Update 10/27/20
Update provided by a close family friend.
A little over two weeks ago Chris was released from the hospital and is now at a inpatient rehabilitation center. The goal at the center is to work on gaining overall strength and specifically to learn to balance and walk again. A part of Chris’s brain that controls balance was affected by the accident. Beyond this, Chris’s brain does not have additional damage and he has regain full cognitive capacity. Chris is extremely motivated and his progress continues to impress the medical staff every day. During the last two days, he was able to walk a few steps without assistance or support. His goal is to get out of the rehabilitation center by early November and continue to train from home. I am convinced he will succeed in doing so. I speak to Chris every day and his dedication is impressive.
On Sunday, August 16, Canadian motorcycle enthusiast/industry member Christopher Laliberté suffered a major crash during a practice session at MX Rivière-Rouge in Quebec, Canada, sustaining severe head trauma and multiple fractures in his spine, rib and cheek bone. Laliberté was immediately transported to Montréal- Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur, where he is currently in a medically induced coma to reduce swelling in the brain.
As a result of his injuries, Chris has limited mobility on the left side – with hopes of regaining function when the brain is less swollen – but he does have movement in his right arm and leg. Additionally, Chris may require surgery to repair a broken cheek bone as the fracture is causing pressure on his left eye nerve and could affect his vision.
Laliberté, a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast and valued staff member at KTM Canada, Inc., has been passionate about motocross since he was a little kid and it quickly became a big part of his lifestyle through family, friends and work. Chris is known by those around him as ambitious and always seeking perfection – both professionally and personally – and he will do anything in his power to get back on his feet as soon as possible and put in the work that has to be done. No matter how busy his life can be, he always finds a time to get on his motorcycle and do a couple of laps – that’s a moment you can’t take away from him.
R2R has established a fundraising campaign to support Chris as his medical bills are expected to be substantial even after his insurance is applied. As always, R2R is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) and your donation toward Chris’ fund is tax-deductible in the U.S. and U.K. As more information on Chris’ recovery becomes available, we will update his page here. Please leave positive messages and well wishes for Chris and his family to ready.
The Laliberté family would like to thank everyone for the support.
Je t’aime et on pense fort à toi ✨ continue de nous surprendre!!! Xxxx
Toute la FMSQ se joint à moi pour t’envoyer des ondes positives pour te remettre sur pied.
Hang in there Dude!!
Tu es un fighter lâche pas!!
Je suis avec vous de tout ❤️ Xxx
Avec beaucoup de détermination ont arrive a tout 💙
Don fait xx
Bon courage à lui et à toute sa famille. Je vous envoie mes pensées positives.
Prompt rétablissement. 🙏🧡
Toutes mes pensées sont avec vous.
Un promp rétablissement Chris ..
you got this Chris, stay strong we want you back in our showroom talking business. Sending love and prayers to the family!
Lâche pas Chris, je vous envoie pleins d’ondes positives 🙏🏻
Reviens nous vite sur tes deux jambes mon chum, tu n’as pas fini de surprendre. Je renvoie plein d’ondes positives 😘😘😘😘
Soit fort Chris ! On pense fort à toi !
On est à tes coter ! 🙏🏻 ♥️
Lâche pas Chris, on pense tellement fort à toi!!! XXX
Praying for you buddy ❤
Had many get times with Chris a Butts ccabin during the Corduroy enduro. Our prays are with you
Prend tout le temps que tu as besoin pour nous revenir en pleine santé! Tu es fort et déterminé j’ai confiance en toi ❤️🙏 xxx
Pas inquiete tu va revenir en force le beau frere 🤙🏼 Its gonna be a rough ride but nothing you cant handle !
Pensées pour toi. Bon courage Christopher Je t’envoie plein d’onde positive 🙏
Criss de Chris!
Je sais que tu es surement en train de traverser l’épreuve la plus challengeante de ta vie mais…
Je te connait puis on sais que tu es un combatant, tu nous l’a toujours montré…
Quand tu veux atteindre de quoi, tu fini toujours à bout de l’obtenir
Il y a rien a ton épreuve mon gars
Tu es un fonceur, déterminé. Lache pas mon Chris, you got this!
Can’t wait to see you back ON LIKE A STOVE TOP! ;)
Je penses ben fort à toi!
Toutes mes pensées positives sont dirigés vers toi et tes proches. Courrage!
We’re all pulling for ya little buddy! The whole Husky Family isn’t the same without you. Stay strong & push hard! We’re here for whatever you or your family needs!
Ca fonctionne pas..pour faire un don😔
I love you so much, I see you having a perfect healing. I’m not even worried. You’re a strong, stubborn and passionately powerful man. You’ve got this bro x
Great man. Prayers will always protect one. So,feel safe.
We believed in you. And our believed and prayers won’t go in vain. Love you…
Not in words but in prayers and in hearts you’ll be always there. Love the way you are. Be safe.
Wishing you a speedy recovery