspiration and all around great guy.
I have never met him but his Youtube videos Inspire me to get out there and enjoy life!
Heal up and Stay Strong!
Hey Scotty I really hope you have a quick recovery.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your videos. Me and my 6 year old son are always watching them. Watching your videos gave my boy the push and confidance to learn how to ride his bike, within a week he was at the ramps, was a proud moment seeing him step out his comfort zone.
All the way from the UK,
Lewis and Kyrone
Hope u get better Scotty wanna see u riding again
You have always been my one of my biggest inspirations for everything that I do. It’s very sad to see you get hurt as badly as this. Huge props to you man for being such a badass by putting yourself in danger to entertain your viewers and followers. Much love
Hope u get better soon Scotty, u have a great legion of fans that are here, waiting for your return and awesome tricks
#ThisIsFromBrazil :D
I watch your channel every day and it is the highlight of my day. You’re an inspiration and always bring a smile to my face! Sending lots of love and positivity your way and hoping for a speedy and full recovery.
Hey Scotty,
Sending you and your family my prayers, I wish you a speedy recovery, I mean, you’re Scotty Cranmer, you’ll be back on your bike in no time. You’re such an inspiration to me and your videos have supported me through some hard times.
Much love from New Zealand,
Love your channel Scotty. Since seeing it as a suggested video on youtube I’ve seen every episode and subbed at about 240k. I also have an english bulldog, R32 skyline GTR, & rode BMX for 15 years which makes watching your vids one of the highlights of my day now. Thinking of you and hoping for a great outcome with your recovery, fan of yours from Australia.
love and support my brother….this is just a moment of pause in your crazy action filled life man. you can and will become stronger than ever! been a fan since 2010.
Hey Scotty if you ever read this, U R MY IDOL!! I tried bmx ever since I first saw u, I was around your 50,000 sub and every day after school I would go out ride until almost 4, get inside and try to be your first crow every time. I REALLY HOPE YOUR RECOVERY US FAST. I couldn’t donate because our family is having a hard time with money but if I had any extra Scotty, I would give u all of it. Thx for being my idol and get well soon. And until next time ? Peace
Hey Scotty
I’ve been in the same boat as you before and I know it sucks but you’ll be back on your bike soon and I look forward to seeing your videos when you come back.
Scotty, words can’t express what your channel has done for me. I hope these words can make you feel as good and positive as I feel when I watch you and your friends ride. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Wishing you well and hoping for a speedy recovery. I’m a 43 year old dad and seeing your videos often and getting to know you, your family and friends and the love you have for life make us all feel like friends and family. Thank you
Wishing the best for Scotty. My son got me watching your channel with him snd I look forward to watching you and your friends. You guys are fun to watch and the bike tricks yous do amazes me. I’m sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
There’s so much positive energy coming your way Scotty…. You’ll get better soon… And get back home with your family, friends and animals… We love you bro
Get well soon Mate, no need to feel like you have to jump on your bike again straight away, make a full recovery and we’ll like you all the same.
Sorry to hear about your accident mate, wishing you all the best with your recovery. Love your work on and off your bike.
Best wishes from England for Scotty, family and friends. Watch the channel everyday and love your work and positive messages that have even inspired me to start BMX at 34 ;o).
Hope you get well soon buddy !!
Get well soon bro, you’re an icon in the sport we all love. We appreciate everything you’ve done for bmx so far n everything that has yet to come. Best wishes ?
I’ve done the same thing you have and it will be long and tiring but you can do this man I have faith in you. You are my idol, you are the reason I ride, the reason I try new things everyday. Losing you for the short amount of time is hard. Ik I’m just some random 16 year old kid but I hope you got better here soon. We need.
I really enjoy watching your videos. You seems like such an amazing, kindhearted guy and I wish you the quickest recovery possible. You help inspire so many people in this world and are a hero to us all. I look forward to seeing you back on your bike again someday.
Get well soon Scotty!! <3
Well I was sad to hear that you had an accident, because I’m a big fan, you inspire me with his great level in bmx and humor in their videos, desire improvements and God bless you and may you return with all what it does best !
Hope you get well Scotty, you’re the reason I even ride BMX and have the confidence to try new things everyday.
Hey Scotty, i dont bmx ride but i still enjoy your videos! I watch them every day! I hope you get better soon!
get better scotty !!
I hope you make a full and speedy recovery man, watching your channel and all of the edits you’ve been in has been a huge inspiration for me and my riding. Hang in there Scotty, and to the Cranmer family, stay strong, I know it’s tough to see a loved one in that condition, but with the support of you and all of his fans around the world, I know Scotty will pull through this, because he such a strong willed guy.
Scotty your videos make me happy that I am into bmx you and your friends are all inspirationset to try tricks that I am scared of.
Hope your back and we’ll soon
Scotty – you are such an amazing inspiration. Get well soon! I look forward to watching you and the crew on YouTube every day. The world needs more people like you. Stay Strong!
I’ve been a huge fan since the first time I watched the X Games over 10 years ago. Just donated… You’ll be in all of our thoughts.
Praying for you Scotty! You helped me through a broken ankle and 3 months of not. Ring able to walk, and I will do my best to help you! Thanks for spreading the joy!
Brandon C.
Sending our love and prayers to you Scotty! We know you can feel the love and support of your family, friends and thousands of followers, pulling for you to heal from this accident. Stay strong!!
I hope you have a speedy recovery and leave all this very well .. You are a great inspiration to many of us who assemble Bmx. Fan yours from Venezuela.
Hope you’re doing well
You got this Scotty. All my best to you and have a speedy recovery. You’ll come back better than ever.
I know your going to kick these upcoming surgeries in the ass, you’ll be sending whips and hastling big boy in no time! Recovery may be a struggle, and I know it’s going to kill you not being able to be as active as yo want to be but know you have an amazing amount of support at your side! Best of luck brotha! God bless??
I broke my c3c4c5 last April! watching scott and the gangs channel kept me positive through the recovery. thanks for being a great bunch of guys. Ps just bought a new Bike thanks to you Scott! I love it see ya soon
Hope you get better soon and big boy is going to do the flip for u
Hang in there Scotty you are an inspiration to all of us. I hope you have a speedy recovery and get well soon. You make awesome videos and I watch them every day. Hang in there, I will be praying for you.
Scotty get better soon. I love coming home after school everyday and watching you and your friends. It makes my day 10x better. We can’t lose you yet dude. Get better soon so you can shred some more and show big boy what’s up!!
Hope you get well soon scotty. You are my inspiration to keep pushing my self. Love you man
get well soon, hope your ok.
Hey man. Met you a few times with the Howell car crowd. You let me ride along in your first/second evo. Hope all is well. Donated what i could. Get well soon homie.
Just hearing about this bad news got me in shock I hope for the best for your recovery this guy motivated me to bmx from 16 years old my prayers goes to you bmx brother
Be sure to go back and land whatever u were trying.. Gonna have to get u a Trike so u can cruise with cory
Get well soon… love ya bro!
First and foremost, I pray and wish you and yours a smooth and speedy recovery. I don’t ride BMX (only MTB) but I watch your channel religiously since it came up as a suggestion. You and your crew have a special dynamic that makes me feel like I’m in the mix, which is something that I have never experienced through YouTube. Based off of the other comments, your positive energy has rubbed off on most of us.
It looks like you have some true friends out there that have really looked out for you and your family. Those are the people you’ll never forget and always remember to keep them close.
I know you’ll be back up in no time just like you did after you broke your back at the comp. Take it easy and rest up my man!
P.S. Big Ron really owes you some soup and breadsticks now lol
Much love and prayers go out to scotty and his family. My boyfriend my son and i all watch your videos all the time much inspiration from the videos makes us want to get up and ride. Wishing for a speedy healthy recovery.
My thoughts are with you Scotty… Get better so you can get back to shredding and showing the boys how to ride haha.
Scotty, WTF, you trying to out #spinal Big Boy?
Hoping for a quick recovery, bro!
Hey Scotty when I heard I started to tear man I’m a 4eal big fan of yours and love you n your crew all you guys rock the other channels out the way I hope the best 4 you and wish you have a amazing recovery! When u recover if it takes time to start filming again just know we understand and all gave you back n side :,)
I know youll recover 100%. Your such a positive influence on the youth today. Without you, who are they gonna look up to? Justin Bieber?? Please get better. :(
What you and our friends do on the channel every day is so inspiring and gives me something to look forward to every day! I wish all the best to you and hope for a speedy recovery!
You all are definitely in my prayers, I wish you a speedy recovery. You are such an inspiration to so many and I wish you and your family the best
I hope you the best scotty I have been there man when I took a spill just like this and with pretty much the same outcome it sucks man i know and its a scary situation to be in but ur tough dude i know you can get through this. I wish I could give money dude I really do because if I could then I would give you all i have. Get better Scotty cranmer best of luck!
Get better man because of you got back into box and have been watching your videos since you have started your videos get well soon man
Hay brother you are the reason I love bmx I love watching your videos and can’t wait to meet you and see you throw down live so get better and keep sending it for the kids
Scotty, been watching your videos since you were at like 10k subs. I watched your crank arm video today, and you were so positive the whole time. Your positiveness is infectious. In the face of this awful event, I pray that you and your family keep that positive attitude. Please recover quickly.
Get well soon, Scotty. From your fan half way around the globe in Thailand.
Good luck scotty you are the best your positive message goes around the world and I thank you for your entertainment, you are the best, good well soon. – – Anthony (from New Zealand)
Good luck scotty you are the best your positive message goes around the world and I thank you for your entertainment, you are the best, good well soon. – – Anthony (from New Zealand)
I hope you get well soon. You are the best BMX rider I know !
I know it’s going to be a long road to recovery but you can do this man we believe in you
Wishing you a speedy recovery! You’re amazing! Much love to you and your family.
I found your channel on youtube and I’ve been watching your videos everyday since then and it really sucks to hear this news today. Hope you get well and I wish you all the good luck on the road to recovery.
Getting to know you Scotty through your Youtube channel has been awesome. Sending all my love and wishing you a speedy full recovery <3
Crying when I heard what happened… You have one of the best hearts on this earth and you don’t deserve these things at all! I am so sorry something like this happened to you and if it helps at all just know we are all with you. REALLY. Scotty we all care about you so much and we are all behind you man!!!!
Scotty I love you videos you inspired me to get a bike and start riding you are awesome get well soon man
Stay strong. You are a hero and inspire me every day
I hope you get better
Hope you get better I just put up on IG about you and hope you fell okay love you man
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, the best of luck!
Just like every day since a year I come to get my dose of motivation on your channel, check your crews insta and that new jump to my face. You and your guys motivate and inspire so many people around the world…
But now it s our turn to motivate you in return and we are here supporting you. You will recover, you will. 110%!
Process for recovery:
Matty, tease him with a good suicide no hander!
Big Boy, fart some around him he ll stand up and run!
Ricky make some noise with a GTR.
Cory get a ladder and climb in his bed.
Ron, it s time to moonwalk around that bed.
Vinny and BK whip his ass!
Dom and Mike attach some pegs on the bed and give him a handle bar so Scotty ll ride the bed.
Get better soon man! Best of luck from me and my crew from Vietnam
Hi Scotty,
I’m very sorry to hear about your accident. My heart sank when I heard about this. I want to wish you a speedy recovery and I hope the best for you and your family. I have a lot of respect for your riding skills but I have even more respect for the good person that you are. I watch your YouTube videos all the time with my brother and they put a smile on our faces all the time. Thank you for everything you do. I wish you and your family all the best. Thanks buddy!
Hi Scotty.
You inspired me to start riding again after nearly 10 years off the iron horse. You are a credit not just to BMX.. but to the whole action sports industry.. a true ambassador. All my thoughts go out to you and your family and I can’t wait to see you back shredding in the ‘club
Hope you get better soon the YouTube channel is my only entertainment here on my deployment. I barley get a chance to watch but when I do it’s awsome. Get better soon hoah! Army Sgt Burgos
Hey Scotty, you are a huge inspiration to me. I was never really interested in Bmx until I started watching your youtube channel. You have changed my life and I absolutely love Bmx and everything that it stands for. I love your videos and watch them everyday. Hang in there and don’t give up, get well soon!
Get well soon Scotty!! Sending Loves from Singapore! You are our inspiration!
Hope you get better Scotty! Loved watching your vids and inspired me to get into bmx! Learning 180 and I wouldn’t be where I am without you!
I wish you get better soon,
Best of luck,
Really, the anthousiasm, the drive behind these vids is so inspiring to watch! And scotty , youre a wonderfull person i mean you win most of the challenges you get on the channel but when you and someone else has to learn something new youre giving so much motivation to them, and youre so happy for them to get the trick. Thank god for putting scotty and his friends on youtube! We all hope you get better soon, not just for the youtube channel but for the amazing mate you are for all who watches the videos, I think most people simply love the channel because it feels like we are part in the vids, like we know you and all the other friends so good! Get well soon, i hope you the best!
Hey Scotty, I just wanted to say that you and your friends have been a great inspiration for me during the last year. I enjoy your videos so much and I want to thank you for creating such positive and motivating content. I think you are an awesome guy and an amazing athlete. I admire your strength, your focus and your kindness. If there’s someone who can overcome a challenge like this, it’s you. Let’s get it Scotty!
Lots of love to you, your family and friends.
Scotty you have been the biggest inspiration to me over the last 11 months and watching your videos makes me believe in myself I love u and the crew and I have been there from the start and will carry on watching your videos I know you can get through this I really do u are incredibly tough u can do it my thoughts go out to your Parents and family as it’s an extremely scary time at the moment and i know u will get better soon. Hope for a speedy recovery
Dear scotty
hope you are doing well you are my hero, never give up and stay strong even if the process of riding takes a long time to get back to the stage you were at. Remember you have inspired me and thousands of others! you’re youtube inspired me to start so thanks for everything and recover soon!
watch my youtube if you have time as would love it if you had seen it its called: northern scene-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkHv-4dV3Sudeioqs4biww :) leave a comment if want :)
hope you are all good n sweet soon!!!!!
Much love to you man, you’re a fantastic youtuber and an amazing dude. I hope my small contribution in some way helps in your recovery. Get well soon bro…
Scotty dude your videos brighten my day youve been a massive inspiration. Get well soon my man
Get well soon scotty.
I cried right away after seeing this
I watch your videos everyday your really entertaining
Hope you get well soon scotty
From Jake
I hope you be better soon and you a big inspiration for .y life i love you scotty peace ??????????????
God bless you Scotty!
Hey Scotty we all love you and you are a huge inspiration to me, your videos always cheer me up and I hope to see you well again soon as well as everyone else! You’ll be in my prayers man!
Scotty hope your better soon . Your such a legend . Be out riding the bike today thinking of you man.
Hope you have a quick recovery scotty. Your an insparation to everyone.
I will do what I can to support you :(
If your every subscriber paid as little as $1 it would probably be more than enough, so I hope you will get better and have no problems with health! Shout out from Russia. Take all the time you need, Scotty, no hurry there.
Get better soon Scotty you are a key figure in the world of BMX so many people look up to you including me.
From Scotland
Scotty I hope you get better soon dude, I come every day to watch your video. You are the biggest inspiration to me. If had any money to give I would give you all of it just for making my day everyday. “”Prayers are with you Scotty.”
Heal up quick Scotty!! You are such an inspiration and I love you. You are my biggest source of inspiration. GET WELL SOON! You rock!
Man ur videos were the one I was watching every day and it got me back on my box and I hope ur recover is quick cause we miss u man get well soon
Hope you get well soon
Hey Scotty, amp up to go through this! One step at at time and you will make it, just like you did in BMX! You are the one motivator to me! As you brought me fun and joy I will now give you back something and donte.
@all: Please stop just praying. Start donating! This helps much more to ease up things at the moment and later on.
Man i’m from Germany and don’t Ride BMX but i’ve build Up kind of a relationship to you guys and to the Sport. Scott you’re the man and i Love to watch your Videos. Your the Last Person on this planet that deserves what you’re going through at the Moment. Get well soon man ❤️
Greetings from Chile!
Get better Scotty
Get well soon, you and your crew are a huge inspiration to me. Wish you the best of luck buddy!!
Scotty i. Hope u get better soon dude your a hell of a guy and we will pray for you dude recover great lets go crew pray for scotty and lets get him. To the top i love your video watch every one at leat 10 times a day #pray for scotty #
Scotty we love youre channel and we know you can heal anything the way you ride stay positive you rock
Scotty I love you’re videos, and hope you get well soon, does any one know if he is doing well right now???
All prayers coming from me and my brother i live in new jersey and u are my idle get better!
I live in Nj too I hope Scotty is ok
Hi Scotty you’re one of my favorite YouTubers and you’re one of my favorite BMX riders. I look up to you in the world of bmx you’re a Great inspiration. I love to watch you’re youtube videos. I help that you feel better soon. #standwithscotty
Hoping and praying for a speedy recovery. I get excited everyday for 4pm for a new video. You’re an awesome Dude. Keep fighting!
You are such an inspiring man, get wel soon Scotty! <3
I love your videos , watching them with great pleasure , hope see you soon dude.
Wish you to get back on your feet fast. My spirit is with you and your love ones. That’s that one trick you got to land. Good luck man!
Scotty, goodness it’s devastating to be scrolling on Instagram one night, and stumble on R2R post on you suffering such injuries. I hope you are well, and I hope you get through with an immaculate recovery. You are an inspiration to not only the entire biking culture, but an inspiration to the world! Not only that, but one of the most entertaining, thought provoking, and positive YouTubers I’ve ever come across! I’ve watched your videos since day One, and I don’t plan on stopping Scotty, please recover, and recover soon, we all need you.
– Austin M. Nault
Scotty Cranmer, I’m praying for your speedy recovery and complete healing. My experience with Orthopedic surgon Dr.s here in Las Vegas honestly was not positive at first, But after my back surgery I’ve been able to get most of my life back. I still would have preferred the “ProDisc-L” surgery to “fusion” but I still had very good results. Being that your a pro rider and you need full mobility of your neck, you need to talk to the neurosurgeon about the “ProDisc-C ” for your surgery don’t let them fuse your neck. The road to recovery is faster with the “ProDisc-C” which allows natural movement. You are a very inspiring young man whom I admire your riding skills leadership and general overall good nature. Focus on your recovery, all of us fans will still be here when you get better. I’m looking forward to seeing you recover, and returning to BMX stronger and better than ever. My prayers are with you and your family.
Get well soon man and take it easy!
Really hope you get better soon, love your videos, your positive attitude and that you’re generally a great human being. Phil Arnold Liverpool UK
hope you get well soon Scotty Cranmer and you have inspired many
Hey Scotty, we wish you the best of luck during the recovery! All is 600,000+ Subs are ALL by your side and are here to support and try and make your day? Wish’s go out to Family, Friends, Close ones.
Sharing my love from UK!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hope you’re doing well man! You are the person that got me into riding bmx and this is what happens when you ride man, you fall down but you gotta get back up and you are the one that has always showed all of us that. If it wasn’t for you showing me how fun bmx is I would have never known now a day never goes by where I don’t ride. Keep it up hope to see you back on your feet and ready to keep riding! Be safe man
Same man i couldnt put it better
Scotty, Your a well respected , loved and gifted family man. I’m 43 with 2 grown kids and your motivational videos with Big-boy and crew has inspired me to start riding again after almost 10 yrs. Thank -you for doing what you do. Its appreciated more than you’ll ever know. God Bless ! Get well !
Scotty man, my prayers go out to you and your family and the awesome group of people you have surrounding you. I watch your content everyday, and though I don’t ride bmx anymore, you inspire me to just be the best I can be everyday and to always try new things even if they’re scary at first. I stumbled upon your content randomly, starting with your car projects, then to watching you everyday. It’s so crazy to me that at first not knowing who you were or where you were from, to realizing you ride with people from my town that I know (Dom & Josh) & that I pass your bike shop regularly! Praying that the recovery process goes quick so you can go back to doing the things you love most, until then you take it easy!
I hope for a speedy recovery, you’re a true inspirational guy, and always seem to have a smile on your face!
Hey Scott, all the best thoughts from Oregon. Hoping for your quick recovery, make sure to get second opinions on your medical options. Keep your head-up through the pain and depression. You’ve got a lot of people who love you.
You got this!
Scotty I’m Praying for u every night. Your going to recovery fast and your going to be right back on your bike. Thanks for inspiring me to ride a bike. Hope u feel better soon!
Scotty Words Can’t Describe How Much Your Videos, Your Personality, Your Out Look On Life, And Most Of All The People You Surround Yourself With Have Absolutly Changed My Life In Doing What I Love Probably Not As Much As U But something I enjoy when I can and that’s bmx n the affect u have on me when I see your videos n when u just inspire n care for everyone no matter who or what the citation thanks for being u Scott hope your recovery isn’t as long as expected but God knows when to help good people n your one of them prayers out the the Cranmer Family And best Wishes to his pears n hope to see you soon on your YouTube channel doesn’t even matter if your riding or just talking to your fans thanks Scotty for your impact on all your fans life’s ✌?️
Amen^. Best wishes.
scotty i love you and your youtube you and bigboy are y i ride
Hope you get well soon Scotty!
We are all by your side and you have helped us all get through some much so now it’s our turn to help you!
Your videos inspire me everyday and I know I’m just one person but I hope I can help.
Get well from the UK!!!
Breton ??????
Hey Scotty, I remember back in the day, I used to watch you kill it on the Dew Tour and you were always my favorite rider. Those were the days when you were one of the first dudes pulling double tail whips! You’ll always hold a special place in my heart and I will pray that you and your family stay strong though this challenge. Take this as exactly that, a challenge! An obstacle waiting to be overcome. We will all be here for you Scotty. God Bless.
Scotty, you don’t deserve this. Your such a good person, not only in BMX your just an all rounder. I hope you have a healthy recovery and will be able to ride in tip top shape again. It will take a while to recover but your getting so much support. Keep your head high and remember your an amazing person who everybody loves. You recovered from your x-games crash so you can recover from this.
Love and support from the UK. ❤️?
Hey scotty, i wish you a speedy recovery. God bless you and your family.
Keep strong brother! You know all your fans are here for you! Get well soon!
I watch your videos with my 8 year old son, was really upsetting to hear this news. You are a super positive, inspiration person. We both with you all the best man!
Scotty, I really hope you get better real soon!!!! I just found out about this today, and it is real sad to hear about it. We will all be waiting for your return.
Scotty this is like the 3rd comment,I ve wrote to you.It still doesn’t seem real. Just yesterday,I seen your video,And went to the comments to see people were saying something happened But no one could tell me what happened until,I seen the comment BIGBOY posted.Then it sank in ,And my heart goes out to you bro.You will recover.You will always be on top of your game. Stay strong,And we all hope to see you soon enough.Hollar
Sad news. Get well soon scotty from England. Fight this it’s gotta be easier than all your ticks. Thinking of your family too.
We live in Las Vegas, you’re one of my sons favorite riders. he’s really upset, so our family is sending good vibes and prayers for a speedy recovery!!!
Scotty, I watch you and your friends every day and I’m not even a BMX rider. I have a lot of respect for your character and how you treat those around you, you are a good role model for aspiring riders. I am really sorry to hear about your fall and wish you a speedy recovery, I just hope you will be mobile enough soon to move away from Big boys farts :)
We are all thinking of you and your family at this time….Piece from Cardiff, Wales.
hope youre getting a speedy recovery dude, cant wait to see you getting back on your bike again. love, sebastian
Dang Scotty, sorry to hear this, we are all pulling for you and keeping your best interest in our thoughts and prayers..hope you have a full and healthy recovery!! p.s. thank you for all the hard work you put into your youtube videos. They are a constant motivation for me and many others to keep pushing my limits. I don’t have many friends who still ride so its hard sometimes when riding alone but your videos keep me pushing my limits and trying new tricks/jumps..cheers Scotty, I hope the surgery goes well, sending my love from Norcal..you got this!
-Steven Vanni
I literally cannot believe that this happened. I wish you the best and hope you’re alright after your recovery. It sucks to see as skilled of a rider as you take such a bad injury on a pothole. I really hope you’re alright, you are my inspiration to ride and I look forward to when you upload every day.
I wish all the best on your recovery.
Hope u feel better Scotty all of us fans are counting on you to help us out with Bmx, entertaining us and inspiring us. We all love you.✌?
That sucks hope you get back on your bike soon. Get well soon.
As needed for the full treatment?
Hey Scottie,
Not sure if you are going to have a chance to read this, but like many others I found out what happened from the Vlog. I’m a mountain bike rider myself, but I find so much awesomeness in your bmx videos with the crew! Stay strong, and see you soon!! We’re all in your corner. Peace
Fan out of omaha been watching scotty from day one and he just inspires me alot hope you recover quick and hopefully start up the youtube videos again
Please Scotty stay strong, i think about u all day long.. :((
i am so sorry to hear about your injury but i know you can recover from it an you are a great inspiration to me and you motivate me i dont know how you do all the crazy stuff like the seat stand front flip you have a gift from god you will be in my prayers
Scotty honestly get better soon you are the best you inspire so much people and by the way you better get well soon because that 1million game of bike is coming closer ?
hey scotty i heard you had a crash hope it doesnt ever effect your riding because you words are dont stop doing what you love if you fall you gotta get back up have a speedy recovery
Get better Scotty I look up to u so much and bmx is hard we fall and get back up
Get well soon Scotty!
Scotty you be good my man you motivate me every day to do what I love and never let anyone get in my way. Your in my prayers and hope you can get riding as soon as possible
Scotty hope you get better man. I can’t wait to see you back on a bike. Cause I’ve seen and learned a lot thanks to your videos.
Hope for a good recovery I came out of my shell and stood on stage at my church that has over 3000 ppl btw and we all prayed for you I haven’t rode in 6 years but want to cause your videos but need to save some money for a good bike lol I have 3 kids who always come first hope you feel better and get back to riding and videos we miss you
What’s up Scotty your the best dude your so inspiring and I am a huge fan and your personality is the best and you inspir a lot of people and I love you to death bro your in my thoughts and I hope you recover as fast as you can ?
Wishing you the best Scotty, get well soon!
Get well soon mate, we all wish you a speedy recovery.
Scotty I hope you get well soon ,So you can start doing videos again :)
Get well soon scotty
I met you back in the day at Dogbox racing. Have been following your YouTube videos for quite some time now. True inspiration you are to me and all the other subscribers. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Head up, stay strong. Tons of love and support! Take it 1 day at a time. Thank you Big Boy for updating us all and keeping Scotty’s channel alive.
Scotty you have always been there for other people, lifted there spirits up and inspired and now it’s are turn to show some love to you man. You are the best rider out there and my favorite rider. You inspire me every day and I hope you get better as soon as you can. Love you like a brother Scotty.
Scotty you are my inspiration I hope you are ok I love you bro stays safe and do what you do and please look after him big boy love you all Tyler Osborne
Wish you all the best and quick recovery! You’re a fighter…!
Get well soon Scotty, hope every thing is gone go fine and can’t wait to see you in your videos!!
I am sorry to see that hope you feel better soon this made me cry because you are a big inspiration for me hope you feel better i don’t know what i would do with out you
Hope you get better soon man.Stay strong.
I hope you recover quickly Scotty. We’re all behind you supporting you. Get well soon, we all want to see an amazing recovery! ?
Your videos are what make some bad days good days for me Scotty, I know you’ll get well soon and be riding box before you know it. Corey is short ily man
hi peeps please get him back and ready to ride again iam frome south afrikaand dont miss one video scooty get well becool i pray for you in our god we trust scooty to get beter and god be with his family and get him back strong to do what he loves
More than half a million people from all over the world are behind you Scotty, focus on getting back up and riding
I wish you all the best scotty! And best wishes for your family too. You are such a big motivation for me (and I’m not even riding BMX, but Trials). Watching your videos is always a highlight of my day and not only because of the awesome content, but because of the how awesome you guys are. Just the positive vibes you emit are making my and the days of many others all around the world so much better!
Get well soon.
Hope you get well soon ánd that you have a speedy recovery!
Grettings from sweden
Get better scotty prays for you and your family. I also know how your friends feel I had a friend go down hard we almost lost him but he pulled through I know you can too us bmxer’s are a strong crazy breed stay up get better and my prays are for you
i hope you get wel soon i look forward to see you on video in good health again
Hope u fell better Scotty. I hope I can see u ride again.
GET WELL SOON SCOTTY, I feel so bad for you, I hope you make the fastest and best possible recovery, you are my inspiration and I’ll always be thinking of you, ????
dude leave the facials to the chicks lol
In all seriousness though it sounds like you sustained some serious injuries I hope this helps you realize how much you are love and cared about and that you heal up and take it easy for a change maybe try golfing….
I hope everything works out and your back to rideing soon scotty… I use to ride dirt bmx but I stopped and after you started to channel it showed me not to give up and I started back rideing street, dirt, and park… Thank you for what you do i love the channel get well soon!!!!
Scotty your videos helped me in a serious time of crisis in my life i was depressed n didnt want to be here anymore.you changed that. i hope you recover fast n dont let this get in your way. Your our hero we need you to pull through!!
Hi Scotty!Get better as soon as possible! Hope you have a quick and speedy recovery! Heal quickly bro!
Are you still in Vegas I live 60 miles west of Vegas in pahrump so I’m wondering
The end of this article say R2R helps action sports athletes who have had career ending injuries….. Well let’s hope to God that isn’t true in this case! Get better Scotty! We all love you! Can’t wait to see the day your back on your bike!
Get well soon Scotty
Bro get well soon, just dislocated my shoulder playing rugby in the UK, so I’m feeling the pain (on a very minor scale to yours) with you. And Btw I don’t even ride BMW bikes but I find your channel so entertaining that I’ve been watching and subscribed since about 200,000.
BMX*…. Probs can tell I don’t ride ????
This hurts to see this happened to anyone. It hurts even more to see it happen to genuinely one of the the nicest people on Earth. Thoughts and prayers are with you Scotty, your family, & everyone who cares about you.
Hope you have a quick recovery man.
Get well soon scotty! Your an inspiration to everyone, thoughts are with you and your family #standwithscotty
Hope you get bro, I love the vids, keep up and stay positive. :D
Scotty I hope you get back soon you are a big inspiration to me everybody has your back
This most certainly is the biggest challenge you will have to complete but we have seen each and everyone of your challenges completed so far so we know you are going to power trough this one!
Go get it, Scotty!
Scotty hope you get well soon man I never miss a video and you know what you’ve got the your family and friend and you YouTube subscribers behind you all the way we all love you Scotty
Hi Scotty. Get well soon. And I hope that you’ll be fine Quick!!
To the rest of the famely. Keep the motevation up and help him? Alex and BigRon do what ever he asks for????
Hope everything goes good brother get better soon. Your YouTube family loves you man!
Scotty freaking Cranmer. You are my favorite YouTuber and BMXer. You have inspired me in so many ways, to list them all would take hours and hours. If money can buy back your health, I wouldn’t mind closing my bank account just to see you well again. Here’s hoping a speedy recovery.
We Brazilians wish a quick recovery to you Scotty.
Yo, get well soon man. You are an inspiration to thousands of people so you gotta get up and get well and continue to be an inspiration to all of us. Peace!
Get better man. You’re in my thoughts. I’ll be praying for your full recovery.
dude ive been crying for a long time get better pls bro
Scotty you know how much do we love you! Im always amazed of you doing some crazy tricks and i hope i will also be amazed of you overtaking this injury!
BEST WISHES from Poland :-)
Scooty hang in their u got this u will make it through
Scotty you got it this hang in their
Oh god how do I start. Scotty is amazing and Scotty your YouTube literally makes me so happy and inspires me everyday. If I’m sad or angry one of ur vids cheers me up. Or one time me and my friend got inspired by ur vids once and rode in the middle of the night haha. Your riding is insanely good and you and your friends are hilarious. Please please be better I’m praying for you so much and my dream was to meet you one day but now I just want you to be ok. Scott you make my whole day better so I hope my comment made your day a little better.
we love u dude, hope u feel better soon scotty!!!
I’m so sorry to hear what happened and it seems pretty serious. I always look forward to the daily YouTube videos and I hope you recover as quick as possible. No matter what, all your fans still love you Scotty!! <3
My prayers go out to you Scotty. Your videos are as much inspiring as hilarious! I’ve been watching every day at 4 o’clock for months now, thank you so much and get better soon!! P.S. let big boy know he’s the man!
Hope everything gets better Scotty! Love watching your videos! We’re all rooting for you man! You the man!
Get well some my man need you on the bike for 1 million subs for he Cory vs scotty get well soon
Get well and riding soon Scotty! Being hurt sucks but we all have accepted it while starting our careers. Hang on mate.
Hang in there Scotty, you are a huge inspiration of mine and have inspired me to be a more positive and enthusiastic person , stay strong!
Everyone is wishing you and your family the very best
You will be in my prayers until you no longer need them.
I’ve never met you, but I feel like a family, because of your YouTube channel.
I am confident that you of all people, will pull through this and get back to being your old self soon.
Blessing my BMX brother
Yo Scott hope you will get better soon your videos with your friends are one of the things that i look forward to everyday so hope you will get better real soon we will await your return you are our hero
I hope you get better soon. You inspired me and a lot of people to start bmx. Praying for ya bro.
Wish you a quick recovery all the way from Portugal ! Love your channel, you’re all an inspiration to me. Keep strong bro ❤
The amount of support here is heartwarming, So many people wanting nothing more than for our boy scotty to get through this. Hell be back on his feet in no time. Heal up man, your gonna be missed until you do!
Hey scotty, I’m a huge fan of your vidéos and i’m from Switzerland.
I hope you the verry best and to get back to do vidéos and what you love.
Hope Scotty pulls through perfectly and gets back to doing what he does best bmx and making the best videos on YouTube. The whole YouTube family all loves you scotty and wishes you a brilliant recovery.
Get better soon my idol me and my brother look up to you when we both found out crying we both wish you a great road 2 recovery
Dude, Scotty, I watch your videos all the time and even sometimes rematch them because you make me laugh, you inspire me, and you just put a smile on this world. Keep strong and power through man.
U get better scotty u are so inspiring to do many people u are my favourite bmx rider #prayforscott❤️??
damn… that’s kinda random, he suffered just for us.. (viewers) just so he can upload this daily video that we all like to watch every day/night (night for me because I’m from Israel) I figured out about this crash like literally ten minutes ago and I’m more shocked than you’d ever think a viewer can be, I mean. We’re so fat from each other, and all I do is press that like button on your youtube videos.
Big Boy said it’ll be helpful if I’d comment.. so here I am giving out my part even though I owe Scotty much more for all these times he made me laugh&smile, shoutout to Scotty, hopefully we’ll get back on daily uploading asap ScottyFam right behind u breddaaa!
scotty bigboy ronnie scotty’s dad and wife i hope all of you are ok and that scotty heals as fast as possible. when i found this channel 1 year ago i have watched every day and scotty was my motivation to ride again after 3 years of not riding when i caught the copping of a 6ft quarter and went over the bars and broke my teeth with a bad concussion. again i hope scotty heals as fast as possible he was my motivation to ride again and i have many prayers for all of you.
: )
You’re the best, scotty. You, big boy, matty and the others are the most entertaining guys I’ve ever watched. You made me want to start bmx again after the big accident I had. Going to buy one in 2 weeks. Thank you for everything, get well soon.
Scotty has inspired me to ride bmx and keep riding no matter how terrible I am .please get better you’re my favorite youtuber and I need to see in bids or just need to know you’re better get well soon
Scotty you are the best. We all know that all is going to be good and you are going to recover. All of us wish that. By us i mean the ones that follow you. Stay strong and we hope to see you soon!!! Best wishes, Mike.
i hope you get better soon.
support from the Netherlands
As a channel viewer who watches daily, i feel like I know the whole crew and the whole family so well, and to see that you had a bad crash makes me feel so bad for you and your whole family. I hope you get over this hurdle as easily as you can bunny hop one. Wishing you the best,
I hope that you get better scotty cause I watch all of your videos and you are my inspiration for all the riding that I do,Every trick I do you are my inspiration
All of my prayers are with scotty and the family. I understand how it feels and I’m hoping scott and make a string and fast recovery. Best of luck.
speedy recovery scotty thoughts to your wife and family at this hard time
scotty ive been watching youtube alot on yall guys man hope you get will
Hi Scotty get we all soon I had a crash earlier this week I have ADHD it’s stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder
I’ll pray for Scotty PS Scotty you can get better and get Back on your feet/bike??
Scotty u need to get better i wish u the best hope u can ride soon cause u are the reason i picked my bike up from your shop
hope you get better
Although i am a skateboarder, i love watching your videos. No other youtube make as high quality, entertaining videos. Get well soon man, i send all of my love.
Stay strong scotty, you are are a real Inspiration to me and a lot of other people. My prayers are with you. All the best and much love from Austria Sebi <3
I hope you feel beder you can do it. I know you can go threw it
I don’t ride anymore Scott after I got hurt from a similar crash to yours from what I can gather. But you have the best support and people and fans around you to help you through so I know you’ll make it and come out of this perfectly fine and be back to hitting that double kink rail?
Head up Scotty, hope you recover quickly. Don’t worry about YouTube just rest and know that we are all here behind you.
Scotty from the day I strated watching your channel I have love BMX I got a bike and started learning from your videos! You’re such an inspiration to kids and adults alike!!get well soon my man peace and love to you.
Get well Scotty!?
Scotty, i watch your videos every single day and think they are such an inspiration to everyone that does watch them, i really hope you get better soon, stay strong
Hope Scotty recovers soon he isuch a great person and inspiration
Hope you get better soon you inspire me you are so positive every time I watch your videos it motivates me we are all here by your side to motivate you to get back to riding
You were my inspiration to get back into shape and ride bmx Scotty!!! Hope the best for you bro!!
Scotty, ever since I started riding you’ve been a great inspiration and mentor to me. You are by far the biggest inspiration in the BMX community, always promoting safety and pushing everyone to strive for greatness. If anyone can come back from an injury like this, it’s you. I know it’s gonna be a long road to recovery, but we’re all right next to you every step of the way. We believe in you Scotty. Prayers go out to you and your family. You got this bro!
Good luck my man i hope you get to read this as i realy think you need this your road to recovery is one strate line so take you time this is no race and listen to you doctors as they know you case and will fix you up and put you in a plane to your home that is one of a kind for you will find your place with cory chearing you team on for your youtube story but sorry you are number 2 in are hart as cory puppy arms burrgler shoud be a ring bear will be a mini house 550 tail whip master is 110%in are heat
Get better soon from Brandon Mathew Gapper
Scotty thanks to you I started riding bmx and you are just awesome dude, I hope that you recover quickly. Love from Seville, Spain.
I was devestated when i found out that scotty was hurt . i found out through corey instagram post . i give my best wishes to scotty and his family and the team . i hope scotty has a fast recovery and back in action . love to all of the family and team
we love you scotty and hope you get back to making everyone smile, god bless!
You’ve got this bro! We are all supporting you. Stay strong and keep your head held high! Plus we need our daily dose of Scotty :)
Be strong brother! U inspired me in so many ways so stay strong and get well soon!
Love from Sweden
I’m hope you get better your my favorite BMX rider and I love watching all your videos.your the best dont give up you can make it through this. And I’m sorry that this happened to you.
To see such a positive person put in this position is very sad. I wish you the best and fastest recovery. I have no doubt that before long we’ll see you in your videos again, your one person that doesn’t know how to give up. Best wishes to you and your family Scotty, may everything go smoothly and in your favor.
Hey Scotty!!!
Hope you have a quick recovery and get back in action soon! Your YouTube family is here for ya man!! Much love to you, your family, and the rest of the crew! Peace!!!!
My heart sank when I seen Bigboys video… your such a good influence on people, bring others up when there down, always positive, and an amazing rider. I hope you have a full recovery and a very fast one at that. Much love for you bro! Jack
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you guys Scotty, Big Scott, Lisa, and his family and friends. Scotty and all of the guys from the channel are the reason I got back on a bmx bike I hate to hear this. You got this bro
Hope you get beetrr soon scotty
Hope you feel better Scotty praying for you!
I hope you get well soon scotty !
This couldn’t have happened to a better bloke, on behalf of myself and Australia i know we all wish you the very best and knowimg with you’re positive attitude and determination we will be watching you killing it on youre bmx soon.
Scotty i wishing you the best on your road to recovery but i am sure you will fully recover my thourghts are with you and your whole family and you and the whole crew where the people that inspired me to start riding.
wish you the best
Hey Scotty, love going out your way, even though I don’t ride BMX I come to your channel every day for that positive inspiration I need. You’re the best man.
Scotty recover fast because youre de best youtuber on the world and i dont know what to do with your videos
Hope u get well scotty, i lovw your vids your such a postive and loving person, u stay positive no matter the situation
Thats how u always taught your viewer’s…. Get well soon all prayers to u
Hope you get better Scotty your the nicest guy I know. You never put anyone down and your always positive. Get better soon. ???
Get well soon Scotty I look forward to your videos everyday, you have enspired me to do so many things. You will get better Scotty
Scotty he is just the best he got me into riding Bmx
Hope you recover quickly man the YouTube channel was my motivation to ride !! You’re an inspiration dude.
Scotty, family and friends all my thoughts for a speedy recovery.
Get well soon Scotty!!! Your videos inspired me to get up and out of my parent’s basement and go riding again, Because of this I now have some good friends that I wouldn’t have met otherwise, and I’m losing weight. You let me know that it doesn’t matter if you are good at riding or not, it doesn’t matter if you’re short or tall, skinny or chubby, as long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters. Hope you have a speedy and successful recovery. All good wishes, Nick
We all love you Scotty <3 We are waiting for you . Im from Portugal . I ride BMX for sure you are my inspiration and my motivation , Love you Scott <3
We all love you Scotty <3 We are waiting for you . Im from Portugal . I ride BMX . for sure you are my inspiration and my motivation , Love you Scott <3
hopefully you get well and recover quickly and I can’t loose you cause you are my idle and I wish I am as good as you at what you do ❤
Hope you get well soon Scotty! I watch all the new videos and everyday stay tuned up with the youtube channel you and your friends have. In a bad day, you guys give really much positive energy to keep on going. You inspired me to ride BMX, all the way from Finland.
Scotty, you and the guys have been a joy to have in our home. If may just be through YouTube but you guys almost feel like part of the family. We look forward to watching your parts every evening. We hippie that things get back to as normal as possible for you and yours. We’ll be praying for you
Hey Scotty i hope your recovery is as quick as possible. I know its been said a million times but you are a true inspiration. You (along with maybe 3 other you tubers) have inspired me to start my own channel and you also inspired me to get into riding of course i am doing mountain biking maybe bmx later on but its all just about going out and being with your friends and getting better right? :) get well soon man hope to see you back on the bike!
I hope you get better soon Scotty :)
I hope he will fully recover he is just the best
Get well soon Scotty and hope ur recovery goes well and hope your it all goes well for you in the hospital good luck
Get well soon Scotty I look forward to your videos everyday, you have enspired me to do so many things. You will get better Scotty. ?????❤️
Hey Scotty, just wanted to say get better soon the content is awesome man i”ve been watching since 50k and you have changed my life to do anything and keep moving and dont stop if any thing hits you and you will keep moving even if any thing hits you get well man hope they giving you good food instead of hospital mac and cheese that looks like it is a plastic dish out of a incinerater.
People have no idea how much you’re going to make this injury your bitch. I know your game face is on and you’re ready to take everything on, much love for Scott. Keep your loved ones close for now Scotty.
Scotty I wish the best for you and your family! I took time off the bike for almost 2 years and when I got back on you were one of my biggest motivations to improve. I make time everyday for your vids, & because of you and the crew I have become 10x the rider I ever wanted to be in a couple months. Stay strong my friend! Thank you for what you have done not only for me but so many others. Get well Scotty! You are in my prayers!
Get well soon Scotty and hope your recovery goes well and hope your it all goes well for you in the hospital good luck
Hope u get better soon Scotty, u were my inspiration to ride again after my knee injury (I snapped my tendon in my right knee doing a 540 whip) and you are the only one I can thank for helping me through that, “I trust you your my friend”.
love you scotty get better soon
Everyday i watch your video’s, and i love them, always with the Team. Big Up Big Boy
i hope you get well soon Scotty, be Strong. Everybody is praying for ya
much love from NL!
Hello Scotty,
I hope you can read this here, or yomeone can read it out too you and you can understand it.
I saw the viedeo and first didn’t realized what happend. It seems all kind off unrealistic first.
You always motivatet me, and tons of People who watch your viedeos to keep going, trying new tricks and have a nice time. Now, as one of these tons of people, I want to give you a littelbit motivation back.
These people need their motivation, so I think you need to recover fast, to keep giving them motivation. I hope I can see you in one of the next viedeos of your channel, to know that you re starting recovering. This might be a hard time, but you always seem to be a person with strong character, and a strong will, and I think the rest will lies by the medicine and the doctors.
Best wishes from germany to you, your Family and friends.
Mfg Lino P.
Ps: I hope because of my bad englisch nothing have a wrong connotation or something like that.
This is horrible news. We all wish you a very safe and speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Yo Scotty! i love your videos man, they are really fun and entertaining to watch and I’m sure bigboy will do an amazing job while you recover, hope you have a good and speedy recovery! you’ll be back doing what you love before you know it!
I hope you will recover very fast and thats everything ok. Because you started to ride bmx your my inspiration to keep on going after I felt to stand up and try again. You nicest guy I know my dream is to ride the bmx so good as you but I know thats impossible because you are the best and recover fast
scotty my thoughts are with you all we all want is for you to get better and back tormenting big boy and corey just because I’m over the pond in the uk don’t mean we don’t worry we all behind you and big boy thank you for keeping us informed your a true friend and we know your in his cornr
Get well soon from a little iralnd called United Kingdom.
Get well scotty , i know you are a fighter ! dont give up !
You are such a great and kind person , and you will get better soon , or ill come and kick your butt !
Many kind regards !
Get well dude your vids are the best and u always make me laugh. u inspired me to keep trying new tricks and iv watched every single vid all of them are amazing never get old
This is a terrible thing to happen to someone like you because you are an inspiration to everyone who watches your youtube videos. Hope you recover soon. As you would say these things happen during BMX and you can quit or come back stronger. Recover soon.
Scotty you have amazing people around you I want you to get better so bad. Heal up as quickly as you can we all love you.
Get better Scotty we all luv you ??❤️????
Hey scotty! i know its been said a million times but you are a true inspiration! because of you and a few other Youtubers I’ve started my own youtube channel. and because of strictly you I’ve started riding, i started riding mountain bikes though mainly because there is places to ride everywhere where I’m from (bellingham, WA) but i want to ride bmx too. please get better soon! hope its a quick recovery for you! Cant wait to see you back on the bike!
Normally, Cory (Puppy arms, should have been a mini horse, will be a ring berear, 540 tailwhip master, trike champion) Bergelar gives it 110%
This time we ALL want YOU to give 110% on your recovery! Hang in there buddy, you got all of our Support!!
Scotty get well soon!
You and Bigboy motivated me to ride BMX again! It’s simply amazing how you two, show the world that EVERYBODY who wants to ride, CAN ride!
I hope this motivated you AS much as you motivated me!
Best wishes for recovery from Germany!
My heart goes out to Scotty, to all of his family, to his friends, to everyone involved with his youtube channel, and to all of his fans. It is hard for me to hear about this potentially devastating injury. I have been praying and will continue to pray for him and his family. I have followed and watched his channel every day and I have discovered that Scotty is rarity in this modern age. It is not too often that I see such great character like I see in Scotty Cranmer. Anyone who watches his channel on a regular basis knows what I am talking about. He speaks highly, of his family and friends, he is always giving encouragement to everyone on his channel. He always treats everyone with absolute respect no matter who they are. That is why I am so sad to hear that he took such a major spill. Scotty Cranmer, get better! I need you to, as well as all of your fans. Your family and friends need you even more. I hope and pray that you can heal well!
Hope you get well soon bro you are an inspiration not only in my eyes but in thousands of eyes across the world.
Stay strong warm regards from England
Dude you are my inspiration for bmx i started because of your YouTube channel I hope you get better soon I wish you the best
Scotty dude your one of the most positive people I know and everyday your positivity brightened up my day hopefully you can pull through this man :)
You are the best you have helped me out on a lot of hard tricks hope you get better
Don’t worry about the videos or the fans or YouTube or the sponsors or the bike! Focus on recovering and being with your wife and being happy and than get back on the bike and shred once again! You are one of the sickest dudes out there and you have inspired a lot of people! Get well soon
Hope for a full recovery man, I leave it till just before I go to bed to watch your videos as your such a positive spirit and bring the positive out of the people you ride with are aswell, it helps me fall asleep on a good note :) motivation is key and you know it best i have no doubt you’ll pull through this ?
I was crying, when I was reading this. I love you, Scotty! Good luck, recover as fast as it possible!!!!!
Wishing you a strong recovery Scotty! I was shocked and sad when I found out about the accident. We are all here for you and we will do whatever we can to support you. i watch your videos everyday and I am always entertained by you and your friends. Best wishes to you from the UK and I hope we will see you when your better. :)
You can get through this Scotty, i hope you have a fast recovery. I wish the best for you and your family. You inspired me to try and ride bmx. i hope you get back on your feet and back on your bike soon. #StandForScotty
I’ve been watching you for almost 9 months.. That’s 274 days of constant smile just because of you, just because I was watching your videos every single day.. Scotty, you’re a true legend, you’re a true inspiration, you inspired and motivated so many people in this World, 274 days ago I realised that you are a true fighter, I learned that nothing is impossible, all you have to do is commit, I know that you won’t let this crash to stop you, I know that after you recover that you will be back on BMX, I know that you will keep making videos for us every single day, I know that you will never let us down and that you will keep fighting.. You are a true champion, for you nothing is impossible. Scotty I wish you fast recovery, and I hope everything goes right. Your family is with you, WE ARE WITH YOU.. WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!
Scotty I am playing for you and for your family you are the best you have inspired me to do Start doing bmx I hope you recover good
Hope you make a healthy and speedy recovery scotty every one is thinking of you and wishing you the best! Hope to see you back on your bike soon. much love. PEACE x
Scotty get better soon because I hate seeing my inspiration in such a bad way. I just watched the video on YouTube that big boy posted and got on the webpage. I’m sorry I don’t have any money to donate (because I don’t have my card connected to my computer) but I’ll pray for you for your recovery. Wish you and your family and friends the best.
Hope u have a speedy recovery scotty. U r inspiration to everyone, keep up what u r doing. #road2recovery
Oh Scotty! My son Gabe is your #1 fan! We watch your vids everyday at 4pm. Gabe and his twin sister Grace and me and their dad were going to make the 2 hour road trip to visit incline next Saturday, Oct. 22. We are praying for you and your awesome friends and family. We will be watching for updates!!
Scotty get well soon. I love your videos on youtube and i look up to you as BMX rider. You are the greatest and you have my support from Finland <3
Good luck scooty, much love from Norway ?? i wish You the best
Scotty, I know you’re gonna make it through this and easily. You have support from your friends and family, as well as the thousands of fans around the world that watch your videos everyday. We’re going to support you till the end, no matter what. It’s like you always tell us, there are always risks in BMX and we always have to commit and believe in ourselves in order to get better. Well, we’re committed to you right now and we believe that you’re gonna make a full recovery. As long as you’re committed too, you’ll be back in no time. Until then, I hope you feel better man. And huge shoutout to Big Boy for the updates on you.
Got the chance to come to New Jersey from where I live in upstate NY and ride with you years ago when I was 14 or 15 years old. I’m now almost 24 but still always remember that trip and the hospitality and love that you, your friends, and family showed me over at incline. Huge supporter and fan of the YouTube page and its heart breaking to hear riding has to be put on pause for you due to such a bad crash. You’ll pull through and be back on your bike in no time. You’re always trying to motivate all of us so now it’s our turn to motivate you. Get well soon brother, we’re all in your corner.
Hope you get better man. You’re such an inspiration and role model. Can’t wait to see you get back out on the bike and continue to try. Take it easy, recover quick, and we love you man.
Hope you get better really soon you are a great person. I started watching videos when you had about 10k and I have watched all of them
Dear Scotty
I really hope that you will get better soon. You are my biggest inspiration in the world you are the most enthusiastic person in the whole world. You have enspired so many people and it would be a shame to never see one of your youtube videos again or even you not being able to ride again. hope that i will get to see you tomorrow. Fell better Scotty
everyting i say would be small for you dude i like how you are an insipration for thousands of people and a lot of them will pray now you you dude as long as them im here too for you ! wish you everything great :) sorry for my english im from Bulgaria :D прав, здрав, курав, всичко най хубаво !!!!! Greetings from Bulgaria
You will be in my family’s prayers. Get better buddy. I am 42 and you have been a great motivator for me. My wife and kids, ages 8 & 9, love watching your show. Their are so few positive influences in young people’s lives. We need you back!!
I’ve never even sat on a BMX, but I still tune in every day to watch what Scotty is up to. He’s such a positive person and very inspiring to follow, and I hope he gets well soon
I watch your videos with my five brothers, and we all look forward to your videos every day. Your skill is absolutely incredible and inspiring; but it is your heart, attitude, and love that keep us coming back every time.
Hearing about your accident was terrible news, but I know you’ll come back with the same determination and passion that made us fall in love in the first place. Please don’t ever let your optimistic and cheerful personality change.
Know that you’re in our prayers and we’re all behind you the entire way.
With love,
Scotty You Better Get Better , My life isn’t going to be complete without you and big boy uploading , in all honesty my love goes out to your family and friends at this time , you got me into riding and because of you I’m the person I am today get better soon
You will recover Scoty im sure that next week you are filming some nice challenges with your crew. Get better quickly Scot i see your videos from Portugal. Lets go
You’ll make it through this, Scotty, we all know you will! Let’s get it!
hey Scotty and his Familie,
I´m from Germany but i love your videos. I hope you get better soon! =) Stay Strong! because of you I will start with BMX. I hope you get fast out of your injury so you can drive again. get well ! i had a injury in my spinal column but it wasn´t hard i got up fast! good luck to you and your Familie. Stay strong bro =)! You will get out of this like Bigboy after his thausand Fails GOOD!! You will come back better then anytime :) Good Luck in this hard time from me :) !!!!
Hey Scotty
I Hope u recover fast.
I’m from germany and just had a pretty bad Crash too which fucked up things since may. I can really feel you. I Love your Videos they are inspiering for me too. I Hope u will have The same luck as me to get started riding again soom.!!!
Lots off Hope
From Kevin
Scotty some people may not believe in God but I do and I believe that he can do anything . Therefore I am preying with all my heart that you recover fully and soon
Wow, wasn’t expecting my day to turn like this. I may be on the opposite side of the world from you, but you’re such a good guy that didn’t deserve any of this. Big boy will do a good job with your channel for the time being. Wishing you a speedy recovery from a nasty fall.
get well soon Scotty Cranmer cant wait to see you in your next video
get better soon you kill it on the bike and i hope to see you back on the bike shredding again
I hope you’ll get better as soon as possible ! Like a lot of people you’re a part of my life now. I live in france but it’s you who made me ride again and I thank you for that !! everyday I wait for your video, it’s like a ritual for me to watch your video before going to sleep.
So I’m sending to you and all your family, your wife, your parents, brothers and of course BIG BOY Ronnie, and all the crew a lot of good thoughts and I’m with you all the way !
Hope all goes well for you scotty, lots of love goes put to you and your family, been watching your channel since day one… you will make it back to riding once again
Scotty Cranmer. I have never met you in person. I came across your channel when it was still very new. I have been a big fan ever since. I don’t even ride BMX lol! But your channel is one of the best YouTube channels out there. The channel is so positive and uplifting. I wish so badly I could know you and your friends in real life haha! Thank you for inspiring me and THOUSANDS of other people to be better each day. Your awesome! Prayers are being sent your way my friend. Carpe diem!
I hope you make a full recovery and if it’s not to bad when you recover please don’t let this harm your bmx career your a inspiration to over 500,000 people you got me into riding my bike more I love doing dirt jumps and riding trails after I saw your mountain bike videos I wish I can show you the jumps at centenial pan am games dirt track anyways I hope to be a great rider and one day I’ll get my own bmx just like you and once again get well.
I don’t have much more to say then to get better soon. I wish you luck. At least you will know what not to do next time. Trial and error.
I cant understand why this has to happen to one of the best people in the world you have inspired me to get into bmx and i have told some of my freinds about the channel and they really like the vids hope you have a great recovery #be strong????
hope you get berrer soon. Your Videos are great i watch them every day:)) Stay strong. Mateusz from Poland
Scotty im a 30yr old ex skateboarder who watches your guys videos with my 3yr son daily a soon as you post. Ur a good person all around, it breaks my heart too hear this happened to such a great person. We know you can get through this you have 60k people behind you buddy we all wish you a very quick recovery and hope to see you soon, me and my boy will be ecstatic when you return.
Dear Scotty, I’ve been a fan of you for almost a year now. The first video of yours I watched was the one where you jumped the half pipe and big boy spinal’d himself. I’m so upset that you got hurt. You are the best BMX rider that ever existed and you inspire me every day! Thank you for all the awesome videos and amusing content. Get well soon scotty, All of us really care about you, Please stay strong through the recovery. Its ganna be a long one but just keep thinking about the fame of bike with puppy arms in the future lol…Your the man Scotty I cant thank you enough for all you have done for me.
Yo, Scotty your my drinking role model man, your the reason I ride and your the one that motivates me and pushes me harder. Hope you feel better soon with a speedy recovery man xxxxxx
My thoughts are with you and your family Scotty, you are a huge inspiration! Wishing you a speedy recovery from the U.K.
Im from Poland and U are my biggest inspiration. Waiting for Ur video every evening. So positive… You’re my best friend even that ı haven’t met you yet. Hope U get better soon. I’ ve spent in hospital more then one year, so dont worry, its just another adventure in tour life. Love ya Buddy! <3
Scotty. We all now you will pull through with the recovery. we all wish you the best recovery possible
so you can get back at it and do what you do best, ride, inspire, motivate
Come on Scotty you can push threw it man
I’ve been watching your channel everyday since the third video you uploaded. I look forward to a new video everyday at 4. When I heard the news I was heartbroken. You radiate so much positivity to your friends and family, it is crazy. I donated as much as I could. Stay strong man!
Stay strong Scott hope your in the best hands, got a heck more videos to make that 1 mil is coming!
Hi scotty, i heard about the accident and i hope that you get well soon. I think that your such an amazing guy, also your freinds and family too. Your such a great role model, hope you get well soon.
Scotty Cranmer,you and your crew are the most inspiring people I’ve ever seen in my life.I hope you get well soon because I know you will and continue your legendary path,can’t thank you enough for making my life more meanigful. Lets get it!!!
Hope you get better soon you are such an inspiration to me and thousands of others we are all by your side
My thoughts and prayers are with you Scotty and the Cranmer family! I can’t wait for the speedy recovery so you can get back to being normal you. I don’t ride BMX or anything but stumbled on your videos and have been hooked ever since. You seem like a genuinely nice guy who provides phenomenal entertainment and is also family friendly. God Bless you Scott! Get back and get healthy! -USCxGAMECOCKS1801
Hey Scotty , hope you get better ma. Hang in there you’re gonna be fine. Just remember to keep positive thoughts and remember we will always be by your side!
Scotty, I just started watching you a couple months ago but the first video I watched about 10 mins in I had already subscribed. Your my favorite YouTube! Get better soon! We need you on YouTube, without you it wouldn’t be the same.
Hey Scotty,
I have watched every single one of your videos and will never stop because you are an absolute inspiration and I hope you get better soon and continue riding with out any problems. You make me want to get better and improve each and every time I ride my BMX. Your so kind hearted and always nice to every one which i love, so its only fare we repay you with wishes, donations etc.
Get better soon my friend ;)
From Worthing, UK
Scotty your an absolute inspiration to each and everyone of your subscribers. I hope you realise the positive impact you have had on mine and many others lives every single day. I know how it feels to mess up your face. I recently tried to learn whips, landed on my face and lost 2 teeth and broke my nose. My face was all cut up aswell. I know it’s nothing as serious as yours. But I know how much facial injurys can affect your confidence. Take it from me, don’t let it affect you as a person. It doesn’t change the fact your an amazing person. All your subscribers, all your fans, and the whole BMX community is behind you and we all support you. We’re all hoping for the best. Will
Praying for a speedy recovery for you Scotty! I watch your videos religiously everyday and they’re just so inspiring! Keep up the amazing work and get better soon!!
best wishes Scotty we love you
Get well soon Scotty. You were the one that inspired me to start doing BMX and i wish you all the best in your recovery.
Get well soon scotty. You’re the man. prayers
love you Scotty, great guy. doesn’t ask for anything in return and just keeps giving. get well soon man. such a good guy
Hey Scotty. I hope you get well soon It sucks that you are hurt but I know you will recover soon. You are a awesome Dude you are always so confident and so nice to everyone you seem like a canadian because your so nice. I know you will get well soon. Supporting You from Canada Saskatchewan. Everyone here hopes you get better .
Stay strong Scotty.
We believe in you and we need you to get better.
You got me back riding downhill. Your a true inspiration. best wishes to you and your family.
Get well soon
Scotty you’re a great dude you have inspired me to start riding and really getting into bmx I am starting to do fakies and I am pretty bad but hopefully one day I’ll get there. Hope you make a speedy recovery in the mean time you should check out Austin Augie’s videos to pass the time Billy Perry’s would be cool too.
Scotty you are one of the toughest guys I’ve ever seen and your dedication to and respect for your sport continue to be an inspiration. Get well soon!
Stay strong Scotty, I wish you a speedy recovery. Your channel is an inspiration for everyone, including me! Get well soon bud
Gainesville FL Here wishing you the best !Get better soon man! I need more videos of the GTR! Oh and bigboy I guess .. XD
Went on to youtube today looking forward to scotty and bigboy and the whole crews antics and did not expect to be seeing this video at all!! I hope that theresa speedy recovery made and you get back to doing double tire rides to tailwhips very soon youre an insperation to many and an idle to all, we got your back homie and this will show that even the best can get back up and come back better than ever we love u scotty
Wishing you all the best in your recovery Scotty. Hopefully you’ll soon be back doing what you do best.
Hi scotty.
You hold a place in my heart that no one else does, you have inpired me to start riding BMX and that made me believe in myself. You have always been an awesome guy. I watch your videos everyday after school and that puts a smile on my face. Just believe in yourself and stay strong. All the 600 thousand people that you have inspired hope you get better. Love and support from Portugal.
Scotty i have been watching you since 2k subs longtime homies and my dream has been to ride with you one day you are my favorite rider and yuo are so motivational it is devasting to hear this news and i just want you to know that you motivate everyone you are the best rider to ever live and i know you are strong so you will get well soon and when it does i look forward to seeing you ride again. love you brother you and puppy arms both need to get well fast. – Justin
Get well soon scotty. Positve thoughts and vibes your way big dog
I’m 12 years old. And I look forward to watching Scotty’s videos every day! It’s extremely horrible to hear of the tragedy that happened to him. I hope it’s a quick recovery! I love Scotty and big boy and every body! And I hope that Scotty has a road to recovery very very fast! Go #ScottyStayStrong!
I’m sorry for what happened hope you feel better and get better I’m glad official underscore Big Boy took over the video for the day hope you get better
Scotty i hope you get Back on the bike as soon as possible. The best for you and your Family and the crew.
From the Netherlands
Scotty my name is owen and I am 10 years old. I love your vidios and they have motivated me to move further than weelies on my bike. Just a few days ago I wrote an essay about my personal hero and I chose you. I hope you will be back on the bike soon again I love your videos.
Scotty you are one of the best people out there and it is my dream to finally meet you and I hope it comes true
Stay strong and I hope you make it through
Best wishes to all of scottys close friends and family. Your a strong man and im sure will make a good speedy recovery. All the best coming from emgland. X
Hey Scotty, it is so upsetting to hear the news about what happened and it is so weird to think I was watching your video yesterday and everything was fine and normal.
Love from the UK!
Get well soon
Hope you can get back to riding your an inspiration for all the new riders it be a shame to lose that kind of inspiration good luck
I asked my ,mum if i could donate she said what for i said someone that inspires me to do a lot of things had a crash on his bike and is in a very bad condition and i really want to help out but i cant sorry
Get well soon Scotty hope you all the best
Sending nothing but love and positivity.
I hope you get better soon Scotty, I look forward to watching your videos everyday!!! I will be praying for your speedy recovery and for your family! No-one should have to go through this. It will all get better❤️
Get well soon Scott. This news really annoys me. But everyone is supporting you through your time of need and we all can’t wait for the game of bike against Cory.wish you a speedy recovery ???
Scotty bro you are an amazing, positive person in so many lifes . my prayers go out to you and your family . everything will be ok bro god is taking care of you to .
Hey Bro I know you will get through it. Your the strongest. You Made me start bmx and inspired me. Last yeah I shatered my left foot and I got through it so if i could do it you can do it easily.
I wish you the best of luck from germany and hope you’ll get better soon?❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You are my favourit rider scotty , because of you and your chanel i bought my first bmx bike after so many years that have passed by ,i was in secure , i never tried it , but you inspired me and all of your viewers thats why i thank you , looking forward to see you again on your bike
Tweeted you wishing you a fast recovery a few days ago. Hope everything is better since then. I pray you recover fast and well. You’re an awesome person and such an inspiration to so many people. All the best.
Scotty i just want to wish you the best and fastest of the recoverys.Your positivity helped me to change my point of view,i was going trough some rough times and your videos made me get trough it and i was living the best days of my life.I wish i could donate know but i literally have no money, i’ll try to save some or work with my dad to earn some.You change my life Scotty and i want to help you at every way as possible.My prayers and good vibes are for you and your family.
All of the love from Brazil.
I wouldn’t have gotten back into bmx if it weren’t for you, I moved to NJ recently and I figured there was nowhere to ride so I didn’t think about it. I started to see your videos and took down the name of every skate park you’ve been too and I’m excited to go to the incline club and all of the other skate parks you’ve been to. But this isn’t about me, I just wanted to let you know the positive impact you’ve had on my life as well as many others . Get well soon.
Get well soon bro hope everything works out
Stay strong
No fear
Scotty I wish you the fastest possible recovery and hope that you can get back to doing what you do best. It is really unfortunate but I know you’ll be stronger from it. I watch every video of yours and have been subscribed since the 100k challenge and just hope that you will be back with us soon and in good health. Thank you for all you do Scotty
Get well soon Scotty!
I look forward to watching your videos every day and know you’re tough. You can make it through anything! You’re in my thoughts man.
hope you recover well you are my favoute youtuber really sad to hear about it my thoghts are wth u
I really hope you get better real soon i like yh videos i am a bmx Ryder my bmx is broke i kont get a new bmx got now money m8 pls happy me pls
Scotty I wish you the fastest possible recovery and hope that you can get back to doing what you do best. It is really unfortunate but I know you’ll be stronger from it. I watch every video of yours and have been subscribed since the 100k challenge and just hope that you will be back with us soon and in good health. Thank you for all you do Scotty.
Iv been here since you had 50k on your youtube channel amd iv seen you grow and you’ve been the best from any other bmx channel and i love your video hope you recover fast and get back to your daily grind
Get well soon Scotty! I wish you all the best in your recovery. You are one of the most inspirational people ever to step foot on a bike and you didn’t deserve this. Stay strong. Corey
I dont know if you are going to read this, but I hope you get better, NO I dont hope, I belive and I know that you are going to be recover in few months, I write this because you motivate me to practice BMX again and with more intensity and motivation, also you have help me to motivate my friends to begin in this awesome sport.
I am from spain and me and all my friends, we are giving you all our support for your recovery.
Thanks scotty, cory, big boy, matty, your dogs, BK all day and all your fans, family and friends that are supporting you.
Scotty, you have inspired to get into riding and made me learn new tricks, your videos have and will always put a smile on my face. Get better soon my friend!
Scotty, sending you some brotherly love my man. Thank you for all the positivity you bring to my life and motivation. You have helped me to become a better person over this past year of YouTube videos. You really are an inspiration and a light shining upon this world. May you make a full recovery and get back to your happy go lucky-tailwhip slinging-backflip sending-self asap. No pressure on recovering, take your time and do it right. Total respect and much love
Fan for many years and subscriber from day 1,
Fourteen Eighty-Eight
Get well Scotty. I’ve been watching your videos since this last summer and you inspire me every day by the things you say, do and do for others I hope you get the care you need and have a speedy recovery Scotty.
Best wishes from Callahan Florida
~Hunter George
Hey Scotty, I can’t fully realize what I read just yet, but let me say this straight away: “I hope you get better soon.” Its nice to see you having your friends, family and this amazing Foundation by your side, supporting you in every way possible. I just started watching your videos some weeks ago, but it feels like i know so much of you already, which is why these news are painful for me aswell. I want to thank your friends, family and all supporters of you for their help. So get better, there are so many people out there loving to watch you living your dream and there is nothing and nobody in this world, who can take that from you. Im looking forward to seeing you ride again.
Best wishes from Germany
I’m really sorry to hear about your crash Scotty. Get well soon, you are awesome.
Scotty,I love u so much keep in the buddy u the best keep fighting this fall hope u doing good and big boy keep him happy and to u and your friends and family I love them
Scotty I hope you get better soon! You’re always a legend in my book!
I hope you get better soon you are my inspiration to ride BMX
Best of wishes from philly, hope you recover easily. We’re all on your side!
Yeh you’re a huge inspiration and have made an incredible impact on my life, get well soon bro
Man I really hope everything is ok… you and Alex gave me the inspiration to ride. So I really hope everything will be ok. ❤️
This is awful news, it really is. You’re such a warm, positive person to be around and I only know this from the videos. You’re a constant source of motivation for every body that you encounter and it’s so upsetting to hear what’s happened to you, Scotty. I’ll throw you my week’s wages to help get the hospital costs paid for, Brother.
You’re in good hands and have an incredible group of friends with you every step of the way. Head up, Scotty. Peace and love from Glasgow, Scotland. Shout out to all the crew behind the camera, too. Big Boy, Scotty’s Dad and Wife, etc. Speedy recovery, man. I’ll say a prayer for you tonight.
Praying for you Scotty. School has been tough this year but your daily videos keep me going and lift my spirits even in the heaviest days. Big boy, Ronnie, and the rest of the crew, you are a motivation to all who watch to not just try to push yourselves in BMX, but in everything we do. Understandably this is one of the hardest times in your lives, but stay strong together. The worst thing to do would be to go at this alone. Scotty, pull through man. I know that you will, not because of how much you care about BMX, but how much you care about those around you which is such an incredible trait to have especially in hard times like these. Love you guys.
Hey Scotty recover fast man. For all my riding today will be in your name. It’s super cold out today but I’ll ride just for you bud. Sending my prayers to you and your family all the way from Yorktown Saskatchewan Canada.
I look forward to watching the new Scotty video every day at 1pm in AZ. Now i look forward to Scotty making a full recovery super quickly so he can get back to doing what he loves to do.
Hope you get better soon Scotty. It is very sad what just happened, you don t diserve something like this, you are awesome dude. Stay strong and everything will be OK. God bless you bro!
Love and support from Portugal.
To best bmx youtuber out there, Scotty Cranmer, hope you recovery soon.
A fellow Youtube subscriber
Get well soon Scotty. I would give some money but I can’t sorry about that.
Stay positive everything gonna be all right!!
Hope to see you smile again soon!!
All the love, support and good vibes sent from Finland. Hope to see you soon on the channel, You’re inspiring and motivating and usually the reason i get an itch to roll. Even thou i ride mostly hardtails. Get well soon!
Scotty u r such an inspiration to me. U are the reason i bought vans a day ago. I have no doubt ur gunna pull thru. U HAVE to. The funeral home cant 600,000 of us. And i KNOW we would all be there. So cmon man u got this! Prayers and positivity is comin from me.
Hope you get better soon if it wasn’t for your YouTube channel I probably wouldn’t be riding BMX any more
Hope you get better Scotty
WE ALL HOPE???????
Get well soon! Love the vids, you are a total inspiration!
Hope youget well soon
Scotty your a true hero man please get well soon my man my heart is with you. Get well soon.
Prayers from London England.
You are my inspiration Scotty, I hope you get well soon. I’ll be praying for you and your family. Just know everyone commenting and donating care a lot about you and are inspired by what your do and post.
Hope you get well soon Scotty
Please scotty get better I look up to you
scotty you inspired me to ride. i started watching your videos a week ago and today i am getting my very first BMX bike because of your amazing videos. hope you get better soon. to scotty’s friends and family, you group of people are so giving, kind and have amazing personalities scotty is lucky to have such an amazing group of people by his side.
Nose Manuel through recovery my man. you can do it!! get well Scotty!
Just started watching all the videos and they are all so amazing. I hope you get well soon so you can keep them up. I love you message in all of them about helmet safety and just positive vibes. Get well soon and stay strong
Hey the best legend in the world I love you so much you are the only person on YouTube that stays cheerfull and I hope you get better really quick
Scotty I have never known such a inspirational person like you last summer I was mountain biking and I hit my head on a tree stump which led my brain to bleed and I needed a air ambulance to get me but yours is much worse hope you have such a speedy recovery
Hi Scotty and family im just one of the 618 k YouTube family members wishing a speedy recovery you have a great family and friends to help you threw this . Just know you have a lot more praying for you . PEACEEEEE
Scotty I hope you heal fast, good luck and stay awesome
Hope you get good soon
Hey Scotty you are my motivation to ride, and I really hope you can get better and “do what you do best”. Love watching you beat official_bhig boy at almost anything. Get better
Stay strong Scotty!
I’ve been here since 15k subs man, you seem like such a happy dude and you certainly inspire others to perfect their craft. I don’t bike, but your dedication to the sport has made me want to improve in mine. You’re a great person man.
Much love,
-Loyal Fan
Hey scotty
Hope you get better soon, stay strong man
Get well soon Scotty everybody believes in you. You inspired me to Bmx and never give up on a trick or anything. I hope you get home safe.
I cant beleive this i am 11 and scotty is my idol he inspired me to commit on things that i never thought i could do. Dont give up Scott. I will spread the word. GET WELL SOON!!!!
I am praying for you!!!!
Scotty you are like my big brother You are my inspiration i know you will pull threw Big boy i know what you are going thru dad just crashed his motorbike and was in hospital
Hope you are ok Scotty you are one if not the best person I have ever seen do YouTube and I hope you can recover quickly and get back to what you do best.
Scotty is a huge inspiration I think I can speak for all of us so come on scotty you can pull through on this! You’ve suffered many injuries so let’s make this another you’ve got through ! Keep fighting it!
Hi Scotty not here to wish you luck bro ya don’t need it. Just another obstacle course at Back of the bike shop ?.A plus note is you will have loads of recovery time before the 1 mil subs game now big boy is doing channel ( jokes ) in the words of you . PEACEEEE!!
yo dude get well soon! Cant wait to hear from you. All you dudes are awesome and you are one of the best riders alive. Get better and get back to killen it brother.
Hey Scotty hope get better fast and love you get will soon
Scotty get better soon bro wanna see ya pulling off your tricks again
Scotty, you are my inspiration and I wouldn’t be riding BMX without you. You are an amazing rider and person and I hope you make a full and speedy recovery. Everyone’s behind you man and I know you’ll pull through and get back riding with crew,
Peace out!
When i heard it i cryed the whole night
Hope you get better soon
God bles you and youre family
Hi Scotty we are watching you channel everyday and enjoy it a lot. We where shocked to hear what happened to you. We hope you get well soon! Greetings from the Netherlands.
Scotty I really hope you read this, I know everyone has hard times in their lives and I know that this accident has probably made you feel like theres no more hope left to your riding career and your channel… it’s understandable if you’re feeling weak and unmotivated right now but hang in their buddy!
I watch all of your videos and like millions of others I feel accepted, Your channel is unique to any others out there because when i’m feeling down I watch you and the boys and I feel like we are family. I know it sounds stupid to say but you, matty, alex and ronnie bring so much positivity to your videos that I can’t help but feel happy that you’re there for me. You’re so lucky scotty and to be honest anyone would be jealous of the amazing bond that you all have with each other because I know that kind of friendship is extrememly rare. I know this seems hard right now but you have the most amazing support that anyone could ask for and I know that you’re going to be fine in the long run. It’s likely that you’re not going to be able to ride for a long time and I know that sucks so much but it has to be done but either way I know you’ll continue to sit in at the skatepark and encourage the boys like you always do… I know that the boys can’t be a wolfpack without you as you’re the one they all look up to. Please stay strong Scotty, you’re looked up to by more people than you think and you’re such an amazing, genuine person. Love Josh Twitter: @IchBinMiles
Scotty thanks for all you do for bikers! Hope you have the best recovery possible. Love ya man, keep your head up. literally, ?.
Hope you get weel soon?
Hope you get better scotty sending prayers your way love you guys
I’m angry that this had to happen to you but happy at the same time that it wasn’t more serious that it already is.
Get better asap, we are all with you and i know you can recover from this one.
Just another scratch to forget ;-)
Can’t wait to see you back on bike !
Scotty i wish you will recover fast. You were the reason that i started to ride. your’e my insporation, your’e my idol. Wish you the best of luck. I’m being positive and hoping that you wil recover fast
You inspired me to do any tricks hope you recover well
Sorry i cant donate like i said i am 11
Hey Scotty good luck man, if your channel has shown us something it’s the value of comradery, now it’s time for us to show you that it extends past your crew to a wider community that’s got your back. Heel up dude, hope to see you recovering more everyday ??
I just bought your frame and donated to the cause get well soon bro hopefully you have a speedy recovery. Don’t stress about videos just get well and take some time off and get 100% better. P.s I was born in the hospital you were rushed to so I’m happy you are there they are always kind and helpful.
Hey Scotty and family. I really don’t know what to say; just so shocked. I wish you guys all the best, and I hope all the little things can somehow help with the recovery. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever seen, with his determination I know he will get through this.
Lots of love, and all the best wishes.
PS: is there any place/address I could send a gift to? Some local treats, as a gift basket.
Hey Scott where all thinking about you, I gotta say your an amazing dude and the most inspiring motiveational person I’ve ever meet. You got the highest sprits iv seen in someone. We need you bro you helped me start to ride. Where praying for you..get better asap
Hope you will be well soon. It may take a while but you’ll be good. You’re my motivation to ride and I learn from you and all of your friends. Thank you for being in my life you always make me happy after school because I know I will be learning at least one thing from each and every video you post. I think you’re an amazing person that anyone can ask for and you are great at everything that makes you and everyone else a better person like you and amazing rider like you.
Hey Scotty, I hope you’re much better. I used to ride bmx 10 years ago. I had to stop because I suffered many dislocations in one of my knees. I’m 19 years old and your videos inspire and motivate me to return to my bmx life. I hope you get well soon. Sorry for my bad English. Greetings from Mexico.
Hey Scott! I’m a big fan of the channel and you push me everyday to be a better person, and motivate me to do the things I love. Just know that you have 600,000 people by your side through this! It’s gonna be okay man, we’re all here for you and so is your family. Wishing you a fast recovery from Canada! Much love <3
I hope you have a quick and full recovery because you are such an inspiring biker for everyone around you. Everyone is praying for you scotty.
hope you get better scotty i am a huge fan
Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery from the UK Scotty. I’m sure Big Boy and the crew have your back as does the rest of your youtube channel followers.
scotty your such an inspiration and i really hope that you recover and get back on your bike, your the reason i started riding. keeping going strong and hang in there!! #standforscotty
Get well soon scotty. You inspired me to Start riding bmx AT the age of 31!
Best wishes and big love from germany!
Love you Scotty!!! You are a blessing to this world
I’m in a point in my life right now where I have to be super frugal with my money because with credit card debt, I literally have negative money. But I watch Scotty’s videos for free pretty much every single day, get free entertainment, and get tons of motivation from them to push myself in my own life… I figured, in this rare time of need, the least I could do is skip a couple meals, or do whatever I need to do, to be able to donate SOMETHING to such an amazing and inspiring person.
This is such a positive channel. I’ve never seen a single negative comment on it ever, and that says a lot when it comes to youtube comments (I’m convinced the dislikes are just accidental misclicks lol) Scotty is part of a small percentage of people that have an elite champion’s mentality, not just for athletics, but for life. And he’s always trying to help people into this same mindset. I know he’ll come out of this stronger than ever.
Let’s all show him the support he deserves !
scotty is the most inspirational person i’ve come across in the last 5 years. You got this man, BIG respect and positivity from the UK
hoping for fast speedy recovery hope the youtube channel still says up for updates :-)
Hope you recover all good Scotty, you’re videos are incredible and extremely inspirational to so many people, we all wish yah the best. By far one of the best BMX riders out there, good luck!
Stay strong Scotty, sending you good vibes from New Zealand
I hope you get well soon Scotty, Shout out to big boy for helping Scotty through this. You both inspire me to ride BMX more, I am saving for a new bike so I can learn more tricks, I hope you recover well scotty. We all love you. <3
Get better Scotty. I watch your videos daily and inspired me to get better. You were a big help to my first sponsorship with tons of inspiration. Sending my prayers.
Hey Scotty I wish u the best of luck, even though I don’t ride bmx I ride motocross I stil enjoy your videos and they motivate to go out everyday and change the world. Get better Scotty
Hope you get better Scotty and everybody on your YouTube channel is supporting you to get better and they are praying for you every day that you can get better and better from your recovery. Get better Scotty. #Bmx4life and GTR4life
Man it sucks when bad things happen to good people. Hope you get back in the saddle soon dude!! All the best for your swift recovery!! Peace!
Greetings from a german Downhill Rider. Wish you the best and hope you get well soon. Your Channel ist the only one i watch daily. Love your motivation to push others. Big Shoutout to the Crew too. Take good care of your friend.
Scotty u are the best for me I hope u get better I hope the doctors do everything they could for ur life. I watch ur videos every single day u are a legend. We love u and always would get better.I don’t want big boy making a video at ur funeral that would be my worst day of my life.???? get ?????.
Get better ur the man ur an inspiration to every rider out there ur our only hope man????
get well soon scotty we all love you man your the best feel better
Scotty i hope u get better soon and start having fun with the guys.
Im sorry that i cant donate because im a kid.
Cant wait to see u riding again and making another video.
Much love from Croatia <3
Hey Scotty, you might not know me, and might not ever see this comment, but dude, you’ve done unbelieable things for a lot of us. I learnt a lot of things from you and the team and it breaks my heart to see something like this have happened. I really hope you get well soon man. This is a lot to go through and honestly, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. You’re a true trooper dude. You’re going to be getting up soon and being able to walk around. Scott, like i said before, you’ve done crazy things for a lot of us. And for me, well, I’ve been here since you had 50,000 subscribers. I’ve been here nearly since the start and I love every single video. I go back and watch them from time to time just to see how everyone progresses and it’s crazy. Get well soon scotty, my prayers are with you. I really will be missing you inside of the videos, but you’re going to be getting better and getting well taken care of in the hospital. Stay strong dude. Me, and a whole lot of other people are with you in this. Get well soon dude.
Hope you get better. Your YouTube vids are the best!. You are an awesome inspiration to everyone. You will be in my prayers! until next time PEACE✌?
Speedy recovery for you dude you have just inspired me to be positive and never give up. Best wishes from Europe Latvia (??,??).???? ????
Hey Scotty man you can do anything you have family and friends with you and all around the world people believe in you!!! Man we all Love you so much you will have a speedy recovery!!!
I am so sorry to hear this happened, scotty. You are such an awesome guy and a great inspiration to all of us! I love how you always put friends, family, fans, or whoever it is first. You’re genuinely an amazing person scotty and i really hope to hear your recovery goes smoothly. Get better! :)
Scotty was the first athlete I had the privilege to meet. Salt Lake dew tour, must have been around 2007 of 2008. I remember this vividly due to how nice of a guy he was to me as a kid, and one of the security employees laughing at me for making sure the vans I wanted him to sign didn’t stink. I must have had him sign at least three things that day, in addition to taking a picture with me. Words cannot express how much Scotty and the crew have lifted my spirits in the last year. It broke my heart after hearing he broke his back a few months ago, and now he has another obstacle in front of him. Scotty, I know you have not only the heart, but the passion to pull through this in no time. I’m pulling for you. Chin up.
We all love you Scotty. You would tell us that this is BMX. This does happen. But now we need you to ,”commit” like you always tell BIGBOY. Come back strong. Some people have idols. We have you.
I don’t ride bmx I longbord yet you still inspire me to get out there and try my best. your an inspiration to everyone know matter how they are or what they do get well soon.
Scotty you have been my inspiration in bmx/life and I want to thank you that’s all you can say life happens but we push through it there are people out there who don’t even watch your videos but they do now cause of you when stuff like this happens it’s heart breaking my grandpa died 2 years ago he had a very bad spinal and neck issues and a disease called hunington disease and it sucked I wish u and your family and friends good luck
Hey man big fan almost as big as big boy hopefully you have speedy recovery and all the best for the future love the videos and hope 1 day you could come to newzealand I have been watching since big boy fell out of the tree and have followed you guys ever since good luck lots of love from your supporters
I don’t even ride BMX but I look forward to watching your videos everyday. I hope you all of the best.
Scotty you are awesome.I’ve only been watching your videos for a month, I want to see more videos of you doing some awesome tricks,so get well soon.
Oh and scotty chris again,i will be saying prayers for you,U NEED to pull through with no long term injuries so you can ride again with no problems
Best wishes,
Hope you r feel better scott’s you have been I big part of my daily life watch your videos I can’t believe this has happened get well soon
Get well soon Scotty
Hey Scotty
I hope you recover quickly and I wish you good luck for the up coming surgeries. And you going to become a part of my prayers, and I know god is there for you like your friends and Family, and he will get you through this hart time.
Hey scotty, friends and family, sorry I can’t make a donation but I wanted to inform you that I will pray for you all and let you know that there are many here to support you. Thank you for everything yall do to inspire and help people throughout there lives. Get well soon, god bless.
scotty you have inspired me to get into bmx riding ever since i first saw one of your videos. i crash i fall down i get right back up and dont stop riding and i know you will do the same so peace love and hairgrease of your boy ian get well soon.
Scotty! I’m sorry to hear what happened, you probably wont see this but if you do, just want you to know that you’re such a huge inspiration to me and all of my friends and I ALWAYS look forward to watching your video’s on the daily. I hope things start looking back up, I hope your recovery is fast and stress free, looking forward to seein more youtube content in the future!
All the best from your Canadian fans!
scotty, you’re a massive inspiration to me, been watching your vids since well under 50,000 and still to this day haven’t missed one, they always manage to brighten up my day and has gotten me back on my bike.
love all the way from Australia. get well soon man, i know you will.
Hey Scotty hope you recover soon, you are part of my every day life now. You have the best people around you. Big thanks to _Bigboy keep it up man.
Hey Scotty I’ve never thought much about biking but in a week span I’ve watched all ur videos and have got me interested in bmx and all of you are huge inspiration in all types of ways u can beat this we all know you can when I can I will absolutely donate till then hope this is enough
Keeping you in my prayers. Recover fast and put a smile on everyone’s face. Watch your channel everyday and even one day-something is missing without you, Matty, Big Boy and everyone else.
Wish you the best.
Get well Scotty
To scotty, im sad to hear the horrible news. My thoughts go out to you and all your family. Hope you get better soon.?
Get well soon man. Keep fighting and remember all your fans are here for support
I wake up everyday and the first thing i do is watch your vids. But sadly today it didnt give me the happiness i wanted. Scotty please get well soon, we will pray for you.
There are so many people supporting you and thinking of you Scotty! Thanks for being you. You have inspired so many and are such a huge part of BMX. Its crazy how many times I have thought of you in the last few days since I heard the news. I didnt realize how much it would affect me. Your relentlessly positive attitude is contagious and there is no doubt in my mind that this world is a better place with you in it. I wish you and your family the best in this tough time.
So sad to see such a positive role model in my life take such a hit. Get better soon Scott!
Get better Scotty you are an amazing rider but most importantly my favourite rider pls get better
Head up Scotty can wait to see you back on YouTube as yourself again
look scotty i have so much pain in my soul hearing that ur hurt u are my fav rider along with with rest of the gang . my heart goes goes to you and ur family hope u get better in a hurry.Owen
I came across your channel a few days ago. Although I myself haven’t ridden a bike in many many years but i have watched every video on the channel (some people binge on netflix i do on youtube lol) I enjoy seeing all of you guys and how you all have become a family. I know you are surrounded by great people and the positive energy that they bring is what you need to heal. Get well soon we are all pulling for you.
Get well soon scotty. Our prayers are with you and your family
Hey Scotty, you are definitely a huge inspiration to me. You not only show the great aspects of BMX, but of action sports in general. Hang in there man! Will be praying for you!
Scotty u have been the biggest inspiration to me. The way you always say never give up keep pushing forward and never give up. I started Bmx because of you and i know after 7 months i can do several tricks and am going round the world at the age of 14 competing at the best of my ability to hopefully be a x games gold medalist like you. At the moment my thoughts and feelings are with you and your family-friends and i hope that you are back on that bike as soon as possible to inspire more kids like you did me and I wish the quickest recovery. I think I can say from all of he kids adults and your You tube family that U HAVE TO PULL through and keep being you and so i say as scotty would Peace out.
Scotty I love your content it makes me wish I could BMX. Get better soon!
I hope u are ok and I hope you can get back on your bike and continue to ride and keep up your YouTube cannel
Scotty u have inspired me to get a bike and wear vans. Remember that we r all here for you. Get well soon
Love you scotty
Scotty you are my motivation and you inspire me to keep going and to not quit. I LOVE YOU BRO.I hope you get better and you can keep riding . We all got your back.
If by chance you read this scotty, I wish you a very quick recovery. Remember that the most important thing to focus on right now is yourself and your recovery. You are an inspiration to over 600,000 people and just know that everybody you have helped inspire is with you and we all wish you a quick recovery, it’s crap this has happened to you, good luck man
I couldn’t say that better my self.
Hey Scotty. I hope you make a full recovery i love the channel and all your videos. You make me wanna ride so I’m saving up for a bike and thank you for being an inspiration to thousands of people around the world. You are amazing Scotty. Keep fighting man see ya on YouTube soon.
Get well soon Scotty hope you have a full recovery and are able to do your passion again. Don’t let this accident throw you off bmx bro keep up the solid work we all love you. Your a great person wishing all the best
I’m so sorry about Scotty I have been subscribed For about 2 months I will be praying for him.
Every time I submit a comment i want to say something else.Sotty all 600,000 of us are anxious to see you again but when you get out of that hospital you should take it easy,don’t feel like you have to post a video of you doing some insane trick like you always do.scotty you are the best BMX rider i’ve seen!
Best wishes,
Get better soon love you videos I am sad that you got hurt ???
Come on Scott, you can do this. Never give up, that’s something you’d say
This comes from a Fan from the south of America, from Argentina. You are an inspiration for the world man
We (the fans) love you, and wish you the fucking best
Peace out
Wish u the best dude.hope everything ok.
Scotty big fan watched your first vid to your last I relly hope you get better because your vid on YouTube is what I look forward to ever day I hope you get the time to read this I been trying to give you lots of support through all you videos and now hope you get better soon and get back on your bike thanks BIGBOY for helping with the videos your my favorite get well❤️❤️?
Scotty you are my favorite athlete in the world!! You have inspired me in my day to day life so so much and have taught me life is better on a bike and to never give up! I know this will only be a bump in the road for you! Much love! And get well soon!!!!!!
Hey scotty, You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you heal up fast, and cant wait to see you back on your bike, or working on the R32, doing what you love.
Get well soon Scotty! You and the whole crew inspired me to push myself and try new things with bmx. Hope you make a speedy recovery!
Great job filming Big Boy, Scotty would be pleased with how you did.
Hey Scotty your strong and inspirational to everyone and your so lucky you have big boy as he said some moving things too us.
I really hope such a great guy like you gets better ASAP and hope to see you again. Thoughts and prayers are out to the family. Stay strong and we are here for you 110%.
Even though I have never met you in person, I feel like I’m really close to you and the crew.
Scotty you can pull through this. We all believe you can.
I wish you a speedy recovery Brother
And jest want to say always wanted to meet you
Hope you get well soon. You are a very inspirational person to me and I am very sorry what happened to you.
Get WELL soon
get well soon Scotty, were all behind you!
big boy dont you dare fart in his room, he cant take that pain right now!
Scotty were praying for you and your whole family in this time brother wishing you well from Renovo Pa hope to see ya back on YouTube soon but one day at a time bro
Hey Scotty!! I’m praying for you, you inspire so many people and not just BMX riders, I myself do not ride but somehow your videos are so interesting they are my daily highlight and have inspired me to work hard in every aspect of my life, get better soon and keep up the phenomenal work.
Hope you get better soon Scotty!! Your my inspiration to ride bmx and I love watching your videos don’t let this acidient take bmx away from you bro , love you mate get better soon buddy
Holy cap I’m in tears I just heard about this from YouTube I am so freaked out I hope u are OK Scott I feal for u get well soon:)
Scotty I wish you and your family the best of luck in this tough time. There are so many people supporting you! You are such a huge part of BMX and you inspire us all. Your relentlessly positive attitude is contagious and there is no doubt in my mind that the world is a better place with you a part of it. It is crazy how much I have thought about you since I heard the news. Recovery —> Lets get it!
I truely hope you get better scotty. I look up to you so much. And i will be praying for you day and night. God bless
Your such an inspiration, and all round legend! I know if im having a rough day, there will be a new video out and no matter how depressed I maybe feeling I can always rely on you and the guys on your Youtube videos to put a smile on my face!
I sincerely thank you and hope that you have a smooth and speedy recovery
Be strong scotty! We are all praying for you and your family.
Get well soon man! We’re all supporting you!
Hope you get better Scotty. I hate to hear that you got into a terrible accident. I hope you have a full recovery and are able to continue what you love to man. you inspire me some much. To get of my butt and do something i love. i just hope the best for you man.
Dude, Scotty, you and your YouTube channel have inspired me to get back into bikes after over ten years on not even owning one. As an OR tech with the military I’ve been in and seen some crazy surgeries and these guys made full recoveries. I am sure you will be back to kicking everyone’s butt on those obstacle courses. Take the recovery slow my friend physical therapy sucks but it’s worth it to stick to it and don’t over do it. Wish I could donate more .
I hope you get well soon your an important person to me and everyone else watching your videos. Me and your family love you please get well soon.??????
Hopefully you recover as quickly as possible. You are a total inspiration to me and my friends. Lots of love. Get well soon??
scotty get better soon i would love to see monster energy step up and pay for it all since hundred millions of product was sold and been see from your videos…its a good way to really say that you mean something to them………..
I’ve been a subscriber for about a year now and I just want to tell you that you and your family and big boy are incredible people and that I will stay subscribed until you guys stop making videos because i will never get bored of your videos. I hope you recover from your injury and it doesn’t effect your riding because that’s your lifestyle. Love you guys… Get well soon.
Me and my fiancée will pray for you tonight for a strong recovery Scott. You are a kind guy with a strong spirit and will overcome this. I have faith in you and god willing it is smoother waters ahead.
Scotty always had tons of enthusiasm, he was always powered up to make new videos for everyone. He’s always been an inspiration for me, and many other riders throughout the world. I Hope he’ll get better soon. Best wishes to you and your family Scotty.
We are all praying for you Scotty! Stay strong Brother! I pray for you to have a speedy recovery. You will stay in our thoughts throughout your recovery.
Hope you get better soon Scotty i watch every video on YouTube you have inspired me to ride BMX
scotty you are my inspiration to keep moving and to do better even though I don’t bmx I love your content hope you get better soon
Scotty neither me nor my girlfriend ride BMX or have ridden BMX. Your videos and positive attitude are infectious, and have caused us both to watch your videos. We end each night together watching your daily clip. We will be thinking of you constantly, and hoping for a speedy full recovery. Positive thoughts and vibes all around you, take the neccessary time off and don’t rush anything. We will all be here waiting for your return.
Sorry to hear about the accident, you’re such an inspiration to all of your fans and such a positive dude. The world needs more scotty’s. You got this man!!!
I subed to you when you where at 60,000 subs I live your vids I love Box too because of you I now ride Box hope you get better
Get well soon man. Everyone is here with you :)
Dude I love you and big boy would not be the man we all love withought you and your will to better him and I wish you a very speedy recovery and you will be back to Normal in no time scotty you just need to be determined and you have inspired me to change my life to make me happier and my friends happier so I am very thankful for you
Hi Scotty
You are my idol, you are my sunshine, you are my inspiration, you are my everything.
To all scottys friends and family your doing an amazing job supporting him we need you back in action scotty we love the videos and just all the motivation that you give me and my girlfriend big shout out to big boy for the updates we love you guys you should all come visit us in new Zealand and don’t forget Cory puppy arms should have been a mini horse will be your ring bearer 540tailwhip master trike champion berglar
Hope you recover fast. So sad that you got badly injured as I love you videos. Get well soon bro
Get better soon Scotty. Thoughts to your family and friends. You guys are my motivation to start ride again.
Get well soon Scotty, hope all goes well as quickly as possible for one of the nicest guys in BMX and YouTube. Take your time with your recovery to make it as effective as possible. Keep up all the good work!
We all love big boy, but a video that is not opened by you scotty is just not the same.
Every Morning I wake up here in Australia and watch your video before going to work, it puts me in a great mood for the day. All the best wishes from down under for a speedy recovery.
Hope you get beyter soon and hope you can ride BMX again i will keep you in my prayers to get better soon STAY STRONG
Hope you have a super good recover and good luck to you.
You inspired me to ride!
Hey! Hope you have a fast as speedy recovery! We need you back scotty we all love you very much #RoadToRecovery♡♡♡
Get well soon Scotty
I really hope you make a full and swift recovery Scotty! You are one of the awesomest dudes out there and hopefully you can get back in the bike soon! As an avid downhill mountain biker I’ve had my fair share of broken bones, so I understand that when you can’t do what you love the most it kills you. God bless you bro!
Scotty, you are the best, you’ll be fine. Just be positive as you always be ;)
I wish you fast full recovery. You inspire me to live on my way – you must do what you do best – get up and ride again!
Get well soon man you inspire me to keep riding bmx get well soon man
All the way from Edmonton get well, have a speedy recovery, and get back on the bike. Hope to see you in your vids on YouTube Soon!
omg, when i saw the video i am not gonna lie but i actually had to cry when i heard what you have and i am just so sad when i think about you and your inspiring story’s and speeches you are such a good person you are the one that keeps me going to school if i didn’t find your channel i would have made bad decision , and you don’t deserve these injuries, i always watch every video i have a timer set for when the video goes up you are my biggest inspiration to never quit and just keep going with everything.
Hope you recover fast love you so much bro, bless you and your family.
Just stay strong and i know you will!
i hope you get better soon Scotty, and keep to passions with a hasty recovery so we we can see you reach the skies with your skills and dreams in hand
Hey Scotty if ur reading this. I love u and the boys so much and u guys r my inspiration . Get better soon Scotty ?
Hi Scotty, watched your channel from the beginning and have been inspired by your attitude to l!fe. Especially love how you take the seriousness out of the sport, get well soon , i know you will
hope you get better Scotty be strong bro we all got your back! Thanks for putting your positive videos everyday with your crew man, hopping everything goes goes well. Peace bro
your channel is like a mother singing lullabies before my bed time. i got so used to watch the video before sleeping…thanks for the past monthas!
Scotty u r such an inspiration to everyone. you have shown me to overcome my fears and try new tricks within BMX and outside of BMX as well . Thank you very much Scotty I wish the best recovery for u.
Hey scotty, your one of my true bmx idles and your videos have made me into a better bmx rider. I hope you get better soon.
Wish you all the best Scotty, you will be in my toughts. Hope you get a quick recovery, and that you will be able to ride again. Your and your friends videos mean everything to me!!!❤️
Hey, Scotty, I hope you get back up soon, you’re the reason why I started to ride BMX.
You gave me so much inspiration and showed me that BMX is fun and not a competiton!
Love you man! Best thing is, that you always have to laugh by watching your Vids :D
I am from the UK and your channel is part of my daily routine. The way you guys are with each other is exactly how me and the guys were when we were riding back in the day. I really hope this is a minor set back for you and you are up and riding in no time. PEACE!
If you read this, please remember what you have done for people around the world. I wish you a speedy recovery and a healthy rebound from this.
Scotty! please get well soon, we love you man. You are an inspiration to a lot of us, we fallow your videos on Youtube everyday and we love you man. Come on, hang in there. Push your body to recovery. WE LOVE YOU BROTHER.
Get well Scotty I need you, you are my inspiration to ride please get well ????
Your videos make me laugh and smile bro. You inspired me to pick up a bike and learn a handful of tricks. You taught me how to manual and hang 5. You’re teaching me how to wall ride. Love you man. All of us are wanting you to heal up quickly. Let’s get it.
I hope so much for a good, speedy recovery. We are all here for you man. Keep killing it.
Wached most of your videos and you actually got me into riding. I am hoping you will have a very fast recovery and get back to doing what you do best. Prayers to you Scotty ??
Scott i hope you get better you are a motivation for all of us ?
Hi scotty recover as fast as you can! Your channel was my inspiration to ride! I am waiting to see you in the next video! Good luck with recovery
This absolutely destroyed me reading this today. Scotty brings me and my girlfriend joy every day watching his videos. Melted today seeing the youtube video and learning of his injury. Our thoughts and wishes are with Scotty and his family right now. Praying for a speedy recovery!
Hope you get better soon scotty and I hope that you are able to ride again. I found the channel and have been a fan for awhile now and I am very sorry to hear that this happened. You have my prayers and support I hope you make a full recovery.
Hope u get better soon and have a fantastic recovery .. I’ve watched all ur videos and it’s made me get back into bmx again… scotty you and bigboy and Cory and the crew r my inspiration and my thoughts go to u and ur family and friends get well soon
Sending my prayers and strength från across the atlantic. Hope u get better soon. U are a big inspiration for many people i know here in Sweden, hope u’ll get better soon! Love from Sweden!
Hope that you have a very speedy recovery scotty, i love your youtube videos, they put a smile on my face whenever i watch them and you are by far my favourite BMX rider and an all round bad ass….your UK homies are thinking about you bro…get well soon ??
i don’t know much to say in support of Scotty, Other then I hope you recover soon man. Your story of life in BMX has been a very big inspiration to me in getting back on a bike after 15 years of not riding. I enjoy every single video you all post everyday. Also my comment is not just for Scotty it is for the entire family base that is with him. I wish you all the best and that you all feel better soon/
Hey scotty I have been watching you since 90K and the video you post in youtube are so funny and inspirational and to hear what happen to you is so sad and I hope you get a quick recovery
Hope you better soon. I will miss the bmx vids. I know that happens to everyone
Dear Scotty,
dude all my best wishes to you and your family i broke my back riding years ago and i know how helpless you feel right now but just let the dr.’s do what they do and it will all be over soon enough my prayers are with you
Scotty your I my prayers and everyone else’s man. Hope you get better soon. Even if you can’t YouTube anymore your still a big inspiration to all of us no matter what is going on!!!!
Scotty your I my prayers and everyone else’s man. Hope you get better soon. Even if you can’t YouTube anymore your still a big inspiration to all of us no matter what is going
I wake up every single day, and check my youtube to see if Scotty has uploaded anything new. you’re gonna make it thru this! You have so many people rooting for you. Love you scott.
Get well soon scotty just to let you know you have the support of every single fan and your family and friends get well soon Scott ❤️
Hope you have a quick and full recovery Scotty! You’re videos are so good and your riding in general is on another level! Sucks that this has happened to you! Get well soon mate.
Scotty hope you feel better and get back to riding ? you are amazing and i watch your videos everyday at home ? and they are also amazing to you the best youtuber I watch .
Dupe I hope you make a solid recovery! You are my greatest inspirations that got me riding again and to push myself to do better not only in riding but in life. Take her easy and I wish you well
Hey Scotty I hope you feel better and you get back on that bike
Scotty — I’m moved to tears as I read through all the comments and witness the impact that you’ve made in this world, simply through you leading by example.
You bring passion, inspiration, healing, and transformation to so many, and this all stems from the wellspring of LOVE inside of you. You possess so much power in mind, body, and spirit, and with your visionary mind, we know that you will direct your body to heal itself.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you — much love, and may you have a speedy and safe recovery.
Get well soon Scott. You’ve been there for me when I was down now I’m here for you
I think I can speak for anybody out there that has seen your videos by chance or has watched all of them like myself, by saying you Scotty, and the guys have inspired all of us to do things we could only dream about doing. I’m thankful for everything you guys have done. I hope you get better soon Scotty, this world ows it to you for all that you’ve done. 110%
I hope you get well soon brother, I cant wait to see you riding and making awesome content like always. You are a great inspiration to success and nothing can make you fall down. You can do it!!!
Get well soon Scotty and hope you will have a quick recovery! You are one of the best people in this world and you motivate me to ride every single day with your youtube channel. Wish all the best to you man!
All the love and support from ITALY! ❤?
Do you know, that you have fans even in Polish? ;D
I don’t know what should i say… Just get well… We’ll be waiting :-)
I’ve so much time and respect for what you and your crew display on a daily basis Scotty; Inspiring young and old not to take life too seriously whilst always being yourself and staying true to your roots. Sending you and your family Big love from the UK. Hold tight, rest up and get well soon dude you’ll be shreddin again in no time!
You’re in my thoughts and prayers Scotty. Wishing you a speedy road to recovery and I just can’t thank you enough for being such a good role model and a positive influence on the BMX community. Love ya bro-
I hope you get better soon Scotty! You are a major part in my life! I watch you every day and you inspire me to ride and practice new tricks everyday! I hope the best for you, your wife, and your family! I hope the best rider I know can get back on his feet and give it 110%!
Sending prayers your way Scotty! You’re a huge inspiration to so many and a great dude, and all the good karma is gonna be coming back your way now for a speedy and healthy recovery. Can’t wait to see you back on the channel, get well soon man.
Get very well soon Scotty, You’re my biggest inspiration in bmx and in life as well, You were one of the few riders who could get me motivated to do something. You’ll probably wont read this among the hundreds of comments, but still im writing it. Im 26 now and having a bmx for a year now. in the past 10-12 years sport have been something i just watched in videos since my injury on a skateboard which scared me away of doing eny sport.. But you guys, the way you enjoy what you do inspired me, i wanted to be part of it also. And i’ll be grateful for showing how to enjoy life while doing something productive and not just sitting around and doing nothing. Wish you the very best and and hope you’ll be 110% again like you always do!
Wishing you the best all the way from NZ Scotty! Hope you get well soon you trooper :) Positive vibes and support always!
I’m so sorry to hear about your accident, you are such an inspiring person and a great guy in general! I hope you make a speedy recovery, love and best wishes to you, your family and your friends, get well soon Scotty!
Been watching your videos from day one! You’re the first thing I think about when I come home from school and I dont do anything until I watch your video, and or past ones again. I hope you recover soon and remember, this one bad thing will lead to an even better thing in the future. Also, to Big boy, Thank you for the update video!
Get well soon my man!
Praying for you! You’re a huge inspiration to everyone, thank you for your videos! Stay positive, love you bro!
Injury is never an easy thing to deal with, but I have the upmost respect for you. You ride every day, put up videos every day; It’s inspiring to say the least. Your an inspiration and a hero to so many of us and we wish only the best for you. You are a champion and if anyone can overcome this, it’s you. Much love to you and your family. Praying for the best. Like Burglar said, you are a warrior and I have no doubt in my mind; with your determination, you’ll be up and at em’ as soon as possible. You’re a hero.
Sending strength to Scotty and your family and fellow bmx family. My partner and I watch all your videos, never a dull moment. Eveny young boys enjoy watching you guys and the positive vibes, so we return the favor and send positive vibes and thoughts your way!
Peace ✌!
Steffi and Nick
Scotty WE ALL HOPE YOU RECOVER Dude :/ <3 Some Love from Portugal Fans ! (i was on the school when the notice comes out and i start crying)
Scotty you are everyone’s favorite riders favorite ride and i hope you recover fast. You channel is full of laughter and its so motivating to watch. And if you ever see this big boy is the man and its awesome what hes doing to help you and thanks for filling us in. Good luck to you and your family.
Get well quickly and please always remember that you don’t just have fans, you have family here by your side ; )
Scotty is one if the biggest bmx legends I’ll ever saw hope u feel better n get back on bikes love u Scotty feel better dude
I hope everything goes well and you get better soon you and your family will be in my prayers
Just finished watching todays video. In shock to say the least. Our hearts and our prayers go out to yall. I hope for a speedy recovery. Las Vegas has some amazing doctors and I know they can do great things. So heal up quick.
Hope you get well soon Scotty, the reason so many people watch you is because of your good positive energy, we need you back man!
Keep strong scotty
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I wish you a speedy recovery and I’m glad your still with us. It’s a long tough road to wellness, but if anyone could do it, it’d be you. Take care.
Hope you get better love watching your videos your my reasons for riding
Get well soon scotty! I was in hospital for the last 3 years suffering with a rare type Chron’s disease and had 31 surgeries in order to get my coccyx (tailbone) removed and as it may seem that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, Just remain positive and take in all the support from your family and friends and I can almost assure you that you will be back on that bike in no time!!! keep it up man!!!
My thoughts are with you and your family, Scotty. You are truly a great role model and inspiration to younger generations and we can’t wait to see you back in the videos. Get better soon, Scott, for all of us.
Scotty, I recently found your YouTube channel from my best friend Collin Nobel. Over the weeks I’ve watched you you’ve been the biggest inspiration for me to ride. I hope you get better soon!
Best of wishes -Liam Carlisle
I was excited for another video like I am everyday of you guys doing your thing only to find this. found the channel about 5 or 6 months ago and have watched every video since. you guys live no more than 30 minutes from me so seeing all the spots you hit, I recognize them all. we’re all pulling for him to get better and back on his bike. we all know he’ll be as good as new in no time at all. Will definitely be contributing. good work Big Boy in keep us all updated. It’s funny, I never rode bmx, but all of you make it so fun to watch and bring comic relief to me everyday. I’m into a whole different type of sport, but the person you are Scotty, makes us all loyal. Get well and we’ll be seeing you soon! If you guys need anything at all. I’m in the area to help in Long Branch NJ
Skotty hope you get well soon, your in inspiration to my life. Your amazing dude, I’m praying for you to get well soon! Don’t worry god is by your side he well get you through this.
I really hope you’ll get better soon Scotty. I don’t usually follow people on youtube but you became a huge inspiration to me and to over 600 000 people. Even though BMX is not my main sport, you are my role model and I try to translate what you teach about having a mindset to progress into skiing. Get well soon!
I’m only 13 and I gave up on bmx until I started watching your voids and in one you said it part of bmx falling and getting hurt so you inspired me to jump the same 10 stair I got hurt on the first time and I added a barspin in with it so I hope you get Berger and that you can get back to doing what you love bmx
Really hope you recover fast! Keep the spirits high!
Come on Scotty! This recovery will come fast, all of us, your fans are behind you, cheering you on, every second of the day. I just pray for a quick recovery! Hope you get well soon man!
Praying for you Scotty. Your youtube videos are an asset to my life. You are such a great person.
Scotty, my wife and I have no interest in BMX (sorry!) but we watch every one of your videos because of the man you are and the friends you have around you. Stay strong and believe in your ability to get better. It’s going to be a long road but we know you’ll pull through.
Hello, I’m from the Caribbean and I love watching you all videos on YouTube, you all videos motivates and inspires me in all different type of ways. Stay strong Scotty and I pray you have a speedy recovery.??
Get better Scotty!
Scotty I know its late but I really really hope you get better keep riding man you are. My inspiration and I hope I can meet you one day so I hope you get better. Remember get better stay riding. ??
Praying for you Scotty! Your videos are a bright spot in my day!
Hey scotty, I come from germany and i wish you get well, much force for you and your family and your friends. You can do it, we all think of you.
Yours sincerely Christian
Our thoughts and prays are with you Scotty and your family. Get well soon.
Litterly cried bro
Scott’s i get excited to watch your videos every day and love them. Hope you get well soon.
Hey Scotty I’m 13 your a big part of my life at this time it’s kinda hard for me to ride right now I live in a little town called pilot rock I have my own bike and I’m looking forward to keep learning tricks I can almost 180 flat and foot jam halfcab out the closest skate park to me is in a city called Pendleton its a small but fun park I’m looking forward to seeing u in your vids I will be praying Scott get better soon….ps your the best rider in your family even better than matty
Hope u get better Scotty we want to see you get back up on that bike have fun like you always do, we are all here for you.
Scotty get well soon, my prayers are with you! I look forward to your videos everyday! Remember good things happen to good people.
I hope that Scotty gets better and that we pray and hope that god will lay his hand on Scotty
All my prayers go to you Scotty. Your one of my idols and I hope to see you back up on the channel again and healthy and back to shape. Love you dude get better soon.
Scotty you are truly an inspiration to us all. The videos and content you put out shine with your positivity, talent and amazing outlook on life. Your enthusiasm for life, riding, and helping animals has gotten through to all your fans and viewers and has literally changed lives for the better. The comments section of your videos are full of testimonials of how you got people into riding, or into riding again. Everyone who knows you has been bettered from your positivity and Im really sorry that this happened. We all look up to you, I know I do, and we all are pulling for you in this. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care good man, I hope to be seeing you on youtube again soon :)
I have everything crossed for you Scotty! I watch you channel every day with my two sons and we are all huge fans…your videos got me back on my brake after 10 years and and really inspired me! Because of you my kids love bmx and and you really have given us all inspiration to get out and ride together… thank you and please get well soon! A guy with such a positive attitude like you will be back up and running in no time! Good things happen to good people and your defiantly one of the best Scotty!!
From Tom, Teddy and Dexter Lawton Nottingham England
Wish you a speedy recovery dude! You’re an inspiration to anyone watching your videos, not only for the riding but for the great attitude you have towards life! Can’t wait to see you smiling again :-)
Get well soon Scotty. You’re seriously an inspiration to so many people and we all know you’re gonna make it through this. Wish you the best.
Scotty, I’ve been with you since the beginning of your channel. I’ve been through all the milestone challenges with you guys (you really should get Matty to do a new trick for a milestone challenge after Vinny). I’ve watched every single one of your videos at least once and can still remember how amazed I was when you did a flair 720 tail-tap to whip on Corey puppy arms shoud’ve been a mini horse will be your ring bearer 540 tailwhip master trike champion Berglar’s ramp and when you tailwhipped the quarter-pipe in West Windsor skate park. I’ve seen all of your injuries, and I’ve seen all of you come out fine, so I know you can make it out of this one too. On a side note though, I miss your videos where you would leave the cursing in but bleep it out. I always thought it was pretty funny to see you guys lose your cool sometimes, but I understand why you guys stopped doing that. It was nice while it lasted lol
Hope you get better soon Scotty your an inspiration in my life and so many others, your gonna best this and be back on your bike soon!
Hey Scotty I which I could fund but I can’t sorry you are may inpreration to ride my scooter and to go to a skate park every though they may make fun of me. Get well soon I love you.
youre such an inspiration Scotty; my boyfriend and I watch you every single day. you’re the reason we started riding! youre so supportive of all your friends and I feel like I’m one of them so now it’s our turn to support you! you’re an incredible guy and you’ve got 616k people pulling for you! 650k challenge is just getting better – easiest one yet! we love you Scotty; praying for the best!
I hope so that you are gonna recover vast i ma broek that my idol crasht i ma Hopkins so bad that you are gonna recover fast eb strong Scotty ??
bro i love and its sad to think that this happend to you. best of luck man hope you can get back on the youtube grind if youre able to much love man
my instagram is BBK_Thunk
Scotty, you are my motivation, and your the reason I get up in the morning, to watch your videos and ride BMX, all the best to you and your family
Hope you get better soon buddy, love the channel,stay strong
Scotty you are the man who can get through anything if you believe you can. I know i believe you can.
I ma hoping so bad that you are gonna recover fast my idol cant ride i love to Se Your video’s but for now be stromg Scotty ??
Hi, I’m Bobby Romberger. I am a huge fan. I’ve been watching your videos since number one. I’m looking forward to this summer because I’m planning to come to New Jersey to meet you in person. I know your gonna be fully recovered by then. Get well soon. My dad and I donated 50 bucks to Road 2 Recovery on your behalf. Wishing you and yours all the best! Can’t wait to see you back on your bike!!!
I hope you get better soon Scotty so you can go back doing what you love with your loving frends and fammaly
I hope you get better soon. I know you will come back stronger. We are all here for you. Love you always ❤ ❤ ❤
Scotty I started bmx because I you and I hope that you become better soon, feel better buddy.
I’m a scooter rider and all of my friends are. We all watch your videos, your our inspiration! Don’t give up Scotty! Get better soon!
Scotty i hope you get better man you are such an inspirational person to everyone you make people feel good and better and now your fans are here to make you feel better. hope you get better dude.
Hi Scotty my name is Steven n I’m from the UK I’m 24 and I hope you make a full recovery I myself have had 11 family member pass away in the past 4 years the latest one was my mother who I was extremely close to since she passed I become depressed and felt like my life wasn’t worth living then one day after my doctor said I needed a Bobbie to take my mind off it.
Well up till the age of 13 I used to do stunts on bmx so out on a limb I typed in bmx on YouTube and your video popped up and every since then ive watched every one and I can say you are an inspiration to me and millions of others worldwide so we all hope u make a full recovery
Scotty relax your thoughts, focus on your recovery and know in your heart that your channel is solid and never going anywhere. Know accidents happen and can not be avoided.. hence the word accident. Take this time with your family. God is not finished with you yet son. I’m 42, play baseball, ride dirt bikes and because of you ride BMX. I have two girls 5 and 7. They love watching your channel with me. Thank you from my heart. God Speed my friend.
get better scotty cramer. much respect
You’ve got this man. With your determination and drive you’re going to be fully recovered in no time! Keep the spirits high. Sending good thoughts your way. Lets get it!
Hey Scotty I love the videos. Your crew is out there supporting you and so is road 2 recover hope you get better. You taught me a lot of tricks and taught me stuff I never heard of and I appreciate that man hope to see you soon.
Scott I try to live my life as exciting brace and caring as yours. Know that I’m backing you 100% of the way throughout this. And with all of your family and friends by your side it will get better.
I look forward to your videos everyday and i know that you will pull through. You have lots of friends and supporters who all believe in you. All the best to you.
Get well soon Scotty!!! I know with your will and the support you have you will be able to recover from this. stay strong!! ?
Yo Scotty I hope you get better man you’re the reason I’m out there riding every day you inspire me to go 110% on everything I do on my bike don’t let this bring you down man feel better
Hey scotty hopefully you will get back agen I’ll miss you all the time and if I had money I would give them to you you are my favorite part of bmxin you are the guy there’s giving me hope that I can do new stoff and lern from the best you will get op agen as my favorite YouTuber and my idol I miss you
Hey Scotty i hope you have a Quick and full recovery.
I love your videos and i dont even ride BMX
Love from Denmark
Hope u get better Scotty you are a inspiration to me to make the best of life and to be happy every step of the way, get well soon man. -Nate
scotty i hope you get better soon as possible be strong always keep that smile on your face all your fans we love you your are great person never give up stay strong much love from UK #HUGEFAN
he inspires me every day to be better and do better every time i watch his you tube channel and i hope he gets better
I love you man you have helped me through some tough times and I just hope you get better soon. so I’m going to donate $50, I’m so sorry I can’t give anymore but I’m only 13 and I’m trying my hardest to give you as much as I can. Angain I just hope you can recover as fast as possible and I know you will. <3 <3
Jack Mantle
Get well soon buddy, hope you have a speedy recovery
I hope you feel better soon. My brother watches your videos everyday and so do I. You’re the best!!!!
You have an amazing personality and a lot of wisdom. Whatever happens after this you will still entertain and inspire thousands of people. I am wishing you a full healthy recovery though. I hope all goes well with your surgeries and you heal quickly. Glad you have your family by your side (including your riding friends like Big Boy). Much love and positive vibes.
Hey Scotty and family, thinking and praying for you all at this hard time! Keep strong and things will get better! All the way from the UK!
I hope you feel better soon. My brother watches your videos everyday and so do I. You’re the best!!!!
You make me want to better myself in everything! You’re an inspiration! Don’t rush it but get back yo us soon!
Get well soon scotty prayers sent your way
Scotty hope that u will have a speedy recovery stay strong ?
Get well soon your in all of our hearts . Your the biggest inspiration dude when I see u posted a new video I watch it instantly. I have seen every one of your videos I love watching them my altime favorite is the opsticors ones .love u dude hope u get better .
Scotty you are genuinely an inspiration to me. I know this term gets used a lot but it perfectly sums up what you and your friends are to me. When I heard the news I was devastated. I thought to my self ‘how can this happen to such a good person’? If anyone can get through it though, it is you as you are so mentally and physically tough. You have a great bunch of friends and family who I know will be right beside you the whole way. You have the whole world, including me supporting you mate. I want you to know, that I am from Australia and the news has spread all the way to this side of the world. Don’t stop fighting man!!
and he inspires all of my friends they want to say get better to and cant weight till Ur back on the channel
Ever since your first video was released I fell in love with BMX as a sport and a way of having a fun time with friends. Seeing what a person can achieve in life by doing something they love makes me believe anything is possible. Scotty you are my inspiration to succeed and thrive in the things I do and knowing what you have overcomed in life I know that you will recover fully and you won’t let this get you down. I hope you have a fast and well needed recovery
we love you bruh
I knw you will be better
dude! You are the man. hope you recover fast and make it back to the youtube channel which was my inspiration to ride and get better. Were all here for you. stay strong.
can’t wait to see you back on your feet!! i know you can make a full speedy recovery so do it. :) <3
Scotty you are the best bmxer I have ever watch on YouTube I love you a lot and I am praying for you I hope you get well really soon so I can keep my self entertained after school every day. I am trying to have my mom donate money for you because I love watching you I have like your videos more than I’ve like RomanAtwoods videos.
I love you scotty, get better soon! Your going to pull through this solider.
Love from Alex, UK
I opened up my phone after a 3 hour cardrive home, the first thing I see is that you’ve been in an accident.. My heart dropped.
Scotty bro! Get well, I wish you all the best!
You’re like family to me even though I live in Sweden.
You’re a great inspiration!
Get well Scotty. Hope u can get back out there soon. You r the reason I started riding a bmx. All I hope is that I take it slow and steady to get back on track to BMX.
I hope u get well soon scotty u the best bmx rider and u are always positive✌
The whole Carlino family is sending good vibes your way. Thanks so much for being an inspiration and great role model for my son. You are an amazing athlete and although I don’t know you personally, you seem to be just as great of a person in your videos as you are an athlete! You are always so supportive and encouraging of your buds in your videos–now it’s time for you get all that support and encouragement coming right back to you. We’re all with you, Scotty–you’ve got this!!!
Hang in there, Scotty.
Yoo Scotty! Bummed to hear about your injury. I don’t even BMX (Skateboarding though, so i feel you). You are one of the main reasons why my friend startet to ride BMX. I (and him) watch your vids every day, and you motivate us every time to just go out, make the best out of what we got and just have fun! Hope you get better soon!!
Love Marcel, from Denmark
Scotton not only are you an inspiration in my life to be a better person but you do so much for the kids and families. I have a little boy that is the cutest dang thing in the world. You’ve inspired me to be the best dad I could be. He is almost a year and watches your YouTube channel with me everyday. He loves watching you guys do work and have fun. I hope your recovery goes good and that you can get back to doing what you love. Keep your head up and stay strong. You have the best support team in the world.
Hey Scotty ur my biggest inspiration
I always look forward to watching your videos and I ride the streets all the time hope u get better soon
Hey Scotty, my names Cameron and I just wanted to say good luck man. U r my inspiration, u make me wanna ride. Thank u for everything I’ve done for us. U r my favorite YouTuber and u always will be. I love u Scotty. Get well soon!!!
Hey scotty, i just recently found your channel through my little brother who rides and all of you guys make me wanna go out and ride. This is just another hill youre gonna have to climb. You can get through it and there are many people behind you. Big boy, Ron, Scottys dad and mom scottys wife, Matty, keep your heads up. He’ll get through.
Get well soon scotty you have inspired me and I think your writing is incredible and I don’t want to see you losing your biking career
You’ve done for us**
I hope you get better soon! Your videos have been helping me keep my head up. You have been providing both entertainment and inspiration for me. Three years ago I was in a pool accident and shattered my C6 and now have a cage fusing my C5 and C7 vertebra. After surgery I needed rehab so I, as a New Jersey resident, went to Kesseler rehab center in west orange nj. They are the number one spinal cord rehab center on the East Coast. The doctors and the nurses and the staff there are amazing and very very helpful. So if you need rehab after surgery I really recommend you go there . I really hope you get better soon and you will be in my prayers .
Get well soon and I wish you a speedy recovery .
Hay Scotty my name is Jason Stevenson i hope you get better you are one of my favorite pro bmx riders you have inspired me to overcome my fears an get out there and shread I love watching your videos my favorite ones are the obstacle corse ones I love how u just blaze through them and every one else can’t even get through the 3rd obstacle. We’ll I hope you get better and keep on posten love ya dude . Peac ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️????
Scotty you are a legendary athlete! I wish you all the best! You are a true inspiration because you always try your best to get trough the toughest stuff. Thank you and get better soon !
Get well Scotty! You are an inspirational to all. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
I’m just an old guy who loves BMX and what you do for the kids and the sport every day.
I see the support system you have around you every night when I get home from work and watch the days new video.
Your friends and family are amazing people that will be there to watch your back as you recover.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Stay positive.
Your an inspiration brother I know you well get better your a strong man, I’ll donate what I can get better soon bro
Scotty you are great. You’re family needso you and we need you it is great to know you are in good hands.
Scotty, I hope my donation will help you and your family during this troubling time. I have only recently started following you and your crew, but watching you all has helped to keep me in good spirits while I get through an ordeal that I am currently recovering from now- so thank you for that! You are an inspiration and a great role model for many young enthusiasts, and I have no doubt that you will come away from this stronger than ever. Hang in there, and my thoughts and prayers are with your and your family.
praying for you scotty and your family
Hope you get better dude you got me back into skating
Just got the news today Scotty.
You are an inspiration as a person and as an amazing bmx rider. My thoughts are with you and your family as you continue your recovery.
As I get my first bmx today after 8 years, I’ll be riding for you.
Get well soon man! #rideforscotty
Best of luck to you man hope you get well soon and hope you can still ride
Thank you guys so much for helping Scotty i wish i could make a donation. But im only 14 with no money.
I’m praying for you guys and hope that he gets better soon.
We are all praying for you and your family. God help Scotty thru everything he has to go thru. He has touched so many lives and inspires people daily. All the support he gives to everyone in the crew is unreal. Now it our time to support him. Hope you get better daily and can’t wait to see you and the boys killing on the YouTube channel again. Keep him posted with all this live big boy.
How you get better Scotty you are the guys who made me want to ride and keep doing it get better soon take it easy
Dear Scotty,
I was in the same situation as you 3 months ago I had a very bad because crash and went to go to a back flip and didn’t make it all the way. They said that if I didn’t have a helmet on I would have died as soon as I hit the ground. I had fractured vertebraes, fractured nasal cavity,eye socket,cheap bone and I had a brain bleed and a severe concussion. But I had my friends family and YouTube family by my side. I raised over 50,000 dollars and I then donated it all to the hospital because my insurance covered everything. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you know your not the only person in this situation and I hope you know that their is always your family that comes everyday wether it’s interesting or not and. Supports you. You are an inspiration to me and you got me through life on my long road ahead.
Get well soon, Scotty! You and you amazing videos are an inspiration to me and my brother! Can’t wait to see you back on the bike. Thoughts and prayers with you
I hope you feel better you are an amazing person. you inspire me to be a better person everyone is behind you. you have a great support from over 600000 people who thinks your an amazing person thank you for being you
Sending you and your family positive thoughts all the way from Scotland. You, your channel and your team have been a positive influence in the past year of my life while I have gone through a terrible divorce and have battled custody issues to see my daughter. You are an inspiration to others and a great role model for the next generation of riders.
From an ex BMX rider.
Hoping for a speedy recovery to Scotty who taught me what bmx is all about and that is to have fun with your mates
I really hope you get better Scotty. You are a huge inspiration to All of your subscribers.
get well soon man, i wish the best for you and your family, i watch your videos all the time and i love all the content all you guys put out. i hope you have a speedy recovery.
We love and watch your channel everyday. Was in shock while watching the channel today and hearing Big Boy explain what was going on. Please get well soon. You never give up and are always super positive. Stay positive and strong through this recovery. Lisa you are loved as well, stay strong. <3
Scotty I have been watching you for a while now and it makes me really sad to see you are in hospital and when your just trying to put across that anybody can do what you do and you would love them to follow there dreams and I just hope that you will be okay and you are an inspiration to me and I have started downhill biking
Hope you get better soon
Get better soon Scotty your videos are what made me start to ride and all the support and best of luck . Be persistent and never give up get better soon
It’s ok Scott I had the same thing from riding street I was having memories when I read it but hope u fell better and take it easy #ur my idol
Scotty I hope for the best and that everything will be ok. Especially since you motivated me to switch from scooters to BMX and I have to say it was the best choice I have made. And I want to thank you for that.
Scotty man.. I didnt hear about this until i saw the youtube video and freaked out. Hoping all the best for you man, you inspire so many people and have something really beautiful going on through youtube. I know it sounds cliche but you really do man and we all know it. Dont rush the recovery, we’ll be waiting for ya no matter how long it takes. Much love from back in jersey for you right now man!
Get well soon scotty, you have inspired me to get back into BMX through your youtube channel. Your positive attitude towards life is amazing and i am sure you can pull through this terrible accident.
Good luck and all the best from Tom Morgan, Tasmania Australia.
I think we all hate to hear that :/ but i know you are strong and even bigger and better heart than the most people,
You got the love from all over the world, Get better my friend and keep doing you,
with big love from a guy in denmark
Hey Scotty, I’m so inspired by your riding! I wouldn’t ride if it weren’t for you get better soon bro!?
You are my inspiration and favorite rider. I watch you ever day at 4pm when you post new videos. I am 12 years old and hope to be like you one day doing seat stand front flips. I can’t wait for you to get better and to see you at 4pm again soon. Will, New York
Can’t wait till you get better. I know it’s going to be a long road. But all of your fans are behind you. Good luck Scotty
All the best moving forward.
Push onward, you push others to make the best of themselves.
Now, others will push you to make the best yourself, dig deep.
You can do it, you have done before.
This will be the best trick I’ve seen yet.
The best trick anyone have ever seen.
Newark, Delaware, USA.
Scotty pull through bruh I watch you guys everyday and can’t think about not being able too
Get well soon. You are a truly great person and we probably don’t even get to see half of how great you are. You motivate your friends to better themselves. You motivate your viewers to pick back up and ride, or ride for the first time. For me, personally, you have motivated me to view life differently in a whole new way. I may only know you through your videos, but you have changed who I am, and I can almost guarantee you have changed 600,000+ other people. We all want to see you get better. Get well soon, Scotty.
Scotty you inspire me so much. I watch your videos everyday and they always put a smile on my face.
Hope you make a full recovery soon.
Man I hate to see this I love watching y’all every day! You guys have made it where I want to start riding again. If it wasn’t for you and big boy I wouldn’t have wanted to start my passion again. I relate to big boy because I’m 6’4 and 230lbs. I hope you have a speedy recovery. You and your family and friends will be in mine and my families prayers! Get well brother!
Dear Scotty, I can’t express how much of a role model you are. This may sound weird, but I don’t ride bmx; I watch your channel because in this fouled up world you’re a genuinely nice guy and the positivity you put into the world transcends the tricks you pull. We’ve watched Big Boy grow so much and I think a big part (no pun intended) is the way you support and push him at the same time. If what we see on the channel is any indication of who you are as a person, you deserve all the love and admiration we can provide. The energy and positivity you’ve put into my life has impacted me in a way I didn’t think possible. There’s so much I could and want to say but I don’t want to ramble. Get well man. Peace
Get well soon Scotty hope everything goes well and you make a full recovery. Ive been watching your youtube channel since your first video and you have been a huge inspiration. You have so many great lessons in your videos and help your viewers better themselves. Thanks for all you do keep fighting and make a speedy recovery.
I can’t donate money but i can leave a comment, Scotty I have watched you ride sense you had les than 10k subs and to here this brakes my heart you do not deserve to have this happen to you. And I wish it didn’t happen, I hope you have a full recovery and are back to yourself soon. And I hope you don’t give up. Everyone is with you on this one. Tell Big boy thank for the update I needed it ! GOOD LUCK,and get better!
Scotty I have been watchin your videos for about more than two months and I have seen how you never give up, you persevere. Please pull through Scotty and get better.
Scotty your the best youtuber EVER I have watched all of your videos atleast twice and I’ve been subbed since 10k Get well soon
We are all here for you all 616,970 of us
Hope you get better
Hey Scotty I hope you read this I just found out that you’re in hospital and I wish you the most speedy recovery possible you’re such an inspiration not just to me but people all around the world I first found you on YouTube when I watched “ATEMPTING THE IMPOSSIBLE AT MAPLE SHADE SKATEPARK!” And ever since then watching you and big boy and all the crew progress through YouTube has became a daily thing for me I would wait up early in the morning to watch your videos I hope you get better soon much love from Australia ❤️
Hope you are feeling better get well soon you are the BEST
Wishes for a speedy recovery !
We love watching your YouTube channel….
From a BMX MOM
You have inspired me so much. Get better soon it wouldn’t be the same with out you.
Scotty hope your recovery is a speedy one. Hate to see this happen to such an inspirational figure. Stay strong we are all praying for you.
I have nearly broken down after hearing the news. I am extremely sad that this happened. Scotty is in my prayers, I know God has a plan.
Yeah Scotty you are truly and awesome inspiration to fellow bmx’s, I haven’t ridden a bmx for 6 years now but you give me the inspiration to get back on so thank you and hopefully after surgery and the long road to recovery then truly you’ll be my number one hall of famer
We love you man get better every body is trying to help you your in my prayers we love good luck and stay positive.
Hey Scotty, I absolutely love you and big boys videos I look forward to them every day when I get off work i knew something was up when big boy was in front of that laptop, I am so sorry to hear about your injury but hey, “its all apart of riding” right? You and your family will surely be in my prayers daily. I didn’t know you had a wife… she looks nice. Don’t worry buddy I know you have a strong spirit you’ll be back to riding before you know it. God bless you Scotty. I love you guys.(Ps I’m a rollerblader…. just had to throw that in there not sure if you knew you had a fruit booter watching your channel. Hahaha. I threw some money to r2r to help ease the financial burden.)
I hope you fight through the bad times life and carry on your hobbies like Youtube and BMX.
hey scotty i am a new viewer (4 months) but find ur videos great, you are obviously a great person, to yourself and others around you. hoping u a good and fast recovery. hopefully back making great youtube videos soon!
I took me forever to scroll down the bottom to leave my comment which shows how many people’s lives you have changed doing what you love. Your my inspartation and the reason I started to ride which I am sure is the same with at least 3/4 of the people viewing this page. I really hope you get out of hospital soon and have a speedy recovery.
Don’t rush but get back soon. You are a great inspiration to a lot of people including me.
Your Youtube channel helped me through some difficult times in my life. Hope you get well soon!
Scotty I know your going to be okay but just to let you know every single person who watches your videos (over 600,000 people) want you to pull through and get as better soon as possible, because you are a fantastic person & you always have a smile on your face, you are my inspiration for being a good person. Even though I don’t ride bmx I still love your videos because you have taught me how to be a better person and to be nicer and more open to new ideas and everyone that knows what’s happened to you will definitely be waiting to see you up and well again riding your bike. Nothing will ever stop you Scotty so believe in yourself because we all do we know you can get better and real soon too, Best of luck!!
Hey buddy u get better ur a huge inspration to me an id love to meat u.. best of loke to u an ur family! U can do this scotty! I watch all ur vids hige fan.
Get well soon Scotty!! Can’t wait to see you back at it when you’re healed up! Stay strong buddy!
Get well soon man I know your struggling and I know it hurts but look to the future and look at all the people that care about you man your going to be okay. Praying for your
Hey Scott,I just wanted you to know that we are all here with you and we will be here the whole time you are recovering and we will always be there for the worst…. #standwithscotty
I gave what I could. I really hope that you pull through this man. I don’t even ride, but you are an inspirational dude. Good luck man.
im a very big fan of the youtube channel im abig guy and you gave me the motivation to get back on my bike i used to race when i was a teenager im 21 years old now and i am getting back into riding because of you so thank you get well soon and tell big boy im coming for that title im the real big boy
Hey Scotty,
I just wanted to let you know that the whole world wishes you the best.
I know many people in my country watching your videos.
I wish you all the best. Take the time you need to recover.
Greetings from Germany :)
Get better soon, if there is anything i can do to help let me know. I live in vegas and would be more than willing to help out however I can. Best wishes
Hope you have a quick easy recovery man, you have one of the most inspiring and motivational channels on YouTube and are a great roll model for all, hope you get well soon
Started riding when I was 13 I’m now 20 I don’t ride anymore because of injuries from other sports but when I did ride you where my favorite rider next to Dave Mirra. Keep your head up mate hope you have a quick recovery. Prayers from MO
You have been an inspiration for my boys, who father died many years ago. We have u and your family in our thoughts and prayers!!! Much Love
Scotty you are my best inspiration you are the one who got me in bmx and all so all your crew. I hope you recover quikly and go back to what you love to do, i am from mexicio and i think you are awsome i really want to meat you, i will donate as much as i can for you to be that person that every body loves.
Hey Scotty man I hope you get better soon ! You’re such an inspration to so many people and you’re such a positive dude ! Stay strong and get well soon Scott !
Love and support from Belgium.
Yeah Scotty,
I am from Germany and 16 years old and I am watching your Videos on YouTube for 7 month or so and i really really like your video’s.
I watch them nearly everyday..
And when I red that you had a crash I was very shocked..
I wish you and your family best wishes from Germany and I hope you recover quick and well..
Get better soon Scotty dude love you heaps. thoughts are with your family and friends ❤?
get well soon. your positivity has helped me for the past couple of months since i found your channel. <3
Hope you get well soon scotty love your videos your like my idol your an inspiration to all bmx riders around the world don’t rush your recovery keep it steady hope you get well soon bro. Keep fighting through
Why is everyone getting injuries aha first Cory then Vinny now Scotty. All in one month. Thoughts are with you and your friends and family get better soon Scotty love you dude. Lots of love Jacob all the way from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. ❤??
I hope you get better soon. You are my biggest motivator to keep trying new things and work on the tricks I struggle with
Hey Scotty i’m actually just a skateboarder but , I watch your videos all the time and you are really a huge inspiration to keep going hard and pushing it to my limits, it’s great to know that you are getting better and you will be in my prayers
Get better and get back out there and shred on
keep it up scotty i care about you so much i have chemo on monday but F that crap ill be thinking of you man your a strong guy ill keep you in my prayers im crying for you man and feel really bad hope everything is ok scotty
Stay positive bro you’re such a huge inspiration and i know ithat inspiration will gfow to others when you recover from this wreck. Love ya man and prayers and thoughts go out to your family.
God Scotty is truly amazing and he has helped me personal so much in life, I look forward to the Dailey vids
Get well soon buddy
Love from Australia, you got this man
Get better scotty! we are all here to support you every single step of the way!!! make a quick recovery! love you man!
Get well soon Scotty! Big love from the UK!
Get better man, everyone knows how talented & strong you’re!! You were born with a gift, hope you have a speedy recovery. I know you’ll kill it once you get back
Man I love you and god bless you through this rough time
Get well soon Scotty! We’re all here for you and know you can make a full recovery! Your an inspiration for so many and genuinely make countless people happy on a daily basis! Best wishes for Scotty and all his family and friends!
get well soon scotty hope you have a full recovery and are able to do what you like to do
Scotty I know you won’t see this for a while but I want you to know you are the biggest Inspiration in my life my life goal is to meet you one day I don’t think I’ve ever cried because of a idol being hurt but I cryed hard you are my favorite bmx rider and I watch your videos every day I even went back and I’m starting to like all your videos for support on your channel I know you’ll recover quick because of your great family and friends and your YouTube followers just don’t forget to keep that monster energy flowing in your vains and you’ll make it I love you Scotty and like I said your an inspiration and not only to me but to all who watches you I’m getting a new bike soon and I’m going to spray paint Scotty #1 on the side
All the best with the recovery Scotty! Love from Australia!
I love you scotty, you are my biggest inspiration. I can’t wait for more youtube videos get well soon.
Hope you feel better Scotty the only reason I started riding bmx is because you man hope you feel better soon bro
You have inspired tons of people including myself to do bmx. I hope you get well soon.
Your videos on your channel are something that I look forward to everyday, thus through them, I can see what type of person you are. You’ll pull through this, you’ll be up and riding again and hanging with your mates and family once more.
Your positive attitude touches each corner of the this globe and now it’s time for me to give something back.
Much love from Australia,
Scotty, you’ll get through this!
You inspire me to ride better, and because of you, when I fall, I get up.
And now when you fell, we all are ging to help you getting back up, because we care about you bro, you’re the best!
You’ve got our support, almost one million people are going to help you through this!
We love you, Scott :-)
Man, this sucks but your strong Scotty. My favourite youtuber and you inspire me today. I suffer from depression and your videos are one of the most positive things in my life. You, bigboy and the channel mean so much to a lot of us. Cannot wait to see you get back on your bike and do your thing. Get better my dude. :) scotty.
Scotty your the best I love all your videos you are in my prayers. Get Well Soon!
Hey Scotty,
I’m glad to hear that you are improving. I love your videos and even as a non rider I am amazed at what you are able to do. Focus on yourself and healing, we are all and will all be here for you no matter what happens in the future. You, your family and everyone affected by this accident are in my prayers.
Take care man,
Get well Scotty, hang in there
I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. You’re an inspiration to me and so many. So happy to exist in this universe at the same time as you.
you’re the man scotty! hope you feel better soon you are still the best rider around
A HERO always stands back up
Hay Scotty, get well soon been fowling all your pages your a great rider and have a huge heart, you’ve inspired me to get back into riding an now I can stop watching your YouTube videos, you all are funny an keep thing interesting can’t wait for you to start riding again. Much love an your in my prayers bro. I wish I could meet you an the cruw some day that 1 on my bucket list so get well soon an take it easy love ya.
You inspired me to start riding and start living alot healthier. Your videos are such an inspiration to me and made me turn my life around, thank you.
Get well soon Scotty.
Love and support from Australia
Yo brother! Wtf? I can’t believe what happened. I hope you feel better soon. Best wishes to you and your family, I hope everyone is ok (especially you). Make sure to thank Big Boy. He is a true friend and been right there the whole time. I’ll meet you at the track once you get better.
Scotty, much love and positive thoughts to you as you recover. I’ve seen your positive outlook on life, your tenacity in getting those moves just right on your bike, and the love of everyone on your channel, so you have so much fight to get through this. Love and positivity to your family also.
Love the channel! So positive, funny, and inspirational (with respect to going out and doing what you love). You and the whole crew brighten my day, every day, so to hear the news of your injury has been shocking and upsetting. I wish you a speedy recovery, Scotty! Cant wait to see you back on the bike again.
Scotty, my boys and I love what you do. We hope you have a speedy recovery. Thanks for all you and your team do.
God bless,
The Lane’s
Get well soon Scotty!
Coming at you from the Chin family in North Jersey!
Get better Scotty! Recovery is a trick, and all you have to do is work a little on it every day and when the stars align you will be back with us. Until then, I am sure Big Boy and Matty will take care of your adoring fans. Love to you and your family throughout this unfortunate experience.
Yeah man. Hope you get better. You are my inspiration that I ride BMX. Peace
I hope you get well soon Scott! I can’t even believe this actually happened. I wish the very best for you and your loved ones!
I watch your vids everyday and you always manage to put a smile on my face. I know you will recover from this and cant wait to see you back behind the camera.
Get better Scotty! You’re such an inspiration to me, I really hope us fans can inspire you too!
Scotty, you are such an inspiration to my Fiance and I. We have watched you since the beginning of your YouTube Channel. I will be praying for a speedy recovery for you everyday and that your family can ease there mind knowing that your gonna be alright. Thanks for being so awesome and for inspiring so many. Get well soon buddy.
I really hope you recover quickly. i have been a huge fan for years.
Scotty u r awesome and I came to your shop last month. Anyone reading this just know to be careful. U r my biggest inspiration and I hope u get better fast. To everyone out there #be safe.
Eric Antonsson, 10yr old from Bloomfield, NJ
scotty i have been watching your Chanel grown since month 2 i come home from school and watch you i might not be a bike rider but man i dont know who i would watch if you were not here bro i love you bro get better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t really donate much right now, but i want all of the cranmer family know that everyone is in our thoughts. Going to be blowing youtube up to bring as much support to scotty as possible in the coming months, hopefully we can raise a massive amount of awareness that will be well received for you man.
Scotty even though u weren’t my favorite one u still inspired me. this channel would not have happened with out u I hope u get better love u. And if u see this and u are not subscribed make sure u do he will like that
Scotty you’re always positive and now how to bring a smile to the faces to those around you. You inspire me to ride every chance I get and constantly improve. Sending good vibes your way man and it’s only up from here. =)
Hey Scott im a big fan ive been subscribed since you had like 50,000 subs and i love your vids i hope you get well and hope you feel great and thanks course without i would not be riding bmx l. Please text me and tell me how your dong 720206419w
Dear Scott I have just found out what has happened to you. I just want to let you know you are one of the main reasons why I started ridding BMX and I want you to get better fast so I can keep watching your amazing videos. Your are such an amazing person you have inspired me to do so much and I know you have to others to I could sit here all day telling you this but you have a lot of healing to do so I’ll let ya get to it. Get well brother we are all here for you
I love u Scotty, I have watched your videos daily after work and u make my day all the time. Thank you for everything you do and have done, u are a blessing to all of us and I will pray for you everynight… thank you for everything and I hope the YouTube community can give back to help you in a time of need…. stay strong, heal fast much love, Jacob
Scotty. I’ve been watching your channel for about 6 months. It gave me the inspiration to get my first bmx bike in 22 years. I’m 42 and learning new stuff everyday. Much love, respect, and prayers heading to you. Get better brother, we’ll see you soon.
Well scotty i really hop you get better you can pull everything togerther and just get well scotty
Get well soon man me and my parents care and we are all hoping you grit we’ll soon you are amazing to cheer you up “bout the height” “let get it”
Praying for you Scotty!
You make me smile everytime i watch your videos scotty there very inspiring and full of positive energy. I hope you get better soon man you’re my favorite youtuber
Man I couldn’t believe it when I saw that video today. I pray for the best, we all waiting on you to pull it thru. Much love from all your fans
Scotty, you and your friends brought me back to my days as a kid. Just ordered a new bike and helmet so I can learn the simple stuff once again. In a world with so much craziness, you make out look easy to take a couple of 2x4s and have a day wort remembering. Something I will always remember.
So much more fun watching your videos than highlight reels. You connect all of us to the true roots, and get the kids involved.
Prayers, thoughts, and love for you and your’s. You certainly don’t hold back for us!
Hope you get better Scotty if been watching for a month or two and you have gotten me out of stress many times.??????
Scotty, I’ve been with you since the beginning of your channel (I miss you guys cursing and then bleeping it out in the video that was hilarious). I’ve watched all of your videos at least once each. I’ve seen all the milestone challenges with you guys (you really should make Matty do a new trick challenge after Vinny). I remember how amazed I was to see you flair 720 tail-tap to whip on Corey should’ve been a mini horse’s ramp and when you tail-whipped the entire half-pipe at Windsor skate park. I’ve also seen all your injuries and have seen you guys pull through every time, so I know you can get better this time and pull through like always. Get recovered and start riding again.
* “bout the same hight” * get well soon *” let’s get it ” ur the boss Scotty u will pull through
Thanks Scotty for being such an amazing inspiration to us all, you have helped me get back into something i have loved since i was a child. your videos have given me so much hope for myself and a big thanks to all the boys who get involved with the videos to make them awesome! I hate how bad things happen like this but its something you love doing even at the risks involved but i say for everyone we all hope you recover as soon as possible and don’t have to be cramped up too much longer away from home, i really hope you have a speedy recover and too hear from you in some vidoes really soon as we all miss you……. !!!PEACE!!!!
Made a donation, and I’m so happy to see others have done the same.
Scotty has been a tremendous inspiration to me. His YouTube channel and instagram feed are a constant source of joy. It breaks my heart now to see him suffer through a serious injury. I will help any little way I can. It’s the least I can do for the happiness Scotty and his friends have brought to my life.
You are my role modal in bmx and i’m so sorry to hear what happened. best wishes and a prayers going out to you.
You are my favorite youtuber, hope you get better, best of luck
Get well soon Scotty. I love your videos I’m waiting it everyday. 600,000 people is hoping for your fast recovery. Thank you for uploading videos everyday.PEACE
Get better Scotty! I donated $10 because it was all I had. You are the guy that made our whole day with just one video so I know $10 doesn’t come close to repaying you for moments I will always remember. You are usually the one that had me laughing, but when I heard about you getting hurt the only thing I could do was cry. Get better, and get well soon!
Scotty, you are such a strong person and im praying for you! Your going to be fine.. you have me and every other subscriber as well as your family and friends and god watching over you and hoping for the best! I hope you recover fast! And Big Boy, thanks for keeping us updated man, i really appreciate it!
My wife and I wish you well soon. Through your channel you and your crew are an inspiration to me and countless others! I’m 28 and hadn’t rode my bike for 10 years. Because of you I’m now throwing 3’s again, riding away with that filling I forgot about! I AM / WE are here for you!
Sincerely, Samo
p.s. Big Boy & Ronny International bad boy / I rep Giner Nation hard core!
If anyone can overcome this it’s you Scotty. Get well soon and thanks for all you share with us dreamers…
Scotty even though i dont ride bmx i find your videos really inspirational, the way you motivate big boy to do tricks and the way you give advice every now and then on your videos just seems right and the worst thing that could happen is that you are not able to ride again, because that would mean that the channel gets closed. You have to know that you deserve everything that you have because you are a hardworking person and an inspiration to many people. (Sorry for bad english im from Venezuela)
You were my favorite YouTube or I’ve been watching your videos for over a year and you’re my favorite Hope you get better
Hey Scotty, Frank here. I’m not a long time viewer in fact i have only been a subscriber of yours for a few weeks now. However in that time I have watched almost all if not all of your videos you have on YouTube. I have seen the way you motivate your friends with uplifting speeches and words of wisdom not to mention the energy you put behind you when your really wanting to help your friends succeed. After seeing all of this I could not watch the last video without chiming in. You are an inspiration to everyone who sees you even if they have never meet you. You need to stay strong and have a healthy road to recovery. I am not sure if you will ride anymore or not but one thing remains strong, your will and determination. I wish you the best in your recovery and that the youth if today live to become even half the man that you are. One day I hope to shake your hand and tell you just how big of a difference you make in everyone’s lives. Until that day stay strong my friend. – Frank Endres
I hope you get well soon Scotty! Youre my inspiration to ride!
you drive me to keep going everyday i love you man and i hope you get better
My name is Joe Procida hope u do the best wile in the hospital . Times can be ruff but u will make through it
Scotty prayers are being sent your way man! ! been watching you in bmx since day one of Xgames. your a truly great person and hope for a fast recorvery! ! !
So sorry you’re going through this! Much love and good vibes sent your way. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
Hope you feel better you’re the best YouTube or ever
Caint wit till you get better bro your the only reason i still di ehat i do every day you si positive and i hope to see you on youtube shortly keep rockin bro
To Scotty,
And the rest of the Cranmer family. I am writing this from the UK. I want you to know your riding has inspired not only me, but my friends also.
I remember a felt video where you front flipped off a container and showing everyone I know.
But more than your ridiculous riding it is your positive attitude, you’re the guy everyone would love to ride with, encouragement, belief, and a sense of perspective.
Stay strong Scotty. you are an idol to many.
– Fred/ Mowgli
So sorry you’re going through this! Much love and good vibes sent your way. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
Hope ur back soon u inspired me to get a nice bike and try new things and hope for the best hope ur ok and riding again soon
Holy shit men, i hope you get well soon. Love you from México.
Much love and good vibes sent your way!
Scotty you are an inspiration to us all and a huge role model just because you constantly tackle life to get the best out of everything. You are always pushing your self and others to do there best. What a great person . Get well soon man we all love ya.
-Dallas , Tx
Wishing you a fast and safe recovery Scotty! You have been an inspiration in my life and my prayers and good thoughts are with you and your family!!! #getwellscottycranmer
Prayers going out to you Scotty. Hope your recovery is quick and all comes out okay.
Scotty, you, your friends, and family are in my prayers. I can’t get enough of watching your videos every day like non stop. I hope for a speedy and safe recovery and hope you stay positive and stay strong
Get well and take your time coming back. Time fixes things more than you can imagine. I’m gonna really miss you during this time but I will be so much happier seeing you back fully recovered properly. Peace and love sent your way buddy.
You’re an awesome dude Scotty! You have so much support behind you! I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers! Love watching your YouTube videos! Get back to them soon! 110%
Get well soon Scotty! Hopefully I can make it out to your shop when you’re feeling better and I can finally meet you; it’s only about 2 hours from me! Until then get better man!
Hope you get better Scotty you were the one that motivated me to do a lot more tricks and ride more I love your YouTube channel.
I hope you know where all here for you. I mentioned you at my churt today and your in all of our prayers. I also want to tell you that you are the reason that im gonna buy my first bmx bike and i hope you get better fast and if you read this do a tail whip of a ramp so i can learn the trick. Thx man love you (nohomo) your in our prayers???
stay strong scotty
you make me smile each day
get well soon
Scotty you are my favorite rider and my inspiration to ride bmx. Hope you get better soon!
You are the best I’m your number 1 fan and you should be a king at hurting your self.
Man u have inspired me to start biking hope u get better and I’ve like skylines an gtr My while life hopefully u make a good recovery please make more gtr vids.
Get well soon scotty. You’l be riding in no time
Scotty get better I have watched all of your videos and I don’t even ride bmx. keep going Strong your videos are entertaining
you inspire me to go after my dreams bro! get up on yo feet soon man! good vibes!
Scotty you are amazing BMX rider get better soon ?
Scottys family love to you
Hang in there Scotty! We here in Mn are praying for you and your family!! Huge supporter of the channel!
Get well brother, we love u man
Scotty get better get better soon !! sending you good vibes from Canada !!
Scotty, prayers and positive energy being sent your way. Here is to not just speedy but a COMPLETE recovery. You are inspirational to so many, not just in the skills you demonstrate but the genuine and kind person you seem to be. Be strong and take your time. We look forward to seeing you make a video… even if it’s just an update. Best of luck.
May god be with you and your family man! You are an inspiration to everyone my heart and prayers goes out to you and your family!!
Hope you get better can’t what to see you in your vedits again
hope you get better I love your vids
Hey Scotty I hope you make a good and stable recovery. Been riding for the Hyper Bmx racing team for years now. I heard a lot about you since I joined. I always wanted to meet you but now I just want you to make it back to New Jersey to see your dogs and your turtle. When you recover I hope you meet you. Your recover is in my prayers.
Riley Radcliff
Scotty my dude! I hope all goes well! I know how you feel ive been there b4. take it slow don’t rush your self. you have good people on your side! people who love you and admire you! stay healthy and get better. I’m praying for you!
Hearing this brought me to tears you will be in my prays and I hope for the best and a speedy recovery. You changed my life and there’s so many more things you’ve done that you don’t even know about stay strong brother we all know you will get through this and everyone is supporting you and wishes you the absolute best. You’ll be in my prays
Scotty you the bast rieder i know and you got me to get off scooters and to ride bmx thakes for that and get batter soon i love your YouTube channel
Scotty you are the best rieder i love you bro and you got me off scooters and to ried bmx i love your YouTube channel i want for the up load everday to watch you ried get batter soon
Lots of love Scotty, hope it ain’t to bad of a SPINAL! ???♂️
Get well soon, Scotty. I’m a new subscriber to your YouTube channel, but I can’t get enough. Your positivity is infectious, your care for your friends is inspiring and it’s clear how dedicated you are to your support. Positive vibes coming your way, man!
Dude…i watch your videos literally EVERYDAY and it makes my day how you inspire people to do stuff they normally wouldnt and you live your life to the fulliest everyday and we all see that with every video :) hope you and your family and all the boys the best man :)
Ive never set foot on a BMX bike in my whole life but your videos inspire me, not to ride bmx but to be a better person. From you i learned that its ok to fail so long as you get back up and try to learn something from it. I was square in the middle of a bout of depression when i came across your videos and they helped me make it through it so I can never thank you and the whole crew enough for that, get well soon brother.
Love for Scotty!
Hey scotty, i watch you for 6 months and when i knew that you had crashed i felt too bad. I hope you get better… i send you a big hug from argentina
Your the man scotty, get better and hop back on that bike. Much love
Get well soon bro we are all here for u bro
Scotty I will pray for you and your family, Iv been subscribed to you when you just started YouTube. Everyday I am always looking forward to your video, you are such a positive guy and you are very strong minded. This is an unfortunate hiccup, I and the 600,000 other subscribers are your family and I know your recovery will go well and can’t wait to see you back on your bike doing what you love. Praying for you Brotha
Dude hey I hate hearing this get better soon
Scotty, I’ve been with you since the beginning of your channel (I miss you guys cursing and then bleeping it out in the video that was hilarious). I’ve watched all of your videos at least once each. I’ve seen all the milestone challenges with you guys (you really should make Matty do a new trick challenge after Vinny). I remember how amazed I was to see you flair 720 tail-tap to whip on Corey should’ve been a mini horse’s ramp and when you tail-whipped the entire half-pipe at Windsor skate park. I’ve also seen all your injuries and have seen you guys pull through every time, so I know you can get better this time and pull through like always. Get recovered and start riding again.
Scotty I am brand new to BMX and your videos teach me so much about the culture and what it means to be a true BMX rider. I watch every video and I look forward to seeing you back on your channel soon!
Praying for you!
Scotty, my thoughts and prayers are with you, you’re such an inspiration to riders and non riders, I seriously cannot thank you enough for what you’ve given us fans. I wish I had more to give you because you deserve it all, wishing you a speedy recovery.
Scotty, started watching your videos several weeks ago and have found them to be amazing. What you the rest of the crew do is always fun and exciting to watch. Every single one makes me laugh at some point, its nice to see you guys having a great time doing what you love and pushing yourselves to improve. Its a great thing you guys have going and it definitely has brought a bit of joy to every day that I watch a video. Prayers for you and your family and for a good recovery.
Scotty hope you get better soon. I’m praying for you
scotty ur an amazing dude ur vids are sick and ur a true inspiration i hope u feel better soon!!
You are an inspiration to all including me! I love looking forward to what amazing tricks you have to show in each video to show each trick Big Boy will master and everything else your team has in store. Love your videos and hope you get better soon.
Love coming home everyday to watch your vids. Your one of the most encouraging and positive people I know. Praying for a speedy and full recovery
Hope your doing better Scotty I remember when my friend had a fracture on his head because of falling onto concrete at recess a few years back and he was on my hockey team but he got better and recovered and is playing again so I send prayers and your so inspirational!
Scotty hope you get better soon. You are so inspiring everyday I come home from school I instantly start watching your videos. You and your freinds are hilarious and should never stop making videos. You don’t know how many times you have helped me and many others. I don’t know how you do it but you always brighten up my day. Good luck Scotty I’m praying for you.
Scotty Cranmer,
My wife and I send our prayers and positive thoughts and wishes to you. We are a young married couple with two kids and we live in Carson city Nevada. I want to thank you for the high quality example you have been and will continue to be for the youth that watch your videos. I pray that you will experience a full recovery and will get back to your amazing active lifestyle with your wife and dogs soon. Our thoughts are also with your wife, and your close friends and family as they go through the great anticipation of a loved one receiving the medical interventions that you are. We have watched every video you have posted on your channel and love seeing all of the guys, the amazing bmx, and (I especially appreciate your car updates/projects). Get well soon.
Cody and Heather Andersen
Hey Scotty get better soon we all have you in our prayers. Just a bump in the road that’s all it’ll be alright you’ll see. “PEACE”
You got this bro “110%”
Hey bro i hope you recover hecka fast we all have our falls and we just get back up and face them anyway i wish you the best and until next time peace!!
Dang bro can’t believe what I just heard I’ve never heard of someone being as positive at life as u are and I know damn well ur gonna take this and turn it to the better side I know someone with as much heart and will power as you will have a speedy recovery and I don’t care if u make daily vids about caterpillar races I’ll still watch them just to hear your philosophy on life and everything it brings u day to day I can’t tell u how much u have opened my eyes and being 27 years old that’s hard to do sometimes when u think u know everything u can I never met u but I feel like ur family so on that note love you brother never give up man
Hey Scotty, hope you’re healing up well. I watch your videos everyday and I hope your injury won’t Prevent you from posting. Positive thoughts to you, family and friends.
Best wishes to you scotty and your family…. i started watching your uploads last year and ever since i havent missed one ……… you truly are an inspiration to soo many ppl including my self. You make everyone feel as if they are a part of your family. You given to ppl so much advice and so much of your time and soo much confidence that its time for us as followers to step in and show you and your family the same love and support you give to all of us . Scotty get well soon brother!
Scotty you are my favorite rider and i cant thank you enough for all the inspiration youve given me the past few months. I watch you videos every day and im always excited to see whats gonna happen in that day’s video. Me, as well as everybody else that is supporting you through this, are behind you 110% no doubt about it. Keep fighting it and you’ll make it i promise. Good luck to you and your whole family. You got this bro.
You are such a inspiration to me I want to ride BMX for a living someday too. I hope you get better sson
Get well man, your an inspiration to me and my whole life
You are th coolest man I know on YouTube. One of the best bmx rider I know. And you are my biggest inspirations. We all love you and hope you feel better soon
Hope everything turns out okay, but even if somethings go wrong know all of us, your fans will always be by your side to help you and motivate you to do your best and best of wishes to your family,
Get Well Soon
Good luck scotty my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope to see you in your youtube video’s soon and i wish you a quick and easy recovery.
So I have already commented on here but I Just wanted to comment again saying I wish you all the best and I know you will make a quick recovery all of us from the YouTube channel have your back and I will keep you in my prayers
Scotty You Motivate me like no other person I know And I wanted to Thank You for That and pushing me through ruff times through BMX and my life in General. Your always Positive Awesome and Everyday I come home from school and I go straight to your Youtube Cannel And it all ways puts a smile on my face so thank you so much and Ill see you making more videos!
You r the one how get me to ride with no park I hope u get well done u r the dude of YouTube thank bigboy for helping him with vit for youtube
You are the coolest man In bmx. You are very inspiring. And you are the reason why I wanted to start bmx. I also love whacthing your channel. We will all keep you in our prayers and I hope you feel better soon.
you are definitely an inspiration to everyone you come across, yo u have a long road ahead of you so get better soon, and never lose hope
Hope he gets better
Hope you get better soon. Your have been a huge inspiration to my riding and to others as well. We all are praying for you.
Your yt channel is great, i am a follower all the way from Romania, every morning i start my day with a quick look on yt to see what you guys have been up too, i hope you get well soon. Were all here for you.
Your love of sharing BMX is an amazing gift that I have had the good fortune of stumbling upon through your channel. I am awed and inspired by your talent on a bike, but more so by how clearly you see the best in people.
Good luck Scotty hope you get well soon I pray for you don’t let this get In your way either
Scotty wish you the best of luck in your recovery! your positive vibes are a blessing and an inspiration to the world! take your time to recover all of us will understand peace!
Hey scotty, hope you feel better my man. You have inspired me to start riding amd lose so much weight like big boy. Youre part of my life and i wait on every video since you started the chanel. I subscribed to your channel the 1st video i watched. Crashing sucks trust me. Ive been there, but youre the one that has always told your crew and the viewers to get back up. Now its your turn. Recover and get back up brother. I hope to god you seethis, it would mean the world. Youll be fine. Peace my man.
I hope you getter better bro I love ya and I’m praying for you and your family and Freinds!!! You’re inspirational To me and I always look up to you when I’m riding..
im praying for you scotty. get well soon. WE ALL LOVE YOU
Hang in there Scotty your the man been watching your videos you got a great group of people around you. Get well soon wish the best for you.
Bro I have no doubt you’ll make a full recovery. So many people need you.
Preying for you Scotty. Looking and the comments you get is amazing. You inspire so many people. This is an opportunity that I would never wish on anyone but I know you will use it to inspire many many many more.
God Bless man.
Can’t wit to see you in the videos again! Thanks big boy for updating us! Feel better!
Can’t wit to see you in the videos again! Thanks big boy for updating us! Feel better! Keep being an inspiration!
wish you the best man, dont stress to get out we all understand that these accedents take time. i have watched all your videos and love them all. wish you all the best in your recovery.
from Australia.
Scotty, you’re an inspiration to people of all ages from your will to push on and your drive to constantly improve you have and always will be my favorite pro bmx rider . Your YouTube channel I follow daily and it has become apart of my nightly routine to watch the (Scotty video of the day) . Every day I listen to your advice and everyday I learn more and more . I recently suffered two broken bones in my wrist and a broken elbow from attempting a 180 x up off a fun box but after I healed up and watched the will to get up and go you ride with I finally learned that trick and a few others just riding with the passion you display through your riding . Riding with passion and riding just to mess around are two completely different things and I learned that from you. I look up to you man. I’m 22 years old and I’m still learning tricks from watching your videos I get ideas . I hope you recover well and best wishes to you and your family !
Hey bro sorry this happened but no matter what just do what you do best and stay positive. Hope you get better soon.
Scotty you inspire me everyday as I watch your videos. I watch them everyday and always look forward to your daily uploads your videos make me see the fun good things in life and you are always full of joy and bring a positive attitude. I hope you heal quickly and may God bless you sending love to you and your family.
Hey, Were gonna have matching hardware!!! i actually broke my neck at c2 c3 last August. I was attempting a new skill in gymnastics and i messe up, landed on my head, and ripped all of the muscle, tendons, ligaments, and just about everything else there except bone and spinal cord. They had to fuse the two vertebrae together for stability while muscle and scar tissue grew back. I have made a full recovery now and I’ve since started riding box. Your my no. 1 inspiration for riding. I know for a fact that you will make a full recovery and will be back out there as soon as they’ll let you! luv ya ya scotty! :)
BMX not box
My prayers are with you and your family! Get well soon Scotty. My boyfriend and I watch your channel every day together after we’re both off work. You’re videos are awesome! So glad you’re okay, and I hope you’re recovery is fast and you’re on your feet again soon. :)
hope u will be able to ride again soon man. i hope for a speedy recovery, u have taught me more about bike than i have learned my entire life thank you so much
I will prey for you every day scotty
Man i hope you feel better. i ride skateboards and i still look forward to your videos everyday. this sucks dude hope you get better.
Having dear friends and family surrounding you, I have no doubt about the much needed love and support you’re receiving. Please do take all the time you need, hang in there Scotty
Get well soon scotty my prayers are with you an your family i feel like it was just yesterday we were riding the old fifth street trails in howell nj how time flies still cant believe somthing like this can happen to such a great kind caring person your a great rider scotty stay strong hope to see you soon
You have inspired me so much in the last few months to get out and ride and with stage 2 brain cancer it’s hard where your at in life is my goal and I really hope you get better #helpscottygetbetter
Dear scotty hope you get better soon my prayer goes out to you and your family you are an inspiration to go and ride everyday I enjoy watching all the videos you guys make on the channel you’re one of the most sickest dude’s I’ve seen on a BMX hang in there man take care
Hey bro I feel like I’ve known you and your squad for years, been with you on your channel since the very beginning, the positive image that you set for these kids is exactly what America needs these days, you inspire through positive friendships and your drive to never give up, I know your going to make a full recovery prayers sent your way. And to his family and crew prayers sent for yall as well I know with each and everyone of yall by his side he can continue to inspire many more young minds p.s big boy if you see this you inspire ad well man helped me see through dedication it’s possible to drop weight without killing your self keep it up man!!!
Love u bro u inspire me to ride so I hope u get better and keep us posted on you!!!
Thoughts are with you and your family Scotty! Stay strong <3
Scotty, you are in my prayers, Im really hoping that you get better ASAP
you have inspired me to BMX and to go outside more :) I LOVE your videos! My favourites are the obstacle courses! I’m really hoping that you recover from your injuries. Get well soon :)
Hope you make a speedy recover Scotty, you are so talented, strong minded and have such a positive attitude. You motivate me in so many ways, all the best bud get well soon peace
Your in my prayers Scotty you inspire me everyday with your videos. Your gonna make a full recovery. We all love you! We’re all in your prayers
Hey Scotty you have been the best YouTube or the best expression for me to start riding bikes I got a brand-new BMX bike just to start because I’ve been watching you hope you feel better can’t lose you see you and can’t wait to see you in the videos sorry that you hurt yourself I will pray for you and hopefully Jesus for watching over you hope you Feel better good luck I’m surprised to see that you’re coming back pretty fast see you later thanks for all the inspiration
We need you man. Get well soon.
Bmx rider to Bmx rider. ??
Hope you get better you are my inspiration to do the things I do. It makes me sad knowing what happened to you I got in a crash to and it’s not fun I just hope you get better
Your the man Scotty! I’m a huge fan of your your YouTube videos. I wish I could do more than donate, cause your such a huge motivation to me and my crew. Praying for a speedy, healthy recovery bro. YOUR THE MAN!!!
I’m so very sorry to Scotty and his family! Scotty and all of them are huge inspirations and I love all of your videos. Get well soon man, I’m praying for you!
Get well soon Scotty you were my inspiration to start BMX I’ve watched every one of your videos on YouTube
Scotty this is such a shock! Prayers for you and your family and all your loved ones!! My fiancé James started watching you and introduced me..he watches your videos on break at work unless it’s a new video because we watch them together..he loves everything bmx and I have a newfound love for the sport as well after watching all of you guys! Our 8 yr old son is sooo excited to learn how to really ride a bike and learn tricks because of watching you! Every Saturday morning he asks if we can watch new Scotty Cranmer..he will sit and watch your videos over and over again! You are an inspiration and we love all of you! Praying for a speedy recovery from Liz, James, and Dakota in Ohio!
I hope you are okay man :( Very sad thing to have happened to such a great guy. We are with you.
Hey Scotty I hope for a quick recovery for you, we are all behind you man and hoping for the best! Prayers go out to you and your family.
Hey scottie this is a fan all the wau from rainy england I hope you get better soon bro you can do it get well soon #gingernation #road2recovery
I hope you get better man, all my positive thoughs are with you and your family at this moment, stay strong and united
scotty I hope you have a speed recovery and I hope things work out right you have been an inspiration to us I haven’t failed to watch 1 of your videos I love how much of a down to earth guy you are and that how much you love to keep your fans happy my love and sincerity goes out to you family you have a great family and friends by your side that is all you need don’t rush your recovery take things slow and 1 step at a time we all love you and hope to see you riding again
Get well soon scotty, best of luck from myself and behalf of Norway. Godspeed!
Get well mate, Lots of love from UK
Scotty your’e an inspiration to us all 618,177 family members and we are all behind you. We’re all one big family. I hope you have an amazing recovery and everything goes smoothly. I’ve been watching you since you were at 40,000 subs. Every single day after school I would hop on the computer to watch your video’s, and every single time I was done watching your video’s I would be motivated and happy. You need to be motivated right now to get better. I remember when you hit 100,000 than 200,00 than 300,000 and so on. I cheered every single time when one of you made a trick. I’m going to cheer when you beat this and get back on your bike. Stay strong.
You’ll be in everyone’s pray’s.
Sincerely Egan.
You and your channel and crew are such an inspiration to so many, we hope to see you back with a full recovery! <3
Danny NaumannOctober 14, 2016Reply
Oh my god, my heart skipped a beat after hearing about this..
Scotty, I wish you a speedy recovery, I’m sending all the positive vibes your way.
Stay strong, stay positive and with the love and care of your family (and doctors ofcourse) you’ll be back doing amazing stuff in no-time!
You’ve been my hero eversince you won your first X-Games title and you are still one of the most inspiring people in the world.
Can’t wait to see you back on the YouTubes again for my daily doses of awesome.
Wishing you and your family all the best.
Scotty I hope you get better you are a person that everybody will remember you by the standing seet front flip master you are a awesome person even know never meant you I feel like your in my family I love you Scotty get well soon
You’re amazing Scotty, you’ll get through this! I’ll keep you in my prayers
get well soon scotty.
I hope you make a speedy recovery Scotty.
I will miss your videos, you are part of my daily ritual. It will not be the same without our seeing and hearing your positive attitude every morning.
We’re all here for you. Get better soon, we love you scotty
My thoughts go out to Scotty’s family and his wife Lisa too. They are a very positive influence in Scotty’s life and I know this situation is very tough. We’re are all here thinking about you guys too. I only hope this time is not too hard on you.
The Cranmer family is the most inspiring family I know. My only dream in life isn’t to create a family half as close Andy supportive as yours.
Hey Scotty hope u get better I’m learning a lot from your videos an teach me things no one but u can tell so hope u get better soon an everyone’s supporting u at this time??
Heal up fast man! Such an inspiration for everyone in or around the action sports community! Wishing you the best of luck and a speedy recovery!
Scotty, I can’t believe that something so tragic could happen to such a great man. You’re such an inspiration to everyone around you and it kills me to hear that you got hurt. I sure do hope and I pray that you get better soon; For the sake of Lisa, your dad and especially Nick. I’m sure Big Boy is the most hurt from all of this. Road 2 Recovery sounds like they have your back and I have a good feeling you’re going to heal well. Back to 110% for Puppy Arms.
Much love and respect,
You hot this Scotty !!
Greetings from Belgium
see this is why people need to fix these pot holes reasons like this anyways i love watching all your vids and we all hope you will get better so you can be able to ride with the crew hope you get better
I hope u get better scotty because of u and ur cannel i was thinking to get a bmx bike for my self but i never knew how and what after seeing ur videos i lernt that there are lots of difrent bikes i wach ur videos ever day even the ones that u posted befor i subscribed and the videos that u post to day every one is with u?
Hope you feel better soon
Get well soon
you have been such a big inspiration to me and my friends to ride and become closer friends and to have fun I watch the new videos every night and I always look forward to watching the next because it’s wonderful entertainment I wish you the bestest luck get better soon
I hope you get well soon Scotty you are a true inspiration and just an amazing rider!! Wish you the best of luck in your recovery!
I hope you get better soon scotty !! I have watched and followed almost all of your youtube videos from the start and am inspired by your dedication and persistance. You are an amazing person and i am thankful that i get to watch and enjoy your youtube videos
You and the whole crew have been in my thoughts and prayers all day brotha. It doesn’t feel right. Your youtube channel is the only channel I watch religiously every single day. You’ve got a lot of great support behind you man, stay strong bro. It’s crazy how the internet connects people and even though I’ve never met any of you, this one hits close to home. Praying for a speedy recovery, sending love and positive energy to everyone.
I hope you Get better scotty
Get better Scotty I’ve been riding since I was 4 I’m 13 now and you inspired me to ride more often and try more to do better tricks then big boy… Lol I love your videos man get better then do a YouTube video and tell us all about it..
Scotty I hope you get well soon and just remember all of us are here for you get well soon
Scotty, our hearts and prayers go out to you. You’re an inspiration and a true role model in bmx. I have my kids watch your videos so they know how to act with respect while at the bike park here in Bloomfield, NJ. They love your videos and so do I. In fact, because of you, I got back on my bike at the age of 34 and now I’m riding Joe Tiseo’s bike park with the kids. I’m praying for a speedy and FULL recovery my man. You have hundreds of thousands of positive thoughts and vibes coming your way. God speed Scotty.
Good bmx rider and cool dude, get better soon!
Scotty we hope you recover soon. My Wife and I have watch every vid since the beginning and feel like we are part of the family. All our best wishes and thoughts are with you and yours. Luv Jason + Lisa.
Don’t worry about trying to rush back on the bike. With all you’ve done for the BMX community, you should use this time to recover and relax with the family. If you think you’d be disappointing the fans and supporters, you would be wrong. We all see and understand the amount of effort you guys put in for all of us, and we would like to see you back again, but only when you’re ready.
Don’t rush these things, and take it easy for a bit.
And for Big Boy, you’ve grown a lot during the span of this channel, and how you’ve been handling the situation, and relaying the updates was done perfectly. If Scotty gets restless, take the reigns on his channel for a bit and let him relax. We know you can do it!
Hey Scotty love the vids it’s so unfortunate that you just recovered from your back and you got ingered again I hope you can pull through just like that crank arm grind love the channel congrats on 600k lots of luck happy travels
Oh man, I truly hope you can make a good recovery. You’ve been such a great role model to me and all your fans, I can’t thank you enough. I feel devastated and am thinking about you all throughout the day. I can remember watching you in the X games on TV many years ago when I just got my first bmx bike and being blown away and bewildered. I didn’t understand how a person could push themselves to get so good and perform massive death-defying stunts. Your youtube channel has opened my eyes and your positive and brave attitude towards life has helped shape me into a better person, which is something I’ve really needed. I’ll be rewatching all your old vids until you can post again. You’ll be in my thoughts. Please keep us updated as much as possible, I’m sure everyone wants to hear from you and know how you’re doing. I wish you the absolute best.
You, Scotty or Big Boy, will probably never read this. However, if you do . . . spinal. I know that might be a little dark/unkind, however if you can think of the meme it might make you smile. On a serious note, you are a true inspiration to many people around the world and will live in my memory, as well as and many others, for decades to come. For you have taught people more than just manuals and hang fives, but how to have fun and be a good human being. Thank you.
Get well soon Scotty!
I hope it all works out, and that your body recovers quickly and fully, so you can return to the things you love to do.
Prayin for u Scotty get well soon!
Good luck Scotty! I’ve only been watching your videos for a few months now but I watch every single one! I bought a mountain bike the day after you released the mountain bike video haha Such and inspiration the younger generation man, best of luck with the recovery and can’t wait to see you back on that bike!
I was so shocked to hear about your crash. I’m a big fan of the channel and of BMX! I’m a old school rider back in the 80s and 90s. Get better and stay positive. ??
Scotty I have no words. I was so shocked and taken aback by this. I Love you man, you are an inspiration to me. I hope you’ll get well soon. You are in my prayers. Can’t wait for you to get back on your feet. Rest and get better and take your time doing it. As you always say, PEACE!
i just saw the video that big boy posted to the channel and i came here to let you know i hope you get well soon and that you can get back to making videos soon.
I hope you get better Scotty
Get well soon Scott, I’ll bring you in my prayers for your fast recovery.
We hope to see you riding your bike again soon.
Axel dunca
You make me want to do new things everyday and inspire me to do incredible things. Hope you get better soon. We will be right there for you
Hey man your gonna get better by the will of god, your an inspiration to me man i ride knowing everyday imma watch you and big boy rip it up, get better man
Hey Scotty I hope you are doing better I’m a bull rider and you really got me thinking about bmx I did mountain bike for a bit but bull riding took over I understand what it’s like to be stuck in that hospital knowing you have things you need to do so for all of us just take it easy for now take as long as you need to recover we won’t hold it against you I guess we can deal with big boy for now. take it easy Scotty and don’t worry about us you just spend time with your family good luck.
get well soon bro , best wishes from New Zealand
Scotty your an idol. You will pull threw and be even stronger then you were before we are all hear for you. Get better soon.
Hi Scotty my name is randy and I live in Canada. Ever since I found you on you tube I’ve been on a bmx. I watch all your videos and I always learn something from each video you are my bmx role mode.
I hope you get better soon
Hey Scotty get better soon buddy we all like your videos on YouTube I hope you get better soon man
Scotty. I think you are the best bmx rider and I watch all your videos on YouTube. I hope you get well soon. See you later
Get better soon scotty you are so amazing and we all love you i hope we get to see you soon and me and all my friends hope that bigboy keeps us posted on how you are doing miss you ger well soon
Hope you get better soon
hey Scotty I really hope you recover well and get back to riding asap and keep being a great inspiration to every body. And congrats on the 600k subscribers mark ! It’s just unbelievable how you’ ve managed to motivate and inspire all these people. So just know that now we all support you.
Good luck!
get better soon my friend! You have really impacted my life in such a positive way and I want to thank you so much for that man! I don’t even ride BMX but from watching you, you have motivated me to start saving for my first bike! You as well as your family are in my prayers!
I have donated as much as I could because u r my inspiration and I really hope you have a full recovery.
Scott I hope you have a speedy recovery u are the best I have been watching since 200k u are my idol you are good at BMX I hope you feel better soon sorry for the missed spelled word
Never knew i could be so attached to someone i see in videos, but dude, if you suvived failed roof to roof tailwhip, this is piece of cake! I have the best toughts about you, ill have my first BMX bike in 19 years tommorow, you inspire me.
Love ya man! I hope you get better soon and continue to do what you love! You have a ton of supporters standing beside you and you’re in good hands! Thanks for all the days of hard work and all the videos you’ve put out for our entertainment.
Dear Scotty
You are a great rider you encourage me to ride and get better at it can’t wait to see you in future videos, get well soon!
Hope u get well soon Scotty I watch ur videos everyday and u have been such an inspiration to not just me but I’m sure every one else who watches ur videos
Scotty watching your videos every day has been an inspiration to my life and simultaneously an escape. Getting to come from all the negativity of college and the people around me and watch you and your friends just have a good time riding BMX, learning new tricks, and having fun living life is truly a commodity I don’t want to lose. I love your work on YouTube, I love your work as a professional BMX rider, and I sincerely hope I get to meet you one day. It makes my heart ache to see such a valuable contributor to society hurt so badly, and I wish for you a full and thorough recovery. Just know that you affect so many lives in a positive way including mine. Thank you so much for what you do.
Scotty Cranmer is one of the best box rider out there and he also inspired me to start riding BMW so if he is not ok I will loose a big asset of my life. #HelpTheCranmer
Get well soon scotty cranmer. From James. Northen Ireland
Come on scot you can get through this, you’re by far the best bmx rider and you’re content is insane. Keep fighting and don’t give up.
Scotty I am from Lithuania I’ve been watching your videos each day because you are my favorite, and your video gives me motivation. užtave I pray every evening that soon geltum again ride the bike
I hope you will be good in short time, i’m looking your videos just for one week,but i love them so much,i cant stop smiling while i watching the videos that you made, again hope you will be get well soon,your viewers frome Ukraine are with you!!
Scotty, your an inspiration to all of us! The joy you get from the career you have and talent you have is amazing! I look forward to watching the channel on a daily basis as many of us do! I know your tough and will pull through. I hadnt touched a bmx bike in about 15 years. I ride as much as i can because of you. You and your family… blood and bmx are in my prayers. From all of us here in utah just know were by your side
Scotty get better soon bro and hope the best prayin for you bro and your YouTube channel has made so much profess and so have you and I really hope you get better soon man I look up to your riding bro
Prayers sent your way homie. You’ve got lots of people behind you.
Get well soon Scotty. you and your friends are the best inspiration. Best wishes from germany!
Scotty you are so amazing you are and amazing rider I hope you recover soon man you are my inspiration you are amazing .
Come on Scotty we no you can do this
Hope u make a full recovery and it will be good to see you back on your bike stay strong
Best Wishes from Germany!!! Hopefully you can get back on the bike soon
hope you get well soon and have a speedy recovery. Your so motivating and make me want to go out and ride and try new things. This is the most unexpected thing ever i have watched all your videos and cant believe its you who crashed. Again hope you get well soon and know that every single fan is with you all the way
Scotty you are my biggest inspiration and I hope you get better and have a full recovery.
I hope you recover as well as you did at the X games.
Hope you get better big fan cant wait to see ridin agian
Hope you get well soon Scotty it’s sad to hear this but everyone is on your side, no one is going to give up on you because of this incidence .
Yo I hope you get well soon Scotty I will keep you in my prayers. Love watching your videos I don’t even ride but I watch your videos every day #r2r
Get well Soon brother hope to see you back on your bike and with you family soon all the way from Australia we are thinking of you and the family.
I hope you Will be okay soon scotty, i want to see the positif vids on youtube. <3 ;( Cuz im getting a smile whyle whatching your vids.
Hope you get better Scott wish I could donate get well soon
Wishing you a speedy and full recovery bro. Youve got this!
savage to hear about whats happened to you man but looks like your getting all the support you need hope you have a speedy recovery and your back to the happy motivational self and thats it for this comment….. peace
You can do this man. Stay positive. We all support you and wish you the best recovery
I can say i dont know scotty hell i dont even bike or bmx but watching all of scotty’s videos i feel like ive known him forever and i hate to hear whats happened to him it breaks my heart and i hope you get better man you inspire me to loose weight and start bmx please get better man my prayers are with you and your family scotty and i hope to see you and the @official_bigboy in videos down the road Jammin together again but until then PEACE
Found his YouTube channel about 2 weeks ago and have been tuning in every day since. Hope Scotty has a great recovery and gets to be back with his family save at home.
wishing you the best scotty and family and a speedy recovery.
Scotty! I love you and your whole crew. Please please have a speedy recovery. But don’t try to get back on until you are good to go, you know us fans will be patient.
Scotty i hope you get better quickly.lve wathched your videos since 100k and 100k video got me into wathching you guys especially you. You have and everyoneelse in the crew have made me more confident in my riding , i dont ride bmx i ride a scooter and a mini rocker but you have inspired me to ride more and just commit.keep strong and keep up with the great recovery
U have to heal very fast or vinnie will do the frontflip without u^^
Hey scotty, just sending prayers your way. I took a header over my bars when I used to ride BMX in so Cal when I was younger. Shattered my skull messed up my back. They said I might not be able to speak correctly and might have other issues. None of that happened. And I finally recovered. You stay positive. I watch your videos every day they send such a positive message, I’ve even thought of busting out my old GT. And riding again lol. I hope everything works out and look forward to your recovery and new vids .
Hope you recover fast scotty,may God look over you and your family?
get well soon scotty am really sad this tragic thing thats happened :(
It’s not just the bmxers that are thinking about you, it’s their mums too. You guys are in my house every day. Thinking of you and wishing you all the very best. Take care man and hope to see fit, well and back on your bike soon. xx
I hope u get better soon Scotty because u are the reason l go to the skatepark and practice and practise when ever l get free time get better soon bro ❤️
Hey Scotty I’m from South Africa i watch your vids every single day and that’s the best part of my day seeing you and your friends ride. I just want to wish you a full recovery and hope to see you back on your bike soon
Best wishes to you scotty. I hope you get better soon because you have inspiered my ride and I know that you inspired thousands others and thousands to come. I think you are the best, coolest and most inspirational person on YouTube. Keep on fighting.
Love from Australia bro, stay strong
I hope you got better scotty, im a big fan and i see up to you all day long, you making me happy when i watching every single video every day, i siwh all my luck to you and hope you got better! Love from sweden! #ScottyIsTheMan
His YouTube channel is so much fun to watch. I’m just hoping he’s going to be okay and rock on. You have a big heart, Scotty!! Peace!
Hope you get better soon scotty your an inspiration to me riding bmx I don’t wanna loose you man good luck with the recovery I’m with you every step of the way Scotty
It was so hard to see laid-up after this years xgames, and now this. But just like then, we all know you will be back on your bike, doing flair whips and other crazy sh*t , like it never happened!
Seeing the faces of Lisa, Big Scott, Ronnie (briefly), and Alex the BigBoy on today’s upload, shook me. Such a inspirational, kind-hearted soul, should never have to suffer one moment of their life, but living your dreams and following your passions always has its struggles and setbacks.
So here it is Scotty.
You are going to heal 110%
You are going to get your ass back to Jersey
And you are going to have 600,000+ dedicated, loyal fans watch you do so from around the world!
You have inspired a lot over this last year on YouTube, I thought if you hear this, I could return the favour:)
Either way, know you have everyone in your corner fighting alongside you!
Much love and the best of wishes<3
Shiloh frost
Yellowknife, NT
Hope you’re okay and recover soon, Scotty! You’re one of the most chilled, passionate and a friendly guy in general which I seen in while from YouTube! I hope you recover well! We’re all with you! Good luck with your recovery. :)
Scotty, you are probably never going to read this but that’s okay I just want you to know the love and support you have. I have seen every last one of your videos, and I continue to watch them every day. You are my inspiration, I see how positive you are, how inspirational you are. I have always wanted to be into BMX, I only have a Wal-Mart mongoose knock off bmx. But it works and I’m getting better, I practice every day after I watch your videos, I want to be like you. Before I go do I jump or a trick, I say “Commit, 100%” just like you. I have started to save money to get a better BMX so I can get better and hopefully one day be pro like you. Scotty, you have all the love and support in the world right now, from your family, your fans, from me. Stay strong Scotty, we’re all here for you man. Not all hero’s wear capes.
Scotty I really hope you make a speedy recovery and I’ve got avert positive feeling you will, you’re a big inspiration to me and made me want to start bmx, to me you’re like family I’ve watched all of you’re YouTube videos and all you’re old q and a’s of you and you’re brother, my heart goes out to you and you’re family, just keep you’re spirits high as usual and I’m sure you’ll pull through this. And big boy you’re an amazing friend to Scott and I don’t think he could ask for a better friend, you’re also a big inspiration keep going strong at the gym and stay by Scottys side.??
Get well soon Scotty very sad this happened to you sending love to you and your family at this tough time <3
Get well soon Scotty! You got me back into riding when I found your channel 6 months ago and a bought new bmx. My kids watch your videos before bed every night and all they ever talk about is going for a ride – everyday without fail – all because of you, big boy and crew. My 4 year old wanted to go out this weekend to go without training wheels for the first on concrete and the only reason she gave was she wants to be like Scotty and big boy. Hope your recovery is speedy so you can get back doing what you love!! Best wishes from Australia!
Scotty I really hope you feel better soon keep up the good work and every one is following you all the way and I really hope your recovery goes good
Prayers for Scotty, family, and friends during this turbulent time. Scotty you are a very positive and motivating person and you will come out of this stranger than ever. Keep your head held high and know that the 600K+ people that are inspired by your videos have you in their thoughts.
Best wishes!
That’s terrible . Hope you get well soon . Ukrainian bmx- riders praying for you.
Hope you get well soon Scotty! You are a huge Inspiration to many people and you gotta hold on to it! Have a fast recovery and make awesome videos again! Prayers go to you and your family and friends. Hope to see you again very shortly! Peace ✌
Prayers go out to Scotty and his family. Your YouTube channel is something I look forward to watching everyday so thank you and best of luck for your recovery
Hey scotty, just wanted to stop by and wish you well. And although it seems bad at this time, always remember how many people you are inspiring in their lives even whilst you’re in hospital. I deeply believe in the phrase “it’s not about how much you can get hit, but about how hard you can get hit and keep on going” and you sir, are nothing less than that phrase because we as your fans know how much blood sweat and tears you and the guys put into the videos and you see that through how much support and dedication your fans have for you. So in short. Thank you scotty Cranmer, for making the lives of many people better, whilst also bettering yours by gaining the love and support of thousands of others.
Hey Scotty, I’m hoping so much you get to see this, even though chances are really small. Hearing about your crash, has been really tough on all of us. Not just because you are a fantastic rider, but even more because you are such a loved person. You motivate tons of people to great things, you hold together a family, you have such a big heart towards everybody and that’s what we appreciate so much about you. All a nobody like me can do in this situation is wish you the best of luck that you get better soon and can return to what you do best and probably love most, BMX. Also I wish you the strength and power to improve day by day. It might be a long road to go, but all your fans, supporters, family and friends are standing behind you. Don’t worry about social media right now, just concentrate on yourself and your recovery. Never feel alone, ‘cause we are all there for you. Best wishes from Europe!
I love you! You can’t give up! Be strong
Hi scotty i hohe you get well soon. Ich love your Videos and especially you. you are the Most inspirational Guy i Know. Stay strong and we all love you whatever will happen
You’re my favourite you tuber Scott. .. Get well soon buddy
I hope get healthy as soon as possible and i bet i get recovered to 100% percent, maybe it will be 110%. Still if we are chrashing we geht up and try again…that’s what i learned from your last tape… I hope the food in your Hospital will be good, cause in my country it sux.
Get well soon Scotty!! You inspire thousands of us daily and we are all sending positive vibes your way for a speedy recovery.
Youre a big part of my daily life and youre not only my favorite rider but one of my favorite people in general. Hearing about this is honestly unbelievable but what I know for sure is that you’ll come out on top of this situation, you always do man. Stay strong and just focus on you and your family and getting better. You are an inspiration to me and 600k others.
You geht recovered* – not I
Dude… My friend had the same thing happen to him while rideing not to long ago.. Its so hard to witness and to hear about. He is never able to ride agian becuase of the extent of hos facial and spinal injurys, i know you may not see this as you have so many people that support you amd care for you but i know how big boy is feeling, to watch your best friend go down like that can be a reality check, understanding the risks of your sport is part of doing what you love, i really hope everything will work out in your favour and u have a really good recovery, all the best man love u loads ❤️
Come on Scotty you can do it bro! We all love your constant enthusiasm and motivation that you give us daily and now it’s time we give some back. Get well soon my brother. Peace out the UK
Hope you get better soon Scotty. since you started doing yt i have started riding your my inspiration. I hope all gets better and you get better soon good luck man. We all have your back
Get better soon dude!!!!
Scotty man you are an inspiration to young bmx riders around the world…you have been a huge success in everything you do and I know you’ll be a huge success in your recovery. After watching you pull through after your xgames accident I saw that you were invincible and this is just another small bump in your road. I hope you get well soon.
Much love from Colorado
You have inspired me to start scootering. The first video I saw I knew you would inspire me so I tried tondo scootering and made me a great person and I know you will make it through
Hi Scotty I hope you get better soon
Get weel soon scotty. You, cory and big boy inspire me to continue riding and doing new tricks and just widening my life experiences. And youtube isnt the same without you videos being posted regularly.
Stay positive and get better man, i watch your videos everyday you have so many people wishing you well and you will get good in notime!
Sending positive vibes from the UK to the whole Cranmer family. get well soon Scott
Wishing you all the best with your recovery Scotty can’t wait to see you riding and doing the youtube channel again. PEACE
Scotty ur the man!! I started riding bmx cus of u!!! Ur my inspiration of riding bmx.
Hope u recover as fast as possible. I need those youtube videos! Every day im waiting for the daily vid. Im not going to sleep untill i watch it no matter where! Love u scotty!
I don’t ride as it’s in my distant past, but I am addicted to your videos. They are very funny and I love watching them, especially big air tabletops on verts (hint hint). Stay positive, visualize walking out of there and make a fast and full recovery.
Stay strong man you have helped heaps of people through tough times now it’s our turn to pay you back.✊???
Scotty, you got the mentality of a fighter and you are a winner! BMX riders are as tough as they come. Use that!
Me and my 9 year old son are here in Sweden, hoping that you get well soon.
“You got this!”
The world us a better place because Scotty Cranmer. Enough said.
Scotty bro, I don’t even bmx but watching your videos brings an INSANE amount of positivity and uplifting energy into my life ^^ . You and everyone with you are amazing and I’m soooo glad you make these videos. I pray you get better and i’m sure you will give it 110%. Get better bro, you got this in no time ;) <3
everything will be ok man your the boss!!!
I wish you a speedy recovery Scotty. I found your channel a few months ago and you are the inspiration behind me buying my first BMX bike at 28 years old.
Peace from New Zealand,
Another Scotty xx
Hey Bro , hope you getting better. Can’t wait to see you ride a bike again. I’m keeping you in my mind!
Come on Scott you can get over this!! I wish you the best from SPAIN, you are a motivation for riders all around the world!! I hope everything works out well:)
Get better soon man. Youre an inspiration to us all and have a great personality. Ive never met you but i feel like i have because you convey every part of you through your channel. Youre special in the way you can do that and the way you inspire other. If the doctors reccomend chiopractic therapy after you are released, I know a couple people in Pennsylvania that are great and i go to regularly. My prayers are with man.
Get better hopefully quickly? You were a very good inspiration to me
Hope u have a speedy recovery mate, i jump on you tube first thing every morning to watch your videos, looking forward to seeing you back on the bike and doing what you do best!
Hi Scotty hope you get better soon man. Your my favourite bmx rider. It is very unfortunate what happened to you but your my inspiration so I would never stop watching your YouTube videos no matter what.
I hope everything will get back to normal for you, your videos was my motivation of every day to ride my BMX. Courage from France. (sorry for the spelling mistakes)
Heal up!
Support from barcelona!
Stay strong Scotty! Your one of the most inspirational person i know and I want you to keep your head up and think of all your subscribers that are with you in thos moment! I’m so unbelivably proud to be a part of these over 600’000! I want to thank you give you strenght for your journey of recovery! So just keep thinking positive! I am with you and wish you the vest of luck! Stay awesome bro :)❤️
Hey, Scotty, just like so many others, you’re the reason I started BMX, you always make my day when the channel uploads, and I really hope you get better really soon. I know that all 600000 of us are behind you fully and when you make that video of you riding again, and Vinnie flipping the spine and all the great content you have lined up, I’ll watch and enjoy every second. and until then, I’ll be sending you the best of luck with a speedy and painless recovery, and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we love you, Scotty.
When you follow Scotty and his friends on Youtube every day, you are starting to feel like you are a part of it. ´
I really wish you all the best and i hope you get well soon.
Hope you get better soon Scotty! you are our legend, not bmx whitout you..
Stay Strong
get well soon scotty man your my inspiration for doing webisodes so glad I watched your videos get well soon
Hope you get better soon and start making videos and riding again.
Scotty you are inspiration to hundreds of thousands of people. You always strive to set great examples to your audience and now is the time we can give what we can back. I hope everything goes uphill from here and you make the fastest recovery possible <3
hey scotty I was really shocked when I heard about what had happened I watch you every day and to be defeated by a pot hole I know you will get back up and not let that defeat you get better we are all thinking about you. peace
Scotty you are a huge inspiration to me and all of you friends you are always cheering for them when there doing challenges your always trying to be there for them. And you always make the most not boring interesting videos I could watch you all day long if I could. Hope you get better soon. #donate #ScottyCranmer#1Youtuber #road2recovery
Take as lo g as you need. Just hope you recover quickly
I wish you to get well soon!
All support from Romania!
My daughter and I hope you heal up soon. Both of us are a big fan of your YouTube videos, and you positive influence in the BMX community.
Hope you have a quick and heathy recovery and all the best to you and your family
Hey Scotty, hope you will get well soon! You are such an inspiration to me and you motivate me to ride my bmx every single day with your youtube channel. You are one of the best people in this world. I wish you a quick recovery man!
All the best
Scotty your a true hero man I’m so sorry to hear of you accident. I hope tou get well soon and can get back out there on your bike man. I look forward to your videos every day my prayers are with you all the way. Get well soon Scotty. #standwithscotty
i hope you get better i love watching your Chanel big fain get better.
Yo Scotty you’re definitely in my prayers man, I know youll get through this eventually, and I hope you get through it sooner than later
Praying for a speedy and full recovery. Praying for your family as well, sending all the love from your extended youtube family out here. You are a part of our daily ritual in house and give us so much inspiration to never give up and to always push yourself.
My son (Logan T who just left a comment), loves your channel – Actually so do I! Logan is 10 yrs old and I so appreciate the simple fact that he can watch you guys, learn and laugh with you guys and I don’t have to worry about a bunch of inappropriate jackasses videotaping themselves. Thanks for teaching him with your demo sessions on how to do tricks and other shenanigans. I hope you are on a quick road to recovery in LV! Get Well! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!
Scotty when I found out about this it brought me to tears hope u get better soon mate
You’re an inspiration dude! Thoughts and positive vibes going out to you and your family but you’ll get through this man!
Many thanks for the great videos and much love from Australia!
Wishing you a speedy recovery Scotty. I don’t ride BMX but still watch the channel everyday. You’re a good dude with a big heart. You’ll get through this and come back stronger. Sending positive vibes from Australia!
Hope you recover quick Scotty we are all with you man!
Even though we have never met I feel like I know you for like 10 years. An inspiration from day one, killer rider in every video. Damn, we talked so much about your video parts :) You defeated challenge after challenge, this is another one of those. Wish you all the best in the world and hope to see you back on the bike soon!
Good luck Scotty get better soon ❤️❤️❤️
Come back fast Scotty, my kids and I need some inspirationnal videos again !
We all love your manual and name it a “scotty”.
A BMX family from France since 1980 !
Scotty cranmer i’m no bmx rider but ive been watching your channel since like forever, your inspiration and right now i want to inspire you to keep it kicking you will get over this and youll be riding before you know it man.
Stay up brother ! What don’t kill us makes us stronger.
Scotty you’ve been a huge inspiration to me and my friend I hate to see you in the hospital I just recently started watching you’re video I’ve watched all you’re game of bike,game of add on etc I think your a great guy and didn’t deserve what happened I hope you make a huge recovery
You got it Scotty! All that positive energy and happiness you got is gonna help u recovery fast and I’m 100% sure about it! Happy to hear that u got ur loved ones next to you and that there is lot of talented doctors taking care of you.
All the best! Your huge fan Henri – Helsinki Finland
Ever since the day my 8 year old son Tristan met you and your team at The Incline Club he has been obsessed with BMX riding and your videos on YouTube. He idolizes you and your team. You guys were so nice to him and as a parent I was so appreciative. You signed his helmet, his poster, his bike, and took tons of pictures. Scotty, you’re an incredible person and such a huge talent. I’m praying for you and I hope we will see you soon at the skatepark.
Scotty i watch you every day man i hope you get better soon! you always give it 110% just like puppy arms and we respect you for it!
Scotty, Ive been watching your videos everyday here in Minnesota. You post at 2pm central time and I look forwards to that 10-20 min video. Ive watched you everyday since you started your channel. I donated a nice sum to help you get out of that hospital and inspire those 600,000+ subscribers you have! Prayers that you keep improving everyday, whether it be large or small.
you were my inspiration to get back on my bike after my broken elbow you showed me that one bad thing that happens shouldn’t stop me from doing what I love to do. so co9me on scotty dig deep and recover from this.
Scotty. You are wag I watch. You are the only reason I get out of bed and ride in the morning. Hope you recover quickly.
Have a fast and full recovery. Hope you get better soon, you are my inspiration to ride and I really look forward to your videos everyday to keep me motivated. Get better soon.???
Hope you get better soon. Bad things have happened to a great rider. We are all with you.
i hope you will get better soon! i watch all of your video’s and i know how much you love to ride!
Hope you get better quick scotty!!!
Scotty i hope your ok and i wanted to tell you that i had a problem and i couldn’t fix it but someone else could but he was too blinded by what he was doing so i used bmx as an escape and completely forgot about the problem until i was back inside but then i found your videos as an escape no matter where i was in a car, in a house, Spain even so could always get through whatever came at me because i knew i could always find my hero at the end of the day. you’ve helped push me in riding and as a person and at night look up to the poster i printed of you and think that you can get through things worse than this and that would keep me at bay
Scott get well soon
Get better soon scotty
scotty your best man to ever ride a bmx bike get well soon!!!
Hey scotty, sorry what happened. I hope the best for you, your a huge inspiration to me, and made me start riding. Get well soon
Hello, you are the best rider in the world in my opinion and an inspiration to all who see you . Good luck with everything and hope you heal fast and have fun with the channel! Keep on dominating Scotty !!
Hey bro, I hope everything goes well and you get better. remember always stay positive and optimistic
Man i hope this isnt the way his bmx career ends, i just started bmx because of scotty cranmer, we all hope you get well.
Scotty your videos have helped me stay happy and driven in some really hard times. I can only pray now and unfortunately feel helpless that I cannot return the favor somehow…we all know you will attack your recovery like a fakie, manual, or trick challenge. Much love and prayers to you and your family bro.
Get well soon!
My wife, kids and I have been so inspired by your YouTube channel. We just got a BMX bike for my 4y/o daughter and I’m looking for a new one for myself.
We’re sending you well wishes from N Jersey!
Just started BMX because of you man, learnt to manual the park yesterday with help from your video with big boy also getting further and further with my hang 5s.
You and all of your friends have made me feel as though I can learn BMX too, even with my small stature and me telling myself I can’t. I want you to know that you’ve sparked my mind and so many others and I wish you all of the best in your recovery. You can do this! Focus on the positives and say to yourself “this time ” because this time you can do it. I wish I could to more than just leave a comment :( .
Your an inspiration to every body and I look up to oh as a rider. hope you get well soon love you buddy.
Scotty hope you get better soon. You were my motivation to ride and become a better rider. Get well soon scotty the YouTube and the subscribers will miss you but get well soon bro
You’re are such a great dude. I can’t believe this is happening to you. But you’ll come back even stronger than ever. You are one of the most humble person I know and you put a lot of inspiration in people. To me, you and Big Boy and Cory has put so much motivation in my career in BMX. Watching your videos ever morning helps me start my day and to try knew things in the track. Thanks for everything and keep up the progression. Can’t wait to see you ride again?❤️
Hey, I hope you can fully recover from this terrible crash, and I hope you can get back on the bike. Scotty’s channel is literally what got me back into BMX.
Hi Sotty i sufffer from a rare bone disorder brittle bones (osteogenesis imperfecta) i have had so many broken bones and traumas in my life but when i was younger i really liked riding but quickly realized i couldnt anymore so for me its guys like you and your team that do. You seem like a great group of guys and i really enjoy your vids. I wish you a full recovery MIND OVER MATTER
I hope u get better, and I see u in your videos soon big dog.
Hope you get better Scotty
Fast recovery and on the bike or not, I can’t wait to see him back on YouTube! Be strong!
Dear Scotty,
I love watching you ride and I find that you are a big influence in my life. I don’t ride Bmx but I do ski and mountain bike. You have showed me a way to progress in everything I do.
I’m sad and not the same everyday bc I worry about Scotty because he is my inspiration. I pray every day a d hope for him to be ok :(
Bro ur gonna make it through this don’t worry man its gonna be all good
Love From Dubai
your the best you keep us all motivated to stay riding i rode bmx for all through high school and when i left high school fell in to wrong crowd and was wasting and ruining my life 7 yrs later i came across Ur channel and it was all the spark i needed to get back on my bmx and kick the bad habbits with that said id like to thank you for my recovery
Scotty your videos never get boring your always in an upbeat, half glass full kind of guy and you bring joy to every ones heart take your time recovering we don’t need to see you get back on the bike as soon as possible and possibly lead to another injurie. Stay positive @Official_BIGBOY @MattyCranmer And Mr. And Mrs. Cranmer we love you all
Sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you get better soon.
Jake (age 5)
Have always admired your positivity and good energy. I wish you the best recovery.
Dude you are the one that inspired me to bmx I love watching you vids . Hope you get well soon
Get well soon Scotty it always makes my day when I watch your videos and it’s so sad to ear that you’ve had an accident so keep up the good work
Hey scotty you inspired me too try BMX and now its my favorite pass time, you inspired me so hopefully this comment inspires you, too not give up but too try harder you are my favorite you tuber I check my YouTube at 4:00 everyday knowing you have uploaded, just know that you are in my prayers.
Scotty, Just heard about your accident. I recently found your YouTube page and while the tricks and courses you guys come up with are cool the thing that really drew me to it is your positive support for the riders in the videos. You are always giving them positive reinforcement. It really shows with Big Boy. I love the way you believe in him and make him a better rider. The world needs your positivity. The road to recovery is going to be hard but I believe you have the attitude to do it.
Take care.
You have been a huge inspiration in getting me back on my bike. I had a lingering back injury that has kept me off my bike for some time now. After finding your channel on youtube I immediately felt the urge to get back to my normal self. I trained hard, stayed focused and thanks to you back riding again as a hobby. I believe in your good will to change people’s lives for the better. You have given so much to your viewers, not just great content, but a role model. Get well Scott the world needs more people like you.
Get well soon man. Hoping for a fast recovery and to see you out there soon. You are an inspiration to a lot of people and we are all here for you. No matter how bad things can seem always keep your head up man
Hope to see you back on your feet soon. You’re suck an inspiration and because of you I haven’t given up with so many hard things that I would
Of if you as everyone around you hadn’t motivated me and taught me to keep going. Good luck to you all and I hope everything turns out okay. Be safe man and have a speedy recovery. You’re the best.
Scotty, you have been an amazing inspiration to me since i started watching your videos at 50k subs. I watch your videos religiously everyday and they always make me happy.
Much love from the youtube family and hope your riding again soon
Hello, I am a boy and I’m 9 years old and I live California. I hope you recovery soon and every morning and night I watch your awesome videos. You are my favorite BMX guy in the whole world Scotty Cranmer.
We are with you.
Sincerely, biggest fan ever.
Hopefully you get back on your feet as soon as possible because you have always been my favorite BMX ride since I was a little kid and still and always will be! Get well soon Scotty! #R2R
you have been an inspiration for me since day one you are an amazing rider no actually you are a legend !!! from your YouTube family we all hope you the best recovery. I still cant believe how your channel has grown so fast maybe because you make freaking amazing video that inspired a lot of people and you make my day everyday a lot better. You are part of my routine. LOVE U MAN as soon as i get that pay check all be donating. #roadtorecovery
Hey Scott you inspired me to try BMX and now it’s my favorite pass time, u inspired me to and now I want to hopefully motivate and inspire u to not give up but to try harder the next time, peace love and happiness sincerely Chris Dunn
Get well soon Scotty! I enjoy watching your videos daily, so I’m happy to help. I’m a mid-thirties “retired” bmxer that get’s to relive his youth watching you and the boys ride and have a good time. All the best to you and your family. Thanks for being a positive inspiration to the younger generation.
Not only the nicest guy in BMX but also one of the most talented, and so humble about it too. Your passion for what you do is inspiring, and your genuine joy in helping others learn new tricks and being able to share BMX with them is something I admire. Your positive outlook on life is infectious and you’re a great role model to young and old everywhere.
I hope you have a full recovery and can get back out and carry on doing what you love. Good luck man, you can do this!
Jake – Devon, UK
Why do the worst things happen to the best people? Get well and stay strong bro.
Gutted for you bro best part of my day was lookin forward to the crew gettin down an i dont even ride bmx stay up stay strong bro hope to see you back strong as ever much love from the u.k ✌✌✌✌✌
Scotty. I am a very large person. (Bigger than big boy) and your youtube channel has given me the motivation to get a bmx and start shedding the weight. I hope you get better and your recovery is very quick. You inspire many people man! You all do. I dont have the funds to donate right now but know my thoughts are with you :)
Just a 46 year old high school teacher who picked the bike up again (raced bmx from 11-15 and flatland from 16-26 years old) after watching your outstanding videos.
Get better soon scooty you encourage me to ride #prayforscooty
Get better
Hey scotty i wrote something b4 but dident go through im a 14 year old boy and i love watching wht u love to do which ride . You have to get better not only 4 me but 4 those who love watching u also. U have to get better 4 ur family also bc a much as they inspired u ik u inspire them to . Im one of ur biggest fans and i want to bmx i wana ride but im scared tht something like this can happen to me or anyone else , so u have to get better to help not only me but other ppl overcome this fear tht i have bc u make me wana ride . Ppl love u as much as ur family does so get bettr for us . Prayer r with u.
Thoughts and prayers to you Scotty and your family. Praying for a 100% recovery..
Yooo Scotty,
You are for me the best bmx rider on entire world. When I heard about that accident, my heart just stopped. I really don’t know what to say. Your videos are part of my life and I watch them every day since February. I hope you will get up as soon as possible. Keep it up. Best wishes. Stay strong.
Hajk Jaworski
Scotty! We all love you and love what you do! Its our turn to inspire you now! :-) Sending positive vibes from colorado, brother. :-) You got this. #scottys_stronger_than_cement
Your YouTube channel inspired me to start riding and I hope you get better soon becuase your the best and I know you can pull through I love you and your YouTube channel.
Ps. I know someone that went through the same thing you are know, I wish you the best of luck.
We are all with you bro.
Scotty, sorry to here about the crash man, your a champion, a fighter, you have everything you need to pull through this, i hope one day i get to come ride with you guys, good luck with everything man, prayers to you and your family, and the crew, recover fast man, PEACE!
We Are All Praying For You Scotty!
Hey Scotty and anyone reading! I hope you recover quickly from this terrible accident. As we all know there is always some risk to being a professional athlete no matter the sport and sometimes worse comes to worst. You will recover and be back on the road in no time bro! Just know you are an amazing person and I love watching your videos everyday. Sad to see that such an amazing person is having to go through such a bad time.
– Duncan Dempsey
Daamn… Hope you will get better soon! This made me real sad. You are the reason i started with BMX and you’re a big inspiration to me. I dont know what to say, but all your fans and family are here to support you in your recovery. Hope you will get better soon! // Rs from Sweden
Stay strong Scotty , shouldn’t of happened to a legend like you.
You will always be an inspiration to me.I am 15 years old and i will start only because i saw your videos and got inspired :D Love you and hope you get back on your feet as fast as possible
Hope you make still and you are so close to beating Dave mirra. Get well soon scotty
jo i just read the title and thougt of nothing bad but thats shocking get back soon scotty !
Hope u get better scotty your an inspiration for getting people to ride like me hope to see u on your channel soon get better soon :)
Good luck with your recovery Scotty! I’ve been watching your videos everyday for a while now and your constant positivity and motivation is something I aspire to everyday. You and your videos have gotten me so interested in BMX that Im planning on buying myself a BMX bike as soon as I can to start riding. Take your time with your recovery and come back strong for all of us!
Scotty you are an inspiration to someone who works a 9-5. You were meant to be on a bike. You have a gift and you still show kids the right message by achieving what everyone thinks is impossible. i hope you quick recovery and soon more YouTube!!!!!!
Dude your amazing I’m just a 14 year old boy that is trying to ride a scooter and not really worth much like you I’m working on my tail whip and I hope you the best of luck I look forward to see your vids all of the time ??? hope you get better??
I really hope that everyone can help you. But the best I can do right now is to pray for you and hope that you get better. All my fammily is thinking about you.
I know you will pull though. Thanks for the inspiration you gave me and my son . We love you videos and the positive spins you put on life . Love Bro !!!!!!
Scotty, I love you man your the biggest inspiration in my life to where you could be called my hero I couldn’t bare the pain that you are undergoing but I do know that you progressing and that nothing could beat your heart and courage, I hope you have a successful recovery #road2recovery
Get better soon, Scotty!! Love from Brooklyn! Peace!!! ✌️
Hey Scotty just to let yu know we are all here for you and hope you feel better! You are my idol and your are one of the strongest people I know, feel better soon.??
oh man, this makes me pretty sad, you are one of the best youtubers out there and are the least deserving to have somthing like this happen. i’ll try to donate what i got to get you strong again.
Scotty, be safe, stay active, and be adventurous! Keep your chin up because we all want to see you out riding again. I’ve become interested in BMX from you, but I think I’ll stick with horseback riding, it is dangerous enough in itself! Much love from Wyoming! <3
You probably won’t see this because of the plethora of comments (855) now but I just gotta say that I genuinely hope you get better quickly. You’ve been a HUGE inspiration to my riding life and when I saw that you were in an accident, I feared up. No lie. I’ve been watching you since February (I think), and since then, you’ve become a very influential part of my life. Your positivism, riding skills, love for your fans and family alike, and everything else is why you’re one of my life mentors. Get well soon buddy! I can’t wait to see the next edit you make!
Teared ** but fear works too. Lol
Hey Scotty, really sad to hear the news, when I first heard about it on Instagram my heart sank and I couldn’t bring myself to watch that days video knowing that you were in hospital. You mean so much to us all and you have a big impact on our lives. I’m 23 years old and live in England, never even been on a bmx bike before but I can’t stop watching and wait for the new video from you every day. You’re such a genuinely nice person and it’s important for you to know that all us fans are here for you. You make each fans day better with your videos and I hope that we can all repay the favor in you and family’s time of need. Hopefully all the money raised and the comments here will let you know how much you mean to us and will aid you in your journey back to full health. Love you Bro (no homo). PEACE
Hope you get better scotty We all love u
Stay strong scotty! your an inspiration and your positivity and charisma is what keeps a smile on my face and keeps the fire in my heart to do what I love. Get well soon! Much love and Many prayers are being sent your way.
scotty hello from croatia i see all ur videos and i rly love u guys u make me lough hard ur best guys i hope u get better soon i hope that wont stop u from ur dreams have all best peace
Hope u get better scotty Ur the reason why i got a bmx bike and my friend and I yesterday October 15th we went out to mine and his old school to do a couple drop ins and try to do a fakie as good as u but we never got close. Hope u get better and keep making banger videos of u, matty, Ronnie, big boy, and the rest of the crew.
Scotty your my favorite BMX youtuber!! your positivity and humor have helped me get through some hard times when i was sick..and for that i can’t thank you enough!! I wish you a speedy recovery.. and I love you man!!
After the death of my best friend last November I lost all my motivation. We rode together every day for 14 years. In the dark days afterward, I somehow stumbled upon your yt channel. It was watching your love of riding with your friends that rekindled my desire to get back on the bike of life and ride, 110%. Life is to be lived, “right here, right now” as you and Bb say.
It’s clear you have touched so many with the strength of your amazing spirit. I hope you can feel the love and inspiration we are all sending you! Healing thoughts to you, your wife, your family and your circle of great friends; it’s a circle that stretches around the world!
BC, Canada
Scotty, you have brought joy to my life with all your videos you have posted and honestly have made me a better person through it. you’re such an role model to so many people. you’re gonna make it through this. you’re rad. keep on truckin.
Scotty i hope you fully recocer soon. You are the one thst gotme into bmx. You’r my inspiration dude. LOVE YOU??❤❤
You have this Scotty! I have been watching your videos for a long time now and you are definition of inspiration. Following your progress from NZ. Hope you pull through, and I hope that Lisa and your family are also doing ok. #standwithscotty ❤️
Good luck with the recovery Scotty! Your Youtube channel is incredible and you are such an inspiration! I am a 23 year old engineering phd student and haven’t been on a bike in years yet I look forward to your videos everyday. Hope to see you out of the hospital and back making videos soon (and eventually back on your bike!!). Best Wishes.
I hope you get well Scotty. This is beyond sad, I couldn’t believe the video when I saw Alex post it on Youtube. I wish you and your family the best.
Scotty, if your reading this thank you. I’m 10 years old and you have got me into bmx. Your the best, best YouTuber and bmx’er I have ever seen. I hope you can recover soon! From your number one fan- Bobby
I know its probably private but can you upload the video of his crash
Martyn Ashton: Down Not Out
remember you are down; not out. get back on your bike. you were a huge inspiration for me. i’m really excited that you are doing so well. please watch this video, i found it very inspiring so i think you will like it.
hi scotty, its hopefully not going to be long before you read this.
because of you and your channel im not getting back into bmx-ing after 8 years of being off a bike, i bought a new bike 2 weeks ago and searched for some good videos on youtube and of course yours came up.
i was big into bmx-ing when i was younger and now love it again as much as i did when i started.
( sorry this message is a little…. just random sentences)
i think its outstanding the way you guys help the kids and just love to entertain.
get well soon mate ( British of course – lol Ron )
keep up the good work.
small donation made.
Scotty, you have been providing inspiration for years and this incident will add even more for riders every where. Sending positive energy your way. #scottywins
I watch your videos everyday! I’ve been a subscriber since about 100k. I started watching because of the cars but also enjoy the BMX side. I used to ride back in the early 90s. I hope you have a speedy recovery and you’re lucky to have such great friends and family as well as all the YouTube family supporting you. Get well soon!
Love your youtube channel, I talk you up to all my friends, your channel is the only one i’m subscribed too, watch your channel everyday and this is indeed sad to hear, i’m sending a request for my guardian angels to take good care of you
This same thing happened to my best friend right in front of me when he was rollerblading, all the same problems you are facing but on top of that hes completely blind so I have been there for him everyday for the last 8 years to try and put some light in his day, so remember as bad as things are always be grateful things aren’t worse, hope you make a complete recovery and get back on that bike because you are seriously one of the best to every ride BMX and you got a big heart on top of that!!
Stay strong bro
Wishing you a speed recovery Scotty!! Love watching your videos!!
Scotty hope you recover and feel better soon your my motivation on a bike the only reason i started bmx was because of your channel i will try my best and support u the most
Your one of my best youtubers and i cant miss one day of your channels videos your my motivation to bmx to the fullest and your the best bmxer i know hope u feel better and keep inspiring people everyday around the world like me
Hope you get better soon scotty, we all love your vids, you are one of the best youttubers. You are brilliant at what you do. I’m 19 and I ride a BMX.
If I were religious I’d pray for you but since prayer is useless all I’m going to say is that I’ll keep Scotty and his whole family in my thoughts. You’ve inspired thousands of people and those people stand behind you no matter what. I wish you a speedy recovery.
You have been always been one of my favorites since day one, I hope you get well soon and you and your family will be in my thoughts. Got a lot of love for you and your family, and what you do in every way.
Hope you pull through fast Scotty! You deserve the quickest recovery possible and I’m sure you will get it! You are the best and you are in my thoughts man!!! Much love!!
Im sorry but I camt pay anything or else i would. I hope you get better Scotty
Stay strong Scotty. I hope you get up and around and back to riding soon. Prayers, wishes and donation forthcoming.
Really hope you get better Scotty! Remember how many people that look up to you, so stay positive<3 Get well soon!:)
Scott’s I’ve been watching your channel for only a couple months so I’m nothing special like most of your great and amazing long time fans but I’ve been in a similar pesition befor with a serious spinal injury whilst playing rugby so I no how you feel right know about thinking will I ever ride again and watching you on all you videos I know you will your the man who completes all the crazy amazing course you guys set up your the guy who dose the most amazing tricks anyone has ever see and you the guy how is going to recover back to better health than befor and carry on riding so you can hit that million sub mark and I’m tankful knowing that I am 1 out of a million that is going to get you there. Get well soon bro and well done w2w you are an amazing foundation . Sorry for lack of punctuation and grammar i am not great at it
i’m only 7 years old and i watch your videos everyday and now I want to ride BMX too. and I hope you feel better soon.
I am so sorry this happened Scotty. I watch your videos every day and when I saw this one I felt so bad. You are a great person and so are the rest of the crew. You are probably not reading this but if you are please get better soon!!!!!!??
Myself and my two sons Jack and Wyatt watch your videos all the time, they are just getting into bmx. They donated $30 of there xbox money. Hope you recover soon and if anything it is a lesson in life for them.
i hope u get better scotty im sorry to hear u got knocked down but remember when u get knocked down u have to get up again
I am so sorry this happened Scotty. I watch your videos everyday and I am a subscriber. Hope you get better soon!!!!?
Scotty i wish you luck man your a great inspiration to every one and its hard to hear this recover well man and big boy and the rest of the gang am sorry this happend to Scotty but keep up the good work looking after your friend he’s gonna need alot of support from all of us #Support4Scotty
You have been one of my biggest influences in bmx. Now I sit every day and watch your videos with my son, he is 6 and says all the time when he gets bigger he wants to ride bmx just like you! Keep your head up bro and get well soon!!! Thanks for all the sick videos
Hey scotty, I don’t ride bmx but I’ve seen every one of your youtube Vids. Been going through depression lately and your videos have helped me get my mind off things. You’re an inspiration. I don’t have the money at the moment to donate but I’m glad some people do. I hope you get better quickly! Look forward to future videos!
Some of the most fantastic riding I have seen has had Scotty’s name on it! He must have an awesome support system who are now terribly worried for him. I always thought of Cranmer as immortal and even physics defying. The best of men deserve to pull through falling down for a certain comeback. Odds are in his favor and if anyone feels like I do about Scotty, you wait with his family and wife in a similar angst and hopefulness for a recovery as miraculous as his skills on two wheels.
Hang in there and get well. You are an inspiration for all of us. Keep riding
Hope you get better Scotty! I am praying for a full and speedy recovery. Stay strong man
Get well bro, I watch your vids all the time and I use to BMX along time ago but I moved on but watching videos makes me happy from old times of my life, cant wait for you to be back :)
SCOTTY you are big part of my life atm. pls fight through this, you are the most motivating person ive ever seen. i started watching your videos when you had 4000subs.
Hey there Scotty! Just wanted to say how much you and the guys over on your channel mean to me. Whether you realise it or not you inspire thousands of us every day! Every single day since I found your channel I’ve never missed a single video and sign in at 21:00 every night here in the UK. You’re the first channel I’ve ever consistently watched and there’s no question to why. I pray that you get well as soon as physically possible so you can continue to live your amazing life and carry on sharing it with us fans! For now I’ll miss you and the videos but I look forward to seeing you fit and well back on that bike!
Thanks for everything,
Kyle, 17, United Kingdom.
Get better scotty and take the time you need. No need to hurry, we will all be waiting to watch you and the crew riding again! Respect from Norway!
Scotty youre a beast man. I literally watch your videos everyday at 4:00 on the dot. youre amazing at what you do and i dont wanna see you stop. i hope you get better asap and believe me ik how it feels to destroy your face. i shattered my left orbital (upper eye socket) into 12 pieces. i had 5 hours of plastic surgery. im in linden nj. dm me or anything if you need anything or advice what to do i went through the same stuff it sucks. feel better bro.
Hey scotty, germany Hopes you get better soon to :X
see your channel since one year. Everyday till i sleep :/
get well soon :)
Get well soon bro
Scotty, hope you feel better, I don’t want to be rude, but is there any footage of the crash?
Hey Scotty thanks for being such an inspirational person. Your passion for fun and friends seems like a huge part of who you are and that’s what I love about your channel…and of course the riding! I know you are going to get better soon, so I send all the best to you, your family and your friends. I think that there is an appropriate challenge here for you:
“RECOVERY CHALLENGE” and when you get better you can sound the “CHALLENGE COMPLETE” horn (ba baow). All the best!
BigBoy, Thank you for taking the time to share with yours and Scotty’s 2nd family…his followers. I am an avid watcher and look forward to your sessions every single day. I am shocked to hear the news. I have never met someone as positive as Scotty much less watch on YouTube that no matter what happens has a smile on his face. He supports all his friends to the fullest and as his followers that’s exactly what we will do everyday. Fast recovery Scotty we all love you so much bro.
Polish MTB riders sending positive vibez! Heal up and shred!
Scotty I hope you get better I love watching all your videos and you are so inspiring, every time I watch one of your videos I get inspired to ride. You are such a great person and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Hello Scotty you are the reason i ride my scooter even tho you ride a bike u inspire me to ride the way i do. and i love to watch your youtube channel hope you get better soon man i miss seeing you on the youtubes but still hope you get better soon
hope u get well asap, love your vids, im waiting for them everyday until 10Pm when they come out :D
Rs from Czech Republic
As soon as i heard about this i thought it was a lie i found that it wasnt i was shouting no way they wasnt lying i was standing the with my head in my hands crying you and your family have touched me emotionally and im over in england praying that nothing happens to any of you guys again! Power through it scotty you are the hero of your own story so you have to get back up and on your stallion (bike) again
Scotty Cranmer: some best moments: https://youtu.be/zBFSK8EkO2s
Good luck with your recovery man!!!
Hope you recovery quickly, you will always be an inspiration for everybody ?.
Love and prayers for a FULL recovery Scotty from your Motorcycle neighbors from Bridgewater Court in Jackson. We hope all our donations will help in some way and keep up that strong will that you have! ??
I hope you will get batter soon you are an amazing person and an inspiration for many people
Such an inspiration and such an incredible human – All the best in your recovery bro <3
We are praying for you Scotty. Praying that you will heal well and that all the doctors and surgeons will be guided to do exactly what is needed to heal you and get you back on your feet. Beyond your accomplishments in being a well respected pro BMX rider, your influence and example for good and being a role model for others beyond the BMX world. My son is not a BMX rider, but a scooter rider who respects you and watches your videos daily. He invited me to watch your video and I quickly understood why he enjoyed your videos. You are always positive, always cheering and encouraging your friends, always courteous to others whoever they may be, and always wearing a wonderful smile on your face! You are a very special young man. Thank you for being who you are. May God bless you, and bless your family with all that you need.
If i could donate i would donate most of my money to u i promise that if i had a million dollars i would give it to u get better plz ur one of the best bmx riders ik i learned how to bmx because of u well good luck get better
bro, i hope you get better soon. you are my favorite youtuber to watch and you inspire me, and its sad to hear what happen. get better soon Scotty. hope to see you on the channel again soon. i will keep you in my prayers!! you always make me smile, keep your head up high and keep moving forward and keep working on recovery.
Stay strong Scotty, you’re an inspiration to so many people. We all thank you so much for your love and dedication to the sport as well as making so many peoples days on a daily basis. Only the best wishes to Scotty & his family/friends.
Peace and love,
Scotty, you are the reason why i went out and bought a bike. i im getting stronger everyday and im getting way better at bmx just watching you, watching you makes my self confidence get stronger everyday. Im only 12 years old and hope ill be almost as good as you, aka will never happen because your the best. I hope you see this and i hope this road to recovery leads us in the right way!!!!
Scotty ~ I am a 53 year old mom of a son who just turned 18. Jared, his dad and I all look forward to watching your youtube videos everyday. We are shocked that such an accident occurred because you always wear a helmet and you are so good. But as we all know that is why they are called accidents. I have a few reasons for writing. One to let you know we are praying for you and your family. Two we really appreciate that your videos are all age appropriate and you are a helmet advocate. And three that you are such a great role model inspiring people to get out there and ride. Your photo was actually the icon on Jareds birthday cake. I wanted to include a photo here to show you but am unsure how?
You can share by uploading the picture to an image hosting website such as http://www.imgur.com and posting the link it gives you to the image here in your next message. Im sure Scotty would love to see it.
hope you get better soon much love from your home state your my inspiration im 13 years old and im always looking forward to seeing you get better soon
hope you have a speedy recovery! we #standwithscotty
Not only your Riding but the way you strive to help others; to have fun stay motivated and always strive to better them selves in bmx or life in general is very inspiring. Were behind you 110%.
Hi Scott my. Mae is Michael cox I am I scooter rider and I was watching somthing from tanner fox and saw you in a bike doing somthing along time ago and when I saw that. I was your 13 subscriber and I have watched all of your videos and when I saw that big boy did that video I new somthing was up I went straight here because I did the same for Eric robber I have asked my parents to donate but I have to make money first.
Scotty just all of this is for you stay strong and please keep doing videos to keep me and all of us fans updated so we can be sure you are ok
So thank you Scotty for all of your inspection
From~ Michael your #1 fan ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Prayers and good heath coming your way, get better soon!
Get well soon Scotty, I wish you a very quick recovery :-)
I wish Scotty a speedy recovery but I really hope big boy and them still keep the youtube chanel going while hes gone
So FREAKING happy about the support that everyone has given and all the money that has been raised.. really shows how much everyone loves you scotty
Hope you recover man I had never done bmx until I saw your never forgetting channel know I can thanks for being such a great inspiration feel better
Scotty you are an inspiration to us all. you’re riding is unbelievable and your channel is fun as hell. i hope that you get better soon, and that you come back with 110%. #PrayForScotty
Scotty you are an inspiration for people to do more then just ride. I dont ride but you make me want to fight even harder for things i want just like how you fight to get better at riding. I have been watching since the start and i am heart broken about this happened. I pray for you and your family. Im glad that good people are with you. Fight the good fight my man! Give it 110% like Cory would say!!
Wishing for a speedy recovery for you Scotty, love your videos and thanks for big boy for filling us in on the youtube channel. Thoughts goin out to you man
Get well soon Scotty!
Scotty, Lisa, big scott.
This is a big time for you guys but you are sticking by his side and supporting him though his injury.
I hope him the best recovery and remember the whole youtube community is supporting you.
I live in Wales in the UK. And the highlight of my day and what I look forward to the most is 9pm when ur new video on ur channel comes out. U recovered from a broken back u can pull through this. Much love bro get well soon.
Good news today he is doing fine …Hope he ll recover fast
I wish scotty a fast recovery, i donated a bit its not much but hope it helps. I miss ur quirky self every morning. Get better soon scotty.
Scotty we re not your subcribers…. we re your friends :D …. you make our days better ,
you give us joys,
we will not leave you alone ,perhaps the next will be difficult path but if anyone can do it, that’s you
greetings and all good wishes from Chile, I love u man
Scotty is in my prayersand wish him the quickest recovery possible. He was my motivation to start riding again and has been my idol for forever
Scotty if you never made the YouTube channel I would never been motivated to ride bmx and I would have never got a bike but you did and I got a bike and I am motivated to ride my bike every day by you. ?????
Keep fighting Scotty. You got this! 110%
Hop you feel better Scotty. Every one is on your side love you Scotty
Stay strong Scotty, you are a true inspiration, I truly think you will be even more inspirational as we watch you overcome these injuries and get back on your bike and doing the thing’s you love.
Get well scotty…prayers sent to you and a fast recovery
Man Scotty when i first heard about this i got very emotional because u have inpired me to keep riding and watching your videos kept me wanting to do more with BMX and they also kept me happy and motivated i hope everything goes well and i know you can make a full recovery man. Just stay strong and keep moving forward.
Hey Scotty cranmer I’m going to keep u in my prayers l. Get well soon. U are the reason why I’m riding bmx right now because you are a inspiration to me and everyone in the world. I’m sorry for your crash. I bet you didn’t want that to happen but you didn’t know when it will happen. I hope you will have a speedy recovery because u are good person and you make good bmx videos. I watch every single video you have made and they are awesome. I just want you to know u are like a family member of mine because you keep kids out of trouble and they watch your you tube videos everyday. Big boy I know you are having a rough time right now because scotty is like a brother to u and you didn’t want this to happen. BIG BOY i would be happy if you told scotty I miss him and I hope he has a speedy recovery.
scotty with out your youtube channel I would never been motivated to start riding bmx and because of you you I got a bmx bike and I ride my bike everyday. Thankyou Scotty and I hope you get well.
Scotty you are my role middle I hope to be like u one day I whatch your videos every day you are the best youtuber ever love your vids COME ON PEOPLE #getwellscotty
StayStrong! Get well soon. All our love to Scotty and family. You got this. Power through. One step at a time. BMX family for life.
Scotty i have you in my prayers i hope your recovery goes good and you get to go back to what you love best bmx
Thoughts and praying for a fast and speed recovery.
I watch every video when I get home from work and can’t wait till the day we get more from you and the guys.
Good luck you will make a speedy recovery
I send the best wish from Wisconsin to you and your family and friends
never stop riding, its too early for a young successful guy like you to end his career. you can do it scotty. your an inspiration for all of us. we all have faith in you.
Yo Scotty i hope you recover super fast broo. I’m a skateboarder and your videos always shown me to give my 110%. NOW I’m telling you Scotty to give your 110% on this recovery broo, I know you can do it ??
Scotty the news of your accident was very unexpected. I’m glad you’re in great medical care, and surrounded by loved ones. Great looking out Big Boy and Ronnie! Take it day by day bud, little positive changes are victories. We all care about you and although we will miss seeing daily, your health is Numéro uno! Get well Scott! We got you and your families back! As far as facial reconstruction I’ll pull a line from Rocky “How’s my nose look?” “Aw Its an improvement!”. All seriousness man, get well soon! The prayer warriors are hard at work. Love from PA, Chris I
Your an idol Scotty. Been watching your videos since day one. Heartbreaking to hear what happen. You’ll be in my prayers
Wish you the best man hope you get better soon ! :) <3
Hey Scotty, I just wanted to wish the best in recovery, and wanted to tell you how much I admire you for your positivity and respect towards others. I can’t put into words how much your channel has motivated, and helped me progress in life towards being a more positive person. I know that with your mindset you will pull through this.
Hey Scotty i wish you a quick recovery!, love your videos :). Hope you get better soon
I hope you get well scotty, we all know you’ll give %110 to get back on your bike and get back to doing what you love no matter how long it takes that’s just you and you’re a real inspiration to me because I know when started watching your videos from the first video till now, that you have a GREAT HEART, and that you are GREAT in so many other people’s hearts we pray for you Scotty and the rest of the Cranmer family!!
to Scotty if you read this i wish all the best with your recovery you are such an inspiration to me and thousands of other people all over the world. if i had to chose my favourite youtuber it would have to be you.
Wishing you a speedy recovery mate, God Bless
Get well soon Scotty, best wishes from the biking
Hope you get well soon Scotty, best wishes from the riding community.
R2R, Sincerely Vincent Zajdzinski
#standwithscotty stay strong Scotty! We all got ur back!! U got this! ?????
My thoughts go out to Scotty, Scottys family and friends
get better scotty
Get better soon Scotty
I come home each day waiting in hopes of a video from you guys, and im never let down! you guys produce amazing videos full of energy laughter and just a great time as well as incredible skills. Please keep the videos coming, even if they are recovery updates. or even as you go through the stages of your rehab! ive been through some injures and know whats its like to learn to walk again. heal up soon, and have a successful and speedy recovery! You got this, Your a trooper and you will be up and about in no time!
#weloveuscotty#lovescotty#getwellsoon scotty if u see diz dont give up keep pushing yourself u got this im motivating u and u motivate me so please get well soon and hope u have a speedy recovery because ur videos motivate me to ride and in november im getting a brand new bmx so please get well soon dont give up
Come on Scott yoh are my idle you give me the inspiration to ride BMX I try to learn from you I wish I could ride with you for once in my life it would be the biggest dream come true I yousd to say I suck but sence I watch your videos and I hear vinni say lets get it and you guys motovate me so much
Scotty you are a huge inspiration to me in all aspects of my life and I really hope you come out of this okay.
sending prayers bro. we all know how much off a fighter you are and are praying for your speedy recovery. stay strong.
I love you man! You’re gonna overcome this I just know it! Best wishes from Phoenix
We love you scotty.
When I logged on to check out the latest video from Scotty Cranmer and crew i was devastated to hear that Scotty has been Injured. . . I know it’s a ways out-but I am a Holistic Health Practitioner of Massage Therapy here in California. If and when Scotty is ready for Massage Treatment, I am offering my skill set as a donation. I have been successful in diminishing pain associated with spina bifida, degenerative spastic paralysis, and list of other complicated physical ailments. I received training in San Diego from Mueller College of Holistic Studies where i received 1000hours of formal Massage Training and have had my own personal practice for the last eight years. I’ll also be donating to the Road 2 Recovery, however i feel that i can contribute much more from the gift that God has given me to help people heal through Massage. . . my contact info can be found through my website massagebyfielding.weebly.com
Scotty hope u are coming back cos u motovate me to do stuth on my bike and u are just an amazing dude hope u gunna be ok i couldnt donate and i am sorry about that i ah 14 nearly 15 and if i could donate i would just hope u gunna be good ??? u got all my love❤
Hey Scotty, I wake up every morning looking forward to your videos and seeing you injured is truely heartbreaking. I hope you recover as quick and as easily as possible.
Scotty your a strong man youve gave so many people so much inspiration in such short time of having your YouTube channel get better soon man you’ll get passed this you’ll come out strong I wish you the best of luck its a get well soon we all love and care for you
Hope you get well soon dude. Your my biggest motivation your the only reason I got into bmx. I wish you the best, quick recovery and back to being the best. From AZ
Scotty my man, you are one motivating son of a bitch, you have a drive that is way beyond anybody that i have seen. You have inspired me in ways that have changed my life for a greater benefit. I am 22 years old suffering from fibromyalgia and because of you and bigboy i’m attending college again pushing trough the day to day pain. I dropped out a couple years ago because I was dealing with chronic pain and over time I began to lose all motivation for everything, I felt like a had nothing truly pushing me forward as a person. Then one day I click on one of your videos and see bigboy do his front flip drop in…I was speechless from pure amazement that he a “head case” like bigboy could pull off such awesome accomplishment. I realized that you are genuinely his motivation, you get him to see the best side of things and understand that you can do anything that you strive for and believe in. Since then I look at everyday as if it is my “frontflip drop in” doing something i don’t want to do but also knowing that if i don’t do it i’m not only letting myself down i’m letting every who supports me down. Thank you Scotty for what you’ve done without realizing it. Wishing you a fast trouble free recovery much love to you and your loved ones.
Ps. Email me and send me a PO box number so i can send you Matty and
Bigboy a gift as token of appreciation for what you guys do!
The Hero Always Gets back up. Right Scotty?
you can do it scotty you just need to want it bad enough. get well soon man. you are an inspiration to hundreds of thousands of people. get Better soon come back stronger….. who else is gonna push Big Boy to do better
Hey scotty, we are all wishing you the biggest, most speediest recovery and hope all goes well. We are all here for you, your such an inspiration and such an amazing role model all the best and god bless lots of love Liam :)))
Glad to hear things are going in the right direction Scotty. Hope you have a good recovery! You’re in our thoughts! Blessings to you and your family!
I think I speak for all of Scotty’s fan when i say that we are with him and that we also stand with all the family members and crew members (bigboy, Ronnie Surridge, etc) and all the other people who are close to him.
Scotty you are my favorite BMX rider. You have inspired me as well as many others to pick up the bike and ride, rain or shine. I applaud you for setting a safe example for kids everywhere by wearing helmets. They all look up to you, some kids ive met call you their hero. I would agree with them because you do great things not only for yourself and others but for your animals too. You are one of my heros becuase of the actions you do. I wish you the best of luck recovering! you will be in my and many others thoughts. Get well soon Scotty! -from a troop overseas
Scotty your awesome. no words even needed and good luck to you ! Greetings from finland
Scotty i hope you read this comment, when i first started watching your videos it was the first wheel of misfortune and ill admit i didn’t really like your videos at first so i didn’t watch them then about a month later i decided to give your channel a second Chance and now your channel is pretty much the only bmx channel i watch, you give me insperation to ride and push myself to learn new tricks and so far its working if i know you i know you will pull through this and you will be back on your bmx as soon as you can, and because if you i started my own YouTube channel and started posting videos but then i got a job which has me all tied up so i barely have time to ride but i wont quit because bmx is my life and i should be getting my first tattoo dedicated to bmx and its all because of you, when im feeling shitty i watch your videos ad it instantly brightens my day good luck man and i know you will pull through!
Well how do I start this,
Scotty. I have only been watching you for a short time on YouTube, but I have watched u ride BMX for a long time. Your my inspiration to ride. I recently bought a new BMX because everyday I try to push my limits, to be like you.
If I loose you, we loose you, the BMX community losses you I don’t think it will be the same. You bring dedication, humor and positive thinking to our lives. I’ve seen some of the hits you’ve taken, some most people would say f**k that i’m done, but you the trooper you are gets back up and says your having another go.
I hope everyone prays for you. We need you back in our lives. Even if you don’t ride, we just need you. You have the best personality. I miss you Scotty <3 #Pray4Scotty
Please everyone one sub to Scotty and bring him to 1 mil.
Thank you
Hey Scotty! you are a huge inspiration and joy in so many of our lives, I don’t even bmx but I bumped in to your channel few months ago and I fell in love not just with the cool tricks and your ‘cool life’ but more importantly with how great a character you have in encouraging, loving on and getting along with others, with how much joy you are able to have with your awesome friends, and with the excitement and joy you bring to the viewers. Just know that whatever comes out of this accident our love for your character and who you show to be in every video of yours will not change!!!! Kia Kaha, stay strong.
Jeez Scotty you’ve really hurt yourself this time, I’ve been hooked on your YouTube videos ever since I started watching! I always watch your videos whilst eating cornflakes with honey and milk for breakfast and my mornings don’t feel complete without watching all of the amazing videos you guys manage to make. You’re an amazing inspiration and I hope that you recover soon and be able to ride and be the legend that your are! My prayers with you Scotty, you’re my hero.
Scotty, all the best for a speedy recovery. I’ve been subscribed to your YouTube channel since you were at 10,000 subscribers and have watched your videos religiously ever since. You’re not only an amazing BMX rider but a real inspiration to thousands of people. You are one of the most down to earth, humble people regardless of the success you’ve had in your career. I just want to thank you for the entertainment you’ve provided me over the last year and hope you get better soon so we can all see you back on your bike and in your GTRs soon. Best wishes, all the way from Sydney Australia! #standwithscotty
You can tell by this outpouring of support that you’ve affected us all in a very positive way. You’ve inspired us, made us dream, pushed us to realize our dreams… many new people have fallen in love with BMX because of you. You have fantastic friends in your videos who love and support you. You also have friends all over the world who have never met you in person but we know you because you share your life with us. I think I speak for us all when I say that we were crushed to hear about the accident and we all hope you get better soon and not just because we want to continue to watch your videos. We want you to get better soon because you’re like family to us and it’s hard to see “family” hurting. If I could take your place, I would. I know what it’s like to suffer a debilitating injury. There’s work to be done and it’s full of frustration, but with perseverance, everything will turn out just fine. Much love your way brother and you will be in my prayers.
Wishing a quick recovery for Scotty. You are my inspiration to ride. I can’t wait to see you get back on that bike and be better than ever.
Scotty, you are the reason I started riding BMX and the reason I want to continue with it and be the best i can be. You inspire millions of people and everyone is praying for you through these hard time. I hope you pull through and get back on the bike soon, because you are my hero and BMX wouldn’t be the same without you, praying for you Scott.
Peace out!
Scotty I love you and what you do your my biggest inspiration and seeing you fall like this is 2 things to me, 1 terrible that you fell, and 2 scary cause I have to wait until you do what you do best and Get Back Up! Get on that bike and tare it up! Scotty I know you can do this its not a carrer ending crash, if it was carrer ending you would be dead. Come on scooty my prayers are with you, do what you do best and GET BACK UP!
I just hope you Scotty will fully recover, I’m sure if anyone can it’s Scotty Cranmer. Been following you BMX career since you first hit the professional scene, from the first X-games medal to the insane Felt webvideos all the way to your current YouTube channel. I must say what you’ve achieved so far in BMX is extraordinary and the best of all (in my opinion) you are doing more for BMX right now than ever before with your channel showing BMX in such positive way. I work (as a product designer) in the industry and what you are doing to show BMX blows me away. I will donate to you and we will always stand behind you. You are a true inspiration not only within BMX but also how you conduct yourself and how you are as a person. All the best to you and your family!
Scotty I have watched so many of your vids and I love you and your vids. I hope you get well soon and after you have recovered you can still follow your dreams about bmx
Scotty hope you recover fast and be back riding.You are my idle and i look up to you get well soon,and stay strong
I wish you a speedy recovery, in the meantime you’ll be able to prank Cory a bit for a change. He deserves it. :-)
Wasn’t able to donate much but Did what i was able- a little bit from all of us though should help – i know exactly what this stuff costs and i know that this is going to be a huge financial burden on your family which is awful. That aside- get better cause there are too many of us out there that need your inspirational videos every day- we who can’t ride either thru old age or in my case and prob others – too many back issues and surgeries so we live thru your videos- and we need them. Now you need us- well we are here- we are rooting really really hard man- and the reason is cause you are a great inspirational person- very positive and upbeat and a calming force in many of our lives- so just be you- if you stay you- then you will get thru this- cause you- are AWESOME- And bigboy did a great job keeping us posted and after you he is mine and probably most- everyone’s favorite- he is like the lil engine that could- and he is a TRUE Friend- not like some people in the world- you can just tell that about him. Thanks bigboy for being a Real friend to Scotty and keeping us posted- proud of you too.
Scott’s I have been watching your videos for a couple weeks now I believe you are one of the most inspirational guys in the world. If anyone is able to have a speeding recovery it is you mean so much to YouTube and to your subscribers and all the fans of your work.
please get well soon scotty, i send you all my love and energy, hope and prayers direct from germany, hopefully it will help, also thanks for keeping us updated big boy your a true friend!
We’re praying for you and your family! I also had a similar c/4/5 fusion recovery is tough but you’ll be fine! Hope to see you at the lock in up and moving again!! The crager family
Yes I have seen the greatest thing this morning, there is a lot of money donated for the recovery THANK YOU guys for helping a friend in need. Get well soon Scotty
Prayers for you and your family! Hoping that your recovery is swift.
You are my hero Scotty! Lets get it bro!
you will make it my youtube channel is chris vlogs go subscribe i have 153 subs
why would you do this you horible person you mentioned your own channel nothing about scotty thats just horrible im gonna dance on your grave
You got this Scotty we know you will pull through for all the viewers
As a 40 year old BMXer, I have to say you inspire the older gen too. I stumbled upon your channel as I am a GTR owner (r35) and I got stuck watching you and the crew destroy obstacle after obstacle. This injury is just another obstacle for you to dominate. We are all here for you brother…
so sorry for you scott i cried when i heard about it its gone viral on the internet you have 26370pounds your a legend
Hi Scotty ,
I’d like to wish you a speedy recovery !
Allthough i’m a Skateboarder at heart, I just really enjoy watchin all kinds of extreme sports,
And your channel on youtube has certenly caught my interests !
So it saddens me to see, such a good guy and amazing extreme sports athlete to suffer this way.
I wish you the best of luck through the surgeries that you’ll need to have.
Much Love to You and your Family. Peace
get well soon #savescotty
I hold thumbs and wish you the best from Slovakia.
You can make it through this Scotty I am donating every penny of my allowance to you man get better soon. Trey Rockettt
thank you for always being a Positive light in BMX, You have shown us all that determination go’s along way both in life and bmx, Which prompted me to pic up my bmx bike after i had a bad injury 8yrs ago, and i couldn’t be happier in that choice, Thank you for everything you do, Heal up & remember we are all here for you.
Everything will be alright!
cranmer its anthony carsillo aka meatball get well fast scotty…remember my mom worked at the incline club those days were so dope but get well soon scotty if you need anything let me know im gunna go donate some money now.
Wow man i really feel for you dude. your what inspired me to start BMX. I hope you recover quickly.
All the best
Speedy recovery Scott, I really miss seeing you on the bike, and its only been a couple days.
I pray for you everyday.
You will make it man! I watch your vids for over 10 months and I never planned on riding bmx. Just a week ago I ordered my bmx, being completely hyped and now you have your Injury. I hope its not a bad sign, though I dont believe in such things. I hope your time recovering doesnt suck too bad, and please thake the time you need to get fit! Best wishes from Vienna/Austria!
Scotty, you are my daughters motivation to ride! Your YouTube videos are watched, re-watched and then watched again in our house. She does a trick and says, “I need to get this down like Scotty”. Thank you for being a positive role model.
You have a tough road ahead, but know that there are thousands of people pushing you along the way. You have prayers and thoughts with you all over the world!
You are such an inspiration to anyone who watches the channel. You have open many doors for people who were afraid to try something new. You and your family will be in my prayers dude. Big boy will hold it down in your absence, look forward to seeing you back on the channel.
Heal fast brother. You spread such positive vibes for BMX and just how to get out and make the most of everything. Everyone loves you and loves watching your, videos young and old
My buddy Dan and I rode your park back in 2011 while I was visiting from the UK. Big ups man, I wish you all the best.
I will be praying for you Scotty so keep riding and LIKE you always say what does the hero do when he falls HE GETS BACK UP
I will be praying for you Scotty so keep riding and LIKE you always say what does the hero do when he falls HE GETS BACK UP you can do it
Hi scotty I hope you get well and better soon. I’m from England and I’m a rider from the 90s, so much has changed in the last 15-20 years but it’s riders like you that inspire others, makes me wish I was young again, love watching your videos with big boy and Ronny. Get well soon mate
Scotty. You are an idol. I never understood how people could be fan of someone, especially someone they never met and that they will probably never meet, but bro’ you showed me how that is. You’re such a good person, such a motivational character, always giving your BEST and PUSHING people. I am so ANGRY that this happened to you. Nobody deserves this, but YOU are the LAST one to deserve it. YOU WILL RECOVER. There is no doubt. You are the strongest fighter with the softest soul there is, you really are my hero. I don’t even ride BMX, I just admire you.
Wish you and the family and also Bigboy all the best. Please get well, please fight for your life. But I’m sure you will.
Hey Scotty hope your feeling a little better today. You and your family are in our prayers
Jake & Jessie Ball
Scotty you cant end your career right here… like you said if you fall just get up dude please recover :( you are my motevation :( sorry for my bad english :( Scotty i love you ;( recover please
Scotty, you have been my motivation in bmx, with all of the positive content you post, your videos are what gets me up and out there. Without you and your videos I honestly wouldn’t know what to do haha. Hope you pull through buddy! #standwithScotty
get well soon scotty
Just from watching your YouTube videos makes me want to go and get a bmx bike and ride like you do good luck feel better
Scotty — we are three fans from the UK with messages for you. “Scotty, I love your videos and I hope you get well soon! From Felix (age 8)”. “Scotty, I broke both my arms and I got better and I hope you do too! From Elise (age 5).”. “Scotty — me and my family all love your videos and your positive attitude and we are thinking of you and wishing you the best possible recovery. From Ben (age 40).”
Scotty is both my favorite BMX rider and one of my favorite entertainers in general. I truly wish Scotty a speedy full recovery, and no matter what happens, I hope he remembers that his fans are with him no matter what! We all love you, Scott!
Wow really sad to hear this news, I really hope you fight threw this scotty cranmer watching your YouTube channel motivated me into getting back on a bmx and learning to ride I watched about 10 episodes on your channel before I had to just go out and buy a bmx I love what you and all the guys do and I really do wish you the best in your recovery, I know your a fighter and you will be back on your bmx in no time especially with all the support you have from your friends and family and your followers from around the world. Big up scotty and best wishes!
Scotty, I know you are going to make a speedy recovery and be back at it in no time. You have so many people that love and support you! I watch your videos when I get home from work every day. No matter what kind of day i’m having, your videos always put me in a good mood!
Keep it up man! Much love
Praying for you Scotty! When I heard the news of the accident, my sister said I was acting like someone died. Thank God you didn’t and you are going to be okay. I pray that you’d draw near to God in this tough time. He is a strong tower in time of trouble. Check out Psalm 31 and surrounding psalms. They’re really encouraging. I know you can come back from this! Love the channel
Hope you get well soon!!!!! your videos are the highlight of my day and have inspired me to try BMX. The joy you spread and the love of your sport is amazing. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family as well as the crew, and in the words of vinny Mannino #letsgetit
Scotty has too big of a heart and too much drive and determination not not get back up. You got this buddy. Hope my donation helps.
“What does a hero do? … he gets back up.” -Scotty Cranmer
You got this Scotty. We’ve all seen the fight and determination you have. I’ll be praying for you all the time! I know you won’t let us down man! You’re the best BMX YouTuber and also the best BMX rider! Good luck Scotty and “Let’s do it!”
Hey Scott. I just want to thank you for starting the youtube channel. I look forward to your video’s every night. It feels like I’m part of your bmx family every time I watch. I laugh and cheer so loud when I’m watching, my roommates think I’m crazy. You and your crew is how bmx should be. I stopped riding when I turned 18 (currently 31). The other riders at my local parks were jerks. They talked down to you, called you names, made fun of you if you crashed or needed some encouragement to try a trick you were nervous about. You definitely shed a light on bmx I’ve never seen before. I know you will recover and use this event as fuel to get your next X Games medal. I’ll be standing in your corner for life. If you ever make it all the way down to South Florida hit me up! I’ll show you my passion, fishing, and get you on some giant Amazonian Peacock bass. Stay well homie!
Scotty u have inspired me so much in bmx rideing that u can’t give up now all my friends look up to u and whant to be just like u hope u get better soon love u man get well soon
As someone who grew up from the same area as you it means a lot to see all of the positivity you give to the Monmouth county area, as well as New Jersey. Being a college student in Pennsylvania I watch your videos everyday as a way to see my hometown and be motivated by the genuine sense of positivity and pride you possess. Thank you for being you, stay strong, get better, and fight on like we now you will.
Hey Scotty, wishing you a speedy recovery love the channel and the inspiration you and the fellas bring. Me and my kids watch every day to see you and the guys not only for the tricks but for the bond you guys show. Watching you ride reminds me of a quote i once read. “Id risk the fall just to to know how it feels to fly” thats you bro , and ik toull fly again have no dought. Best wishes and nothing but love for you , the fellas and the fam. Look forward to seeing more vids. Get well soon the world needs ppl like you.
If i could donate i would. get well scotty your my favorite youtuber.
I’m really sorry for you Scotty, Everyone knows that you will get through this and that you will get back on your BMX. You are the biggest inspiration to, because of you I got into BMX. I’m always waiting at 4:00pm sharp, for your videos. We all love you, and hope you get through this
You are such an kind loving person and a great inspiration to so many people brother. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours in this tough time. I know you’ll pull through this and come out a much stronger person. Its a tough road ahead but i know that you have the strength to continue forward. You’ll be back out there and riding again in no time. Keep your head up!
Scotty you are my inspiration and your one of the most positive people I’ve ever met and I know this is hard but you have to fight, so many people look up to you, you can’t let them down!!
Scotty you are my hero I hope you get better soon man
Get well Scott we need you back
Praying for you Scotty!!! When I heard about what happend I was so worried but then I saw this and saw how well you were doing. You can do this!!! Keep it up. Your videos have inspired me to ride harder and harder each day and I’m doing better because of you and of your vans. Keep it up!!!
scotty you are amazing you inspire me everyday. you amaze me everyday. i love your videos. i know your strong and you’ll come back soon. keep on fighting scotty
Many prayers are coming your way! I hope your feel better Scotty. I cant imagine the pain your going through. Lots of people are hoping to see you feel better.
Praying for Scotty! hope your okay man we’ll all be here for you man hope u get well soon love you Scotty!!!!!!
Get well soon! You are in our thoughts and prayers and we all want you to know that you have touched our lives and we are better for it. Keep the faith and never give up. You got this!
If anyone can make a speedy recovery it’s you Scotty. Our family is praying for you and wishing you a speedy recovery. You have great family and friends to support you along with the community. Keep pushing hard and you will be back in no time!
Hey Scotty! I hope you get well very soon. I have been praying for you and your family. You are my inspiration to ride. Praise the Lord for all the people who have donated to help pay for the expenses and all the people who pray for you to recover. They really do mean it when they call this a “Road 2 Recovery” My family, friends and I are praying. Get well SOON!!!
Scotty you r so inspirational and have encouraged me to try BMX and presue it . You inspire so many people get better soon????
Hey man, Its Pickle and Rachel. We are wishing you a speedy recovery and sending positive thoughts your way. Keep your head up bud, we are all rooting for ya and can’t wait to see ya back on the channel. And as you say best, “PEACE!”
Scotty you are My idal and a huge inspiration. I just want you to know that. The rest of the team is why I ride bmx, without you guys don’t know what I would do. love you Scotty. P.S. Big boy you are doing a great job keeping the channel alive and keeping everyone posted on how Scotty is doing, Keep it up boys, Good luck. # road to recovery
everyday I wake up all I can think about is what the next video on your YouTube channel is going to be. I find myself rewatching videos you’ve posted just because I can’t stop watching. I wanna thank you for giving me the motivation to go out and push myself to learn new tricks and to just have fun riding with friends. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to ride with you and the rest of the guys!! My prays go out to you and your family. Hope to see you riding soon!
You are the man Scotty! It’s crazy how some things happen to really good people such as yourself. I know you will make a great recovery. No matter what, never give up on recovering. Keep that chin held high and power through. You got this! We are all here beside you in someway shape or form. Best wishes to you and your amazing family as well. P.s we have the same name :)
You’re an amazingly gifted rider! Praying for ur healing
Scotty i know you can push through this i believe you, you were the one that inspired me to ride bikes i watch your videos everyday and you are one of my favorite youtuber’s you will always be my favorite youtuber :(
Scotty Cranmer means I he world to me. He has inspired me so much. Him and all of his friends make me smile all the time in videos. If I’m mad or sad, I can watch a Scotty Cranmer video and find myself grinning ear to ear. My dream was to meet you Scotty Cranmer, but now my dream is for you to get better. You are truly an amazing person and all my friends love you. We can’t imagine life without you. You inspire all of us to dream bigger and work harder. I can’t get you off my mind because the idea of you not smiling and not doing outrageous stunts is weird. You have to the best bmx rider to ever live and the bravest man ever. You always support your friends as the progress but I hope you take the time to really see how amazing you are and what you mean to allow us. You truly are amazing. I will continue to support you and some day I’ll tell my kids about the famous legend Scotty Cranmer .I don’t know if you ever read this but if you do then just know that you changed my life.
– Dominic M
Hey Scotty
I’m relieved that you are improving from the accident. You are in my prayers for sure. We all know that you will come back stronger than before. We believe in you.
Big boy should do a backflip tail whip for the next challenge.
get better soon Scotty my boyfriend and I watch your videos daily. Hope u heal fast. Your a big inspiration to all the young and old riders here in Bismarck North Dakota
I am a 57 year old father of two boys 14/15 who watch you everyday. I often sit and watch you also. My boys tried to see you when you came to Huntington Beach and just missed you at Sheep Hills. You are a real inspiration to my boys. We all love your videos and your zest for having fun. I donated some money to Road 2 Recovery. We all wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon.
Hey you guys and Scotty I hope y’all are all doing OK right now I look up too y’all . Scotty you always say to never give up. Y’all make me feel like I can do anything.?????
Heal up soon man your videos are very inspiring I watch everyday to see how much progress you r making
Hey Scotty you probably won’t see this but it’s worth a try my birthday is come up all saints day or none as the day after Halloween yes it is November 1st. This year I am asking for a bmx bike a easten accultuly. I am getting one because you inspired me to ride and for some days I was thinking should I get one but once I herd what happen to you I knew I had to do it for you man and ride. I am a little BIG boy same hear tall and cool. I am turning 13 and I am already 5’7 so I am pretty tall like BIG boy. You, BIG boy and puppy arms should have been a mini horse burglar are my inspiration to ride. If you see this Scotty I got hopes for you man you are going to be better then ever shredding it back in New Jersey. But yeah that’s pretty much all but thank for inspiring. Oh yeah one more thing BIG you are so cool and I won’t to meet you so bad. You guys should come to the AZ and maybe I can meet you. All my thoughts and prayers you go you.
God bless you Scotty. I stumbled across your YouTube channel around the 100K mark and have been watching everyday since. Although I have never met you in person you seem like the most humble of people and I appreciate the positivity you bring around the people in your life as well as myself. I wish you the best of luck during your recovery and I cant wait to see you back at it again. #PrayForScotty
he is a hero that everyone knows he is going to stand up and continue with bmx and don’t have enough courage to stop what he is best at, you have justified the big boy so much and you can’t let him continue to self check out just what you have done, he to and he can do the same thing for you, now come on now scotty keep in mind your squad, scotty you are my motivation you are my hero :D
Hi Scotty, I wish You, your family and your closest friends a lot of strength and positive thoughts in these difficult times. Take your recovery very patiently and dont rush anything – step by step and You will be back on track on 100%! We all know You can do it, Scotty! Never give up! Greatings from Czech Republic.
scotty your a true inspiration i watch your videos everyday and your determination is unmatched your such an out going person and its amazing to see there are people out there like you i will donate what i can every week but with your determination and heart i know you can get through this if anyone can its you
hey scotty i hope that you get well soon i have been injured for the last six year of my life and watching your videos have made me motivated to ride bmx again keep fighting work hard i believe in you.
i know that you will pull through as strong as ever and you will be allright get well soon jack ritchard 15 years old australia
Scotty and the crew,
You guys are my inspiration and have helped me through some rough times and bring love into my life which is BMX. I look forward to your videos every day and I’ve probably seen them all twice or more. You guys have helped me in so many ways that I feel like its my duty to do the same for you in your time of need. I’ll be making a donation but I wish I could do more. I’ve raced motocross for 10 years and broken many bones and I know how costly it can get. You have an amazing following on youtube and you’ve touched so many peoples lives with your spirit and enthusiasm on life. Stay strong and know that you have many people praying for you and your family. Don’t remember to never give up! I know you already preach this mentality (especially to big boy) but dont give up! You can make it through this! sending love and prayers your way.
Hey scotty I watch your YouTube channel everyday and that inspired me to get a bike I also ride dirtbikes and 4wheelers I miss seeing you on the channel I hope you recover soon you are in my prayers i hope one day to grow up and be as good as you
Get well soon scotty! And u gonna come back better then ever and I love your vids and I love the crew they r the best guys for doing what they do and I really hope u get better like nothing happed
Scotty has been an inspiration of mine since hes channel started and from there on ive always looked up to him as a roll model he is the reason I started learning how to ride and do tricks on bmx and since ive always wanted to meet him big boy and the crew but unfortunately I live in south africa
yo scotty cmon man we all know you got this no problem cant wait to see you in your videos again i know you wont give up. i literally wake up every morning waiting to see ur video pop up on youtube, just to see what fun games you are playing or crazy trick you and your friends are accomplishing together, the love and support your friends give each other to finally get another bike, but financially unable to right now, but one day i will get one, watching your videos and watch you think of and landing each one of those incredible tricks blow my mind. right now im doing youtube for rocket league on xbox one my channel is xJ4Y23x then when i finally get a bike i want to start a bmx channel with my friends just like you have done so well just because you have inspired me sooooooo much man so i know you will be back and better then ever, i know it will take a while but you are a fighter and you have an amazing support system behind you brother so no problems on that end, bigboy has been doing a great job holding your place with your channel you would be so proud of him, keep the updates coming so i know you are doing great and going to do great in the future!!!!!!! love you bro your an inspiration to the bmx community!!!!!! GET WELL SOON BROTHER!!!!
hi Scotty i always follow you and your crew cause your vid are so funny. In my opinion you are the world’s best rider noone got your style and your first try trick. get well soon, not for bmx, do it for yourself
Get well soon I know you will power through this like you do everything else.
prayers for scotty hope you get better soon, scotty is my idel and i look up to him everything he says i take to heart and i live for bmx and his videos.
Hey Scotty we are all behind you with this we are all supporting you because you are a huge inspiration to everyone who watches your videos. Hope you get better soon we are all rooting for you. You can do it bro??
Stay strong Scotty! Your channel is my favourite and you are such an inspiration. You have such a positive outlook and you show so much love and care in your videos for people, animals and BMX. Your channel is the only one i watch every single day and not get bored. Your videos calm and excite me at the same time while helping in providing me with motivation for the day weather its BMX or not. Best of luck with the recovery man!
You are an inspiration to people all around the world Scotty. We know you can get through this, you are a tough guy!
Really hope you recover soon. You are the realest, most inspiring, most dedicated and most enjoyable Youtuber in my opinion. Best regards to you, the boys and the family.
i hope u get better scotty we love u and miss u get better soon :)
I m a 14 year-old french boy, i’ve been watching all your vids since you posted like your tenth vlog, you made me laugh EVERY days since that day and you kept me motivated and i made a lot of progress thanks to you, because I commited 1 hundred percent ! Thanks bro you’re awesome
Omg this is devastating news. I’m only 13 but if i could donate I would give u thousands☺ you are the best and most inspirational rider ever❤ I know you can get through this because you can do anything ?congrats on 600,000 subs man? all the best x maisie!!
Scotty you truely are hero i have no part of bmx in my life except you n your krew i watch your videos so much i feel apart of the crew. Your motivation not only motivates the bmx industry like i said i dont bmx at all but i love u n the crew in a brotherly crew way get better n hope to see you filming and riding again until next time ✌️️
Yo Scotty, hang tough man. youre an awesome dude and an inspiration to alot of people. youve got millions of people in your corner right now. sending posiive vibes your way and my thoughts and prayers for you and your family. get well soon man. looking forward to seeing you back on your bike in the near future.
Get well soon Scotty. Sending good vibes your way!
scotty over the summer i bought a bike from your shop i meet matty and bk and i was hopping to meet you but you wernt there. hope to get to meet you another time. stay strong scotty you can beat this and continue your career as a bmx rider and a youtuber. #staystrongscotty #prayforscotty
I’ve been looking up to many people throughout my life, but you are by far the person i look up to the most! You are so dedicated to everything you do, friends, family, just everything. To be honest, I think Cory Bergler should give you that 110% sticker because thats what you constantly do! Scotty, this injury is a very unfortunate mishap and event, but everyone of your almost 700,000 subscribers can agree with me on this, you are the most determined guy out there, you are so mentally strong that with the determination you have and all the kindness from your subscribers, fans, family, and friends, you shall live to see another day on your bmx bike throwing as many barspins, toothpicks, and fakies as you can desire. You are a real inspriation to me because whenever you are trying something, you don’t give up. Heros fall, but they get back up and give it another go, and thats exactly what you do, each and every time! Scotty, don’t let this unfortunate event keep you from doing what you love most! Get Well Soon Scotty!!
-Lucas Becker
Crawfordsville, IN
hey scotty hope your feeling better im a scooter rider that recently had a bad crash i tried in warding a 20 set and the stairs were stretched ended up losing my two front teeth and i haven’t rode in like 4 months ill get on it again i messed up my face just like you man and ive been dealing with it for a while i hope you start riding again man your my favorite bmx rider your ballsey aas hell much love and respect to you man
Get well soon Scotty and remember when the hero falls, he gets back up!!! Keep fighting Scott
It’s sad that things like that happens to such good people like Scotty.. He is one of the greatest youtubers, motivators, bmx riders and overall a really good person, his spirit is one of the , get well soon Scotty and you will be at 110% again!
`Hi Scotty,
You are one of my inspirations to ride BMX I am an 11 year old that is gaining confidence I have a YouTube channel that is not blowing up like yours but you are the reason that I started YouTube I have picked you to do school projects as well. Everyday I never miss an upload from you. I cant do much on BMX except a 180 and fake and I am going to learn a whip on a barspin for you because to show you how much I appreciate your BMX style and your videos I will leave a link to my channel to check it out when it comes out it will be be out on sunday. Hope you recover and ride again because what will be life without SCOTTY CRANMER!!!!
Tom woodland
Scotty, I’ve been an avid viewer of your channel sense the beginning and love all of the content you have created. You are one of the most inspiring people in the world and what you have done and will continue to do for BMX is enormous. I hope you the best with your recovery and hope to see you cruising around again soon. I know you’ll pull through as we’ve seen you do time and time again I’m just glad I have over 200 of your videos I can re-watch until then(as well as big boys uploads). Now its time for healing. Get well soon. Sending all the good vibes I can your way. Peace #standwithscotty
I’ve just bought my first bmx a few days ago and that at the age of 25, just because Scotty and his friends are doing such a good job sharing their fun, love for bmx riding and their knowledge. Scotty just fascinated me with his motivation like for example as he trained big boy how to manual.
Get well soon and thanks for all.
(sry for my bad english)
Robert H.
Scotty you have touched the lives of so many, young and old! I had never heard of BMX until I started watching your channel. You and your crew inspire me to get on my bike every single day. Big Boy is hilarious and I love to see you all laughing your heads off at him! I religiously watch your videos every single day and come away with a laugh or a new lesson. I really hope that you can push through this hard time as it too shall pass.
You have one of the biggest hearts I know of for your family and fan base. The pups love you too, especially that sweet girl you rescued from the side of the road. The videos of her were beautiful and showed your passion for animals. You would make a great veterinarian. I hope all of the videos keep coming as they are inspiring to all of us and put a smile in all of our hearts! Heal well and in the words of Scotty, PEACE! ✌
I wish I could donate so much to you Scotty,
Sending my well wishes from New Zealand, My thoughts go out to you and your family and friends
I wish you all the best for the recovery
In the words of BigBoy ” Im not going to lie, You are one of my biggest inspirations, seeing your daily videos and your riding has helped me through some rough mental health problems,
All the best Scotty
I don’t ride bmx but I love watching your videos because I think bmx is really cool and you’re a great role model to me, hope you get better soon!
Scotty – thanks for all the great videos, killer riding and constant positive vibes. These injuries and setbacks are tough and difficult to say the least, but we all know that you are up to the challenge. So keep at it and you will be back at it before you know. In the immortal words of Evel Knievel “Bones heal, pain is temporary, and chicks dig scars.”
Your a fighter scotty! you will get trough this in no time, heal up man love you and all the love you have for everything BMX, you will be back on it in no time get well soon! your a true inspiration
Hi Scotty, you were my huge inspiration to ride BMX, and you are my idol. We are all praying for you, and hope you will recover soon, so that you can get back to what you love to do. ? We all know how strong you can be.
Hey scotty my name is Peyton. All day, at school, today I have been thinking about you and hoping that you are ok. Last night, I figuerd out that you got hurt. So me and my mom prayed for you and asked Jesus to help you get well soon with a complete healing. I was hopping to see an update on your progress today. Can’t wait to hear how your improving each day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ # hope you get better
scotty your my favorite BMX rider if i had never heard of you i would not be riding a bike i hope you get well soon #PRAYING love you man get well soon #GET WELL SOON cant wait to see you on a bike again love you man you’re my whole inspiration praying every day!!!!!
Absolutely love watching the channel and even though I don’t ride BMX and I’m not even from the USA I watch your videos and it’s amazing just how enthusiastic you are and determined to succeed. The faith and strength you give to people allows them all to grow as people.. I am so glad to see that in your hour of need all those who have been touched by your actions can come together to help give back to you. Hoping for a speedy recovery and wishing you all the best.
Man I can’t wait for you to get back on the bike. You’re such an amazing rider and you’re my inspiration. I’m praying for you. #standwithscotty
Get well soon scotty. I’m glad to hear your surgery went well. I’m lost without the daily videos . I’m sure you will get back at it I’m 27 and your channel has inspired me to get another bmx bike after not riding for 5 years. #standwithscotty
Scotty I look up to you when I come to bmx. You have inspired me to ride and practice more. You can pull through this bro #(BMXFOR LIFE).
You are such an inspiration to me and I know that you will fight through this. I hope that your recovery goes as smoothly and quickly as possible.
Hi Scotty my name’s Andrew. I just recoverd from a jaw surgery from riding my bike in Whistler. I can’t even imagine how much worse your injury is. Your Youtube channel is my favorite. I watch every day. I hope you have a great recovery. Stay strong.
Hey Scotty i just found your YouTube account just 2 days ago and u changed the way i think about things so thanks for that and when i found out what happened to u i was devastated so get well so
Scotty, you have inspired me to work hard and have fun doing so when riding BMX. I have donated my summers pay of $1325 to help your recovery. Through watching your videos, you have taught me a tailwhip, backflip, flair, etc. I really hope my donation makes a difference. #Inspired #R2R #HelpScottyCranmer #ThankYou <3
Hey, Scotty,
You are an amazing BMX Rider and entertainer. I hope you get well soon.
You can be glad to have such a great Family and Friends which take care of you.
I wish you the best from Europe (France) and hope that my Donation can help you to get back on the feet/(bike one day).
Keep your spirit and stay Strong, recover well and don’t rush it.
Best regards,
I’m not a BMX biker just an old guy who loves seeing amazing tricks on bikes. I love your daily videos on youtube. Everyday I go to work the first thing is to watch what you have done the day before. Your videos are my daily news. Awsome work Scotty. I hope you will recover as soon as possible. Not just for you* but for me and all your viewers ;)
*of course is your health the most important thing here
Cmon Scotty you got this. I can’t wait for you to be feeling better and reading all the support you have behind you. Fight like we know you can and once again do something amazing. The amount of talent you have for BMX is one in a million and you truly are an amazing rider. Get well soon
Stay strong Scotty we all love what your doing and we all want to see you on a bmx again. So please stay strong and get better its gonna mean so much to your friends and the people who love to watch your videos.
i’m not even sure what to say. i’m just glad that he is indeed recovering. i’ve suffered some pretty severe injuries so i have a good idea what he’s going through. waking up in the hospital with no idea why. so all i can say is keep your head up scotty we all love you man. just take it one day at a time.
Love you, hope you get well soon! Today i did my first barspin, and i have to thx you for that! Love from Italy!
Scotty I hope you get better I’ve been subbed sence 300,000 and watched all of your vids pls be able to ride when you get out I will fall a part if you can’t ride anymore
Scotty my man, I accidentally stumbled upon your video’s one day while surfing YouTube. Sure, I thought the video was entertaining, but never did I expect to almost religiously be watching your videos everyday. I always look forward to seeing you and the crew doing all the things you do.. Now I’ve only been watching your videos for a short time compared to some, but in that time I feel I have gotten to know you.. The Scotty I believe I’ve gotten to know may be feeling like he’s let us down in some way, I want you to squash that thought and tell it to take a hike! Don’t think for one second you have let us down in anyway, you have given us your time, your life, your friends, your ups and downs, the whole lot and I can speak for myself here and potentially many others in saying we are grateful for all that you have shared and done to inspire and entertain us all. I truly hope you make a full recovery. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon. God bless my friend. Peace! – Nathan Miller (Melbourne, Australia)
Man you are my hero and i wan’t you to get back up again and ride like never before and post the youtube video’s love you my man-Robin From sweden peace
Get well man. Your videos got me back into BMX even after a serious back injury I got in a car accident 3 years ago. Everyday might be new challenge for you in rehab but if you treat it just like you do BMX you will just be fine. Recovery is just like learning a new trick. Hope to see you soon at the skateparks in Jackson or the bike shop. Get well man.
Best wishes to scotty and family on a speedy recovery. Love from england!
Scotty you will never know the help your vids have given me. Get better. I’ll be donating on payday as should every one of the people commenting. Every little bit helps guys 1$ from every subscriber on YT would pay his recovery. Also get him surrounded by his pups ASAP. Animals have healing powers. Love you man!!
You are a true inspiration Scotty hope to see you back soon.
I haven’t rode my bike for almost 10 years, your videos inspired me to fix it up and get back out there.
Thank you. Wishing you a quick recovery, John.
Hey Scotty, I wish you the best, I hope you recover quickly. I wish I could have donated more but I hope it helps. We are all pulling for you #standwithscotty
Hey man I hope you are feeling better today! You are a great dude! We are all here for you!
Yo Scotty
Sorry to hear about the accident , I don’t ride bmx but can’t stop watching your channel … love it !! Don’t think you need to worry about the channel big boy and the lads have that shiz locked down !!!
Hope you have a speedy recovery dude , wishing you well … Peace
You are a huge inspiration to me and I have watched almost all of your videos so get better soon and keep up the good work. We are all at your side Scotty.
Hey scotty your one of my favorite YouTubers and one of my favorite BMX riders. I look up to you in the world of bmx biking. I really love too watch your youtube videos I help you feel better soon.#standwithscotty.
You see the hero and he falls down but what does the hero always do? He gets back up. That hero is you Scotty and your gonna get back up and recover from this i know you can because your that hero.
I’ve been watching your videos for the past couple months and about two weeks ago, I stopped by my local skate park to watch the other BMXers and all I could think about was how you would be ripping up the park with them I hope you’ll be able to come ride with them (and maybe me too when I get a bike soon) in Bozeman, MT when you get better.
Safe Recovery!
Your YouTube channel is awesome and your a huge inspiration. Hope you get well soon.
Your an inspirational rider and I’m always thinking of you when I’m riding trying to be my best thanks for everything you’ve done
Scotty you are a great insperation if I had the money to buy a bike or a skateboard I would and give it my best to learn how to ride and better myself I hope you get well Soon man and you will get better i know you will. Big Boy and Matty are taking good care of your channel. The whole crew is supporting you all the way man. We love you man keep your head up #supportscotty #prayingforyou
Scotty, I just started watching your videos not too long ago. Since I started watching your video my entire life has changed. It has given me a reason to get up every morning and do what I love. Just rise up like the hero you are and show people that despite an injury you can still rise up and continue on with life stronger than when you left. I know that you can do it. We have all seen it before. Get well soon. Don’t rush anything. Make sure you are healed before you try anything. Don’t want to see this position again. You got this man. Just believe. Love you man.
Scotty you are my insprasition i to ride. Ever since I started watching you vid I wanted to meet you and go bmxing and I know that it is going to come true because you, me, your family, your freinds and all your subs are going to fight and not stop until your better.if I had money to donate I would give it all to you. Good luck.
You are one of the best person and rider I’ve ever seen! I’ve been watching your videos almost every day and they give me the motivation to be a better person and ride as hard as I can! You have the mental strength to overcome all of this!
From Belgium.
Scotty you are BIG, so BIG..From Spain “Con dos cojones!” you are awasome man! See you soon
Hey Scotty, your the best, i really hope you get back soon, your min insipration, i see your vlogs every day and they can make my day every day, i really hope you will get back and dont give up on your career, if you see this pls say thank to Big Boy and Matty for taking care of the channel and keeping us updated… And for you i only have one thing to say “Pls get back soon, we all miss you”
#StandwithScotty #Pray4Scotty
Your a massive inspiration to me and all my riding friends! I know if anyone can make a full recovery it will be you!
I’ve been a fan since you went pro and I was super excited to find your Youtube channel last March. Since I watch it so much my wife has even come to love watching you and the gang!
My uncle is a Jockey and had his face crushed in an accident during a horse race. He had a few surgeries and no one would ever know how bad his injuries were.
“Adversity causes some men to break; Others to break records” William Arthur Ward
Your a record breaker!
Hang in there, we’re praying for you!
From Tyler and Carla
Hey scotty hope u get well soon big man always watching u on YouTube hope ure back riding soon
You are such a positive great person. I just recently started watching your channel a few months ago. You spread a great message of safety and personal growth. Keep your head up. Keep moving forward. We are all with you in spirit. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Hey Scotty,
me and my brother hope you get well really so I miss seeing you in the videos big boy is doing a really good job but its not the same without you.
get better soon,
I’m a Massive fan….I watch your Youtube channel everyday. I’m a mountain biker, but all you guys got me into BMX and riding more! Your determination and how you motivate everyone around you is inspirational. Your a badass human being and there is no doubt you’ll get through this!
You’ve inspired me every day for the last year. People around the world watch you and improve themselves from your infectious enthusiasm for life.
Personally I stopped smoking, lost weight and took up bmx again, I’ve been slacking lately, having a hard time with life and even had my bike stolen.
But you got this. And Big Boy’s got this. And I’ve got this. I’ll fight with you and improve myself everyday while you do the same. Almost a Million People around the world will be standing right beside you every step of the way.
Tom – Ireland
hey scotty hope you get better very soon praying for you
Scotty, i hope u get well soon man. Ur an excellent bmx rider. Ur the only reson why i got into bmxing.
Keeps your head up Scotty! You got this! You’ll make it through this in no time. We all love and miss you very much.
Donated as much as I could. Please get well soon quick man. Being from central NJ I grew up rooting for you in every X Games and got the privilege of riding the Incline Club every chance I got. Hang in there and can’t wait to see you back on the youtube.
You can do it Scotty stay strong!
Hey Scotty my name is Tyler you inspire my to keep pushing everyday to get better even tho i cant walk i know that i can get there one day so can you. keep working hard scotty love yea bro
Hey scotty hope your feeling better and hope you will be able to get back on the bike because that and YouTube ment your life your also why I started bmx
Stay strong scotty
Listen Scotty, you are y hero, just like you are to everyone els.. just by watching your videos you have pushed me to hit bigger, do better, learn faster. You are the man, the man that everyone knows that can get back on his feet, the man who never lets anything get to his head.. the man that inspired us all. we all love and miss you.. Get well soon
Hey scotty, Hope you have a speedy recovery bro. I know exactly what your going through I’ve been there I’m a C5 spinal cord injury still in a wheelchair been in one since 2011 due to a trick gone wrong but you have the support around and with you. I have high hopes you’ll be back on a bike before you know it. It’s like you say it’s all apart of being a bmx bike rider. Get well soon bro Big Boy has kept the channel going for us and for you. Love the vids and you know we the viewers and your team and family loves you.
P.s. Stay strong bro.
Good luck with your recovery Scotty! <3
Your an inspiration
Hoping you make a speedy recovery Scotty. Your an amazing guy with a big heart. I’ve been in a low place and after watching your videos and you always being positive. Have helped me be a little happier and positive. So I would like to thank you. Now you need us and I am here thinking positive and hoping you get well soon.
Scotty you are an amazing person. We love your videos and we love seeing you at the incline. I have always said how incredibly nice you are to all the kids. You always make everyone feel good. The kids look up to you and I can’t think of a better role model. My son and I send love and prayers to you and your family extended family included. We will proudly wear our shirts and donate to help you recover. We can’t wait to see your smiling face again. You got this keep your head up and know you are loved!
Scotty We need you man, Best wishes for your road to recovery ! You are an Idol and an inspiration for me your the only person on the internet I truly look up too and I hope to see you one day in person. Your a true Hero to the BMXing scene and we cant wait to see your smile again , I cant sum up in words how much you mean to us , Best wishes!
scotty this is real bad to here but man you are the one that very one looks up ti be like and get up and retry I’m am a cancer patient and every day i look up to see if a new video is up i love you man every one does please get well as soon as posable you are the best you is what makes me happy and you courage us to be what we want and never give up man i really hope you get well as soon as posable.
Good luck man i hope you get better soon, i’ve been watching your YouTube channel for ages now and its such a shame that this happened to such a good BMX rider, honestly hope you’re okay and that you’ll get out of this and make a full recovery, you and the rest of the team all make me want to ride my BMX more and more and give me better new ideas on what to do and where to do it and that at the end of the day its just about fun, yous all helped me out with that and i want you to keep riding BMX because you are my all time favorite BMX rider best of like scotty
Hoping for a very fast recovery for you, man…
Good to see you looking so well Scott, it’s a long road but you’ll get there.
Massive respect and best wishes from all of family here in Thailand.
I started watching your videos about 3 months ago. I’m 34 and inspired me to buy my first bmx bike. The whole crew is amazing love to watch. I get a little disappointed when I’m all caught up, knowing I’ll have to wait for the next episode to be released. It’s worse than my walking dead addiction. Love the show and I’m headed to donate now. I just found out about this because I’ve been hunting in an area with pore service for the last week. Hope you have a speedy recovery. It’s awesome that the guys are continuing with the videos.
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Fast recovery scotty im huge fan from philippines peace
Yo scotty hope your recovery goes well and hope to see you back in the videos soon your such an inspiration to me and loads of other people. Your the reason I got back into riding bmx. So hope everything goes well best of luck and just so you know how far this comes I live in the England
Hey scotty get well soon I ride BMX a bit. You are a idle for me and hundreds and thousands of other people too. I watch your vids every day when I heard that you had a bad accident I nearly cried.
I am praying for you Scotty, you have a very strong support system with great family and friends looking out for you. I was sad to hear about the accident, I don’t know how anything like this could happen to such a great role model and positive person. I am positive you will come back stronger from this and be out riding BMX again sooner than you think. I wish I could switch places with you and make this all go away but from what I have read your recovery is coming along as good as could be and your doctors are taking good care of you. Your fans are all thinking about you and we got your back so let us know if there is anything we can do to help other than donations. Good luck!! #standwithscotty
Hey bro hope you get better soon and will pray for you thank you for getting into bmx at first I didn’t know what I wanted to do in my life and then I found your channel and you motivated me to get a bike that was extremely difficult to get but it was worth it
Donate whatever you can guys! He has been an inspiration to many of us. Let’s show him some gratitude. #standwithscotty
come on Scotty you can doing and be back to way you were before the accident. PRAYFORSCOTTY
All the best wishes to you scotty for your road to recovery and I am thinking of you and your family my thoughts are with you
yo yo scotty bro…
keeping ma toes and fingas crossed for you…
thanks to the med staff and r2r looking after our boy cramner… love to your family, as its always tough seeing the ones you love in a bit of a mess.. after having a couple of head dinks, inc fractures and bleeds, I know how tough it is and the low place you and your family are, but know you are in our hearts and minds… often two steps forward and four back at the beginning, its like climbing a step grassy hill in the pouring rain wearing nowt but flip flops.. but chin up.. keep fighting to get better, tough road ahead but its do able, you got the love n support from many, many people, makes me proud of you and your accomplishments, you have touched so many people across this little blue planet, not many have or will accomplish what you have in so little time, not even jesus had that many followers at the beginning, we will be still hear when your ready to continue on, and to be our true bmx god…
big boys doing a great job wid the channel……
well you might want to have a word about him missing sammy out on doggy treats… think sammy got its own back.. big boy got doo on his cap n ear…
.. we miss you though, you got big o shoes to fill, wish you aint in that place right now, but we fall over, dust scraped knees of n stick a big ole mr men plaster on ya boo boos and ya be reet as rain, ya channel is a true inspiration, and what bmx needs, you did that, all you kid, its hard not seeing you happy n smiling.. banging out the peace at the end of each vid… but we aint going anywhere, just waiting till you ready bruvva…
the worlds bmx bruvva, from anotha mutha…
as promised im working extra shifts to help contribute as much as poss to your recovery fund… trying raise money from peeps at work too… having mini screening sessions for people who have no idea what a bike is or utube.. hoping for additional contributions and to raise awareness regards your costs and the work you have to do, also what you have given to so many, kids and adults, and if I can I will get them to donate… its early days but I will keep asking peeps to help our boy back to his bike, was looking at getting some wristbands done to aid the cause over here in the yorkshire uk.. and get some donation boxes too.. you a true inspiration and ledgend…. reet proper ledge, but if not I got extra shifts on the rota so soon as I get paid its in the post to you..
big ups and nuff respect for what you have done and I have no doubts will continue to do.. might be not today or tommorrow but I know you will get this.. fully commit.. you know its possible when you fully commit…
been watching old vids to keep up the scotty dose,
I forgot how big, the big boi was, wow its so long ago I didnt appreciate how much weight he lost… reminded me of chunks of off the goonies even more… love you too big boi..
keep digging deep everyday, keep positive and your mentals up… also rest easy, watch out fo bed sores, lumpy pillows and twisted sheets, they are a real pain in the ass, hope you dont have a catheter, let alone one that snaggs. seeing your picture reminds me how bad it was fo me , but I know there is light.. sooner than you can think poss.. its tough all you want to do is get up scratch itchy bits n ride in the sun.. and not be in bed but trust me that will change when your rehab starts.. you will be wanting to get back in bed… love you man all the best.. big ups n peace….
Hey Scotty, i hope you get well soon bro. Its sad to hear you had such a terrible fall, just keep your head up and be strong!! #standwithscotty p.s im a fan from New Zealand.
Scotty you are a big inspiration to all of us and we all hope you recovery! Big boy keep it going my man! #standwithscotty
Dude you are the best.Ihope you gonna be ok and see you again to make incredible tricks.You are one of the best bikers ever i seen.You inspire me to make new trick and i wondering one day to ride with you. We waiting for you man.Peace :)
I am waiting to see his face in a video , even a picture would make me feel better
Yo Scotty I really hope you recover soon as you inspired me to ride bmx your the reason why im getting a bmx this christmas i wish you the best of luck! :)
scotty you are the best, you are a fighter i want you to keep going on please you make me smile when i watch your videos
scotty you are the best, you are a fighter i want you to keep going on please you make me smile when i watch your videos. a big shout to bigboy
Scotty, we love you…Rest and heal, sir.
Get well soon bro. The best BMX YouTube vlogger i know.
Speedy recovery, Best wishes from Holland. #standwithscotty
Hope you get better soon and god bless u.hope you come back with the crew and start making new videos with them.
i have watched every single episode since the first one. been watching since April this year when i was injured from work . you guys motivated me to get better and back to being healthy and back on my bike and skate board and just going to all the skate parks and enjoying being out and about with my friends. when im at work i cant wait to get home and watch the new videos. its a ritual of mine to watch Scotty everyday. i talk about you guys all the time, i have all of my friends watching your channel now and everyday when the roommates get home from work we sit down and watch the new updates. since Scotty’s injury we have been 110% positive and hoping for the best speedy recovery for him.
i wish the best for the Cranmer family,
good job big boy and matty for keeping the videos coming.
the progress that big boy has made over the last year is incredible and inspiring.
again #StandwithScotty
i pray everyday for him.
Get well soon Scotty we all miss you! #standwithscotty
I thought braking my arm was bad then I hear about Scotty I knew a lot worse things can happen. I hope Scotty recovers well and get back riding again, Scotty is the one who got me truly into BMX so u pray for you Scotty. I also wish I could donate to Scotty but I can’t get well soon Scotty.?
Good luck Scotty. Keep your head up and keep your spirits high. Everything will come round full circle and you’ll be back in no time. Your such an inspiration to so many people, and we all got your back 110%! Good luck Scotty #standwithscotty
Wishing you a speedy recovery from Croatia! Get well soon Scotty<333 #standwithscotty
Hey man hoping you will have a good day today and every day going forward. All the best and we are all here for you!!!!!
My prayers are with you. The Lord says all we need to do is have as a little faith as a mustard seed. Keep your faith in him and he will bring you out of this Scotty. Been watching your channel for a long time and my son is motivated by you and your crew. Thank you and god bless.
#standwithscotty just keep in mind that with god all things are possible… Praying for ya man.. Keep strong and fight hard!!!
hope you recover quick so you can make great vids . your the best and your my favourite youtuber
#standforscotty #roadtorecover we all love your vids
You can do this scotty stay strong your in my prayers ?#STANDWITHSCOTTY?
yh scotty u are such a legend for what u do and how u go about everyday life and the work u have put into the channel well played mate abd its good u have friends to stand by u every step of the way we love u scotty hope u can get back to riding soon
scotty your my inspiration when i am upset or mad i watch your videos and i always end up being happy again your a amazing rider and role model i would love to meet you someday and i want you to pull through your strong and your videos help me through my personal things so i know you can have your self pull through and i hope to see you well soon best of wishes you will be in my prairs
I know where you guys are. Been there done that. It is far from easy for anyone of your familly or friends. But, with all my support and understanding I say if you’re able to make big boy do a front flip, you’re able to do anything. Seriously, you’re a champion. Champions are able to perform as well in there sports than in there recovery.
Get better Scotty, I miss seeing you in all the videos. I remember finding your channel a few months ago and loving your videos so much, I watched every single one from start to finish. I know you can pull through this. PEACE!
Keep pushing through Scotty! Get well soon.
Scotty, hope you are getting better man! As an EMT I don’t make that much $$$. I have helped out as much as I can with donation! I hope for the best for you and your family. You are an inspiration to a lot of people in the world and I’m praying for you! Get better soon!!!
P.s. Big boy and Mattie are kicking ass on the YouTube channel man!
P.s.s. What bike should I buy?
I miss you, Scotty! I hope you get better soon. You are a true inspiration not only for riding a bike.
I #standwithscotty
Happy Halloween, Scotty! I hope you are feeling okay and get some good candy today if you can eat it, or a milkshake if not! Can’t wait to see you back at it. All the best for today, man!
Big fan and hope you get better scotty!!And I hope you will be back on your bike in no time. #standwithscotty
We are praying for a speedy recovery for you Scotty! My boys only get to watch 2 channels on You Tube and you are one- they miss you and say prayers every night for your recovery…although Big Boy and the crew are doing great, we still miss you. Lots of love from AZ…
Get well soon Scotty can’t wait to see you back on the channel big boy and the crew are doing a great job with the videos. Wishing you all the best from Newfoundland
Get well soon! so different without you on the channel, you inspired me to do bmxing and your the best bmxer i have watched on youtube
Scotty I don’t know why this happened to u u are my favorite YouTube and I hope u get well I’m am praying for the best
I just made my very first donation for an individual. You’re a great athlete, rider, entertainer (i spend hours watching your Youtube channel) and friend.
You have such amazing friends & family.
I’m not even a real BMX rider and i send you all the love that i can from Paris, France.
Get well soon i really like you chanal i was one of your first subscribers and i believed in you from the start i really hope you get well soon your are my inspiration please reply back to my email
Your the best man you inspire not me but everyone who loves bmx. I love your cars man the Subarau and gtr are my dream cars and you got it all. Your inner drive is like no other and I look up to you in not just bmx but life its self. Thanks for being an amazing person on this earth you didn’t deserve this to happen to you. Get well soon and I hope to see some videos with you on them again!
Hope you’re getting better and that my donations could help out. I’ve been a subscriber to your youtube almost from the start. The positivity you and the crew show is an inspiration to everyone. I don’t ride bmx but I am involved in another sport that has its own risks as well. Your attitude, drive and support shows that you can overcome your injuries. Don’t let it define you or discourage you, use it as fuel everyday when you wake up and let it push you to do better and to reach a new accomplishment day by day.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and friends each day. Thank you for being a positive inspiration to everyone. Get well soon man.
Scotty you are loved and we are praying for your recovery. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. Don’t ever give up you have an army of support from all your loyal fans! We miss your smiling face!!
Hey, Scotty! I never thought Bmx is cool until I saw you and your crew making those awesome videos on YouTube. So now Im saving up money to buy a bike and gear, and if I’ll learn at least couple flatland tricks on it — it’ll hopefully make me so much happier. Get well and back on that bike soon! Much love from Russia, Moscow (no homo though)!
I always look forward to future videos coming out from you Scotty, you’re always happy and it brightens up my day. Get well soon man.
I cant buy t-shirts cause i dont have a creditcart and that sucks cause i really want a t-shirt and some stickers!! And i hope to you soon in some video’s Scotty!
i never seen some that strong to keep on pushing and never giving up and i not going to give up on you i donate 800 dollars #standwithscotty
its good to hear that scotty is getting better hope he will be able to ride again his Chanel is one of my favorites. i hope he recovers quickly and that he doesn’t have to have any more surgeries. I wish i could donate but i am 14 and dont have any money.
From a 46 year old fan who got turned on to your channel by my brother about 6 months ago. I think I’ve seen all the vids now.
Scottie You are an inspiration. Jeez look at Big Boy & I imagine about 500,000 other big boys who’d think “damn I could do that!” Keep up the good work & get well soon from this old codger who cant even bunny hop.!
#STANDWITHSCOTTY Scotty you’re my inspiration and the guy who got me into BMX in the first place. Get well soon from me Jake and all other people that love you. #STANDWITHSCOTTYFOREVER
Hey Scotty! Just wanted to tell you how much of an inspiration you are man. Like some of your viewers, I don’t even ride bmx (used to a little), but you are just a really cool guy and I love watching all of your videos of bmx and cars. I just wanted to send my love and well wishes. I’m looking forward to your recovery and seeing you back in some videos. Get well.
Lou Filerman
Get well soon scotty you’re awesome man.
I’ve been watching you for months now since around 100k
I think and it’s terrible to think this happened hope you get well soon and good luck.
Get well soon homie! Cant wait till you’re back at 100%
Your awesome and so tough your videos inspires me everyday get well soon
Really excited to see you’re making great progress and your attitude is where it needs to be. We’re all behind you. My daughter (10) and I watch every new video that comes out after she finishes her homework and you are definitely an inspiration to us both. I’ve just got back into riding after a 20+ year break and she’s just starting. We had nose bonk fakie challenge going on in our driveway the other night!
Your an inspiration to me and lots of others take your time everything in life happens for a reason big shout out to big boy for keeping the channel going and in progress I’m sorry I can’t donate I’m (13) and already can do a flair BC watching big boy do it and Scotty has gave me the confidence to try it get well soon 700k challenge !!!!!!
You’re the best, man. It just breaks my heart; this whole thing has been so horrible. I don’t even want to see the crash footage. I just want you to get better. You have a great heart and deserve health and happiness in full. You really are a really good dude. I hope you’ll be exceeding expectations and that this can be put behind you sooner than later and that you can come back 100%. All the best today as always and I will be watching along with everyone. Have a great night or day, dude, and.. PEACE! ;)
yooo only the best wishes for your recovery! get well soon dude!
hope you get better scotty, saw how you where doing the other day and looks good. stay strong.
Hey Scotty, I don’t know if you’ll ever read this, I hope you will. But I just want to let you know that you’re an incredible inspiration. Regardless of any accomplishments on the bike, you do so much for your friends and people that watch your videos. Whenever I feel like I cant accomplish something, I can just think of what you’re going through now, and the task at hand is no where near as testing. I love the channel, and everything you guys do, but above all I hope you are able to recover from this and get back to doing what you love. Get well soon Scotty, we all miss you and are pulling for you man.
you are so though scotty get well soon
you make some inspiration for me
scotty i am pulling for you i hope you get better soon you amazing at Bmx and i can’t wait for you to get back and riding again
Scotty I am so glad your getting better. I have learned so much about you in this last month. You are a very special person in the eyes of my 13 year old son. The morning after your crash about 6:30am. My son came to me with tears in his eyes and before he left for school we sat don’t and read information on what happen we watched the videos and everyday after that we sat together and watched big boy so we could see how you where doing. My son was so scared and then yesterday he sent me the newest video with you in it. We once again Sat together with our heads leaning on one another an listen to everything you had to say and in so glad I was right. You have the will to fight. I know you will be just fine and I couldn’t think of a better person for my son to look up to. Thank you for being a good kind hearted person who knows the value of life. And big boy he looks up to you as well for being a truly great friend. I thank you as well for showing my son what a real friend is like. I’m so sorry you had guys have had to live this nightmare but I’m glad it showed me what good people my son is watching on YouTube. I am so happy to see him care so much about you guys. Can’t wait to see you all back out there doing amazing biking. We will continue to watch together. Wishing you the best recovery scotty. Thank you again.
Hey Scotty, your videos inspired me to buy a BMX a month ago and start riding, we’re the same age. Just know on your journey back to the top there’s people just starting out who are with you all the way, who you inspired to pick up a BMX and go out everyday. Look forward to seeing you back in your videos again some day soon, in the mean time i’ll be riding for you. Thanks Scotty for your inspiration and lovely personality! How you said about Mirra, you wished more people from the community let him know exactly how amazing he was at riding and pin his personal life, I hope you can see how many people find you an amazing source for their drive in their lives.. Best
get better soon scotty <3 thinking of you and your family
Scotty, It’s great to set you talking and starting to heal. Remember when it gets tuff that you have more than just the people you can see behind you! I’m from Wisconsin, and if the crew is ever my way, I will put you up and show you a good time. Your more than a great bmx rider. Your the peoples champ !
p.s. From one Ginger to another, thank you Big Boy for keeping the channel strong!
Yo Scotty. Hope you get better bro, you got this and you will get through this
Sup my dude. U r probably the best bmx rider ever u have fought this like a champ. Can’t wait to ride with you in Bloomfield .hope you do well . My name is Eric .and you’re my favorite YouTuber
You WILL get back on your bike Scott. Remember: you are just down, not out
Scotty if you are reading this I hope you get better soon and I think that you are the best bmx rider ever
im not sure why you were given this test but i do know that you are one of the few who can pass it with flying colors. Wishing you to heal very quickly <3 you will be stronger than ever and i hope you catapult into utopia. get well bro
Hey scotty keep fighting been following your amazing recovery and what a inspiration you are to people around the world with your videos and how you keep pushing big boy to try new tricks and congratulate him on landing big trick just know we are and hoping for a great recovery
Thanks brother.
I grew up at The Incline Club. I spent so many days skating there, going to summer camp. Scott was a teenager (already going HUGE) and Matty was a little kid on a scooter. It’s been so long since I’ve seen anyone from their family, but they were always such good people. When my dad couldn’t afford to send me to summer camp they let me come and hang with my friends anyway. Every now and then I’d see updates on Scotty’s career and the dude was always blowing my mind. This was one update that was really hard to see. I wish for nothing but the best for Scott and his family, they deserve the love coming their way!
Scotty I hope you get better I love you so much man and you are the best Bmx YouTuber ever #standwithscotty
Scotty, hope you are still reading these. You have so many people who love you and are praying for you and your family. One day at a time keep moving forward. Thank you for the YouTube update.
On behalf of the County Line Auto Body crew and the Gardella family we cant wait to see you back home, and back on your feet again! Your recovery is truly an inspiration to all of us! Thank you for all the good you have done and all the good that we know you will continue to keep doing!
Bmx is life my name is DAKOTA I’m on my mom’s phone so sorry for the picture get well Scotty shout out to but boy for filming and editing and, uploading for Scotty get well soon and I will send a gift but where do I send it to and of been waching your videos for 1 year and happy thanksgiving it made me feel sad when I herd you were in the hospital GET WELL SOON!!!!!???
Scotty Cranmer I Love how your so positive about your recovery! Your making really great progress! I use to ride bmx when i was younger but kinda in a way fell out of riding bmx, but i remember how fun it was and exciting it was to ride! The adrenaline rush you get from riding or landing something new is the best or a friend doing the same! Just wanted to let you know i started watching/subscribed to your channel about 4-5 months ago just by randomly coming across your channel! Please take no offense when i say this “lol”. But i had no idea who you were, since i am older now “31” and do not keep up with all the bmx stuff. But the reason i stayed with watching your videos & subscribed after watching a couple one night, was how happy and positive you were about not just bmx riding, but the comrade for your friends,Family,Brother,and people you dont even know and How nice you were, etc etc. I can go on on as to why, the list is long when it comes to saying good things about you scotty. Your just special in many ways to where when someone watches your videos even though they dont ride bmx! They cant stop watching your videos man! Everything that you give off in your videos scotty is contagious in the most right way, its kinda hard to explain really! I think people just can tell how genuine you are as a Human,Husband,Son,Bmx rider,friend,A brother! like i said your a special kind of person! Keep taking your recovery one day at a time! And just Kepp being the Same old Positive Scotty! I hope somehow you get to read this! But just wanted to share a view thoughts on what i see in you has YouTuber and a human, and send my regards about your recovery! I been watching every time a video is up! Keep on Being Scotty! Scotty! Btw those Teeth Look Great bro! PS Big Boy your doing a good job keeping the channel going for Scotty right now! Couldnt leave you out Big Boy! #Road2Recovery #ScottyCranmer #BigBoy #Scotty’sWife&Family #KeepBeingScotty
Scotty if you actually get this email it would make my day. I just want to say I follow the whole crew from big boy to cory. I have laptops at school and 1 at my house and I have subscribed to your channel on every single computer,ipad, and phone I come across.The fall you took was pretty gnarly and big boy is doing a great job with all the videos. I Hope you get to read this, from Max (11)
Hi I’m a major fan and I’m so lucky to bmx even though I’m 11. I hope you get better right away ?
Why did this have to happen to such a good man but any way get well soon bud
scotty please recover quick i miss you
Hi Scotty,
Somehow bad things always happen to the good guys. But the way you are handling this is just fantastic. You’re such a positive person! I can’t wait to see you riding your bikes again. I really do. Ofcourse we’ve donated something too. It’s great to see many people helping out, this way we all make something great happen. Now you’re almost at 60% of your goal. Keep us updated about your progress. Beterschap!
Hey Scott I hope you are having a great day bro :)
(all things considered, of course)
hey scotty you inspire me every day.i love your vids,and hope you get well soon,you are amazing bro
Scotty you are my BMX Hero hope u get batter soon…I miss u in videos I started to learn bmx tricks …Thanks Man
Scotty get bether man your an inspiration to all bmx riders your youtube chanel is what got me into riding you are always challenge people to better themselves so now I challenge u to get better your strong and u never give up I know u can do it!! #bmxlegend
stand with scotty
You’re videos inspired me to start riding. Thank you and get well soon. I miss you
get better soon scotty you get better and remember# stand with scotty you made me start riding
get well soon
Hey scotty i am a big fan of yours and when i heard about your crash i started thinking about you a lot i hope you get better soon and i know you will be okay
Hope you get well. I discovered your channel and I watch your videos everyday. That was my inspiration to ride bmx.
My nieces and nephews and I have been watching your channel since Big Boy spinalled in California. Your channel has brought us a lot of joy and we thank you every day even though you’re not there right now, for all the heart you put into the channel and your crew for seeing it through.
Hey Scotty I’m thinking of you, bro. By the way, the way you are handling this is really an inspiring example for others to follow when faced with big challenges. I hope everything goes way better than you expect. All the best to you!
hey scotty you have been in my prayers since day 1 you have been a huge inspiration to me and got me off my lazy butt and back on my bike i hope you get better for christmas im asking for a t shirt and i am donating my life savings to you. get well soon man.
Merry late Christmas.. Don’t know why I didn’t think to write this on Christmas. I just caught the video. Glad to see you are progressing and have a good attitude. All the best, man. Happy new year & I hope 2017 goes better than you can expect with the recovery and a lot of good things come your way.
Scotty you have inspired me to ride bmx. I think I wacth like three of your videos a day and I love them. I hope this crash dosn’t impact you in bmx and keep produceing videos. I got my bmx bike on christmas and I ride it as much as possible. The only reason I am riding is because of you I can’t do any tricks yet but I am going to try my hardest to learn some. tell the crew I said hi and happy new years and merry late christmas. get well soon.
Scotty thank you for try hard to make you’re videos interesting and awesome you’ve changed my life from watching all you’re videos I’ve lost lots of weight from riding my bike because I’ve tried to do trick like you.Thank you Scotty don’t rush to get back to you’re bike and film videos take you’re time and let BIG boy do the videos but take you’re time healing.
Hi Scotty hope you are feeling better and you’re awesome. Can’t wait to see you on your bike again and on YouTube. STAND WITH SCOTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear scotty i m a huge fan though i scooter i really enjoy watching your content. the wheel of misfortune brilliant and i hope you get better. i couldnt donate but i thoguht this would due get better soon scotty and im looking forward to wheel of misfortune 5
Hey bro as a fellow paraplegic I would love to get a hold of you I mean you’re not a paraplegic as much anymore since you’re up and walking but if by any chance you can read this my email is RobertRomig90@gmail.com
hey scotty, I always loved to see you guys on television or other channels. I really was shocked to here about your crash! Can’t wait to see you back on your bike again! You are so inspiring All the best to you an your family!
best wishes from Germany!!!
Hi scotty Get well soon scotty I am a big fan of you and your channel
U rock bro. Sorry to hear your injury. I know the pain first hand, crashed my BMWr1200S. As extreme sport enthusiast got crushed cut-off by car, knocked out x 3 weeks. Was told I’D never walk again, but I paid my way as sport PT, I was working on a transitional doctoratePT at the time, so I knew what to do. when I can get arm sling properly braced due to brachial-plexus injury gonna start training to jogging a marathon. Just to give the finger to the doctors who said I’d never walk again, they literally said I’d never walk again hen I asked to have PT push me harder but instead docs ordered PT electric w/c, wheel-chair. I was pissed! So took matters in my own hands errr hand :) I knew I had to get weight through my legs to wake-up the nervomuscular connection in my legs. So i’d find places to stand and wt bear through legs w/ locked w/c behind me, number 1 rule in rehab don’t get re-injured. I walked out of that rehab. Now working on R arm brachial plexus injury, again doc suggested amputation. HA. That R arm is showing promise with proper muscle stimulation. My goal is to give a R handed finger to the docs who said I’d never walk again when I finish a marathon! Some of us just need to push our limits, stay strong.
-Teddy Scoville, PT
I love You Man, Keep Your Head Up <3 Hope u are well, Thanks for the motivation To ride <3 <3 You Are and always will be an inspiration to all BMX Riders Out there and everyone will remember your name!!
Hey Scotty I know you are probebly not going to see this but I have just recently bean whatching your videos and I love them so much I really hope you feel better and I really would like to now if you had a po box like a post office thIng were we can send stuff other wise #standeithscotty I love you man 👌👌
Hi! Thank you for your support. You can send stuff to Scotty at the below address.
SC Action Sports
ATTN: Scotty Cranmer
HOWELL, NJ 07731
hey scotty get well soon great fan
Get well soon! Scotty I’m a big fan of your YouTube channel ❤️ Jordyn
hey scotty get well soon great fan of your youtube channel
Scotty! monster fan of your channel mate, sending love from Tasmania, Australia!! wearing my t-shirt with pride!!
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Very well presented. Every quote was awesome and thanks for sharing the content. Keep sharing and keep motivating others.
Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.