Chris Wise, aka, C-Dub was an avid motocross rider and racer since 2000 when his parents bought him his first bike; a CR80. After a year of riding that first bike, Chris got the racing bug that we all know too well. Over time and with a lot of hard and desiccation, Chris became a very good rider and racer. In 2003 he moved up to the big bike class on a CR250. From 2004 thru 2013 his life and dreams were racing and turning pro. During those years, Chris and his Dad raced throughout Colorado, California, Las Vegas and Oklahoma with his main goal of qualify for Loretta Lynn’s.
In June 2013, he got his pro rider card and he hung up his boots. He may have quit the sport, but he never lost the passion to watch and follow the sport. He was so excited to attend the Mile High Supercross this year here in Denver and watch the sport and rides he loved so dearly.
Sadly, Chris was taken from us way too soon on April, 24 2019, he passed away from a serious fall at work.
Our Son was such a kind, loving, giving person. He would help anyone, anytime. Chris’s final act of kindness and giving was to be an organ donor. He was able to give the following of himself to help others live and have the gift of sight.
- 5 skin graphs
- Bone graphs
- Heart valves
- Arteries & veins in from his lower legs
- His eye corneas which will give 2 people eye sight that otherwise could not see.
This generous donation will help dozens and dozens of people on Chris’s behalf. This truly shows what a special Chris person he was.
Due to the way Chris live his life, his mother and father have decided that in lieu of flowers, donations to Road 2 Recovery would be the perfect way to honor Chris’s legacy as such a generous soul. This would make Chris so happy to help another injured athlete.
You can make donation on Chris behalf here.
Please leave a positive memory or message for his family to read below.
When Chris was 12/13 years old he worked doing A/C work with me and Derrick and Noel he would work so hard that on the way home at the end of the day he would be sleeping in the back of my Van. One day we sent him downstairs to get pipe Stretcher and then up to the Van to find it but he couldn’t find it even though he looked for like 1 hour…. [ no such thing ] We miss him.. CE
Chris was more than just a best friend. He was family. At my house we was an uncle, a therapist (lol), a role model, a helping hand, our brother from another. We could always count on Chris no matter what we needed. He let us be authentically us. We didn’t have to be doing anything, dressed up, have a clean house. He was okay with the kids screaming, hell he would help (sometimes that entailed him contributing the the loudness by keeping us all laughing or reading stories to settle them down). He never judged, was a great listener and always had the best of advice. You only meet a few people in your life who truly come in and change it for the better, but Chris did. He touched me and my family and made our hearts so full of love for him. Nobody can or ever will replace the love we all have for him, he was one of a kind. They say you live til the last person forgets you; well guess that means you will live forever because you’ll never be forgotten.
Chris always made sure we were having a good time. He was such a goofball. I remember one year we had a christmas party and him and brother were having lip sync battles in the living room. They were having so much fun. One night we were out to dinner recently and he said he would get mine because we needed to save money for the wedding. He was always so sweet and thoughtful taking care of all of us. Everytime we saw him he would ask how wedding planning was going and truly cared what was going on. Not many people want to hear about wedding planning but Chris was all for it. He is so genuine and kind hearted he will never be forgotten.
Chris was such a kind, gentle soul. I remember when Chris started riding and how proud Mike was to watch him. He was taken way too early and will be missed by many. Thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Chris Wise was a damn good man. A kind and generous person who would do anything for anyone and never had anything bad to say about anyone. Chris was my best friend and my brother. His family took me in as their own. I am devastated that he was taken from us far too soon. I miss his larger than life personality and his sense of humor. My favorite memories of Chris were traveling with him and his dad to all of his motocross races. He was happiest on his bike racing with his family there supporting him. I miss you brother. Ride in paradise!
May the tracks always be prepared and your bikes be fresh. Rip it up SON
Love you Mom, Becky and Dad
My heart is so heavy and I am still having such a hard time processing that you really are gone. I’m such a believer in everything happens for a reason and I know God had bigger plans for you. I am just struggling so much knowing I won’t be able to just call you up and be able to hear your voice or be able to see your beautiful contagious smile. I think about going to Thunder valley and you won’t be there at the starting line cheering everyone on. But, I know you will always be around.
God grants the saints in heaven to witness the race that we are running on earth.(Hebrews 12:1- Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us)
I might not hear your voice or see your smile. But i know you are there. And i know I will see and hear your again someday. I never thought in a million years i would have to say goodbye to such an amazing friend at such a young age. You were getting your life back on track and becoming the man that God always knew you were. But like we always have heard and knew… Only The Good Die Young. I’m just a little selfish or maybe a lot a bit selfish and wish God wouldn’t have taken you so soon. But I know in my heart you’ll always be around. You’ll forever be in my heart Chris Wise. Love you. See you again someday.
(John 16:22- So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.)
I only met Chris a few times when he would come up to Lake George with my nephews or at one of their houses. But he was one of those kids that became your friend immediately. He was very kind, thoughtful and polite young man.
To the Wise family, I lost a son unexpectedly 7 years ago snow skiing, I promise it gets easier, take it one day at a time! If you ever want a listening ear that has experienced it get my number from my nephews.
I truly believe only the good die young! God Bless!
Chris was the kind of person that raised everyone up. A kind soul with a great heart. I loved seeing Mike and C-Dub together at the track, and I remember seeing them drive by my house on the way to and from the track, always with a smile. I miss the banter at the track with the usual suspects, and Chris and Mike would pull up, and we would all call out “C-Dub!” and Chris would just laugh and nod. What a great smile. Kelly and I thought the world of Chris, and I know he is turning laps in heaven.
Chris and Jeremy were practically inseparable. They went to school together, worked together and played together. Chris loved to race and Jeremy was his biggest supporter (besides his Dad). They always had a good time together with a lot of laughter and always there for each other and everyone else. They spent every weekend either at Watkins or packing up and going to races. They were both considered to be sons and brothers to both the Wise Family and the Work Family. His smile and positive attitude will never be forgotten. Ride like you’ve never ridden before Chris! We will always love you!
I met Chris for the first time around 15 years ago. We hung out at the track on occasion but he and his dad spent much more time in my garage working on his bike and talking bikes. He was such a great kid and his dad and he were inseparable. I always remember Chris with his dad. I have so many memories that I’m so glad to have. Years later (too many years) hearing the sad news those days all come back to me like they were yesterday. I try as hard as I can every day to keep my family close and have the same kind of relationship with my son. Mike you are a great father and role model and I cannot imagine the loss you are feeling. Chris I miss you buddy and hit those triples in the sky like you know you can! God bless you all and love you all.