Motocross legend Ryan Hughes was injured at Pala Raceway on February 13, 2013. Ryan sustained a number of serious injuries to his spine including a broken T-3 and shattered T-4, which initially caused paralysis to most of Ryan’s extremities. Fortunately for Ryan the paralysis was only temporary and he was able to regain feeling and movement after doctors successfully fused his back from T-2 to T-6. As of February 15th Ryan has endured 2 surgeries, the first surgery was performed when a blood clot again caused partial paralysis due to swelling near the spine and subsequent pressure to the spinal cord, and the second to stabilize his back.

“Ryan and I are both extremely humbled by everyone’s kind words, thoughts, prayers and generosity”Jen Hughes

Thankfully Ryno has survived both surgeries but his road to recovery will be a long and painful process. Ryan will be out of work for a minimum of three to four months and although he has health insurance his hospital bills will exceed what the insurance is covering. Ryan will need months of rehabilitation which will not be covered by insurance.