Through the inspiring journey of a recovering athlete, Any One of Us offers an unprecedented glimpse into the world of spinal cord injuries. Paul really puts his heart and soul out for the world to see. This film is a must see and really goes deep into the life of someone with a spinal cord injury. Congrats to Paul and his team for such an amazing piece work.
Update: Oct, 19th, 2015 from girlfriend Nichole Munk:
“His chest tube that was put in to assist with access to his spine during surgery was removed today and he is such a fighter that he is already looking forward to rehab! This is all new territory for us and we are flooded with information right now, but he will beat this! Thank you to all the riders, sponsors, friends and people involved with the event that have shared their support”.
This year’s Red Bull Rampage hosted another wild contest of mountain biking’s best and bravest riders in the unique free ride competition. Five time Red Bull Rampage competitor, Paul Basagoitia, the two time Crankworx Whistler slopestyle winner and first rider to land a double backflip in natural terrain — was injured during his run at this year’s Rampage finals on Oct. 16.
Paul was rushed by helicopter from the contest site with little word on his condition. The web broadcast stated that it was a minor leg injury but hours later we found out it was a bit more severe.
A fellow rider and friend who was also in the finals, Cam Zink posted this on his Instagram the day after the event:
“@camzink Everyone send Paul Basagoitia positive vibes! This champion has started a long road to recovery after shattering his T12 vertebrae yesterday and undergoing 9 hours of surgery. He had a winning run going and may have set the record for biggest step down just before going down. Lots of tears have been shed. Keep Paul in your prayers to regain feeling in his legs. There were some horrible people spreading false news that he was OK, but he needs your support more than ever to walk again. Paul, you are the most tenacious human and competitor ever. Love you bud! You’ll be back!”
At Road 2 Recovery we fully understand his journey ahead. Road 2 Recovery has already been in contact with family and friends as well as event personnel. We have been sharing the knowledge of our board of directors (including Jimmy Button who has had a similar injury) and are currently laying out a path to recovery for him and his family. Unfortunately even the best insurance will fall short in many areas. To assist Paul and his family with the opportunity to get the best care available you can make a tax deductible donation in any amount on the special link provided here.
If you are on a mobile device make sure to go to the bottom of the page to use the specific Paul Basagoitia link. Please leave Paul a comment of encouragement below as well.
Stay strong dude you have a lot of thoughts and prayers with you
The first time I saw you in nwd. You became my idol right away. I’m looking up to you so much.
Remember Paul. We make our own destiny. And I know you will be up on your feet again. I know you will ride. But the most important part is you believing it yourself. You’re a beast of making commitment. So make the commitment inside of yourself that you’re coming back NO MATTER WHAT.
The human body is more powerful than we think. You have all the resources inside of you. Dig deep and stay strong Paul. It’s a different of believe and believe. So make the deep believe inside of you that you will make it. That there is no other choice. I believe in you and everyone else does.
Love & Power all the way from Sweden
I wish you, your wife Nicole, family and friends a strong and fast recovery!
Keet ip up and never give up you are a legend !
I won’t pray for you, I’ll actually do something real and useful and make a donation.
Send you a lot of force Paul. You are an inspiration for so many riders that you now should have the objective to recover yourself anb be more inspirational for all of us. Great people rebirns after difficults in life. You are the kind of guy for sure could give us a lesson in life. Wish you all the best and fast recovery. Keep strong
Get well soon, mate!
Stay strong, Paul. There are a lot of people that knows you are de best, and the more tenacius. keep fighting friend!!!!
Stay strong!
You are a role model for so many riders around the globe!
Now you will be a role model for everybody who went down that same long road during recovery!
You will make it!
Portugal riders with you, Paul… we hope you stay strong and keep your head up!
Full recovery is our whishes!!
Best regards and hugs
The Best Rider ,positive vibe…..
I wish you all the best and a rapid recovery, I’m looking forward to see you at the next Rampage ;)
I have looked up to brave people like mountainbikers for a few years now and what You did during your Rampage run was amazing. I hope that one day I can be like you. Fast recovery and be an amazing and awesome person to look up to even for more people! Never stop fighting nor give up.
Srength, support and love from flat country Estonia!
Stay strong Paul. Your a fantastic rider and a even better person. You will get through!
Everyone is thinking of you Paul. Sending healing vibes your way. Stay positive!
I got introduced to mountainbiking when a friend of mine showed me NWD 6. When I saw your part I knew that I want to do that myself. In fact I watched it over and over again and it was so inspirational to me that I bought my first dirtbike. I started out learning bunnyhops with my friend and till now I’ve met tons of nice people and made a lot of friends through mountainbiking. I am even doing an apprenticeship in a bikeshop as a mechanic right now because riding bikes is my passion. You were one of the main reasons I discovered this passion and I know for sure that you will be back on your bike living the passion again soon!
Thanks and healing vibes from Germany
You are an inspiration to my son Ryan. He’s 11, he’s been racing DH for 2 yrs and watching NWD movies while growing up, he just felt like he knew you. Your Rampage run was amazing and we were literally screaming in the house watching the first part of your run. I know you will be back stronger than ever and we are honored to help out. Our prayers are with you and your family Paul
Keeping you and your family in our prayers. Stay strong and don’t give up. you’ll be back on 2 wheels soon!
Gute Besserung auch aus Deutschland – Get well soon, stay strong! Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Paul, you and Nichole both went to school with my daughter. I remember you as a young man who would always bring our black lab Secret home after she would follow you home. I know you’ve got this! Take care and speedy recovery and hugs to your family.
Thinking about you, Paul, and hoping you make a fast and full recovery. I’m happy to donate to your recovery fund, and I hope you’ll let us all know if you need anything else. Stay strong! We’re in this with you.
You can beat this, dude! You’ll put it behind in no time!
Wish you a fast and complete recovery And Hope to see you up and back on your bike asap!
First of all best wishes to you and your family. I don’t have much money to spare but I did donate some. Feels like that’s the least I can do. Hope to see you back on your feet and bike in the near future.
From a fan in The Netherlands
Paul, stay strong and get well soon. best wishes to you and your family from germany! Hopeful to see you again on your bike at rampage!
I broke my back in 1985 and can tell you it is a tough journey but it is not the end of the world. Work hard but be patient and make the most of what you get.
I wish you a fast recovery and your in my prayers. I never really knew what your bike riding involved until I watched a video. WOW!! You have a lot of guts to do those rides so I know you can make it through your recovery. Glad you not alone.
Hey PB, Big Daddy from G’villehere…. saw this on the Giro Site… I remember selling your parents your first real bike when you were about 5 years old… you only had it about a week when I looked out the store window and saw you bunny hopping the stairs… incredible! That tenacity and ability is only instilled in a few. You got a gift of something special my friend… that’s what’ll get you through this! -Stay strong
Never give up Bro. I broke my L1-L5, plus a significant head injury, back in 1998 when I was 26. It was a horrific accident, and witnesses thought I was dead. Well, I went from roadkill to riding. It’s wasn’t easy and it wasn’t quick – but it’s possible. I know what you are feeling…staring at the ceiling…fighting through the pain…wondering what the future holds. I know it sucks Dude…but every day that goes by you get stronger. Never give up and never loose hope. My money is on you riding again.
I live in Whistler and was very fortunate to see you win your first Crank Worx slopestyle . You walked on and rocked the crowd with the win over some big names. Then you returned the next year to throw down another winning run, erasing all doubt you are a force to be reckoned with. I to have wound up on the wrong side of the hospital bed rails and believe in you and want you to have a fast and healthy recovery. So as another writer stated, I will keep you in my thoughts but I will also donate! Get well soon!
Hey,, I spent several days with Paul in rehab in St. George, Utah, he is a wonderful young man, and he will recover
With all these comments I hope this gets to Paul and he sends me an e mail
Be strong my young friend
Does anyone have an e mail address for Paul ?
The mind is stronger than body. Just had another back lamenectomie. Get well bra
Hey Dude,
Man I couldn’t believe it when I heard about your bail!
The road to recovery is a tough one both mentally and physically but you need to believe in yourself, you will get there. Just after a nuts injury man it just takes your body time and keep on top of your physio! It sounds like you’re at a top notch place and you have the love and support of your wife, family, friends and so many people like myself who believe in you.
I kinda know how you feel, about 3 months ago I was in a freak accident where my crank arm just snapped as I was taking off a huge jump, next thing you know I’m on the desk with a dislocated hip, completely snapped femur and bust ribs! Although not quite heavy as your injury I know how it can really be mentally draining, how it feels hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, how much it sucks to need help for basic tasks, to be stuck in doors bored out of your mind thinking will I ever have my life back?!
You need to focus away from these negative thoughts, learn that accepting help from others isn’t a bad thing. Everyone around you wants to help you!
Take care dude, stay strong inside, remember what you have got not what you haven’t got! And when you do finally get back on your bike come over to the UK for a ride bro :)
Sending you healing vibes!
I still remember when you first showed up to crankworx and set what I felt to be a new standard in slope style. You’ve made a massive impact on our sport and the entire community is sending their positive vibes your way! Get well soon!
Wishing you, the legend that you are, a fast recovery ! Stay strong Paul and family ! Sending you positive vibes from the UK
Hi Paul, Was watching some youtube videos when I came across the 2015 Rampage event. The skill and bravery of the riders like you is hard to fathom. Your particular ride left me in awe with its beauty, power, and sheer commitment. Watching you compete reminded me of the time I sat in the audience of a Russian ballet with tears in my eyes from the sheer wonderment of what the best of the best can achieve. Your gave me that same feeling. No doubt you are an extraordinary person. I wanted to send to you a message of support to let you know how you affect others in a positive way. I hope your recovery is going well and that all has settled down so that you can meet and enjoy the challenge each day brings. Clearly you have what it takes to succeed in anything. Thanks a lot for everything. Much support from an old guy you inspired. Robert
May the force (of recovery) be with you, sending good vibes and wishes for a strong quick recovery.
you’ll be back shredding lines, trails and mega ramps soon!!!
the whole worlds behind you man, much respect and awe from South Africa!!
You are such an inspiration. You come to mind when I think of true courage, and my prayers are with you.
Sold a few #PlantAPaddedTreeSaveAMountainBiker T-shirts, and added 8 bucks per shirt to the donation fund. I’ll try to keep ’em coming!