On Saturday, March 2, 2019, Privateer Wilson Fleming crashed while competing in the 250 SX East Coast Region heat race in Atlanta, GA. His crash cause multiple injuries and broken bones including breaks to his clavicle, femur, tibia and fibula. Fleming underwent surgery the Sunday after to address the break in his femur, placing a rod for stabilization in his right leg.
Making it into 8th position after the first lap in his heat race, Fleming approached the rhythm section when he made an error that caused him to come up short on the triple. He was thrown from his bike with a hard landing that knocked him unconscious. Thanks to the fast response of the Alpinestars Mobile Medical Unit, Fleming was transported to a local hospital where his injuries were treated.
While Fleming’s injuries are serious, they are not career ending. However due to his limited insurance coverage, Fleming is having to pay out of network cost for his physical therapy. He is recovering in Jacksonville, FL doing his out-patience therapy there until his is healed enough to travel back home.
Road 2 Recovery was able to negotiate a discounted rate for his PT, but cost are still very high. Even more of a financial burden for a privateer like Fleming. An R2R Fund has been established for him to help cover the cost of his medical bills. If you are able, you can make a tax-deductible donation towards his cause here. If you’re unable to support financially, please help by sharing his page. You can also leave a positive message for him and his family to read below.
Fleming thanks everyone that has chosen to read his story. He believes that with headwork and dedication he will be back racing again. Keeping a positive mindset is a priority with his focus on his goal to make a main event again.
Good luck with your recovery !
To me it’s the privateers like you that make this sport what it is !
Stay strong my friend !
Look forward to watching you race again !