Encinitas, CA – Privateer 250 rider, Coty Schock is recovering in a hospital in New York after a crashed on Saturday at the Unadilla National. He had a successful surgery on his back where the doctors were able to repair the broken L1 vertebrae with two rods and a plate. Coty also sustained a fracture to his right wrist but no surgery was needed. Thanks to the fast response of Dr. Bodnar and the whole Asterisk team; he is expected to make a full recovery and is in high spirits according to close family members. They are hoping to get back home in the next four to five days where Coty will start his recovery process. While Coty does have insurance that will help cover some of the costs accrued in the hospital; there will be costs that are not covered. Coty is a privateer and could use all the help we can give him.
Road 2 Recovery has set up a fundraising campaign to help with expenses. Coty and his family would like to thank everyone and appreciated of all the kind words, well wishes and support that has come out of the moto community.
Coty, I’ve watched you at snake creek i don’t know how many times ripping. Your crazy fast kid. Hope your recovery is too. I’ll be yellin for ya at the races once your back in action!
Thanks Paul! I’m doing great and making great strides!
Coty, you and your family have went nothing but supportive and welcoming since we first met you. You are a true inspiration for our son Ian who asks about you all the time. Heal up fast Coty, we miss the whips, wheelies, and wins!!!
Coty I watched you growing up in your early years of riding/racing. You & your dad might remember me as Tina Cordova (from DMS Service Dept). I was always impressed by your polite & quite demeanor & how different you were on your dirt bike track. You had absolutely no fear and were amazingly fast on two wheels. I see not much has changed. I wish you a speedy recovery and many more years of racing,
Thanks Tina! I really appreciate it!
God Bless you Coty, we are praying for your speedy recovery!!!
George and Kathy Napolitano
Thanks George! Hope all is well and miss seeing you at snake!! Hope to see you soon!