On Tuesday, November 2, Bobby Piazza suffered a severe crash on his first day back training for Supercross at Jimmy Weinert training facility in North Carolina. Bobby was wrapping up the last few laps of his training session when his bike chain snapped off as he was coming off the face of a triple jump. He was thrown forward from the bike, landing arms out into the face of the second jump, causing traumatic compound fractures this left wrist. He was rushed to the nearby hospital, where they performed the first of two surgeries that week.
After arriving at Carolina East Hospital, the Orthopedic Surgeon assessed his injuries and performed the first surgery to clean and stabilize his wrist. Two days later, on November 4, Bobby was transferred to Vidant Medical Center, where he underwent another surgery. The Orthopedic surgeon performed multiple procedures focusing on nerve recovery and a Scaphoid Fracture Open Reduction and Internal Fixation to give him the best outcome for future mobility and strength. With the severity of his injuries, the doctors are concerned that he will suffer permanent nerve damage resulting in numbness, limitation in range of motion, and strength with long-term wrist instability.
Bobby is already scheduled for a third surgery coming up in twelve weeks. Surgeons will remove the pins, external fixator, and the two screws that are keeping his Minerva and scaphoid together. His doctors have informed him that he will need months of outpatient therapy to take him out of competition for at least a year if he can return at all.
This crash was a freak accident as his bike only had 10 hours on it, and no teeth were missing on his sprocket. Being always aware of safety, he checked the bike multiple times that day. Bobby has put his entire life into riding and racing dirt bikes. Bobby had been a full privateer traveling across the country multiple times pursuing his love of motocross and supercross. Over the last 3 years, Bobby has been living out of his sprinter van with his girlfriend and their dog. He has qualified for every 450 national that he has signed up for scoring a couple of top 20s and his career-best of 18th at Redbud 2021. He has also made main events in supercross and just about every night show that he tried for. Bobby has been an advocate and great role model for the next generation of racers. He started racing when he was just four years old. His love and passion for this sport have only grown more over the years as he has put everything he can into his career to be the best he can be.
He would like to take a moment and say thank you to his amazing following and thousands of loyal fans, and everyone who has reached out and stood behind them in these challenging times.
If you can donate to help support Bobby, please do so here. If not, you can leave a positive message below for him and his family to read.
Thank you for the support.