Update 03/01/20
Not much has really changed regarding my recovery. I have been trying some alternative methods and working with my doctor on some different treatments along with balancing my relationships with sponsors and racing for Polaris RZR. I’ve been spending quality time with my wife Emily and a small group of friends. Keeping life fun and simple at the moment. Thanks for all the support, appreciate everyone!!
Update 06/13/17
The past few months I’ve been on the gas with everything I’ve been doing; traveling, therapy, driving (lots of driving), and everything in between. I’ve been blessed with so much love and continued support and I’m doing everything in my power to hammer down on this injury but also not letting it consume me. I have a lot of other opportunities that I am able to focus on out side of my injury like my new Polaris RZR to drive around and start getting comfy in. I also have a hand cycle now that I want to start putting some serious miles on.
I recently turned 23 and I asked my girlfriend Emily to marry while we were in Catalina. She is one strong amazing woman that I am so lucky to have in my life. We have been to Hawaii for my first vacation with her family as a quick little break and I’ve been camping and swimming. We’ve gone to Catalina and Mexico to pre run the Baja 500 with the guys from Polaris and had lots of fun. I still go out to the track every now and again to peak my head around and say hi to some friends and help out with what I can. I definitely miss my old job and what I was able to do each day but I guess those days are long gone. But as of right now, my life is full of positivity and I have time to figure that all out.
I’m still going to Strides SCI in San Juan Capistrano 3-4 days a week and doing what I know how to do at home with my training to keep progress going in my therapy. What I have learned from my body is that sometimes I just need to rest, I’m relearning my body and finding that balance just like before when I was training and also try to have fun when I can.
Most recently I have started checking out different options with stem cell therapy and stimulators, I’m just about open to anything. My body is constantly is a state of change; my muscle spasms change all of a sudden or I’ll be able to flex my quad or move my toes for a couple of minutes, hours, or even days but it all seems to slowly dissipate but eventually comes back for a little. My focus right now is trying to get all these changes to stabilize and continues to get better. I have definitely seen improvements; especially with sensation I can feel a lot in my left side but my right is spotty, both feet I can feel really well along with my gluts.
I’m always looking for the positive, I have great support and backing and I’m going to continue this journey. Who’s to say I’m not going to be one of those cases that can make something of this and get back on my feet? I’m not a quitter and I will keep grinding away! Thank you so much to everyone in my corner; Road 2 Recovery, everyone involved Troy Lee Designs (my extended family), Red Bull who has been behind me for so many years, my family and my fiancé Emily for all that she does for us and keeping my head held high when I’m not up for it. The people at Compex have been so great to me and that machine is unreal with how much it has helped with my blood flow and keeping my muscles going. Thank you MX locker, Statik clothing and Positive Ride for your shirts that so many people are now wearing for me. Brie Cody and her family has gone above and beyond for me and I can’t thank them enough, I’m so glad to now call them my friends.
Team TLD/KTM rider Jessy Nelson suffered a crash in the second moto of the Pro Outdoor Motocross Nationals at Unadilla on 8/13/16. Details are few at the moment but we received this update from his Instagram earlier today. Road 2 Recovery is the only nonprofit in all of action sports to support these riders in their recovery after a severe injury.
To register for Jessy Nelson’s MX School CLICK HERE!
The “Professor” Gary Bailey and Road 2 Recovery have partnered with some of the Motocross industries’ best to help raise money for Jessy Nelson. 100% of the proceeds will to get Jessy Nelson a much needed Sprinter Van.
This Motocross School is a once in a lifetime opportunity being held on Friday, December 9, 2016, at Cahuilla Creek Motocross Park. You’ll have a full day to learn from pros like Cooper Webb, Ivan Tedesco, Kris Keefer, Grant Langston, David Bailey, Gary Bailey, and so many more. The complete TLD team, Tyla Rattray, Shane McElrath, Jordan Smith, Mitchell Oldenburg and Jessy Nelson will be there as well to lend their professional experience. Check in starts at 8am and class starts promptly at 9am PST.
The MX School will be star studded and jammed packed with years of knowledge and experience. Its all for a great cause! To make sure that each attendee gets the quality time needed to increase their skills, the school will be capped at 100 entries. Make sure you sign up fast because space is limited.
With a minimum donation of $250.00, participants can expect small class groups to gain valuable knowledge from the best in the business on starts, turns, big jumps, and “S turns”. Included is a complimentary breakfast and a delicious lunch provided by Wienerschnitzel, a swag bag, raffles and a few surprises.
If you are on a mobile device please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Update from Jessy Nelson Instagram Account:
In the second Moto at Unadilla, I had a crash in a tricky turn, ultimately ending with a red flag for the race. I went down pretty hard of a direct result of the bike hitting me from behind. I am currently at a hospital in Cooperstown, NY where we are waiting for some swelling to go down in my back before doing surgery. At this time I have limited feeling from my waist down. The hope is that after the swelling goes down, I will get some more feeling back. Thank you all for your support, kind thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted in the next few days!
R2R has been speaking to his team and people closest to him since he hit the ground. No matter the level of injury R2R will be by his side to assist in his recovery. Any support is appreciated at this time and you can make a tax deductible donation on this page. As we know there are a lot of treatments and rehabilitation out there that are not covered by insurance and we will do everything in our power to make sure Jessy gets the best care available. Also please leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Once it’s approved it will appear for Jessy to keep his motivation at its highest.
Hashtag your social media posts #JN13R2R so he can go back and see them all for encouragement.
UPDATE 8/18/16
Encinitas, CA – Update on Jessy Nelson as of 4:30 pm PST. We just got conformation from Jessy Nelson’s camp that he is out of surgery and is in recovery. The doctors spoke briefly with his family and were happy to report that there was no further damage and the surgery went well and according to plan. It is still to early to confidently stay the extent of Jessy’s injuries. Being that this is a critical time for the Nelson family we respect their privacy and ask that you do as well. We can only hope for the best and keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers. Jessy and the Nelson family would like to thank everyone who have donated, passed along kind words, and keep them in their prayers.
Jessie alot of people are pulling for you. I know Corey and his mom will be praying for you as I til the end. Get well but baby steps.
get well soon jessey my thoughts and prayers go out to you
Come back soon jessy!!!
Best wishes
U can do that
Hang in there Jessie – prob much better soon!!
Hoping you get healed up Jessy. All you guys are my heroes and I’m three times older than most of you. Good luck. Prayers for you and your family
Best of luck to you, Jessy! You are in a lot of people’s thoughts and prayers. You will make it through this! Keep your head up!
Jessie you have been through alot and you have pushed through it just keep pushing and you will make it and be back on the bike in no time
Wishing u the absolute best and sending the most sincerest prayers. Stay strong. Miracles happen. The moto community will stand by u and support u xoxo
Jessy, I haven’t seen the race yet. I am a huge fan and was more than happy to donate. I can’t wait to see you back on the bike!
Prayers to Jessy and his family. Just saw a video on YouTube of a rider that stopped and got the bike off of jessy. Thank you to who ever you are. Great sportsmanship .
Yes! I’ve been trying to find out who that was <3
I have an empty rental home in Cooperstown for the week. If your family needs accommodations I would love to offer it to them for free. My phone # 607-267-3149
I was right there and me and my little boys watched the whole thing, I started to cry. I hope you are 100%, in time. Me and mine are praying for you and yours.
Thousands of people Love you. Get Well Soon . we’re Praying for you !!!
Jesse,I am Cohl Franks grandmother I met you in San Diego when child was in the hospital from injuries received in his accident. Cohl’s mom Allyson and I spent the day with your family at the Perco Center race Youhave a great family. You mom was so good to Cohl. We are praying for you recovery ! You have been in our thoughts.
Get well soon buddy!
Strong well being. You will pull through the whole motocross community is behind you. You’ve always been awesome in the pits to your fans and we are behind you
It will all work out.
Hey I’ve only met you A couple times but I see you from time to time at Dr. G’s My thoughts a prays go out to you?? Your one of the most humble guys I’ve ever met in the industry or in life for that matter best of luck hope to see you soon
hey buddy, I’m praying for you non stop. you’ve got this, stay strong
Stay strong Jessie! I’m a huge fan and I am praying for your healing, strength and peace!
I have a thumb, or lack there of a lot like yours! God Bless you!!
Life can throw some pretty fast curve balls.
Recovery can be a long road, But you’re not walking it alone.
God speed on your healing process.
All the Best.
Fellow dirt Rider.
Keep the faith Jessy ! hope you make a full recovery
mx love buddy! stay on the positive side. Everything will work out.
Positive things come from positive thinking this won’t stop you you will be back
We are praying for you Jessey! Love you lots and lots! Benny, Sandi, Nikky and Tanner Simons. Xxxooo
Prayers from France Jessy.
Esta carrera seguro que la vas a ganar campeon
Hoping for a quick recovery from Paso
Jessy just think about this. You are one of only a handful of people IN THE WORLD who can ride a bike the way you do. Now you just take all that incredible energy and determination and use it for the sole purpose of getting back to 100%. You have more motos to win!!
Praying for you jessy!! You got this!
Jessy. I myself am just a year off a fractured T4 5 and 6. I can understand the fear and unknowing that you may be going through at the hospital. What I do know is that through God, people and prayers helped me through the tough times. This is my prayer for you man. I pray for understanding and Gods hand to be on the doctors as they do what is best for you man. I hope these words make it to you man. Stay strong brother and big prayers your way.
Get well soon kid! Sending our prayers and love. #JN13R2R
Get well soon man! Too bad you won’t be there to dominate at the GP’s again with Shane! :(
Thank you everyone for your kind words, prayers and support. We have a long road ahead of us but have faith that with hard work and positive energy Jessy will persevere. We are thankful to be part of such an amazing community.
Bob, Victoria ,Jessy,
I am extremely sadden to hear what happened to Jessy in August. I have been through the same situation with my brother 25 years ago. It will not be easy to get through these difficult times. Please stay strong and positive.
Please look at the advanced research and testing they are doing for recently injured people. They are using stem cells to get feeling and function back on newly injured people. I pray that Jessy can be a candidate for one of the tests and he can get his movement back. I hope this e-mail finds its way to you.
Jessy, Stay positive and be strong. You were one of the best riders in the world for a reason!!!
Jessy, we are all behind you and you are being kept in our thoughts and prayers every day that everything turns out. Stay strong! Hoping this donation helps in whatever way you need it.
Jessy Nelson, You’re in our hearts and hopes of a speedy and full recovery while you get the best medical attention available. We are all with you, and you with us, my friend.
Hope you are back on top real soon, Jessy
Praying for a successful Surgery and a full recovery! We love to watch you ride.
Love from Minnesota!
Praying for a complete & speedy recovery Jessy! Hang in there & stay positive!
Positive thoughts going your way Jessy for a speedy & complete recovery!
Prayers and positivity from the Adame’s . We love you Jessy
Hang in there bud. You are a favorite of my 5 boys and daughter, who all race. I sent a video of yours to a friends son who cut his thumb almost off with a skill saw. You inspired him to never give up.
Overcoming obstacles that most of us would run from is what makes Jessy Nelson one of the toughest guys out there! We are with you bud!
Stay positive buddy. Your talent will be back on the track sooner than later. Our thoughts go out to you and your family
Stay up homie things are gonna work out
hey jessy stay strong , im praying for you
I’m praying for you Jesse God will get you though this keep the faith you will be ok your a good young man were all behind you
come on man! get well soon!!
Stay strong Jessy??
best of luck with the road ahead of you,, watching you ride was an absolute pleasure..
Joe, lets all keep the faith…..and pray there will be rides left that we we have yet to see…..i believe it can happen with Gods help…..
Jessy one of my favourite riders! Same number as me #13! And i know you also like your Honda’s! Get well soon buddy! Can’t wait to see you back out on track ripping! Much love dude!
Jessie, I still remember you when you were on 60’s in the CMA races back in the day. Been following you ever since. Stay mentally strong dude, I know you’ll make a great recovery.
Hang in there Jessy, you got this. YOU GOT THIS!! Praying for You Bud, stay positive!
Hope for a successful surgery and a quick return. Love watching you out there ride your heart out.
Jesse…you, Bob, Victoria, and Grandma Alice are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong with positive thoughts. Much love from Paso…
Prayers to you Jesse for a full and speedy recovery! We are fans of yours! Positive vibes from Kentucky!
Hey Jessie,
I’m on your side. Please be strong and DO NOT despair. I recommend for you to do “mental healing” – where you “heal your spinal cord” by way of mental concentration by using the energy of the universe – twice a day for 30 minutes each time – when you are alone. I know it sounds weird but I had a big crash in the 450 novice class 2 year ago and I lost most of the skin on my left forearm. The doctors said we will need to do a skin graf. I said please give me one more week. I did the mental healing sessions and when they took the bandage off, the nurse said she hadnt seen anything like this in 20+ years of service. Im with you Jessie.
You stand out in this sport as a good guy and a class act Jessy. Best wishes for you and your family and friends.
Kinda lost for words on Monday morning and this evening. What a blessing watching you ride. Wishing you and your family the best recovery.
Jessy, prayers going your way from Canada. Love your racing style and hope to see you out there again.More than happy to support riders in the sport i love
I too have just suffered a very bad crash and am not able to walk but will never be able to ride again. When I saw this my heart sank. I always kept my eye on you and had high hopes for you and your career. I was just thinking too how great it was to see you and JHILL lining up.
I am praying for you. I just have been receiving text after text asking myself about you so just know you have so many people pulling for you. I wish we could all leave and come see you.
Jessy Please take it easy and get well soon. I’m looking forward to the day we watch you racing again. You have a great family and you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Bob, Victoria, Craig and Jessy. Lots of love from Templeton! Todd and Jodi… the Barrelhouse PLEASE GET WELL SOON
jessy force friend from Argentina
I just donated to the Road2Recovery. I’m a old man in a young man’s sport and I think about the possibility of getting hurt every time I throw a leg over my bike which is just about every weekend. I watched you on the podium and how several of you young men handle yourself and do a fine job representing your team and this sport. I had to work at the office this past weekend or I would have been at Dilla on Saturday. I will be at Budds the weekend and sure you will be well represented through TLD and Red Bull. Keep your sprits as high as you can look ahead to tomorrow……. I will say a prayer for you before the next time I ride. Peace BRK828
Praying for you. Stay strong my man.
Try and STAY positive.
You are a great rider, and from what I’ve read, an even better person.
I’m making a donation right now …
My niece used to love this scripture…God wouldn’t put you through it if he didn’t think you could do it. I was a fan before this accident and I’m sure I’ll be a bigger fan when you during this and let’s see where this takes all of us. Nothing better in ones corner than God and the entire motocross community.
Best wishes from Norway hope you Get well soon Jesse
Hey Jessy you have always been the most determined person I’ve ever known. I’m sure this will be just another challenge that you conquer. All of us are sending our most positive thoughts and prayers your way. Jon Kristin jake & nicole
You are in our thoughts constantly…..we are sending our love to you and your family!!! Stay strong your MX family is always by your side.
The Mumford Family
Jessy, your the man. One insanely talented rider. One of the most giving and humble guys in this sport. I’m wishing you well. Take er easy.
Meet you at A1 a year ago. You impressed me as a nice person and off course i know you are awesome rider! I want to wish you a full healthy recovery.
Praying for you and a successful surgery.
Praying for you , stay strong
Praying for you Jessie. God has a plan for all of us. Hang in there.
I wanna wish you the best on recovery jessy, it’s gonna be a long road but you can do it. Just gotta keep all the positive thoughts, like how my 1 and a half year old son had the biggest smile on his face Sunday morning when he got to sit on your practice bike!
Get well soon JN13. Just a speedbump. U got this!!
Praying for a full and speedy recovery, Jessy. Stay strong. Sending love from Montana.
Glad to hear your surgery went well my friend. Keep your focus on God and His word. Your in great hands with the finest physical therapist ever! #Godisgreat. #PrayersforJessy
Hey Jesse, just like when mom & I are on the edge of our seats watching you race outflowing positive thoughts for your victory, we are doing the same thing now for your full recovery. I’m painting a visual picture out in the universe of us walking towards each other hugging one another with smiles in the near future. “Deal”. Love your uncle Travis.
Jessy, just read the latest update on your surgery today. This is fantastic news, and what better fuel for you to keep those fires of ambition burning, to motivate you every minute, of everyday.
Have no mercy on your rehabilitation therapist. Tell them you have a hot date, and there is no time to waste. You have millions of well-wishers under your support tent who want to see you up and at’em, asap. Such great news, Jessy…
Good luck with your recovery Jesse. We all know you will be back on the bike in no time. Stay strong.
Hey Yo Jessy, All the Best for you…!!
I wish you a speedy, Full Recovery……RIDE ON – STAY STRONG!!!!
I passed you in the pits at Dilla before the 1st moto while you were walking around eating a banana (lol) and pointed you out to my nephew. He was so pumped that he walked past a professional rider away from his hauler, crew, etc. We kept our eyes on you during your rides, we even have a pic of you taking flight off of Screw You. We were at the bottom of Sky Shot when your crash happened and watched the 677 and the 2 fans pull you bike off top of you. Everyone down in that turn solemnly watched the medical team load you in the back of the ambulance. Even though a terrible scene to witness it was amazing how everyone spoke so highly of you as a rider and as a person and hoped you’d be okay. It’s great to finally read about your health status, keep the positive outlook and we look forward to seeing you again next year at Dilla!
Jessy, it was great to hear the update and positive vibes for your recovery … we’re pulling for you and your inner strength to come through this … prayers continue to be sent up for rapid healing …“Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” … this is where YOU come in!!! XO
The LaFountaine Family (Marlow, Carol, Tallon & JL59)
to hear there was no further damage is a huge deal, as swelling usually does more in these types of injuries Jessy is one of those stand up guys and I hate to see him down. keep the faith man, whatever the outcome.
My husband and I were there at Unadilla. We want you to know that we are praying for you nightly for a speedy recovery. Your strong, an amazing rider and even though it seems like a ways away, you will be back on the bike in no time. You have a great support system and that will help you. Good luck to you and never give up!!!
I’m wishing you a fast recovery. You’re such a positice, smiling face in our sport. You’re a great person Bro, and we need you back. You’re gonna make it back, and there’s always a place on a bike, on a track, and in our motocross lovin hearts!
just praying for you Jesse….Determination, heart, persistence & amazing talent you have…sooo many victories. you’ve beaten some of the best the sport has. Amazed fans & riders like me and still you remain humble. Use these qualities you have, and truths of what you’ve done to help endure, and hold onto the one who laid down His life for you and I. The one who will never leave you nor forsake you. Hoping & praying the best for you.
Praying for a full recovery #JN13R2R
We are hoping and praying the very best and full recovery! Go For it!
We thinkin about you here in New Zealand as well bud` Get well soon………. Tommo
Jessy i will do everythong i can to get the law enforcement fans to help provide financial support to help you on you road to recovery and your return to racing.
Like the parents of most riders I know the feeling of sitting next to a hospital bed all too well. Luckily my son’s visits have been short ones and I can not begin to imagine how difficult this time is for Jessy’s parents. I wish them strength for the days ahead as they support each other and Jessy and the rest of their family. We met Jessy when my son and I travelled from Australia to watch the racing at Millville two years ago and were taken with what a nice guy he is.
Jessy, stoked to hear surgery went well. We have met a number of times at local So. Cal tracks ( you would know my Great Dane Roman) I was where you are now 23 months ago, from a very similar injury. Paralyzed from the waist down with an incomplete spinal cord injury. Shattered T-5, fractured T-7&T8 .fused from my 4-10 . Doc told me there was a good chance I would not walk again. I made my peace with it , but soon started regaining movement, first in my left big toe , then slowly with a lot of work everything else started working better and better. I spent a year in a wheel chair , I’ve been walking with the assistance of a cane .
I plan on making a 100% recovery.
I’m not going to tell you it has been easy , hardest thing I’ve gone through in the 50 years I’ve been alive. I never looked at my injury as permanent, it was always just another moto injury and my mind set was , how soon can I get back on my bike.( I am back on my bike today) My advice to you is stay mentally strong, you can get through this . Focus on small achievements and know everything is temporary.
If you ever need to talk to someone who has/is going through this I would be stoked to talk to you again.
Stay strong
Hi Jessy. Mark and I wish you a speedy recovery. Hang in there you got this. Mark&Carol Gilruth
I was at Unadilla with my 3 brothers and we were talking for days on how excited we were to watch you race. You will be in my thoughts and prayers each day. Keep a positive attitude throughout your recovery. God bless you.
So sorry to hear o it and hoe you’ll get better son. Praying for you. steve
Jessy and the Nelson Family, Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at this emotional time. We have no doubt that the support of your friends and family will give you the courage and determination to get through this time in your life. We love you! Jeff and Staci
Motocross racers are tough and have great tenacity. You’ll come back from this Jessy. Never give up! :) We’re all pulling for you!
Jessy weer love watching you race. Your in our prayers. Wish you a speedy recovery.
Hang in there Jesse has time will heal. My prayers and thoughts go out to you. Stay strong and never lose the faith
Oh my God your down i just found out not good I hope you recover soon Kade I and Jackie always looking forward to the next race get well soon buddy are thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care
If you can succeed in a pro mototcrosser, you can overcome ANY physical obstacle…much love & prayers, Jessy. John
Jessy, we wanted to let you know that you, your family and the medical staff are all in our praywrs. Praying that God guides them through the best possible medical procedures and rehabilitation so that you make a full recovery. Joe, Branson and I will always be a fan, but more importantly, a friend that TRULY believes in the power of prayer…and we’ve seen it work. Much love and lots of hugs for all.
Psalm 120:1 I Call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me
Good recovery Jessy, all the best from France
Heal up brother, very sad to hear of your accident, your one of the best dudes in the sport, you’ll be back 100% keep fighting, we all pulling for you to make a full recovery, can’t wait to see the 13 back out there!! All the best from New Zealand
How does one top all of the hopes/prayers/well-wishing written here? It’s like you’re Elvis or something!
How can one go wrong with all of that support? The pressure is on now. Now you gotta heal up, right?
Here’s to a speedy recovery. Stay Semper my Brother.
Prayers from the hillmans and all the motocrossers past and present from west Texas
Our families most heartfelt wishes and prayers for a full recovery Jessy! You have always been looked up to as a great competitor and terrific racer. Stay strong and know there are many our here pulling for you! Gods blessings always. JG96
You’re a true inspiration for young and old in all sports and life. Stay strong and remember mind over matter. We’ll see you back ripping before no time.
Cheers from the Saylors #JN13R2R
Jessy, you’re never far from our thoughts and prayers. All the best to you. Keep looking forward, never dwell on the past. We believe!
Joe, Lisa & Branson
Hey Jessy, Zane and i thinking positive thoughts for a full recovery:)
Stay strong. All the best from Australia.
Keep the Head up and come back strong…
Chris Gerber, Father of Junior KTM Swiss Rider on KTM Troy Lee
Just donated in the account of the ticket I didn’t buy Saturday. Dang Jessie, we so enjoy watching you guys and are in awe of your skills.
Best wishes man
Hi jessy. So sorry to hear about your injury. I didnt get a chance to see you race this year but your still me and my daughters favorite rider. You have been so generous to us (giving me 3 jerseys the past 3 years ive seen you race) im more than happy to donate and help you out. My daughter set up a lemonade stand and made $28 donating it all to helping you. Hang in there and stay positive. Hope to see you ride again one day soon. Thoughts and prayers from your biggest fans up here in canada.
full recovery jessy!
u are a true inspiration!!
best wishes from Brazil
Jessy, I had a similar injury in 2014 at the Ironman national and I ended up pulling through and am walking today. Anything is possible and I’ll be praying for you daily! Hang in there and stay positive!!!
God bless!!!
Stay strong, Jessy. You’ve been faced with obstacles before, you can get through this one too. Get well soon, man.
Hang in there, Jessy. You have what it takes to conquer this. You are in my thoughts daily, stay strong buddy.
We love you Jessy. Wishing you the best in your recovery and cannot wait for you to come home.
We had the pleasure of pitting wih you at Porterville a while back and our boys were thrilled to meet you and then when our youngest crashed and came back defeated and covered head to toe in mud you helped cheer him up and clean off the mud. You are a truly special person and an ambassador for the sport. Get well soon. We believe in you.
The Viney’s #43 &# 53
Jessy, we are sending best wishes from the entire team of Kärcher North America. Stay strong and positive!
Stay strong, we know you can do it. You are one of the most talented riders out there! Also one of the most sincere and kindest young men. You will push through this; you have so much in front of you! Keep pushing forward and know you have so many fans out there that are pulling for you! Not one day goes by that we don’t think about you and pray for you! Love each and every one of you Nelson’s!!
The Kirby Family
Jessy, our family had a chance to meet you at Milestone’s this spring. You are my girls favorite 250 rider and a real inspiration to them. You were in your truck pulling out and took the time to stop and chat. Thank you so much for being someone my kids can respect and look up to. You are in our prayers. The Unger family
Hello Jessy,
Thoughts & Prayers for a speedy recovery.
So many people are pulling for you dude. Don’t give up! You got this son! Keep your head up and remember, at least you didn’t croak. It can always be worse.
Remember that the only ‘tools’ that your body has to use and heal is what you put down your throat. Eat the best healing foods you can. The Internet has a plethora of information. Follow those that make sense to you. For some reason most doctors/hospitals don’t emphasize the best nutrition.
However, the ‘life force’ in all of us depends on it.
Good luck on complete recovery.
Jessy, you have always been a great young man. Our son Andy, here in Paso Robles, told us the heartbreaking news. Not a day goes by we don’t think it past for good things.
Flynn Family
Jessy after following your career for years I always told myself if my son turns out like you I would be a happy man. We are praying for you continue to fight the good fight God bless .
Grady and Bryce
Hey Jessy, when I donated the fund was at 30000, now up to 128000, motocross nation is there for you, stay strong, you can make this happen.
be strong Jessy the heavenly Father is not through with the plan for your life just yet his His Holy Spirit is going to carry you through all of the hardship you are going through smile and have faith he loves you and cares for while you walk through the valley of death fear not he is holding you up his Son Yahshua was nailed to a cross like a common criminal paying the price for all of us only to resurrect on the 3rd day giving us hope and power to deal with the toughest problems with our feeble human bodies tomorrow has not been written go by faith not by sight . RISKY BIZNESS MX TEAM and SAL-Daniel-Sweet Pea-Pops-Alice De La Mora
Hey Jessy,
I’m praying for a speedy recovery! You’re an awesome kid, with an amazing family and group of friends! If there is anything that I can do for any of you, just say the word!
Hey Jessy your a real respectable guy and we believe in you, I’m praying for you
Thinking about you bud. Keep working hard!
Jesse, This is Cohl Franks grandma again. I think of you so often, and keep asking Chol for updates. Please know there are people still asking and praying for you. we are sending prayers for a speedy recovery to you and keeping your family in our thoughts.
You are on my mind often Jessy. Sending love your way …to you and your family. I’ve always looked up to you and your family. You’re an inspiration to many. Xxo
Best wishes Jessy. Stay strong and never give up!
im injured too.
there are many impossible things.
lets struggle hard.
I hope you have a strong recovery. I miss seeing you on the tracks.
Hey Jessy my name is Trent Kempton and I saw your crash and instantly started praying for you! I broke my back at T6 and T7 but my spinal cord wasn’t severed or cut either, it was crushed to about an 1/8 of an inch when normally your spinal cord is supposed to be about 3/4 of an inch diameter. I went to project walk as well as you can see in the pictures and it’s an amazing place! Ask them to put you on the FES Bike, it’s a type of bike you roll up to in your chair and they hook little sticker electrode pads to the top and bottom of your thighs and the top of your buttocks and it electrically stimulate your muscles to Pedal the bike but it also creates resistance the more you use it so your muscles can continue to get stronger and keep your bones healthy and density from decreasing. Also look into the Ensure Enlive drink because it contains a new protein called HMB that helps prevent muscle loss and muscle degeneration and will help promote muscle gain along with many other things. I wish they came out with it a few years ago because my legs are Twigs now haha
Also get a hold of Ricky James. He’s paralyzed at the same level as me and he’s writing for KTM and they hooked up a whole system electronically for him to ride a dirt bike off from the handlebars. I’m sure you probably heard of him. And if you want the best wheelchair around call Colours wheelchair located in NorCal California right next to where the 91 Freeway and the 15 freeway intersect. Ask to speak to a guy named Ernie Espinoza. He is the national sales representative of Colours wheelchair and is a good friend of mine that I’ve known for years and he knows Ricky James as well and just mention my name that I told you to go to him and he’ll hook you up with everything you need. Then if you have any questions or want to talk about how to deal with an injury like this feel free to message me anytime. Me and my spinal cord injury doctor are working with Texas A&M University building a new prototype of an exoskeleton that allows paraplegic and quadriplegic to walk again. if you’d like to be a part of that let me know
I bought a FES bike to have at home and my church and a foundation paid $16,000 to get it for me. Definitely worth it though. and invest in a standing frame to keep your bone density from degrading and it helps with blood flow as well. email me if you have any questions about the injury or equipment. livfastridehard16@gmail.com
I’m hopeful that within my lifetime, I see the work with stem cells result in many breakthroughs.
Jessy you have a strong support team in your family.We are with that team too.Love you and Bless you. Bob & Jeanie Grogan
Jesse , my name is Mike Holguin. I live close by in Yorba Linda Ca, i cant even imagine what you are going through , but i can and im offering any help you might need Electrical wise, free of charge, i have my own business and im licensed. The name of my company is Hoge Electric, license #949736 . You can find my info on the CSLB website. My # is 714-271-3022. Get well . And remember. you are what you feed the mind. Stay strong kid.
Have a strong recovery
Best wishes from Iceland
Jessie, my son Jordan Poole was critically injured at the Mint 400 2015. Jordan suffered a tramatic spinal cord injury and was paralyzed from the waist down after the accident. Jordan went through extensive therapy and still does weekly.. Jordan never gave up even when the doctors told him he had a 5 % chance to ever walk again. Well they were wrong…. Not only does Jordan walk but he continues to race offroad. Jordan has also recieved stem cell therapy after the accident. So my point is never give up and as long as you keep fighting you can and will achieve your dreams.. The mind is a powerful thing.. If there is any information I could help you with, please feel free to send me an email…
Jessy and Nelson Family,
This MX family is praying for you. May the Lord, shine down on Jessy and comfort him with his incredible strength. May He take away any pain and grant healing through small steps. Feel each tingle, each twitch, imagine your brain moving your toes, fingers, muscles. Even tho, it may just be a spasm..Think Hard! God did a miracle on my mom- whose legs were almost severed. She taught my brother to use his Mind and Focus on each movement & twitch. (She walked again) God then had to help my brother (a quadriplegic) from a Suzuki at 21. Stay on top of stem cell research and technology..steroids, get involved. This will aid in you recovery. Set your goals, first getting stronger, then standing, then driving again..next racing again! Celebrate your positives!! Share them with US! :) Stay busy it keeps you positive- find ways to help the cause, it helps to talk to others who have been there. Learn tricks to make life easier for you now- bed transfers, standing tables, the best tie downs for your chair in cars. :) Look into computer system that turns on home lights for you by your voice & Turns off tv’s – electronics. Get yourself lot of velcro straps..can help hold your own fork, hair brush, electric shaver, wrap it around your wrist..You can do things for yourself and have some personal life back. :) I understand your injury maybe different and area of it injured…but Your life may take another direction..as my bro’s did. He became a Day Trader, ran my dads Powder Coating Company with only 2 fingers to type with!! He made websites for people, he went to work 17 years with the help of aids & family but he was Succesful! He had a home in Yorba Linda..easy one story, commercial short carpet and tile. We had parties all the time, Superbowl, Supercross, Birthdays, Nascar…mx races on tv! Keep your family and friends close. Ask for help..it’s ok…others want to help and it will make life easier for all who help and visit you. :) With your determination, family and friends- this mx community…the Sky Is Still the Limit! Prayers of mountainous strides to You #13 <3
I just read your 7 week update on Transworld MX. Love your ‘will do, can do’ attitude. You’ve been through a lot. Sounds like your body is healing and needs to heal to prepare for walking.
– Brian (healing a broken wrist at the moment)
I’m a broke college student, and don’t have much money to contribute, but I made a small donation. It won’t be enough to notice, but I hope it helps in the long run.
I was cruising around at MXON, and I saw the R2R tent and raising money for you. Keep fighting Jessy, you got this !
hang in there jessy we’re all rooting for you!
I remember parking next to you at zaca one Wednesday about 4 years ago when you used to be able to park under the oak trees. I had been a trail rider who just discovered MX and watching you rip up the track made me a track junkie!! My asperations from there forward were To ride as smooth and fluid as you. I’m not a racer and in my 40’s but seeing you flow around the track really inspired me to become a better rider. Thanks for all you do amigo!!
-Shane from SB
all the best on your recovery jessy #13 braaaaaaaaap united kingdom
I met you about 10 years back as a goggle guy. You were one of the nicest, most genuine people at the races. Always a fierce competitor and all-around badass. Keep your chin up and find a positive in all of this ;)
Sending the most sincerest prayers from France buddy!
You’ve been through a lot, keep fighting and you’re positive thinking will take you back on your feet.
We’re on your side.
Best wishes,
Fellow french rider
We’ve been thinking about you alot lately Jessy. Just wanted you to know and we will continue to pray hard until you’re back to where you wanna be. My son is 6 and reminds us all the time when we say our prayers, “Don’t forget Jessy Dad!” We never will. Sending love from Pittsburgh man! Keep the faith.
Jessy I know that you have a long road to recovery but it’s clear that you have so many people backing you. I know that you have an amazing family because your mother used to get parts from me from SLM back in the day and was always so excited for you. I’m from Atascadero and the whole central coast is so proud to see how far you’ve made it. All of us out here aren’t just words, we are resources…use the Moto community to help get you back to the best that you can be. You’ve already proven to be one of the greatest athletes there is in our sport so if anyone can bounce back from this it’s you! Take care of yourself Jessy, stay strong, stay positive, this is just another hurdle to get past in your life.
Praying for you brother motocross is my life too man but I don’t think God is quite ready to pull you from the sport I got full faith you will pull through this brone keep your head up were gonna keep praying and pulling for you
Hang in there dude and know that a lot of people are watching and pulling for your recovery. Roger
we pray for a miracle for you Jessy, we need you back, you make the races much more exciting and more interesting, no matter, think positive, and don’t give up, we are all praying for your recovery. God Bless.
Hey Jessy, in late augest i went to FCA motocross camp and i was praying for you every day and still am to make a great recovery. Think positive buddy!
I’m sure you will overcome these tough times man ! You already did it before. This time it will be harder, maybe longer, but you can do it. Fuck doctors, fuck the odds, keep on believing and trying. You’ve got an awesome girlfriend and a lot of people behind you, don’t stop believing dude.
Wish you all the best from France
Jessy,keep all your faith in God.If you are not a christian,its time to be one.God will shoulder this injury for you.He wants your full attention.BELIEVE God Bless and keep you , Mike Fowler
Hey Jessy,
I hope you are doing better. I to will keep you and your family in my prayers.
So sorry to hear about your crash! I am sending positive vibes to you and hoping you rise to your new potential.
Keep yourself positive.
Take care and know that you are in my thoughts!
Sup Bro? Wishing you the best from Texas.
Jessy saw the wreck and i’m sorry for what you are going through ,have not herd anything about your recovery latley i pray that it’s going well for you my friend ‘you are one off my favorite up and coming star’s ,be strong don’t ever give up, you have a lot of people pulling for you !!!!
Jessy, I have your poster framed and displayed proudly in my TV room. Followed you throughout the season leading to the crash. You were killing it! Hope you are progressing with your therapy and please let us know how you are doing…
Look into the Vasper machine. It was made for nerve damage and My muscle therapist( Handson Muscle Therapy) is getting one this month. If you want to try it once it gets installed? I will pay for a handful of sessions as well as donate my small collection of moto memorabilia ( jerseys, goggles, pants, ect from 80’s and current).
Praying for God to put you back on the pegs……you fun to watch race.
Hey there! Would you mind if I share your blog with my twitter group? There’s a lot of folks that I think would really enjoy your content. Please let me know. Thank you