Multiple World Champion BMX athlete and Olympic hopeful, Caroline Buchanan has gone through hell and back this past year after testing injuries and falls that resulted in eight medical procedures in 2018 alone. These setbacks have cost her on the track but have also taken a huge toll on her financially.
Caroline’s injuries and subsequent surgeries have been well documented as well as her rehabilitation efforts to get her back on the bike. Unfortunately, one item not chronicalized has been the mounting medical expenses due to the multiple surgeries and one more surgery scheduled in the next few months.
Being the extremely talented and dedicated athlete that she is, Caroline has accepted this challenge head on and is determined to get back to what she loves most, racing. Road 2 Recovery has set up an R2R Fund for her and is working with medical billing to get these costs down to a manageable level. However, the bills are coming in at over $100,000, and Caroline needs all the help we can give. If you are able, you can make a tax free donation to Caroline’s R2R Fund here.
You can also view Caroline’s struggles and achievements through her surgeries and rehab by watching her just released YouTube video. This is a great insight to just how the challenges she has overcome so far. This link to this video is below.
Hey! I from to colombia 🇨🇴 and i support u, i Think that u are the Best women in bmx. U are amazing! All be better for u. I know! 😉
I hope you make a full recovery 🤘🏽
🇨🇦 🇦🇺 Take your time to heal and comeback stronger than ever. #livinglegend
Just donated and wish You the best and fast recovery! What’s the deal with your medical care in the USA? It’s crazy, that you have to pay all the required operation by yourself. Anyway, good luck!
Heal well and grow stronger each day. You are the best role model for my daughter and she loves you to bits. We all do. Take care.
You’re a role model for everyone. Keep up the positivity! You got this fam!
You are the best!
I hope that we make it to the goal