Frankie Garcia was born and raised in Gonzales, CA to a flat track racing family, motorcycling has been a part Frankie’s life from a young age. After receiving a motorcycle for his first birthday he was riding by two and racing at the age of four. Flat track racing translated into Supermoto racing which led to Frankie becoming the youngest person ever to compete in X-Games on a motorcycle just after turning 15. Eventually Frankie would become a full-time road racer and see his way to multiple AFM and WERA championships and even select fill in rides in the AMA Daytona Sportbike Series. After racing, Frankie began his professional working career becoming a motorcycle journalist as an editor and test rider with MotorcycleUSA.com. In 2014, he made the transition to the PR Coordinator position at Suzuki Motor of America Inc. Since leaving Suzuki in 2015 Frankie has worked heavily with the AC Performance Systems company while also representing various brands and working with the best athletes around the world in Motorcycle and Auto racing.