Ryan McCarthy is the owner and President of Ryno Power Inc. I grew up racing motocross nearly every weekend in Northern California and competed in the Novice and Intermediate classes before heading to go to college. In my late twenties, I had been riding and racing again when I had an accident and broke T2-T5 and spent three weeks in the hospital. I was almost paralyzed and had there not been a paramedic who stabilized me at the track, I would likely be paralyzed today. The total bills were over $150,000 but luckily, I had stellar health insurance. We need to help those that do not. I founded and financed Ryno Power in 2010, over eight years ago, and have operated the company in San Diego ever since. We have grown from selling a few proteins here and there to what a global company is now. We are sold in over 22 countries worldwide and we did this with strict budgets, targeted marketing initiatives, and by making every dollar count. The work we do at Ryno Power is all about assisting our athletes in Motocross, Cycling and Action Sports to be the best they can be. We feel it’s our duty to help them when accidents happen too. I personally feel that it is this industry’s responsibility to be there for these guys in some manner when tragedy happens. In addition to the donations we make and the events we have attended for years, this organization helps me to do my part and my company’s part to help. I feel my expertise in business and my personal experience with a broken back from a motocross accident will allow me to help Road2Revocery in many ways.