Jodie McCaughey is a 17 year old beautiful girl. Motocross is her life. Jodie raced competitively for years. Last April, Jodie came off her scrambler at a track in Leitrim and snapped both femurs and had metal rods inserted in both thighs. It was a long recovery process but she pushed herself so hard and eventually after just 11 days in hospital after multiple blood transfusions and hours of painful physiotherapy Jodie walked out of Craigavon hospital and began to push herself and got stronger and stronger each day. Jodie was eventually strong enough to get back on a motorbike there was no stopping her. We warned her multiple times that she may hurt herself again however it was shadowed by her love and passion for the sport.
On June 24th 2017, Jodie came of her motorbike again at Desertmartin. Jodie has snapped her spine between T6 and T7. She has damaged her spinal cord and the surgeons are almost certain that Jodie will spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Jodie has lost all sensation from the chest down. Jodie will eventually be transferred to Musgrave hospital to begin her rehabilitation. To get Jodie home we must have an extension built onto parents home. As they live in a pretty small house with just a living room and kitchen downstairs we must add the extension to facilitate Jodie with a downstairs bedroom and shower room.
Jodie is still a young woman and has her full life ahead of her and this accident is devastating to both her and her family. Jodie is very strong and is powering through this. Nothing will stop her. If you can, please help Jodie and her family by donating. #PrayForJodie141