Update on 03/01/20:
Man, what a whirlwind!
Thanks to R2R we were able to get Micky on a Blue Shield PPO that allows him to receive some excellent care. Micky has a new primary doc, Dr. Chad Brylski. Specific to Micky’s injuries, Dr. Chad sent off referrals for neurology, orthopedic and counseling …we are just getting started with those appointments (see neurologist notes below).
We also have started with Dr. Deb at the Swain Center (a renowned brain therapy institute here that happens to be located here in SR). The next appt with Swain Center is March 10th (Dr. Chad was very happy to hear that we added the Swain Center into Mick’s therapy plan). Micky is also doing 90 minutes twice a week at the St Joseph Outpatient Neurology Speech and Occupational Therapy programs. He is on week three with these two therapists. (45 minutes with each therapist each session). After his evaluation, they requested that Micky keep his biking outdoors to a minimum and they requested that he didn’t drive yet. We have been doing some indoor spin sessions to compensate.
Micky’s new neurologist suggested some natural herbs and also one nonaddictive prescription for mood balancing. Micky has been emotional so we are going to consider doing that. We’re not sure when Micky will be able to resume work. Neuro Doc said it could take 6-12 more months for him to feel back to normal.
Micky has some severe shoulder damage that was not addressed at OC Global. He will meet with Ortho to see what the issue is and what steps can be taken.
As for 2020 outlook, it’s not easy to project that far out. We are still in a “take it one week at a time” pace right now. Micky still has reading, writing, math and language issues. He has some memory issues and the emotional issues have really settled in so I am personally quite happy that the Primary picked up on that and suggested counseling. We have also started meditation, which was highly suggested by Primary and Neuro and Swain Center.
On October 9, 2019 Micky Dymond sustained a traumatic brain injury when he crashed on his bicycle during a training ride in Orange County, California. Even though Dymond was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash, he still sustained extensive head trauma that caused subdural brain contusions and subarachnoid hemorrhaging that rendered Micky unconscious for nearly fifteen minutes at the seen of the accident. He came to briefly, only to go back to being unconscious upon arrival at the ICU. He woke up five days later. After spending the first week unconscious in ICU, and another week in a neuro trauma unit, Dymond is on the next steps of his road to recovery.
In addition to his head injury, Micky also sustained a broken collarbone, broken ribs, damage to his hip, a deep laceration to his head and large amounts of road rash. At this time, Dymond is under 24-hour care and is being treated for MRSA in the Neuro Trauma Unit at OC Global. The goal is to get him admitted into an acute rehabilitation facility in the Orange County, CA area to help him heal and combat the long-term effects of TBI (traumatic brain injury).
Unfortunately, Dymond does not have medical insurance and is expected to have insurmountable medical expenses. Therapy, coupled with a two week stay in the hospital, and the fact that Dymond won’t be able to work for months to come, all add up to a long and expensive recovery for Micky and his family. If you are able to support him, please make a tax-deductible donation to his cause here. Funds donated to Dymond’s cause will go directly to cover the mounting medical expenses he incurs.
Please leave a positive message for Micky Dymond and his family to read here. Any and all prayers and positive vibes are appreciated and needed.