Update on 08/05/17– By Colton
My progress in the past month has been amazing, I’ve been making some big strides and was actually able to ride my motorcycle again! Not only has riding been some great mental therapy, but it’s also been great physical therapy. Riding has started to wake up some new muscles that I haven’t used since my injury. I plan to start riding again regularly and hopefully start doing some fun local racing again in the near future.
Update on 05/08/17– By Colton
Progress has been going really well, I’m almost able to walk without a limp now.
Last week I was cleared by my doctor to ditch my back brace and to start doing weight training/ lifting as tolerated. At this point, all my broken bones are healed up, and now it’s just a matter of getting my strength and coordination back to 100%.
I also want to say a huge thank you to Toyota for donating 50hrs of physical therapy to my cause! Because of their help, I plan to step up my therapy program, and get into therapy a couple more days a week.
Update on 03/21/17
Update 02/25/17
Colton Aeck was transported home to California from a hospital in Texas earlier this week by the wonderful people at Charity Air. He is now settling in at a Southern California SCI rehabilitation facility that will be his new home for the next few weeks. Huge thanks to our friends @charityair for their professional and expedient service. Colton is already exceeding exceptions in his rehabilitation and taking to this process like he did on the track. Stay posted for more updates on his progress and his Road 2 Recovery.
Update 02/16/17
On Tuesday, February 14th Colton had a successful surgery to repair his vertebras and address his other injuries. The doctors were able to stabilize his spine by placing a rod in his back and fusing his T11 to L2. After suffering some complications post-surgery doctors performed multiple procedures yesterday, February 15th. One of the producers included putting back in a modified chest tube. It was earlier reported by Road 2 Recovery via their Instagram that Colton had three surgeries; this was an error and confused with his “procedures” that were preformed, he has had only one surgery. After being in ICU in a local Dallas/Fort Worth hospital for five days, Colton is now being transferred to the Critical Care Unit today where his is expected to stay for the next week before he is released.
Colton has regained all of his feeling in his lower body however he has limited movement. With the slight spinal cord damage that was sustained Colton will start off in a wheelchair with a short-term goal of walking with assistance of a walker and one day walking unassisted again. This is going to be a long road ahead but with the support of his family, friends and fans, Colton is expected to make a full recovery.
Once Colton is admitted into a California based extensive SCI therapy center, he will began to work on all of the skills that are needed to get back to a full recovery. Currently it is unknown how long he will be expected to stay or how much insurance will cover. On average, the patient’s cost for a facility like this is about $1700 a day. This will be an expensive recovery process for the Aeck family not just the rehabilitation process but Colton’s father is expecting to have to take off work to help with his care and the expenses that were incurred during their stay in Dallas.
This past Saturday, February 18th Colton was critically injured during his 450 Supercross heat race in Arlington, TX. Colton suffered a broken shoulder, broken ribs, punctured lung and broken Vertebrae in his back. He had surgery on the Tuesday following his injury where doctors placed rods in his back and fused his T11 to L2 vertebrae. He is now recovering in a Dallas hospital.
The Aeck family appreciates the outpouring of love, support and prayers for Colton and their family. Colton is on the road to recovery, but its going to be a long one! We are asking all that want to help to please continue to pray for Colton. If you would like to contribute to help Colton through this difficult time, especially being so far away from home, you can donate here, anything is appreciated and will help! Thank you again for your love and support but most of all thank you for your PRAYERS! We will keep posting updates to this account as well as social media. Use #ColtonAeckR2R to show your support on social media.
Photo Credit- Gas Productions
Does 100% of a donation go to Colton and hisfamily?
I was there and saw your crash; it was horrific. :( I just wanted you to know that I will be praying that our Almighty Father, The Master Physician, wraps His healing, loving hands around your body, and brings peace and comfort to you and your family as you all embark on this journey. You won’t be alone during it. Be strong my brother.
Love in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,
Colton, guys like you are the backbone of this sport. Stay strong and stay positive.
***Everyone needs to help this family out – give up your Starbucks for one day and send a few bucks.
Colton, that was a gnarly crash. You have worked hard to achieve your place in racing. It is now your time to work harder than ever to regain your health. Good Luck in your recovery, Stay Strong and Get Well.
Colton, my family’s prayers are with you and your family. From what I’ve read you have a very committed and strong family. If things seem difficult at any time, let their strength help you through it. Get well and God bless all of you. -Kevin
Hello Colton, You have been in my prayers since the day of your crash. I pray that your doctors are at their very best while caring for you. Dig deep during this journey and use the same determination you use while training and riding to recover from this terrible accident. Additional prayers go out to your family, while they love and support you during this journey. Much Love and positivity are being sent your way.
Wendy Mastrangelo aka Blake’s Mom
Praying for you bud