Micky Dymond Support Stickers Designed by Shoko Takano


Japanese artist Shoko Takano captured Micky’s charisma & colorful personality in her portrait of Micky.

Shoko met Micky when she was just 18yrs old living in Japan. Many years later while working in the graphics dept at Troy Lee Designs Shoko was taught how to draw using a computer. Micky was one of the first renderings Shoko drew and she hung the pictures on her office wall.

One day while Micky visited TLD, he stopped and autographed Shoko’s drawing… making it a keepsake item.

Shoko is sharing her love of Micky with his fans around the world.

You can see other art by Shoko by visiting www.facebook.com/town.sixstrings

100% of the proceeds go to Micky’s R2R-Fund.

These limited edition Micky Dymond fundraiser stickers are custom designed by Shoko Takano

Printed by Magik Custom Graphics

Free Shipping

Each sticker is apx. 4.25 x 3 inches

100% of the proceeds go to Micky’s R2R-Fund.

238 in stock

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